Title Ideas
Cover -> Show Images of the beds
Preface - Our Journey and why we wrote this book
Introduction to red light and beds
Chapter 1 - A light history
Turn on the Red Light -
The Amazing Science and Benefits of Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)
Red Light Therapy -
The Amazing Science and Benefits of Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)
This book has 3 primary goals to assist those looking to invest in the AMAZING benefits of a full body red light therapy bed for their spa, healing center or even home. The first goal is to introduce red light therapy, and its many benefits. While these beds are very expensive compared to smaller pads and panels,
This book comes from a lot of blood, sweat and tears in designing and having a manufacturer make a red light therapy bed to our specifications.
We had no idea the challenges that would come from this as our beds arrived in large crates and within a few minutes of plugging it in, the lights went out, and one of the main drivers was blown. Not only that there were at least 20 other problems mainly electrical, and essentially the WHOLE BED needed to be rewired from top to bottom and several parts modified or replaced. While this sounds disastrous it has allowed us to learn in painstaking detail how to make and manufacture red light therapy beds properly AND how to properly test them to ensure you are getting the best possible product.
Cover -> Show Images of the beds
Preface - Our Journey and why we wrote this book
Introduction to red light and beds
Chapter 1 - A light history
Turn on the Red Light -
The Amazing Science and Benefits of Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)
Red Light Therapy -
The Amazing Science and Benefits of Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)
This book has 3 primary goals to assist those looking to invest in the AMAZING benefits of a full body red light therapy bed for their spa, healing center or even home. The first goal is to introduce red light therapy, and its many benefits. While these beds are very expensive compared to smaller pads and panels,
This book comes from a lot of blood, sweat and tears in designing and having a manufacturer make a red light therapy bed to our specifications.
We had no idea the challenges that would come from this as our beds arrived in large crates and within a few minutes of plugging it in, the lights went out, and one of the main drivers was blown. Not only that there were at least 20 other problems mainly electrical, and essentially the WHOLE BED needed to be rewired from top to bottom and several parts modified or replaced. While this sounds disastrous it has allowed us to learn in painstaking detail how to make and manufacture red light therapy beds properly AND how to properly test them to ensure you are getting the best possible product.
Preface - My 27 year and $800,000 journey in energy medicine
Introduction - Introduction to Red Light Therapy, introduce light as the 4th essential element of health
Chapter 1 - Newtons Green Apple - The outdated Newtonian Paradigm (purely physical bodies), the money-driven sickness industry. DISCONNECT FROM NATURE AND HER ELEMENTS.
Talk about PHYSICAL elements of health food, water, air
Chapter 2 - The Age of Energy Medicine - The New Einsteinian and Quantum Paradigm and Holistic Healing and Energy Medicine - New Revolution in Medicine, focus on wellness and healing, not treating symptoms. RECONNECT TO NATURE AND HER ELEMENTS. What the earth AND SUN gives us is WHAT WE NEED!
Chapter 3 - We are beings of light - Introduction to the Human Biofield, Biophotons, and the history and science of Light as medicine
Chapter 4 - The two fold problem - Not enough of the GOOD natural light and too much of the harmful artificial light
Mal-illumination (not enought of the good) and Electrosmog/Artificial Light (Too much of the bad)
Chapter 5 - The Red 'Light' Pill Solution - Light-a-min - Explain why red and nir are THE most essential frequencies of light and THE most important frequencies of light to supplement. Offering multiple red and nir frequencies (even 5) is a multi-light-a-min
Chapter 6 - Top Ten Benefits of Red Light Therapy - Also list ALL research proven benefits, but focus on the 10 that are the root of them all.
Chapter 7 - The Science of How Red Light Therapy Works (The Physics, Biochemistry, Biology and Quantum Biology of Red Light Therapy
Chapter 8 - Red Light Therapy Buyers Guide - Discuss all the things to look for, and I will include the Spectrometer data and things many red light companies don't do. Include buyer beware and lead people to full body panels or beds with at least 1000 Watts (very few get there accept beds, a couple expensive panels do).
Chapter 9 - How to get the best results with Red light therapy - Include tips and tricks to get the best possible results. This is sorta like a getting started basics guide.
Chapter 10 - Whole-istic Energy Medicine... Here I will include a brief summary of my energy medicine course and ALL kinds of action steps and healing practices besides just red light therapy that will accelerate healing and regeneration (like diet, hydration, earthing, PEMF, deep breathing, shower filters, low blue light bulbs for night, air purifiers, esmog protectors, whole body vibration, walking barefoot, etc etc... Here we can point to OTHER products we sell ... PEMF, Vibration Therapy, Water filtration, Esmog protection , etc etc.
Introduction - Introduction to Red Light Therapy, introduce light as the 4th essential element of health
Chapter 1 - Newtons Green Apple - The outdated Newtonian Paradigm (purely physical bodies), the money-driven sickness industry. DISCONNECT FROM NATURE AND HER ELEMENTS.
Talk about PHYSICAL elements of health food, water, air
Chapter 2 - The Age of Energy Medicine - The New Einsteinian and Quantum Paradigm and Holistic Healing and Energy Medicine - New Revolution in Medicine, focus on wellness and healing, not treating symptoms. RECONNECT TO NATURE AND HER ELEMENTS. What the earth AND SUN gives us is WHAT WE NEED!
Chapter 3 - We are beings of light - Introduction to the Human Biofield, Biophotons, and the history and science of Light as medicine
Chapter 4 - The two fold problem - Not enough of the GOOD natural light and too much of the harmful artificial light
Mal-illumination (not enought of the good) and Electrosmog/Artificial Light (Too much of the bad)
Chapter 5 - The Red 'Light' Pill Solution - Light-a-min - Explain why red and nir are THE most essential frequencies of light and THE most important frequencies of light to supplement. Offering multiple red and nir frequencies (even 5) is a multi-light-a-min
Chapter 6 - Top Ten Benefits of Red Light Therapy - Also list ALL research proven benefits, but focus on the 10 that are the root of them all.
Chapter 7 - The Science of How Red Light Therapy Works (The Physics, Biochemistry, Biology and Quantum Biology of Red Light Therapy
Chapter 8 - Red Light Therapy Buyers Guide - Discuss all the things to look for, and I will include the Spectrometer data and things many red light companies don't do. Include buyer beware and lead people to full body panels or beds with at least 1000 Watts (very few get there accept beds, a couple expensive panels do).
Chapter 9 - How to get the best results with Red light therapy - Include tips and tricks to get the best possible results. This is sorta like a getting started basics guide.
Chapter 10 - Whole-istic Energy Medicine... Here I will include a brief summary of my energy medicine course and ALL kinds of action steps and healing practices besides just red light therapy that will accelerate healing and regeneration (like diet, hydration, earthing, PEMF, deep breathing, shower filters, low blue light bulbs for night, air purifiers, esmog protectors, whole body vibration, walking barefoot, etc etc... Here we can point to OTHER products we sell ... PEMF, Vibration Therapy, Water filtration, Esmog protection , etc etc.

Application/Treatment/Dosage - Transmission (Intensity, Frequency Spectra, and Dose)
Reception/Absorption/Biological Healing Effects and benefits from EFFECTIVE application... chromophores shine, mito shines, cells shine, tissues shine, body shines!!
Red light therapy is a whole body illumination device. You glow from molecules to organelles, to cells to tissues to organs to organism!
Like a good radio station, a good red light therapy device is broadcasting these proven healing red and near infrared light energies and frequencies, and your body, like a good antenna, is receiving these energies (mainly in chromophores and water) which then stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself.
For this to work, again like antennas, the broadcasting light energy must match resonance absorption spectra of the Chromopores and water (mainly) WITH enough intensity to reach them.
Introduce Quantum Body and New Science
Energy APPLIED - Application (science of applied red light with correct area, intensity and frequency spectra
Energy RECEIVED - Absorption and Transduction - Mechanisms of healing benefits of the applied effective treatment (more energy, better circulation, reduced inflammation, increased stem cells, etc.
Reception/Absorption/Biological Healing Effects and benefits from EFFECTIVE application... chromophores shine, mito shines, cells shine, tissues shine, body shines!!
Red light therapy is a whole body illumination device. You glow from molecules to organelles, to cells to tissues to organs to organism!
Like a good radio station, a good red light therapy device is broadcasting these proven healing red and near infrared light energies and frequencies, and your body, like a good antenna, is receiving these energies (mainly in chromophores and water) which then stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself.
For this to work, again like antennas, the broadcasting light energy must match resonance absorption spectra of the Chromopores and water (mainly) WITH enough intensity to reach them.
Introduce Quantum Body and New Science
Energy APPLIED - Application (science of applied red light with correct area, intensity and frequency spectra
Energy RECEIVED - Absorption and Transduction - Mechanisms of healing benefits of the applied effective treatment (more energy, better circulation, reduced inflammation, increased stem cells, etc.
HoursM-F: 10am - 10pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm |