Red Light Therapy - It's really Something Special
What if there is something that could reverse at the cellular level the cause of many diseases and conditions known to man? Something that is based more on light and energy than drugs and surgery. Something that has thousands of research studies across dozens of different conditions and applications. Something that can not only tackle wrinkles, cellulite and pain, but also many of the more serious modern chronic health problems. And for people that are already healthy, something that can provide your body with more energy, better athletic and mental performance! And better yet, something that has no known side effects, is non-invasive, non-toxic and can actually help your body to heal itself! This might sound too good to be true but red light therapy is THAT "something".
Red light therapy - which is also known as Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT), Photobiomodulation (PBM) and other monikers - is not a heat therapy; the effect is more like photosynthesis in plants in that it excites electrons to help create energy. Red light therapy uses these specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to penetrate the skin and stimulate the cells, tissues, and organs beneath. This stimulation triggers a series of metabolic and biochemical processes that create cellular energy, reduces inflammation and promotes actual healing and regeneration. These fundamental mechanisms of red light therapy give rise to well over 100 research-proven benefits covering just about A-Z of nearly every health problem that exists (we'll explore all these benefits in chapter 9).
Preventative, natural and holistic therapies like red light therapy are needed now more than ever. Despite the U.S. spending twice as much on healthcare as any other high income country, our nation performs near or at the bottom of just about all measures of health and health care. For example, the U.S. has one of the lowest lifespans (only 77 years compared to 80 year average of other high income nations), double the average rate of obesity of other high income nations, and more likely than any of high-income country to have multiple chronic conditions. Also since 2015, "avoidable deaths" have been on the rise in the U.S. and the U.S. leads the high income countries by a LARGE margin [1]. Avoidable mortality refers to deaths that are preventable and treatable. Preventable deaths can be avoided through effective public health measures and through primary prevention, such as nutritional diet and exercise.
Clearly our 4.8 trillion dollar medical system (which reached historic highs last year in 2023), is failing because it is based on a "Band-Aid" approach to chronic disease management. Here in the U.S. it is more about disease-care, then it is actual health care. The other problem is that modern medicine is still rooted in billiard ball thermodynamics and outdated newtonian or mechanistic/reductionistic physics. We need a shift away from disease treatment to prevention and health promotion. We also need a shift from looking at the body using outdated physics to looking at the body and its energetic biofield (see chapter 3) with more of a quantum and energetic perspective. We are so much more than flesh and bones, we are beings of light, electricity, magnetism and more. We know science can detect our body's electric currents with EKGs, EEGs, EMGs, etc, but did you know modern science can detect our energy field (called the biofield) up to 5-10 feet in space AND using sensitive photomulipliers modern science can detect that we do indeed emit light (called biophotons). These scientifically based subtle energy fields are the basis of acupuncture (which has over 10,000 research studies), Reiki, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and the gamut of energy medicine devices and practices.
Energy medicine modalities and modern understandings of the human biofield are bridging the gap between modern physics and modern understandings of biology which is a glimpse of the future of medicine - which is HERE TODAY! While mainstream medicine is not quite there (yet), the tide is turning as more and more health practitioners are making a shift to more holistic and preventative practices which includes red light therapy.
Along with diet , exercise, good hydration, sunshine, good sleep etc, energy medicine devices and modalities like red light therapy don't just suppress symptoms but actually help to support the body's intrinsic or innate healing capacity so true healing can occur. And better yet, they can be used in advance to prevent disease altogether! My vision is that in the coming decades healthcare will shift - because it has to - away from treating diseases (which is clearly failing in the U.S. especially) TO promoting optimal health. These new research-proven energy medicine devices include red light therapy and laser therapy, PEMF therapy, microcurrent therapy, vibration therapy/ultrasound therapies, EWOT/oxygen/ozone therapy, sauna therapy, cold plunges, etc, etc. are all at the forefront of the shift from disease care to true holistic health care!
In some ancient cultures it is said that the patients paid their doctors ONLY while they were healthy; but if they got sick, they did not have to pay. In our modern world the reverse is true, we only pay our doctors and medicine system machine when we are sick - which is why it is a sickness industry. Since we vote with our dollars, we should look to support holistic doctors and practitioners so we can all together make a shift to better health care. A vision of the future of medicine is that doctors will move away from the failing sickness paradigm and become more health oriented. Hopefully in the not too distant future, natural healing and energy medicine products, devices and practices will become the norm as doctors and hospitals become more holistically oriented.
In this book we are going to take a deep dive into perhaps the most promising of all these energy medicine devices which is full body red light panels and beds. One can envision that red light therapy beds will be a cornerstone treatment in wellness clinics across the country. In fact, it already is beginning to happen! We have talked to hundreds of holistically oriented health providers and this very much seems to be the case more. There is still a long way to go, but our sincere wish is the book helps to awaken the collective consciousness to the wondrous and research-proven healing power of red and near infrared light therapy.
And this is not just an opinion, there are over 10,000 published research papers (and over 1400 randomized control trial studies - the gold standard in research) that bear testimony to the therapeutic effects of red light therapy, offering potential benefits for a comprehensive range of conditions. Moreover, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared RLT for various conditions including acne, muscular and joint discomfort, arthritis, muscle spasms, and diminished local blood circulation, to mention a few. Furthermore, studies undertaken by NASA have validated the use of red light LEDs for promoting wound healing and tissue regeneration.
Now the reason full body red light beds will be a "must" at every wellness clinic (versus smaller pads and panels) is that they are easy to use, more time efficient, people feel results almost instantly; and red light beds are incredibly relaxing and low maintenance. Plus the ease of use allows a patient or client can self-serve by just pushing a button and getting in. Along with not being as enjoyable, smaller red light therapy pads and panels are very limited in the area of application and many times have irradiance values (the power) that are too weak to be deeply therapeutic. Even panels that have a good irradiance numbers, you have to do longer sessions to get both front and back (and for smaller panels, left and right and upper and lower body). When you shift to a full body red light bed (or a full body panel setup), the results will be noticeably better. The difference is profound in the amount of energy you feel and how much it will help you to sleep better. These full body capsules of light provide comprehensive full body coverage by surrounding the body with red and near-infrared light which facilitates an unparalleled, thorough and efficient red light experience. We are thoroughly convinced that full body red light beds represent the most innovative, comfortable and maximally effective devices, specifically designed for professional use in wellness centers, spas, and clinics (or for home use for those with the budget). The only downside is owing to their high-grade components and cutting-edge technology, these devices come with a significantly higher price tag, ranging from $30,000 to $150,000. But having tried the gamut of red light therapy products, we absolutely think it is worth it!
But not all full body red light therapy beds are equal, you have to make sure get the right wavelengths, right irradiance (with the right dose), an even distribution of light, and of course quality build (beware of cheap Chinese made beds). In chapters 10-13 of this book we will look at all these essential elements that make a red light therapy bed or panel therapeutic (or not). It is essential that the wavelengths are in the proven biological active ranges, and it is also essential that you have enough power or irradiance (but not too much). There is sadly a lot of deceptive marketing out there - especially around bogus irradiance numbers - so one of the goals of this book is to teach and educate you on the real science of red light therapy and what to look for, so you won't be fooled by charlatans.
Important Note for This Book:
For simplicity, in this book we will use the terms "red light therapy" and sometimes "red and near infrared light therapy". Even though photobiomodulation (PBM) is the current accepted research term used by the library of medicine since 2015 , the authors' feel the simplicity and descriptive use of the term "red light therapy" warrants being used, but know it is the authors' intent to use all these terms synonymously. So without further ado, let's begin this wonderful journey into the world of red light therapy beginning with succinct and "light" history of using light to heal the body!
[1] Munira Z. Gunja, Evan D. Gumas, Reginald D. Williams II, "U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2022: Accelerating Spending, Worsening Outcomes," Commonwealthfund.org, Jan 2023. https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2023/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2022
**END INTRODUCTION - No more editing needed**
What if there is something that could reverse at the cellular level the cause of many diseases and conditions known to man? Something that is based more on light and energy than drugs and surgery. Something that has thousands of research studies across dozens of different conditions and applications. Something that can not only tackle wrinkles, cellulite and pain, but also many of the more serious modern chronic health problems. And for people that are already healthy, something that can provide your body with more energy, better athletic and mental performance! And better yet, something that has no known side effects, is non-invasive, non-toxic and can actually help your body to heal itself! This might sound too good to be true but red light therapy is THAT "something".
Red light therapy - which is also known as Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT), Photobiomodulation (PBM) and other monikers - is not a heat therapy; the effect is more like photosynthesis in plants in that it excites electrons to help create energy. Red light therapy uses these specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to penetrate the skin and stimulate the cells, tissues, and organs beneath. This stimulation triggers a series of metabolic and biochemical processes that create cellular energy, reduces inflammation and promotes actual healing and regeneration. These fundamental mechanisms of red light therapy give rise to well over 100 research-proven benefits covering just about A-Z of nearly every health problem that exists (we'll explore all these benefits in chapter 9).
Preventative, natural and holistic therapies like red light therapy are needed now more than ever. Despite the U.S. spending twice as much on healthcare as any other high income country, our nation performs near or at the bottom of just about all measures of health and health care. For example, the U.S. has one of the lowest lifespans (only 77 years compared to 80 year average of other high income nations), double the average rate of obesity of other high income nations, and more likely than any of high-income country to have multiple chronic conditions. Also since 2015, "avoidable deaths" have been on the rise in the U.S. and the U.S. leads the high income countries by a LARGE margin [1]. Avoidable mortality refers to deaths that are preventable and treatable. Preventable deaths can be avoided through effective public health measures and through primary prevention, such as nutritional diet and exercise.
Clearly our 4.8 trillion dollar medical system (which reached historic highs last year in 2023), is failing because it is based on a "Band-Aid" approach to chronic disease management. Here in the U.S. it is more about disease-care, then it is actual health care. The other problem is that modern medicine is still rooted in billiard ball thermodynamics and outdated newtonian or mechanistic/reductionistic physics. We need a shift away from disease treatment to prevention and health promotion. We also need a shift from looking at the body using outdated physics to looking at the body and its energetic biofield (see chapter 3) with more of a quantum and energetic perspective. We are so much more than flesh and bones, we are beings of light, electricity, magnetism and more. We know science can detect our body's electric currents with EKGs, EEGs, EMGs, etc, but did you know modern science can detect our energy field (called the biofield) up to 5-10 feet in space AND using sensitive photomulipliers modern science can detect that we do indeed emit light (called biophotons). These scientifically based subtle energy fields are the basis of acupuncture (which has over 10,000 research studies), Reiki, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and the gamut of energy medicine devices and practices.
Energy medicine modalities and modern understandings of the human biofield are bridging the gap between modern physics and modern understandings of biology which is a glimpse of the future of medicine - which is HERE TODAY! While mainstream medicine is not quite there (yet), the tide is turning as more and more health practitioners are making a shift to more holistic and preventative practices which includes red light therapy.
Along with diet , exercise, good hydration, sunshine, good sleep etc, energy medicine devices and modalities like red light therapy don't just suppress symptoms but actually help to support the body's intrinsic or innate healing capacity so true healing can occur. And better yet, they can be used in advance to prevent disease altogether! My vision is that in the coming decades healthcare will shift - because it has to - away from treating diseases (which is clearly failing in the U.S. especially) TO promoting optimal health. These new research-proven energy medicine devices include red light therapy and laser therapy, PEMF therapy, microcurrent therapy, vibration therapy/ultrasound therapies, EWOT/oxygen/ozone therapy, sauna therapy, cold plunges, etc, etc. are all at the forefront of the shift from disease care to true holistic health care!
In some ancient cultures it is said that the patients paid their doctors ONLY while they were healthy; but if they got sick, they did not have to pay. In our modern world the reverse is true, we only pay our doctors and medicine system machine when we are sick - which is why it is a sickness industry. Since we vote with our dollars, we should look to support holistic doctors and practitioners so we can all together make a shift to better health care. A vision of the future of medicine is that doctors will move away from the failing sickness paradigm and become more health oriented. Hopefully in the not too distant future, natural healing and energy medicine products, devices and practices will become the norm as doctors and hospitals become more holistically oriented.
In this book we are going to take a deep dive into perhaps the most promising of all these energy medicine devices which is full body red light panels and beds. One can envision that red light therapy beds will be a cornerstone treatment in wellness clinics across the country. In fact, it already is beginning to happen! We have talked to hundreds of holistically oriented health providers and this very much seems to be the case more. There is still a long way to go, but our sincere wish is the book helps to awaken the collective consciousness to the wondrous and research-proven healing power of red and near infrared light therapy.
And this is not just an opinion, there are over 10,000 published research papers (and over 1400 randomized control trial studies - the gold standard in research) that bear testimony to the therapeutic effects of red light therapy, offering potential benefits for a comprehensive range of conditions. Moreover, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared RLT for various conditions including acne, muscular and joint discomfort, arthritis, muscle spasms, and diminished local blood circulation, to mention a few. Furthermore, studies undertaken by NASA have validated the use of red light LEDs for promoting wound healing and tissue regeneration.
Now the reason full body red light beds will be a "must" at every wellness clinic (versus smaller pads and panels) is that they are easy to use, more time efficient, people feel results almost instantly; and red light beds are incredibly relaxing and low maintenance. Plus the ease of use allows a patient or client can self-serve by just pushing a button and getting in. Along with not being as enjoyable, smaller red light therapy pads and panels are very limited in the area of application and many times have irradiance values (the power) that are too weak to be deeply therapeutic. Even panels that have a good irradiance numbers, you have to do longer sessions to get both front and back (and for smaller panels, left and right and upper and lower body). When you shift to a full body red light bed (or a full body panel setup), the results will be noticeably better. The difference is profound in the amount of energy you feel and how much it will help you to sleep better. These full body capsules of light provide comprehensive full body coverage by surrounding the body with red and near-infrared light which facilitates an unparalleled, thorough and efficient red light experience. We are thoroughly convinced that full body red light beds represent the most innovative, comfortable and maximally effective devices, specifically designed for professional use in wellness centers, spas, and clinics (or for home use for those with the budget). The only downside is owing to their high-grade components and cutting-edge technology, these devices come with a significantly higher price tag, ranging from $30,000 to $150,000. But having tried the gamut of red light therapy products, we absolutely think it is worth it!
But not all full body red light therapy beds are equal, you have to make sure get the right wavelengths, right irradiance (with the right dose), an even distribution of light, and of course quality build (beware of cheap Chinese made beds). In chapters 10-13 of this book we will look at all these essential elements that make a red light therapy bed or panel therapeutic (or not). It is essential that the wavelengths are in the proven biological active ranges, and it is also essential that you have enough power or irradiance (but not too much). There is sadly a lot of deceptive marketing out there - especially around bogus irradiance numbers - so one of the goals of this book is to teach and educate you on the real science of red light therapy and what to look for, so you won't be fooled by charlatans.
Important Note for This Book:
For simplicity, in this book we will use the terms "red light therapy" and sometimes "red and near infrared light therapy". Even though photobiomodulation (PBM) is the current accepted research term used by the library of medicine since 2015 , the authors' feel the simplicity and descriptive use of the term "red light therapy" warrants being used, but know it is the authors' intent to use all these terms synonymously. So without further ado, let's begin this wonderful journey into the world of red light therapy beginning with succinct and "light" history of using light to heal the body!
[1] Munira Z. Gunja, Evan D. Gumas, Reginald D. Williams II, "U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2022: Accelerating Spending, Worsening Outcomes," Commonwealthfund.org, Jan 2023. https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2023/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2022
**END INTRODUCTION - No more editing needed**

In this book we are going to focus on low level light therapy using LEDs. LED is an acronym for Light Emitting Diode. These diodes are tiny semiconductors that convert electrical energy into light energy that is released in the form of what are called photons. And photons are just packets of energy that have the ability to travel through space and matter. These photons can be absorbed by molecules called chromophores that are present in biological tissues and cells. This absorption can trigger many regenerative and therapeutic effects.
Few Facts of Light Therapy
- Completely Non-invasive (does not damage of any kind).
- It's Bioregenerative meaning it helps repair tissue and restore health.
- the results are both immediate and cumulative
- No UV, so it offers the benefits of sunlight without the damaging effects of UV.
- Most manufacturers only use wavelengths or ranges of wavelengths that have a long history of proven clinical benefit.
Few Facts of Light Therapy
- Completely Non-invasive (does not damage of any kind).
- It's Bioregenerative meaning it helps repair tissue and restore health.
- the results are both immediate and cumulative
- No UV, so it offers the benefits of sunlight without the damaging effects of UV.
- Most manufacturers only use wavelengths or ranges of wavelengths that have a long history of proven clinical benefit.

Main benefits
Wellness /Preconditioning / Prevention
Athletic Performance / Recovery/Muscle Growth/More energy
Skin/Hair Anti-aging
Acne / Skin infections
Pain / Recovery/ Chronic and Acute Inflammation /Wound Healing
Fat/Weight Loss/Cellulite/Circulation/Detox
Brain Function/Hair Health/Hair Loss
==> Relaxation (happens on most programs w/0 green/blue
But the benefits do not end there as there are 50,000+ Studies proving the healing effects of red light therapy for literally A-Z of most conditions that are known. There are even NASA studies using red light LEDs for wound healing, and tissue growth and regeneration!
LED light therapy device uses three distinct wavelengths of light energy to treat various disorders depending on
their location and depth, and is now approved by the FDA for
1. Acne
2. Muscle and joint pain
3. Muscle spasms
4. Arthritis
5. Muscle and joint stiffness
6. Compromised local blood circulation'
Tracing the history of photobiomodulation (PBM) or Low Level Laser (light) therapy LLLT is a fairly recent journey that began with the discovery of the laser in the 1960's but heliotherapy and photomedicine in general has a long an rich history.
Wellness /Preconditioning / Prevention
Athletic Performance / Recovery/Muscle Growth/More energy
Skin/Hair Anti-aging
Acne / Skin infections
Pain / Recovery/ Chronic and Acute Inflammation /Wound Healing
Fat/Weight Loss/Cellulite/Circulation/Detox
Brain Function/Hair Health/Hair Loss
==> Relaxation (happens on most programs w/0 green/blue
But the benefits do not end there as there are 50,000+ Studies proving the healing effects of red light therapy for literally A-Z of most conditions that are known. There are even NASA studies using red light LEDs for wound healing, and tissue growth and regeneration!
LED light therapy device uses three distinct wavelengths of light energy to treat various disorders depending on
their location and depth, and is now approved by the FDA for
1. Acne
2. Muscle and joint pain
3. Muscle spasms
4. Arthritis
5. Muscle and joint stiffness
6. Compromised local blood circulation'
Tracing the history of photobiomodulation (PBM) or Low Level Laser (light) therapy LLLT is a fairly recent journey that began with the discovery of the laser in the 1960's but heliotherapy and photomedicine in general has a long an rich history.

Definition: Light therapy is the application of low levels of light within certain parameters that are used for therapeutic purposes. Studies have shown that this type of therapy can stimulate cells for higher function, healing and tissue repair.
Both Lasers vs LEDs can actually be used in light therapy if the power is low enough. In the early years before LEDs became as sophisticated as they are today, laser was more often used for this kind of therapy.
But over the past couple decades LEDs have become much more widely used for several reasons, two notably that they are more cost efficient and that it is easier to treat a larger surface area with LED.
-Rays more collimated (parallel and focused)
-When we use higher powered laser light, we can cut, coagulate or even ablate tissues for surgical purposes.
-Low Level Laser Therapy uses this focuses light energy not to cut or ablate but to stimulate the body to heal.
-Rays are non-collimated (more diffused and unfocused)
- When we use low levels of light we trigger a stimulating, healing and anti-inflammatory response. We encourage the body's own regenerative mechanisms. No wounding.
Both Lasers vs LEDs can actually be used in light therapy if the power is low enough. In the early years before LEDs became as sophisticated as they are today, laser was more often used for this kind of therapy.
But over the past couple decades LEDs have become much more widely used for several reasons, two notably that they are more cost efficient and that it is easier to treat a larger surface area with LED.
-Rays more collimated (parallel and focused)
-When we use higher powered laser light, we can cut, coagulate or even ablate tissues for surgical purposes.
-Low Level Laser Therapy uses this focuses light energy not to cut or ablate but to stimulate the body to heal.
-Rays are non-collimated (more diffused and unfocused)
- When we use low levels of light we trigger a stimulating, healing and anti-inflammatory response. We encourage the body's own regenerative mechanisms. No wounding.
Disclaimer: All information in this book/website are intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any ailment. Please consult with your doctor or trusted wellness practitioner before starting any new health activity including Red Light Therapy.

**work in**
The effects of Photobiomodulation is not a heat mechanism (not like saunas and far infrared).
There is warmth but studies rule that out.
This is more like photosynthesis in plants.
Humans and animals photosythesis but you may not have connected the dots.
We go out in the sun and we change color, photosynthesis.
And we synthesize vitamin D.
We use bright light for SAD
We use UV light for psoriasis and vitiligo
We use blue light for neonatal jaundice
We are surrounded by evidence that light affects our biology.
When we step out into the sun, and our skin absorbs light. A chemical reaction occurs that allows us to synthesize Vitamin D. Many of us are familiar with infant or neonatal jaundice, a condition in which there is a buildup of bilirubin in the bloodstream. Light therapy can actually break bilirubin down in such a way that it can be eliminated by the body. And of course we know light affects our circadian rhythms by modulating certain chemicals in the brain that tell us to either go to sleep or to wake up. So it is not new news that light affects biology, but it is still a growing field and we are learning more every year.
Red light therapy works by delivering light energy to the mitochondria in our cells, which are the powerhouses of the cell. The mitochondria use this energy to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. This increased energy production leads to enhanced cellular function, improved circulation, and reduced inflammation, all of which contribute to better health and wellness.
The effects of Photobiomodulation is not a heat mechanism (not like saunas and far infrared).
There is warmth but studies rule that out.
This is more like photosynthesis in plants.
Humans and animals photosythesis but you may not have connected the dots.
We go out in the sun and we change color, photosynthesis.
And we synthesize vitamin D.
We use bright light for SAD
We use UV light for psoriasis and vitiligo
We use blue light for neonatal jaundice
We are surrounded by evidence that light affects our biology.
When we step out into the sun, and our skin absorbs light. A chemical reaction occurs that allows us to synthesize Vitamin D. Many of us are familiar with infant or neonatal jaundice, a condition in which there is a buildup of bilirubin in the bloodstream. Light therapy can actually break bilirubin down in such a way that it can be eliminated by the body. And of course we know light affects our circadian rhythms by modulating certain chemicals in the brain that tell us to either go to sleep or to wake up. So it is not new news that light affects biology, but it is still a growing field and we are learning more every year.
Red light therapy works by delivering light energy to the mitochondria in our cells, which are the powerhouses of the cell. The mitochondria use this energy to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. This increased energy production leads to enhanced cellular function, improved circulation, and reduced inflammation, all of which contribute to better health and wellness.

Red and Near Infrared Light Therapy - A Quantum Leap in Medicine
Here, we describe a paradigm shift or “quantum leap” in the understanding and use of light and its interaction with water and other relevant photoacceptors to control biologic function in medicine through photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy. We propose that progress will lead to the imminent inception of PBM therapy as a mainstream treatment for multiple complex diseases, including solid tumors, as well as neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) of the eye and central nervous system (CNS)6–10 (Fig. 1). PBM therapy can raise the standard of care and improve the quality of life of patients at a fraction of the cost of many current approaches. Thus, a “quantum leap” in PBM therapy will benefit large and vulnerable population groups, including the elderly and the poor, while having a major impact on medical practice and public finances.11 This is particularly important because the high price of drug therapies, which can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars per year,12 as well as a growing and aging world population, are putting a severe strain on family and public finances around the world
Here, we describe a paradigm shift or “quantum leap” in the understanding and use of light and its interaction with water and other relevant photoacceptors to control biologic function in medicine through photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy. We propose that progress will lead to the imminent inception of PBM therapy as a mainstream treatment for multiple complex diseases, including solid tumors, as well as neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) of the eye and central nervous system (CNS)6–10 (Fig. 1). PBM therapy can raise the standard of care and improve the quality of life of patients at a fraction of the cost of many current approaches. Thus, a “quantum leap” in PBM therapy will benefit large and vulnerable population groups, including the elderly and the poor, while having a major impact on medical practice and public finances.11 This is particularly important because the high price of drug therapies, which can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars per year,12 as well as a growing and aging world population, are putting a severe strain on family and public finances around the world
HoursM-F: 10am - 10pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm |