A New Paradigm in Biology and Alternative Medicine - EZ Water!
Studies support what we describe as a paradigm shift or “quantum leap” in the understanding and use of light and its interaction with water and other relevant photo-cceptors to restore physiologic function.
This chapter we are going to propose a revolutionary new paradigm on cellular energetics. And this new understanding is that water is the co-main chromophore AND the molecule responsible for cellular energy, along with ATP. Essentially light at wavelengths (especially above 800nm) helps to split water that is next to a hydrophilic or "water loving" surface (like protein or DNA). This spliting of water creates a charge separation between water next to the hydrophilic surface and water further out. And more amazingly, this water next to the hydrophilic surface becomes gel-like or liquid crystalline creating a boundary between surrounding bulk water. One of the most amazing features of liquid crystalline water is that it effectively functions as an energy source living systems can utilize.
Before we talk about red light therapy and EZ water, we need to take a close look at this fourth phase of water. I promise you that if you have not seen this information before, it will forever change how you look at water, health and even the benefits of red light therapy. This subject is one of the most interesting subjects in all of science, so I feel it is worth a full chapter, especially since it is very likely the co-main mechanism behind all the benefits of red light therapy (and why you want to include a 900nm+ wavelength like 980nm in every red light bed and panel - more on this later).
So this chapter will be divided into two parts, the first part we will take a detailed look at EZ Water, what it is, how it works, and why it is so important and beneficial for our health and well being! And in the second part of this chapter we'll specifically look at water as a co-main chromophore in red and near infrared light therapy and specific photobiomodulation research to support this.
Studies support what we describe as a paradigm shift or “quantum leap” in the understanding and use of light and its interaction with water and other relevant photo-cceptors to restore physiologic function.
This chapter we are going to propose a revolutionary new paradigm on cellular energetics. And this new understanding is that water is the co-main chromophore AND the molecule responsible for cellular energy, along with ATP. Essentially light at wavelengths (especially above 800nm) helps to split water that is next to a hydrophilic or "water loving" surface (like protein or DNA). This spliting of water creates a charge separation between water next to the hydrophilic surface and water further out. And more amazingly, this water next to the hydrophilic surface becomes gel-like or liquid crystalline creating a boundary between surrounding bulk water. One of the most amazing features of liquid crystalline water is that it effectively functions as an energy source living systems can utilize.
Before we talk about red light therapy and EZ water, we need to take a close look at this fourth phase of water. I promise you that if you have not seen this information before, it will forever change how you look at water, health and even the benefits of red light therapy. This subject is one of the most interesting subjects in all of science, so I feel it is worth a full chapter, especially since it is very likely the co-main mechanism behind all the benefits of red light therapy (and why you want to include a 900nm+ wavelength like 980nm in every red light bed and panel - more on this later).
So this chapter will be divided into two parts, the first part we will take a detailed look at EZ Water, what it is, how it works, and why it is so important and beneficial for our health and well being! And in the second part of this chapter we'll specifically look at water as a co-main chromophore in red and near infrared light therapy and specific photobiomodulation research to support this.

What is water?
Water is all around us and in us. It covers most of the earth in oceans, lakes rivers and streams. It pervades the skies in clouds, rain and humidity. And it fills your body and cells to a greater extent than you may be aware. You body and cells are around 2/3 water by volume, but because water is so small, if you count all the molecules in your body 99 out of 100 are water!! Think about that!
The water molecule itself is pretty well understood. Gay Lussac and von Humboldt defined its essential nature just over two centuries ago, and fine details of its structure are known by science. Essentially water consists of two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen in a tetrahedral geometry you have probably seen in textbooks like shown here. It is though that the hydrogen bonding connects water but only in random ways.
Water is all around us and in us. It covers most of the earth in oceans, lakes rivers and streams. It pervades the skies in clouds, rain and humidity. And it fills your body and cells to a greater extent than you may be aware. You body and cells are around 2/3 water by volume, but because water is so small, if you count all the molecules in your body 99 out of 100 are water!! Think about that!
The water molecule itself is pretty well understood. Gay Lussac and von Humboldt defined its essential nature just over two centuries ago, and fine details of its structure are known by science. Essentially water consists of two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen in a tetrahedral geometry you have probably seen in textbooks like shown here. It is though that the hydrogen bonding connects water but only in random ways.

Science Does Not Understand Bulk Water
In a glass, all of the water looks the same, but superficial appearances can deceive.
Science tends to look at bulk water as a homogeneous random mixture of these individual water molecules, but research since the mid 1900s starting with Nobel prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi says otherwise. Szent-Gyorgyi postulated that water was at the core of energy transfer in biological systems and that that explained how energy from biomolecules could be translated into free energy for cells [15-17]. Gilbert Ling tooks this much further and elaborated on the physical state of structure water in living cells [18]
have changed our view of water, from a merely passive medium to an integral active player in the physiology of life.
The fact is science does NOT understand crowds of water molecules and how water molecules interact with each other, and with various solutes and surfaces in complex settings like the human body. To point out the beauty and complexity of bulk water here is a proposed structure of liquid water from Rustum Roy and his colleagues.
As we'll see next there is a fourth phase of water very different from the random liquid phase we were all taught about in school. This fourth phase we will refer to as EZ water following the pioneering research of Dr Gerald Pollack.
Roy, Rustum & Tiller, William & Bell, Iris & Hoover, M.. (2009). The Structure Of Liquid Water; Novel Insights From Materials Research; Potential Relevance To Homeopathy. Mater. Res. Innov.. 9(4). 10.1080/14328917.2005.11784911.
In a glass, all of the water looks the same, but superficial appearances can deceive.
Science tends to look at bulk water as a homogeneous random mixture of these individual water molecules, but research since the mid 1900s starting with Nobel prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi says otherwise. Szent-Gyorgyi postulated that water was at the core of energy transfer in biological systems and that that explained how energy from biomolecules could be translated into free energy for cells [15-17]. Gilbert Ling tooks this much further and elaborated on the physical state of structure water in living cells [18]
have changed our view of water, from a merely passive medium to an integral active player in the physiology of life.
The fact is science does NOT understand crowds of water molecules and how water molecules interact with each other, and with various solutes and surfaces in complex settings like the human body. To point out the beauty and complexity of bulk water here is a proposed structure of liquid water from Rustum Roy and his colleagues.
As we'll see next there is a fourth phase of water very different from the random liquid phase we were all taught about in school. This fourth phase we will refer to as EZ water following the pioneering research of Dr Gerald Pollack.
Roy, Rustum & Tiller, William & Bell, Iris & Hoover, M.. (2009). The Structure Of Liquid Water; Novel Insights From Materials Research; Potential Relevance To Homeopathy. Mater. Res. Innov.. 9(4). 10.1080/14328917.2005.11784911.

What is EZ water?
Up until recently, scientists have thought that water has only three phases: solid (ice), liquid and vapor (steam). In the last couple decades though, groundbreaking research led by Dr Gerald Pollack and others (even as far back as 1920); it is now clear there is a fourth phase of water called exclusion zone (EZ) water, that is liquid crystalline and gel-like and is somewhere between a solid and liquid in that it is more ordered, dense and viscous. Egg whites are a good example of what this 4th phase of water is like. In fact whenever you freeze ice it goes through this phase before ice forms and when ice melts it goes through this phase before become liquid again.
Work in: The molecules in solid things stay in one location. An example of a solid is a quartz crystal. However in liquids, the molecules can move about. In Some substances called liquid crystals, the molecules can move about but act like solids. This means that liquid crystals are neither a solid or a liquid.
Up until recently, scientists have thought that water has only three phases: solid (ice), liquid and vapor (steam). In the last couple decades though, groundbreaking research led by Dr Gerald Pollack and others (even as far back as 1920); it is now clear there is a fourth phase of water called exclusion zone (EZ) water, that is liquid crystalline and gel-like and is somewhere between a solid and liquid in that it is more ordered, dense and viscous. Egg whites are a good example of what this 4th phase of water is like. In fact whenever you freeze ice it goes through this phase before ice forms and when ice melts it goes through this phase before become liquid again.
Work in: The molecules in solid things stay in one location. An example of a solid is a quartz crystal. However in liquids, the molecules can move about. In Some substances called liquid crystals, the molecules can move about but act like solids. This means that liquid crystals are neither a solid or a liquid.

And like any crystal, it pushes out solutes, particles, or impurities which is why it was named exclusion zone water because it excludes particulates of all kinds leaving pure water behind. Plus as Dr Pollack says it is EZ to remember. It turns out all crystal do this to preserve there order, they push out impurities.
In addition to EZ water, a variety of different terms have been independently coined to describe this state of water including: Confined Water, Fourth Phase Water, Gel-State Water, Interfacial Water, Liquid Crystalline Water, Semi-Solid Water, Structured Water, Surface Associated Water, Water, and Vicinal Water. I like the terms liquid crystalline water and structured water because they are is so accurately descriptive and seem more relatable, but in this chapter I will stick with using the word EZ water but know any of these terms can be used interchangeably.
These zones relative to the small size of water are huge areas of this liquid crystalline and ordered phase. This flies in the face of modern chemistry textbooks. This phenomenon should not exist. In chemistry books the prevailing view is that there should only be a double layer of water next to a charged surface and not to far beyond that. Pollack and many labs have confirmed exclusion zones 100,000 times this double layer (and more).
According to Dr Pollack, several dozen labs along with pioneers like Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and Gilbert have also confirmed his results using many types of gels, surfaces and biological materials:
1. Chen C.S., Chung W.J., Hsu I.C., Wu C.M., Chin W.C. Force field measurements within the exclusion zone of water. J. Biol. Phys. 2011;38:113–120.
2. Musa S., Florea D., van Loon S., Wyss H., Huyghe J.M. Interfacial Water: Unexplained Phenomena; Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics; Vienna, Austria. 10–12 July 2013.
3. Huszár I., Mártonfalvi Z., Laki A., Iván K., Kellermayer M. Exclusion-Zone Dynamics Explored with Microfluidics and Optical Tweezers. Entropy. 2014;16:4322–4337.
4. Gudkov S., Astashev M., Bruskov V., Kozlov V., Zakharov S., Bunkin N. Self-oscillating Water Chemiluminescence Modes and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation Induced by Laser Irradiation; Effect of the Exclusion Zone Created by Nafion. Entropy. 2014;16:6166–6185.
5. Jabs H., Rubik B. Self-Organization at Aqueous Colloid-Membrane Interfaces and an Optical Method to Measure the Kinetics of Exclusion Zone Formation. Entropy. 2014;16:5954–5975.
6. Florea D., Musa S., Huyghe J.M.R., Wyss H.M. Long-range repulsion of colloids driven by ion exchange and diffusiophoresis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2014;111:6554–6559.
7. Bunkin N.F., Ignatiev P.S., Kozlov V.A., Shkirin A.V., Zakharov S.D., Zinchenko A.A. Study of the Phase States of Water Close to Nafion Interface. Water J. 2013;4:129–154.
8. Yakhno T.A., Yakhno V.G. On the interaction of water with hydrophilic surfaces. Russ. J. Biol. Phys. Chem. 2018;3:9–18.
9. Spencer P.D., Riches J.D., Williams E.D. Exclusion zone water is associated with material that exhibits proton diffusion but not birefringent properties. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2018;466:103–109.
10. Sharma A., Adams C., Cashdollar B.D., Li Z., Nguyen N.V., Sai H., Shi J., Velchuru G., Zhu K.Z., Pollack G.H. Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size. Dose-Response. 2018;16:155932581879693.
11. Esplandiu M.J., Reguera D., Fraxedas J. Electrophoretic origin of long-range repulsion of colloids near water/Nafion interfaces. Soft Matter. 2020;16:3717–3726.
In addition to EZ water, a variety of different terms have been independently coined to describe this state of water including: Confined Water, Fourth Phase Water, Gel-State Water, Interfacial Water, Liquid Crystalline Water, Semi-Solid Water, Structured Water, Surface Associated Water, Water, and Vicinal Water. I like the terms liquid crystalline water and structured water because they are is so accurately descriptive and seem more relatable, but in this chapter I will stick with using the word EZ water but know any of these terms can be used interchangeably.
These zones relative to the small size of water are huge areas of this liquid crystalline and ordered phase. This flies in the face of modern chemistry textbooks. This phenomenon should not exist. In chemistry books the prevailing view is that there should only be a double layer of water next to a charged surface and not to far beyond that. Pollack and many labs have confirmed exclusion zones 100,000 times this double layer (and more).
According to Dr Pollack, several dozen labs along with pioneers like Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and Gilbert have also confirmed his results using many types of gels, surfaces and biological materials:
1. Chen C.S., Chung W.J., Hsu I.C., Wu C.M., Chin W.C. Force field measurements within the exclusion zone of water. J. Biol. Phys. 2011;38:113–120.
2. Musa S., Florea D., van Loon S., Wyss H., Huyghe J.M. Interfacial Water: Unexplained Phenomena; Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics; Vienna, Austria. 10–12 July 2013.
3. Huszár I., Mártonfalvi Z., Laki A., Iván K., Kellermayer M. Exclusion-Zone Dynamics Explored with Microfluidics and Optical Tweezers. Entropy. 2014;16:4322–4337.
4. Gudkov S., Astashev M., Bruskov V., Kozlov V., Zakharov S., Bunkin N. Self-oscillating Water Chemiluminescence Modes and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation Induced by Laser Irradiation; Effect of the Exclusion Zone Created by Nafion. Entropy. 2014;16:6166–6185.
5. Jabs H., Rubik B. Self-Organization at Aqueous Colloid-Membrane Interfaces and an Optical Method to Measure the Kinetics of Exclusion Zone Formation. Entropy. 2014;16:5954–5975.
6. Florea D., Musa S., Huyghe J.M.R., Wyss H.M. Long-range repulsion of colloids driven by ion exchange and diffusiophoresis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2014;111:6554–6559.
7. Bunkin N.F., Ignatiev P.S., Kozlov V.A., Shkirin A.V., Zakharov S.D., Zinchenko A.A. Study of the Phase States of Water Close to Nafion Interface. Water J. 2013;4:129–154.
8. Yakhno T.A., Yakhno V.G. On the interaction of water with hydrophilic surfaces. Russ. J. Biol. Phys. Chem. 2018;3:9–18.
9. Spencer P.D., Riches J.D., Williams E.D. Exclusion zone water is associated with material that exhibits proton diffusion but not birefringent properties. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2018;466:103–109.
10. Sharma A., Adams C., Cashdollar B.D., Li Z., Nguyen N.V., Sai H., Shi J., Velchuru G., Zhu K.Z., Pollack G.H. Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size. Dose-Response. 2018;16:155932581879693.
11. Esplandiu M.J., Reguera D., Fraxedas J. Electrophoretic origin of long-range repulsion of colloids near water/Nafion interfaces. Soft Matter. 2020;16:3717–3726.

EZ water is not H2O, it is negatively charged H3O2!
There are many measurable differences between bulk water and EZ water. EZ water is more viscous, more ordered, more stable and its light absorption spectra differ and it has a higher refractive index. All of this comes from EZ water being more gel-like. EZ hardly seems to resemble water at all. But what is its structure?
Besides being liquid crystalline and gel-like EZ has many more remarkable properties. The most notable is that it is negatively charged having a chemical formula of H3O2-, not H2O! The way Pollack describes it is EZ water is "characterized by a regularized crystalline hexamer structure, yielding a gel that excludes solutes and also extrudes protons". (extrude = to force out, which we'll see has important biological functions)!
Pollack GH, Clegg J (2008). Unexpected Linkage Between Unstirred Layers, Exclusion Zones, and Water. In: Pollack G.H., Chin WC. (eds) Phase Transitions in Cell Biology. Springer: Dordrecht, Netherlands.
And when EZ water is created along the right type of surface (remember crystals go through a nucleation process), it forms in a series of tightly packed parallel planes. The key point to keep in mind is that it is a liquid crystal dense and viscous phase that is energetic (negatively charged!). And hundreds of thousands of these layers can form not just a couple that academia chemistry books erroneously teach.
So the big question now is, how is EZ water created?
There are many measurable differences between bulk water and EZ water. EZ water is more viscous, more ordered, more stable and its light absorption spectra differ and it has a higher refractive index. All of this comes from EZ water being more gel-like. EZ hardly seems to resemble water at all. But what is its structure?
Besides being liquid crystalline and gel-like EZ has many more remarkable properties. The most notable is that it is negatively charged having a chemical formula of H3O2-, not H2O! The way Pollack describes it is EZ water is "characterized by a regularized crystalline hexamer structure, yielding a gel that excludes solutes and also extrudes protons". (extrude = to force out, which we'll see has important biological functions)!
Pollack GH, Clegg J (2008). Unexpected Linkage Between Unstirred Layers, Exclusion Zones, and Water. In: Pollack G.H., Chin WC. (eds) Phase Transitions in Cell Biology. Springer: Dordrecht, Netherlands.
And when EZ water is created along the right type of surface (remember crystals go through a nucleation process), it forms in a series of tightly packed parallel planes. The key point to keep in mind is that it is a liquid crystal dense and viscous phase that is energetic (negatively charged!). And hundreds of thousands of these layers can form not just a couple that academia chemistry books erroneously teach.
So the big question now is, how is EZ water created?

EZ water is negatively charged
But the liquid crystalline gel-like structure and texture of EZ water is only part of this amazing story. Even more remarkable is the fact it is negatively charged, or more precisely layers of negatively charged EZ water form next to hydrophilic surfaces, up to several million layers even! Beyond this EZ water Zone there is positively charged protons that as we mentioned are extruded or forced out. So, essentially this charge separation is a battery that stores potential energy that can be used to do work as we'll see.
But the liquid crystalline gel-like structure and texture of EZ water is only part of this amazing story. Even more remarkable is the fact it is negatively charged, or more precisely layers of negatively charged EZ water form next to hydrophilic surfaces, up to several million layers even! Beyond this EZ water Zone there is positively charged protons that as we mentioned are extruded or forced out. So, essentially this charge separation is a battery that stores potential energy that can be used to do work as we'll see.
How to Create EZ water Part 1 : A Hydrophilic Surface
There are 2 ingredients needed for EZ water (beside water of course). The first is a hydrophilic surface and the second is light. Let's begin with describing what a hydrophilic surface is.
There are 2 ingredients needed for EZ water (beside water of course). The first is a hydrophilic surface and the second is light. Let's begin with describing what a hydrophilic surface is.
Hydrophillic = "Water"-"Loving"
The answer is that when water meets a hydrophilic material. To make sense of this, hydro means water, and -philic means something has an affinity or love for something else. Hydrophilic things are known to combine or interact with water. An example of this is gelatin. When you put gelatin in water a zone of EZ water is formed, which kind of looks like “gel” type substance. In fact gelatins can have anywhere from 95-99.9% water! Ask yourself if this is "ordinary" water, why doesn't it leak out? The answer is that water molecules located next to submerged hydrophilic surfaces self-organize into a this liquid crystalline, energetic, 4th phase of water. It is no longer liquid water just like ice is no longer liquid water. Egg whites and Chia seeds are two more examples of EZ water in action where water is in a gel-like or liquid crystalline state!
Did you know jello is around 95% water. The question is, why doesn't the water dribble out? In fact you can make a gelatin that is 99.5% water and it will still remain a gel.
The answer is that when water meets a hydrophilic material. To make sense of this, hydro means water, and -philic means something has an affinity or love for something else. Hydrophilic things are known to combine or interact with water. An example of this is gelatin. When you put gelatin in water a zone of EZ water is formed, which kind of looks like “gel” type substance. In fact gelatins can have anywhere from 95-99.9% water! Ask yourself if this is "ordinary" water, why doesn't it leak out? The answer is that water molecules located next to submerged hydrophilic surfaces self-organize into a this liquid crystalline, energetic, 4th phase of water. It is no longer liquid water just like ice is no longer liquid water. Egg whites and Chia seeds are two more examples of EZ water in action where water is in a gel-like or liquid crystalline state!
Did you know jello is around 95% water. The question is, why doesn't the water dribble out? In fact you can make a gelatin that is 99.5% water and it will still remain a gel.

How to Create EZ Water Part 2: LIGHT!
If water is a battery that stores energy next to a hydrophilic or charged surface, we all know batteries need to be charged. So the big question is what charges up this EZ water battery? The answer came from Dr Pollack's laboratory when a student noticed that when you shown light on water next to a hydrophilic surface, the liquid crystalline and negatively charged EZ water expands and it expands hugely! When the lamp was taken away, it came back to its original shape but in tens of minutes, so water does store voltage or charge and light photons are what is responsible for providing the energy to grow this exclusion zone.
Impressed by this student's result, Dr Pollack and his lab began to study different wavelengths of light, ranging from the ultraviolet, through the visible light, through the infrared light, and we found that by far, the most effective light was in the near infrared.
If water is a battery that stores energy next to a hydrophilic or charged surface, we all know batteries need to be charged. So the big question is what charges up this EZ water battery? The answer came from Dr Pollack's laboratory when a student noticed that when you shown light on water next to a hydrophilic surface, the liquid crystalline and negatively charged EZ water expands and it expands hugely! When the lamp was taken away, it came back to its original shape but in tens of minutes, so water does store voltage or charge and light photons are what is responsible for providing the energy to grow this exclusion zone.
Impressed by this student's result, Dr Pollack and his lab began to study different wavelengths of light, ranging from the ultraviolet, through the visible light, through the infrared light, and we found that by far, the most effective light was in the near infrared.

Because the earth re-radiates light it absorbs from the sun in the infrared spectrum, it turns out infrared is actually all around us - it's hard to get rid of, and it's not just inside, it's outside too. We looked at the sun's spectrum of wavelengths in chapter 4, and saw the black body radiation curve of the sun matches a temperature of 5780 Kelvin which is almost 10,000 degrees. The black body radiation formula yields a curve with a peak at 500nm which is GREEN (but all the wavelengths together still look white). For the earth which is an average temperature around 290 Kelvin or about 60 degrees, the peak is at around 10,000 nm which is far infrared. So the earth is CONSTANTLY radiating far infared. This is the basis for infrared cameras, and why we can see things so clearly with these cameras even when it is pitch black. So we are always bathing in an ambient field of infrared energy the earth emits (as a black body).
Also through metabolism our bodies are ALSO always emitting far infrared which can be seen with thermal imaging cameras. So the heat we generate helps to create EZ water.
Also through metabolism our bodies are ALSO always emitting far infrared which can be seen with thermal imaging cameras. So the heat we generate helps to create EZ water.
But the amount of this therapeutic infrared is usually not highly concentrated (unless you live in Arizone).
So the question is, can we use external sources of concentrated near infrared light to FURTHER grow these EZ zones and further increase the negative charge stored in the water batter. Pollacks team showed that the answer is YES. By using therapeutic near infrared light sources you can increase the amount of EZ water 500%! From all this you could make a little equation: E=H2O which means water contains energy with you shine light on it next to a hydrophilic surface. Because infrared radiation is all around us AND IN US, so you will always have some amount of EZ water next to hydrophilic surfaces.
Summary so far:
When water is next to a negatively charged (hydrophilic) surface and a source of ambient energy (which is typically infrared light—something all around us and also constantly produced by the body), water is split and will transition from free H2O to a connected network of H3O2 that behaves like a semisolid and is best described as a liquid crystal. And further away from the EZ will be positively charged bulk water with free H+. And through this charge separation water can act like a battery and STORE ENERGY. How amazing is that!
So the question is, can we use external sources of concentrated near infrared light to FURTHER grow these EZ zones and further increase the negative charge stored in the water batter. Pollacks team showed that the answer is YES. By using therapeutic near infrared light sources you can increase the amount of EZ water 500%! From all this you could make a little equation: E=H2O which means water contains energy with you shine light on it next to a hydrophilic surface. Because infrared radiation is all around us AND IN US, so you will always have some amount of EZ water next to hydrophilic surfaces.
Summary so far:
When water is next to a negatively charged (hydrophilic) surface and a source of ambient energy (which is typically infrared light—something all around us and also constantly produced by the body), water is split and will transition from free H2O to a connected network of H3O2 that behaves like a semisolid and is best described as a liquid crystal. And further away from the EZ will be positively charged bulk water with free H+. And through this charge separation water can act like a battery and STORE ENERGY. How amazing is that!
Sound, Pressure and electricity ALSO Creates EZ
Pressure Creates EZ and sound
As far as I know, in all cases, the hotter temperature will correspond to the sol state (H2O water with suspended colloids) and the colder one will correspond to the gel state (H3O2). Additionally, increased pressure will also promote the gel state (piezoelectric)
Piezoelectric effect - Pressure Electricity
The word “piezo” is Greek and means “to press” (peizein = press or pressure). The prefix is used to describe the electrical charge of crystals or bone substances in response to mechanical pressure (stretching or squeezing). Or more accurately, piezoelectricity is the ability of certain crystals to produce a voltage when subjected to mechanical stress (the substance is squeezed or stretched.
"reverse piezoelectric effect" whereby the application of an electrical field creates mechanical deformation in the crystal or Vibrations
Crystalline Arrangements are the rule and not the exception in living systems. So MUSCLES, TENDONS, Bones, myelin, muscle, sensory organs and even cell membrane crystalline and therefore piezoelectric properties.
Build EZ - Key is Negative Charge!!
Negative electrode EZ water forms around it.
Reverse Piezoelectric effect
Pressure Creates EZ and sound
As far as I know, in all cases, the hotter temperature will correspond to the sol state (H2O water with suspended colloids) and the colder one will correspond to the gel state (H3O2). Additionally, increased pressure will also promote the gel state (piezoelectric)
Piezoelectric effect - Pressure Electricity
The word “piezo” is Greek and means “to press” (peizein = press or pressure). The prefix is used to describe the electrical charge of crystals or bone substances in response to mechanical pressure (stretching or squeezing). Or more accurately, piezoelectricity is the ability of certain crystals to produce a voltage when subjected to mechanical stress (the substance is squeezed or stretched.
"reverse piezoelectric effect" whereby the application of an electrical field creates mechanical deformation in the crystal or Vibrations
Crystalline Arrangements are the rule and not the exception in living systems. So MUSCLES, TENDONS, Bones, myelin, muscle, sensory organs and even cell membrane crystalline and therefore piezoelectric properties.
Build EZ - Key is Negative Charge!!
Negative electrode EZ water forms around it.
Reverse Piezoelectric effect
Can this Energy Be Harvested?
Example #1 using EZ water to harness electrical energy.
To demonstrate water's ability to separate charge and store energy like a battery, Dr Pollack's research lab created EZ with light and a hydrophilic surface and they stuck two tiny microelectrodes in the sample: one in the negatively charged EZ and the other in the positively charged bulk water. And sure enough when they flipped on the switch the led light turned on! EZ water can be harnessed to create electrical energy or electricity.
Example #1 using EZ water to harness electrical energy.
To demonstrate water's ability to separate charge and store energy like a battery, Dr Pollack's research lab created EZ with light and a hydrophilic surface and they stuck two tiny microelectrodes in the sample: one in the negatively charged EZ and the other in the positively charged bulk water. And sure enough when they flipped on the switch the led light turned on! EZ water can be harnessed to create electrical energy or electricity.
Example #2 - How EZ can create Mechanical Energy
FLOWS and Kinetic Energy
Dr Pollack's lab (and others) have also demonstrated the stored energy from EZ water can be transduced into mechanical work, like creating fluid flows through hydrophilic tubes. Usually a pressure gradient or pump is need to get water or any fluid to move through a tube of any kind like your water house (pressure from water company) or your blood (pressure from your heart pump). But without any pump or pressure gradient, Dr Pollack's lab demonstrated with not one, but six different types of hydrophilic tubes that water will begin to flow on its own. And when you add light, the flow increases up to five times which further validates it is the energy in EZ water that is doing the work. So light energy is getting transduced through EZ water to mechanical energy that creates this flow. These two experiments have tremendous implications on our human biology and health which we'll explore next.
**Work In** The stored electrical energy in water can drive various kinds of work, including flow. An example is the axial flow through tubes. We found that immersing tubes made of hydrophilic materials into water produces flow through those tubes, similar to blood flow through blood vessels. The energy derives from the radiant energy absorbed and stored in the water. Nothing more. Flow may persist undiminished for hours, sometimes longer. Additional incident light brings faster flow. This is not a perpetual motion machine: incident radiant energy drives the flow — in much the same way that it drives vascular flow in plants.
FLOWS and Kinetic Energy
Dr Pollack's lab (and others) have also demonstrated the stored energy from EZ water can be transduced into mechanical work, like creating fluid flows through hydrophilic tubes. Usually a pressure gradient or pump is need to get water or any fluid to move through a tube of any kind like your water house (pressure from water company) or your blood (pressure from your heart pump). But without any pump or pressure gradient, Dr Pollack's lab demonstrated with not one, but six different types of hydrophilic tubes that water will begin to flow on its own. And when you add light, the flow increases up to five times which further validates it is the energy in EZ water that is doing the work. So light energy is getting transduced through EZ water to mechanical energy that creates this flow. These two experiments have tremendous implications on our human biology and health which we'll explore next.
**Work In** The stored electrical energy in water can drive various kinds of work, including flow. An example is the axial flow through tubes. We found that immersing tubes made of hydrophilic materials into water produces flow through those tubes, similar to blood flow through blood vessels. The energy derives from the radiant energy absorbed and stored in the water. Nothing more. Flow may persist undiminished for hours, sometimes longer. Additional incident light brings faster flow. This is not a perpetual motion machine: incident radiant energy drives the flow — in much the same way that it drives vascular flow in plants.

EZ Water - The Fountain of Youth?
As we now shift our attention of EZ created in the lab to how it is created in our bodies, is helpful to keep a couple things in mind about water in the human body. First, the body is 70% water by weight but 99% by molecular count, so we are mostly water, and that water - if you are healthy - is mostly EZ water, a liquid crystalline and highly ordered and energetic state of water. In fact it might be one of the main characteristics of life itself, again considering all life forms (not just humans) are mostly water! The second important point is that the human cell has a dry weight of almost 90% hydrophilic molecules like proteins and DNA. So we are both mostly water and mostly hydrophilic which means we are potentially mostly EZ water!!
As we now shift our attention of EZ created in the lab to how it is created in our bodies, is helpful to keep a couple things in mind about water in the human body. First, the body is 70% water by weight but 99% by molecular count, so we are mostly water, and that water - if you are healthy - is mostly EZ water, a liquid crystalline and highly ordered and energetic state of water. In fact it might be one of the main characteristics of life itself, again considering all life forms (not just humans) are mostly water! The second important point is that the human cell has a dry weight of almost 90% hydrophilic molecules like proteins and DNA. So we are both mostly water and mostly hydrophilic which means we are potentially mostly EZ water!!

Cellular Voltage and Health
Several decades ago, Nobel Prize Laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg, said that cells maintain a voltage across their membrane, which he also said is analogous to the voltage of a battery. His big discovery was he quantified the voltage of the cells to various disease states and health too. He found that healthy cells have a measurable voltage from 70- 100 millivolts, with the heart cells having the highest (upwards to 90-100 millivolts or more).
Dr. Warburg found that due to the constant stress of modern life along with a toxic environment and the aging process, cellular voltage drops (along with many other factors when have been addressing in this course). People with chronic illnesses and chronic fatigue unilaterally had a diminished cellular voltage (30-50 millivolts). Cancer patients displayed the lowest voltage at less than 15-20 millivolts.
Several decades ago, Nobel Prize Laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg, said that cells maintain a voltage across their membrane, which he also said is analogous to the voltage of a battery. His big discovery was he quantified the voltage of the cells to various disease states and health too. He found that healthy cells have a measurable voltage from 70- 100 millivolts, with the heart cells having the highest (upwards to 90-100 millivolts or more).
Dr. Warburg found that due to the constant stress of modern life along with a toxic environment and the aging process, cellular voltage drops (along with many other factors when have been addressing in this course). People with chronic illnesses and chronic fatigue unilaterally had a diminished cellular voltage (30-50 millivolts). Cancer patients displayed the lowest voltage at less than 15-20 millivolts.

Cell Voltage, ATP and the Warburg Effect Revisted
The standard molecular biology or medical explanation is that roughly 40% of the ATP made by our cells is spent to power the sodium-potassium pump. This sodium-potassium pump is found in our cellular membranes, where it is in charge of generating a gradient of ions. It continually pumps sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell, powered by ATP. For each ATP that is broken down, it moves 3 sodium ions out and 2 potassium ions in. As the cell is depleted of sodium, this creates this electrical gradient and a concentration gradient. And it is these gradients that - according to molecular biology - create the cellular voltage. So because ATP powers this pump, we can see the connection with the Warburg Effect we discussed in chapter 5. When our body and cells are healthy they utilize oxidative phosphorylation to create 36 ATP per molecule of glucose. This would correspond to a high cellular voltage (think charged battery). When our bodies resort to glycolysis due to lack of oxygen or damage to the mitochondria, only 2 molecules of ATP are produced which would lead to a radically diminished cellular voltage since again ATP is responsible for maintaining the pumps. But is modern medicine and biology missing something? As you guessed what is missing is water.
Dr Pollack in his well researched book "Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life" challenges this current view of the cell, the cell membrane and the role of water in the cell. And he cites many researchers that support his conclusions. While it is beyond the scope of this book to get into all the details, it is important to understand at least the big picture and a possible different role of ATP.
The standard molecular biology or medical explanation is that roughly 40% of the ATP made by our cells is spent to power the sodium-potassium pump. This sodium-potassium pump is found in our cellular membranes, where it is in charge of generating a gradient of ions. It continually pumps sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell, powered by ATP. For each ATP that is broken down, it moves 3 sodium ions out and 2 potassium ions in. As the cell is depleted of sodium, this creates this electrical gradient and a concentration gradient. And it is these gradients that - according to molecular biology - create the cellular voltage. So because ATP powers this pump, we can see the connection with the Warburg Effect we discussed in chapter 5. When our body and cells are healthy they utilize oxidative phosphorylation to create 36 ATP per molecule of glucose. This would correspond to a high cellular voltage (think charged battery). When our bodies resort to glycolysis due to lack of oxygen or damage to the mitochondria, only 2 molecules of ATP are produced which would lead to a radically diminished cellular voltage since again ATP is responsible for maintaining the pumps. But is modern medicine and biology missing something? As you guessed what is missing is water.
Dr Pollack in his well researched book "Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life" challenges this current view of the cell, the cell membrane and the role of water in the cell. And he cites many researchers that support his conclusions. While it is beyond the scope of this book to get into all the details, it is important to understand at least the big picture and a possible different role of ATP.

Where do we get our Energy?
A new role for ATP - Creating EZ Water
“Health is the state of perfect intracellular gels. Disease is when this gel state deteriorates.”
— Dr Thomas Cowan.
According to Dr Pollack, biochemist Gilbert Ling, and many others, most of the water in our cells - if healthy - is in this structured liquid crystalline phase like Jello. As we saw, jello is formed through the interaction of a hydrophilic surface (in this case the gelatin proteins), water and a heat source ideally at 185 degrees for Jell-O. The role of heat in producing Jell-O is to unfold the proteins so that they can attach to the water molecules. Without the heat, the proteins remain tightly folded and can't bond to water and no gel forms. Upon cooling the Jell-O becomes - true to its name - a gel.
The water inside our cell is similar. You start with water and add protein which then together form this liquid crystalline fourth EZ water state. Note: some evidence exists that the main protein is actin which is highly ordered and highly hydrophobic in its extended state.
With regards to the human body, what about heat to create the gel? What Gilbert Ling discovered and others like Dr Pollack have since confirmed, is that ATP, the energy molecule plays the role of heat in biological systems. Specifically ATP binds to the end of the cellular proteins, unfolding them, and therefore allowing them to bind with the water in the cells to form gels. And when our bodies utilize oxidative phosphorylation to create 36 molecules of ATP, our cellular water will be in the highly energetic liquid crystalline state. That is, our cellular batteries will be fully charged. And conversely when due to lack of oxygen or mitochondrial dysfunction our cells result to glycolysis, our cellular gel will become deteriorated and lose its charge like a drained battery on red.
This vital, but misunderstood role of ATP in biological systems is crucial to our understanding of how the body sustains and maintains health and why therapies like Red and near infrared LED panels and beds help the body to reverse disease and stay healthy. And because our overall cell voltage comes from water as a gel or liquid crystal, we can view our approach to health as ways to increase this life-giving EZ water in the cells, tissues and body.
But creating this gel-like state in the cell is not just some neutral jelly like water, but rather a highly energetic battery that drives all of life. The voltage of the entire cell is called the transmembrane potential and these new understandings of water challenge our limited current views. Based on the information so far in this chapter hopefully you can see why EZ water with the help of ATP is responsible for cellular voltage.
A new role for ATP - Creating EZ Water
“Health is the state of perfect intracellular gels. Disease is when this gel state deteriorates.”
— Dr Thomas Cowan.
According to Dr Pollack, biochemist Gilbert Ling, and many others, most of the water in our cells - if healthy - is in this structured liquid crystalline phase like Jello. As we saw, jello is formed through the interaction of a hydrophilic surface (in this case the gelatin proteins), water and a heat source ideally at 185 degrees for Jell-O. The role of heat in producing Jell-O is to unfold the proteins so that they can attach to the water molecules. Without the heat, the proteins remain tightly folded and can't bond to water and no gel forms. Upon cooling the Jell-O becomes - true to its name - a gel.
The water inside our cell is similar. You start with water and add protein which then together form this liquid crystalline fourth EZ water state. Note: some evidence exists that the main protein is actin which is highly ordered and highly hydrophobic in its extended state.
With regards to the human body, what about heat to create the gel? What Gilbert Ling discovered and others like Dr Pollack have since confirmed, is that ATP, the energy molecule plays the role of heat in biological systems. Specifically ATP binds to the end of the cellular proteins, unfolding them, and therefore allowing them to bind with the water in the cells to form gels. And when our bodies utilize oxidative phosphorylation to create 36 molecules of ATP, our cellular water will be in the highly energetic liquid crystalline state. That is, our cellular batteries will be fully charged. And conversely when due to lack of oxygen or mitochondrial dysfunction our cells result to glycolysis, our cellular gel will become deteriorated and lose its charge like a drained battery on red.
This vital, but misunderstood role of ATP in biological systems is crucial to our understanding of how the body sustains and maintains health and why therapies like Red and near infrared LED panels and beds help the body to reverse disease and stay healthy. And because our overall cell voltage comes from water as a gel or liquid crystal, we can view our approach to health as ways to increase this life-giving EZ water in the cells, tissues and body.
But creating this gel-like state in the cell is not just some neutral jelly like water, but rather a highly energetic battery that drives all of life. The voltage of the entire cell is called the transmembrane potential and these new understandings of water challenge our limited current views. Based on the information so far in this chapter hopefully you can see why EZ water with the help of ATP is responsible for cellular voltage.

Charging the Cell Battery Directly with Light
The charge separation and battery-effect are an important aspect of water in the support of life,
The charges separated by light resemble a battery and we have seen evidence that water can create electrical energy to power a light. The stored electrical energy in water can drive various kinds of work, including thousands of cellular functions and beyond the cell body-wide flows.
So just as water behaves as a light-driven battery, cells actually operate much the same way also as a light-driven battery, something you perhaps never thought of. But think about the cell and what's inside. So inside the cell, you've got large macro molecules, mostly proteins, and these proteins have hydrophilic surfaces, and of course, there's water, lots of water inside the cell. And so what happens is that there are exclusion zones, you have EZ water, which has negative charge. Light, as I said, is responsible for building the EZ, and building negative charge, and that's what gives the cell its energy.
The charge separation and battery-effect are an important aspect of water in the support of life,
The charges separated by light resemble a battery and we have seen evidence that water can create electrical energy to power a light. The stored electrical energy in water can drive various kinds of work, including thousands of cellular functions and beyond the cell body-wide flows.
So just as water behaves as a light-driven battery, cells actually operate much the same way also as a light-driven battery, something you perhaps never thought of. But think about the cell and what's inside. So inside the cell, you've got large macro molecules, mostly proteins, and these proteins have hydrophilic surfaces, and of course, there's water, lots of water inside the cell. And so what happens is that there are exclusion zones, you have EZ water, which has negative charge. Light, as I said, is responsible for building the EZ, and building negative charge, and that's what gives the cell its energy.
Phases transitions from sol/liquid to gel
Blind Analogy Gilbert Ling pg 70
We have talked about what EZ water is, how it is created, and how it acts like a battery to store energy.
Let's now look at how this stored energy of EZ water in the body is used to create work through phase transitions from the EZ water liquid crystalline energized state to the ordinary water de-energized or sol state. A sol state is where all the minerals are just in suspension in bulk water with little or no ordering (no EZ water).
Charging and Discharging
The real mechanism is the alternating structuring and de-structuring of water inside the gels. Phase transitions of gels can explain many of the cell actions and functions such as secretion, transport, movement, muscle contraction and even cell division.
ATP restores gels - Charge create EZ water battery
Conversely, if the body can disperse the gels, it also needs a way to recreate them. The primary strong (high valence) anion it uses to build them are the phosphates in adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Greg Ling first suggested that much of the energy obtained from ATP arises not from the energy within its bonds being broken, but rather from it inducing water to form a liquid crystalline structure
Ca2+ disperses gels - Discharge and release energy to do work - Back to sol / bulk water
Positive Charges (free radicals) destroy gels
as strong cations (positively charged ions) destroy gels, while strong anions (negatively charged ions) reinforce them.
These results also showed how the higher valence cations, Ca2+, cause smaller gels to form relative to low valence cations Na(1)+.
Blind Analogy Gilbert Ling pg 70
We have talked about what EZ water is, how it is created, and how it acts like a battery to store energy.
Let's now look at how this stored energy of EZ water in the body is used to create work through phase transitions from the EZ water liquid crystalline energized state to the ordinary water de-energized or sol state. A sol state is where all the minerals are just in suspension in bulk water with little or no ordering (no EZ water).
Charging and Discharging
The real mechanism is the alternating structuring and de-structuring of water inside the gels. Phase transitions of gels can explain many of the cell actions and functions such as secretion, transport, movement, muscle contraction and even cell division.
ATP restores gels - Charge create EZ water battery
Conversely, if the body can disperse the gels, it also needs a way to recreate them. The primary strong (high valence) anion it uses to build them are the phosphates in adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Greg Ling first suggested that much of the energy obtained from ATP arises not from the energy within its bonds being broken, but rather from it inducing water to form a liquid crystalline structure
Ca2+ disperses gels - Discharge and release energy to do work - Back to sol / bulk water
Positive Charges (free radicals) destroy gels
as strong cations (positively charged ions) destroy gels, while strong anions (negatively charged ions) reinforce them.
These results also showed how the higher valence cations, Ca2+, cause smaller gels to form relative to low valence cations Na(1)+.
Muscle Contraction - Use EZ water to do work part 1
Pollack’s model is based on the observation that relaxed muscles contain a large amount of structured water, whereas contracting muscles primarily contain water not in a semisolid gel state. Since it is known that muscle firing follows the nerve signal directing calcium (Ca2+) ions to enter the muscle, this suggests a calcium induced phase change may underlie the process.
Conversely, it is also known (from the experiment previously described in the gradient section) that while muscle cells which have been cut open can retain their potassium to sodium gradient while in a salt solution, the parts that lack ATP are unable to. This suggests that ATP is necessary for the liquid crystalline state of water to be present, as it excludes sodium ions from entering the muscle cells. Similarly, it is also known that without ATP, muscles will remain stuck in the contracted form and be unable to lengthen, something that occurs shortly after death (termed “rigor mortis”).
The muscles fibers are designed to form large gels around them, and as liquid crystalline water within them expands, it stretches the uncoiled proteins in the fibers into helixes (until protein cross links prevent further stretching). When the muscle needs to contract, calcium ions enter the muscle, eliminating the gels, and the proteins no longer being lengthened elastically snap back to their original uncoiled configuration. In order for the gel to rebuild, ATP is required to break the cross links created by calcium and thereby trigger a phase shift that reconstructs the gel.
Thus, the strength of a muscle is a product of the potential energy created by liquid crystalline water’s storage of radiant energy being released.
Build EZ - Key is Negative Charge!!
Negative electrode EZ water forms around it.
Structure - ordinary - structure... needs negative charge.
and thus oscillates between a gel state in which the structure is up and visible and a sol state in which it is dissolved.
Pollack’s model is based on the observation that relaxed muscles contain a large amount of structured water, whereas contracting muscles primarily contain water not in a semisolid gel state. Since it is known that muscle firing follows the nerve signal directing calcium (Ca2+) ions to enter the muscle, this suggests a calcium induced phase change may underlie the process.
Conversely, it is also known (from the experiment previously described in the gradient section) that while muscle cells which have been cut open can retain their potassium to sodium gradient while in a salt solution, the parts that lack ATP are unable to. This suggests that ATP is necessary for the liquid crystalline state of water to be present, as it excludes sodium ions from entering the muscle cells. Similarly, it is also known that without ATP, muscles will remain stuck in the contracted form and be unable to lengthen, something that occurs shortly after death (termed “rigor mortis”).
The muscles fibers are designed to form large gels around them, and as liquid crystalline water within them expands, it stretches the uncoiled proteins in the fibers into helixes (until protein cross links prevent further stretching). When the muscle needs to contract, calcium ions enter the muscle, eliminating the gels, and the proteins no longer being lengthened elastically snap back to their original uncoiled configuration. In order for the gel to rebuild, ATP is required to break the cross links created by calcium and thereby trigger a phase shift that reconstructs the gel.
Thus, the strength of a muscle is a product of the potential energy created by liquid crystalline water’s storage of radiant energy being released.
Build EZ - Key is Negative Charge!!
Negative electrode EZ water forms around it.
Structure - ordinary - structure... needs negative charge.
and thus oscillates between a gel state in which the structure is up and visible and a sol state in which it is dissolved.
What is Life?
Erwin Schrodinger in his visionary book "What is Life", attempted to use his incredible skill as a physicist to give a working model and definition to the question What is Life? With no external forces acting, things tend to go from order to disorder over time. This is a physics principle called Entropy. Entropy also seems to give us a directionality to time itself! According to Schrodinger, however, life is characterized by an opposite force, which he termed negentropy, the opposite of entropy as it is a drive towards greater order.
That force comes from energy from the sun, coupled with liquid crystalline charged water in the cells. This ordered cellular gel counteracts entropy.
The next key in Schrodingers investigation in life, he claimed that entropy directly gives rise to the experience and reality of time. This means if entropy did not exist as a governing principle in the physical universe, neither would time. He even gives a mathematical proof in the book.
So if entropy "creates" the phenomenon of time, the negentropy, which is the basis of life, is somehow a time reversing or your could say timeless state. Aging ensues as disorder comes upon our liquid crystalline cellular matrix.
But if we can structure the water in our cells, this creates a negentropic force that counteracts the basic phenomenon of time which means we can potentially reverse aging in a living beings. This all begins by restoring health back to individual cells by increasing mitochondrial function and ATP and hence increasing EZ water, cell voltage and cellular health. Because red and near infrared light helps in all these steps, it verily helps to reverse the hands of time.
Distorted or disordered gels lose structure and entropy!
Erwin Schrodinger in his visionary book "What is Life", attempted to use his incredible skill as a physicist to give a working model and definition to the question What is Life? With no external forces acting, things tend to go from order to disorder over time. This is a physics principle called Entropy. Entropy also seems to give us a directionality to time itself! According to Schrodinger, however, life is characterized by an opposite force, which he termed negentropy, the opposite of entropy as it is a drive towards greater order.
That force comes from energy from the sun, coupled with liquid crystalline charged water in the cells. This ordered cellular gel counteracts entropy.
The next key in Schrodingers investigation in life, he claimed that entropy directly gives rise to the experience and reality of time. This means if entropy did not exist as a governing principle in the physical universe, neither would time. He even gives a mathematical proof in the book.
So if entropy "creates" the phenomenon of time, the negentropy, which is the basis of life, is somehow a time reversing or your could say timeless state. Aging ensues as disorder comes upon our liquid crystalline cellular matrix.
But if we can structure the water in our cells, this creates a negentropic force that counteracts the basic phenomenon of time which means we can potentially reverse aging in a living beings. This all begins by restoring health back to individual cells by increasing mitochondrial function and ATP and hence increasing EZ water, cell voltage and cellular health. Because red and near infrared light helps in all these steps, it verily helps to reverse the hands of time.
Distorted or disordered gels lose structure and entropy!

1) Fluid FLOWS - Blood and Lymph Flows
Fluid Circulation
If the flow of a stream is obstructed, the water there will quickly transform from clear pristine water to a murky pool with numerous things growing in it and is no longer drinkable. Chinese Medicine, in turn, frequently uses this process as a metaphor for what occurs within the body when stagnation occurs within the body's own fluids.
Fluid Circulation
If the flow of a stream is obstructed, the water there will quickly transform from clear pristine water to a murky pool with numerous things growing in it and is no longer drinkable. Chinese Medicine, in turn, frequently uses this process as a metaphor for what occurs within the body when stagnation occurs within the body's own fluids.

**Work in **What's new is the role of radiant energy: powering many of those cellular functions. An example is the blood flowing through your capillaries. That blood suffers high resistance: capillaries are often narrower than the red blood cells that must pass through; those red cells need to scrunch down in order to make their way. Resistance is high. Notwithstanding, the pressure gradient across the capillary bed is negligible. This has seemed paradoxical: without a pressure gradient, what drives the flow through those resistive vessels? If radiant energy helps propel flow through capillaries in the same way that it propels flow through hydrophilic tubes, then the paradox resolves. Radiant energy may constitute an unsuspected source of vascular drive, supplementing cardiac pressure.
The Big Plumbing Problem
The heart as a pump is not enough and NO may only be secondary.
EZ water can transduce Mechanical Energy (NO and Pumping of lymph and Blood)
Big problem 6-7 micrometers -- capillaries 3-4 um
Plumbing problem
Calculated resistance - needs 1 million times pressure
Red blood
Unrecognized problem
Might radiant energy drive blood flow?
Wisdom of mother nature would retain photosynthesis…
Vascular System a Good case for
Plumbing problem… red blood cells bigger than capillaries. Small vessels and big stuff that has to pass through.
If heart responsible to push red blood cells, million times more pressure.
Heart not sufficient to drive blood through capillaries.
Light is being transduced in blood vessels
EZ Water Pumps your Blood and Lymph!
Pollack theorized this flow was generated by the mutual repulsion created between the positively charged protons (hydrogen atoms) that are expelled as water (H2O) transitions to liquid crystalline (H3O2) water. That formation process is further explained in part one of this series. A few additional observations support this hypothesis.
1) The first is that protons are continually added to the water that passes through:
We found that the exiting water had a lower pH value than the entering water; the pH difference exceeded one unit and never diminished — even after 30 minutes of continuous flow. While we still couldn’t resolve the quantitative issue, we did establish that the passing water continued to receive protons from the annular EZ without diminution, even over extended periods of time.
2) The second was that flow was greatest in narrow tubes:
Another prediction of the proton-gradient hypothesis is that the flow should be faster in narrower tunnels. Assuming the proton-release rate per unit area of the annular EZ is spatially invariant, then, since reduced tunnel diameter means increased surface-to-volume ratio, a narrower tunnel should lead to a higher proton concentration in the core (see Fig. 3A). This results in a higher proton gradient (assuming the bath’s proton concentration remains unchanged), which, in turn, should lead to faster flow in the narrower tunnels.
3) The third was that the direction flow was always from the narrower end of a tube to the wider end:
A common feature shared among the various flows was the direction—always toward the region with larger cross section or volume.
Thus, when a narrower tunnel lies in series with a wider tunnel, the proton gradient should point from the narrower to the wider section, as consistently observed.
To explore the generality of the self-driven flow, we tested diverse hydrogels. They comprised plant-derived hydrogels including agarose, agar, and starch, as well as animal-derived hydrogels including collagen and gelatin. These hydrogels, ranging from polysaccharides to proteins, were chosen on the basis of their broad appearance in nature and wide application in science and technology.
Isreal study of blood flow in mice… heart stopped beating in mouse… Flow did not stop for more than 1 hour.
Did it with ten mice and flow continued each time… Heart not necessary for flow. Vessels received light and flow continued.
Environment really important.
Capillary blood flow did not stop after mouse dies...
1 hour post mortem
Several research teams
Velocity increases 3x chicken embryo
Infrared energy
You metabolism generates heat and used to propel flow in capillaries.
**Work in**
This is a model for the arrangement of water molecules in the vasculature, where hydrophilic substances bound to the endothelial membrane create EZ water that interfaces with unstructured water in the blood, and this creates a battery that supplies energy to the endothelial cells. A similar process takes place surrounding all the cells in the tissues.
To learn more on this check out this article
The Big Plumbing Problem
The heart as a pump is not enough and NO may only be secondary.
EZ water can transduce Mechanical Energy (NO and Pumping of lymph and Blood)
Big problem 6-7 micrometers -- capillaries 3-4 um
Plumbing problem
Calculated resistance - needs 1 million times pressure
Red blood
Unrecognized problem
Might radiant energy drive blood flow?
Wisdom of mother nature would retain photosynthesis…
Vascular System a Good case for
Plumbing problem… red blood cells bigger than capillaries. Small vessels and big stuff that has to pass through.
If heart responsible to push red blood cells, million times more pressure.
Heart not sufficient to drive blood through capillaries.
Light is being transduced in blood vessels
EZ Water Pumps your Blood and Lymph!
Pollack theorized this flow was generated by the mutual repulsion created between the positively charged protons (hydrogen atoms) that are expelled as water (H2O) transitions to liquid crystalline (H3O2) water. That formation process is further explained in part one of this series. A few additional observations support this hypothesis.
1) The first is that protons are continually added to the water that passes through:
We found that the exiting water had a lower pH value than the entering water; the pH difference exceeded one unit and never diminished — even after 30 minutes of continuous flow. While we still couldn’t resolve the quantitative issue, we did establish that the passing water continued to receive protons from the annular EZ without diminution, even over extended periods of time.
2) The second was that flow was greatest in narrow tubes:
Another prediction of the proton-gradient hypothesis is that the flow should be faster in narrower tunnels. Assuming the proton-release rate per unit area of the annular EZ is spatially invariant, then, since reduced tunnel diameter means increased surface-to-volume ratio, a narrower tunnel should lead to a higher proton concentration in the core (see Fig. 3A). This results in a higher proton gradient (assuming the bath’s proton concentration remains unchanged), which, in turn, should lead to faster flow in the narrower tunnels.
3) The third was that the direction flow was always from the narrower end of a tube to the wider end:
A common feature shared among the various flows was the direction—always toward the region with larger cross section or volume.
Thus, when a narrower tunnel lies in series with a wider tunnel, the proton gradient should point from the narrower to the wider section, as consistently observed.
To explore the generality of the self-driven flow, we tested diverse hydrogels. They comprised plant-derived hydrogels including agarose, agar, and starch, as well as animal-derived hydrogels including collagen and gelatin. These hydrogels, ranging from polysaccharides to proteins, were chosen on the basis of their broad appearance in nature and wide application in science and technology.
Isreal study of blood flow in mice… heart stopped beating in mouse… Flow did not stop for more than 1 hour.
Did it with ten mice and flow continued each time… Heart not necessary for flow. Vessels received light and flow continued.
Environment really important.
Capillary blood flow did not stop after mouse dies...
1 hour post mortem
Several research teams
Velocity increases 3x chicken embryo
Infrared energy
You metabolism generates heat and used to propel flow in capillaries.
**Work in**
This is a model for the arrangement of water molecules in the vasculature, where hydrophilic substances bound to the endothelial membrane create EZ water that interfaces with unstructured water in the blood, and this creates a battery that supplies energy to the endothelial cells. A similar process takes place surrounding all the cells in the tissues.
To learn more on this check out this article
2) Electrical FLOWS - Nerve and Meridian
Electrons can easily travel through the lattice (resulting in it being approximately 100,000 times as conductive as the surrounding unstructured water).
Electrons can easily travel through the lattice (resulting in it being approximately 100,000 times as conductive as the surrounding unstructured water).
Supercharge Your Health!
All this understanding then allows a working definition of health and disease. Health is a state of energetic, highly charged intracellular gels. Disease is when the gel deteriorates and its charge or voltage is lost. Because red and near infrared light (as we saw in chapter 6) increases ATP, it will ALSO work to increase this energetic EZ water and hence increase cellular voltage. High energy, negatively charged EZ water-rich cells are what health is all about.
In the next chapter we'll look at how 900nm+ Near infrared further increases EZ water via water as a chromophore. It will become CLEAR why you want a red light panel with 900nm+ wavelengths, especially 980nm.
In the last chapter of the book, we'll share several other techniques, tools and supplements that can ALSO increase EZ water in the body. It turns out there is a LOT we can do to restore our liquid crystalline matrix. This living matrix of water + protein + negative charge is deeply connected to the biofield (chapter 2) and our overall life-force. Everything in our biology revolves around this liquid crystalline matrix. Sickness comes from distorted structures and/or lack of EZ water in the cells with a concurrent drop in voltage or energy. EZ water and cellular energy go hand in hand. If you lose one, you lose the other.
We are going to revist these in chapter 16, but in this chapter we'll focus on the main theme of this book which is how red and near infrared LED light therapy increases ATP energy, NO circulation, Reduces inflammation, promotes healing and makes the cells and body stronger. And all of these can come in part by building the electrically charged, liquid crystalline water in your cells and body. And it turns out, light, especially near infrared light does an ESPECIALLY good job at doing this!
And this EZ water as we have seen can leads to ALL the benefits we saw in chapters 6, 7 and 8 on increasing ATP, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, stimulating healing and regeneration and making your cells stronger!
But now we are going to switch gears and focus the rest of this chapter on specific photobiomodulation research on water as a chromophore and good research into some mechanisms on how red and especially near infrared light utilizes water to create powerful healing effects. I strongly feel this is just the tip of the iceberg and many more studies will be coming in the years ahead that will probably place water even above cytochrome c oxidase as the main chromophore!
All this understanding then allows a working definition of health and disease. Health is a state of energetic, highly charged intracellular gels. Disease is when the gel deteriorates and its charge or voltage is lost. Because red and near infrared light (as we saw in chapter 6) increases ATP, it will ALSO work to increase this energetic EZ water and hence increase cellular voltage. High energy, negatively charged EZ water-rich cells are what health is all about.
In the next chapter we'll look at how 900nm+ Near infrared further increases EZ water via water as a chromophore. It will become CLEAR why you want a red light panel with 900nm+ wavelengths, especially 980nm.
In the last chapter of the book, we'll share several other techniques, tools and supplements that can ALSO increase EZ water in the body. It turns out there is a LOT we can do to restore our liquid crystalline matrix. This living matrix of water + protein + negative charge is deeply connected to the biofield (chapter 2) and our overall life-force. Everything in our biology revolves around this liquid crystalline matrix. Sickness comes from distorted structures and/or lack of EZ water in the cells with a concurrent drop in voltage or energy. EZ water and cellular energy go hand in hand. If you lose one, you lose the other.
We are going to revist these in chapter 16, but in this chapter we'll focus on the main theme of this book which is how red and near infrared LED light therapy increases ATP energy, NO circulation, Reduces inflammation, promotes healing and makes the cells and body stronger. And all of these can come in part by building the electrically charged, liquid crystalline water in your cells and body. And it turns out, light, especially near infrared light does an ESPECIALLY good job at doing this!
And this EZ water as we have seen can leads to ALL the benefits we saw in chapters 6, 7 and 8 on increasing ATP, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, stimulating healing and regeneration and making your cells stronger!
But now we are going to switch gears and focus the rest of this chapter on specific photobiomodulation research on water as a chromophore and good research into some mechanisms on how red and especially near infrared light utilizes water to create powerful healing effects. I strongly feel this is just the tip of the iceberg and many more studies will be coming in the years ahead that will probably place water even above cytochrome c oxidase as the main chromophore!
References / further reading:
Cells, gels, and the engines of life — Gerald Pollack
The fourth phase of water — Gerald Pollack
Water and the cell — Gerald Pollack
A revolution in the physiology of the living cell — Glibert Ling
Cancer and the new biology of water — Thomas Cowan
Human heart, cosmic heart — Thomas Cowan
Midwest Doctor Series **Excellent**
Part 1: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-is-the-forgotten-side-of-water
Part 2: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-actually-happens-with-water
Part 3: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-causes-water-to-move-inside
Part 4: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-is-the-relationship-between
Part 5: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/how-to-improve-zeta-potential-and
Another Good article to read: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4782038/#B25
Cells, gels, and the engines of life — Gerald Pollack
The fourth phase of water — Gerald Pollack
Water and the cell — Gerald Pollack
A revolution in the physiology of the living cell — Glibert Ling
Cancer and the new biology of water — Thomas Cowan
Human heart, cosmic heart — Thomas Cowan
Midwest Doctor Series **Excellent**
Part 1: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-is-the-forgotten-side-of-water
Part 2: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-actually-happens-with-water
Part 3: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-causes-water-to-move-inside
Part 4: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-is-the-relationship-between
Part 5: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/how-to-improve-zeta-potential-and
Another Good article to read: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4782038/#B25
According to Dr. Pollack, healthiest people have more negative charge and sickest people have less negative charge.
Central principle to all life… Build Negative Charge!!
All of us are negatively charged. Building Negative charge is a central principle to all LIFE.
For your health
Water matters and Light Matters
1) Drink more water - raw material for EZ water
2) Green juices
3) Get sunshine
4) Sauna
5) Spices turmeric, coconut water, coconut oil, basil, ghee
6) Earthing/Grounding - walk barefoot daily - negative charge
In lab , add negative charge, EZ builds
8) Red light
9) Workout
10) HBOT - Adds O2 to H3O2
11) Massage / Vibration
12) Ionized Water ( Short term)
******END OF CHAPTER*****
Central principle to all life… Build Negative Charge!!
All of us are negatively charged. Building Negative charge is a central principle to all LIFE.
For your health
Water matters and Light Matters
1) Drink more water - raw material for EZ water
2) Green juices
3) Get sunshine
4) Sauna
5) Spices turmeric, coconut water, coconut oil, basil, ghee
6) Earthing/Grounding - walk barefoot daily - negative charge
In lab , add negative charge, EZ builds
8) Red light
9) Workout
10) HBOT - Adds O2 to H3O2
11) Massage / Vibration
12) Ionized Water ( Short term)
******END OF CHAPTER*****

Is Water the Main Chromophore?
1) Energy directly
2) ATP-ase activity
3) TRPV channels
4) Clears ROS and lowers inflammation
The first study that opened my eyes was one where they purposely tested PBM on cells that do not contain CCO! This remarkable study showed that they still had similar cell proliferation for cells lacking CCO and the controls.[3] Thus the conclusion that at least the cell proliferation aspects of PBM do not require CCO (or it's famous mechanisms).[3]
Lima PLV, Pereira CV, Nissanka N, Arguello T, Gavini G, Maranduba CMDC, Diaz F, Moraes CT. Photobiomodulation enhancement of cell proliferation at 660 nm does not require cytochrome c oxidase. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2019 May;194:71-75.
When EZ water is formed it creates a "structure" of water that excludes or pushes away impurities. Thus leading to the potential removal of ROS or other molecules that increase the viscosity (stickiness). [5]
Sharma A, Adams C, Cashdollar BD, et al. Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size. Dose Response. 2018;16(3):1559325818796937. Published 2018 Sep 3.
In the LLLT Handbook co-authored by the esteemed Dr. Hamblin, they have an entire chapter about how Water is a primary photoacceptor for photobiomodulation. [8]
Humans are 70% water by weight and 90% of our molecules are water! Statistically water is considered a huge target for PBM even though the Absorption Coefficient of these 600-1000nm wavelengths can be relatively low. [8]
Within this chapter is a discussion on Interfacial Water and EZ Water! With EZ water comes changes in electrical and redox potential. Where it could be considered a bio-electric "battery" being charged by certain types of light absorption. [8]
[8] Hamblin M, Pires de Sousa MV, Agrawal T. Handbook of Low-Level Laser Therapy 2017 Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.
So, we start to see how water-absorption is becoming an important consideration relevant to the mechanisms of PBM even in the mainstream PBM textbooks.
It might not be as "sexy" to accept the explanation of photobiomodulation is simply water-absorption. However, we can appreciate it's links to EZ-Water and the much more logical explanation presented by this alternate theory.
Like most things we write about in Red Light Therapy, it is complex and nuanced. There may not be one single explanation because it is multivariable and context dependent. We need to remain open to alternative and multiple mechanisms if we want to truly understand this amazing therapy.
Water, the second most important chromophore in RLT
Or Maybe the Main Chromophore?
Now that we have seen all the benefits of
Good Article
It turns out there is not just one predominate chromophore at play in RLT. There are TWO main chromophores. More and more research is showing that water is secondarily a very significant chromophore for wavelengths above 905nm, mainly from 905-1070nm, which now have dozens of peer reviewed studies to validate the mechanisms and efficacy.
The reason light can change the properties of water like viscosity is that it is actually a chromophore or photoacceptor and absorbs, catches or receives energy from wavelengths greater than 905nm in the near infrared range. So water can act as a little photocell or antenna like CCO. In fact, it is clear that water must be by far the most important chromophore in these near infrared wavelengths, which I referred to as deep near infrared in chapter 3 to distinguish them from 760-905nm which interacts mainly with CCO.
More on Water as a Chromophore in Chapter 6B
Work in:
Water as a chromophore
It is clear that water must be by far the most important chromophore at infrared wavelengths ( . 900 nm), considering its molecular absorption coefficient and its relative abundance in cells and tissues. Nevertheless PBM as usually carried out does not produce excessive heating of the tissues, especially within the brain. In fact the most noticeable heating effect (if any) is felt on the skin of the scalp. How then can we explain that PBM can have powerful effects on the brain at wavelengths as long as 1064 nm (Wang et al., 2017; Blanco et al., 2017).? One answer may lie in the concept of nanostructured water or interfacial water elaborated by Gerald Pollack (Trevors and Pollack, 2012; Pollack and Reitz, 2001; Pollack, 2003). This exclusion zone (EZ) water absorbs optical radiation which produces distinct physical changes in parameters such as viscosity and pH. Since the EZ water layers occur on intracellular membranes, it is reasonable to suggest that ion channels embedded within these membranes (for instance in mitochondria), may be triggered by these physical changes. Since bulk water does not absorb IR light to the same degree as EZ water, this would explain why biochemical changes can take place within the cells, while there is no detectable bulk heating of the tissue, as would have been expected if the IR energy was absorbed by all water molecules.
**work in**
Absorbed radiant energy splits water molecules; the negative charged H3O2 forms the building block of the ordered zone, while the positive charged bulk binds with bulk water molecules to form free hydronium ions. Adding more light stimulates more charge separation.
This process resembles the first step of photosynthesis. In that process, energy from the sun splits a water molecule. Splitting is catalyzed by a hydrophilic chromophore. Any hydrophilic surface may catalyze the splitting, some more effectively than others. Based on good research we'll see ATP-ase and certain ion channels have research specifically with near infrared creating this effect.
Wang, X., Tian, F., Reddy, D.D., Nalawade, S.S., Barrett, D.W., Gonzalez-Lima, F., et al., 2017. Up-regulation of cerebral cytochrome-c-oxidase and hemodynamics by transcranial infrared laser stimulation: a broadband near-infrared spectroscopy study. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 37 (12), 37893802.
Pollack, G.H., 2003. The role of aqueous interfaces in the cell. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 103 (2), 173196
Pollack, G.H., Reitz, F.B., 2001. Phase transitions and molecular motion in the cell. Cell Mol. Biol. (Noisy-le-grand). 47 (5), 885900.
Trevors, J.T., Pollack, G.H., 2012. Origin of microbial life hypothesis: a gel cytoplasm lacking a bilayer membrane, with infrared radiation producing
exclusion zone (EZ) water, hydrogen as an energy source and thermosynthesis for bioenergetics. Biochimie 94 (1), 258262.
Is Water the Main Chromophore?
1) Energy directly
2) ATP-ase activity
3) TRPV channels
4) Clears ROS and lowers inflammation
The first study that opened my eyes was one where they purposely tested PBM on cells that do not contain CCO! This remarkable study showed that they still had similar cell proliferation for cells lacking CCO and the controls.[3] Thus the conclusion that at least the cell proliferation aspects of PBM do not require CCO (or it's famous mechanisms).[3]
Lima PLV, Pereira CV, Nissanka N, Arguello T, Gavini G, Maranduba CMDC, Diaz F, Moraes CT. Photobiomodulation enhancement of cell proliferation at 660 nm does not require cytochrome c oxidase. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2019 May;194:71-75.
When EZ water is formed it creates a "structure" of water that excludes or pushes away impurities. Thus leading to the potential removal of ROS or other molecules that increase the viscosity (stickiness). [5]
Sharma A, Adams C, Cashdollar BD, et al. Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size. Dose Response. 2018;16(3):1559325818796937. Published 2018 Sep 3.
In the LLLT Handbook co-authored by the esteemed Dr. Hamblin, they have an entire chapter about how Water is a primary photoacceptor for photobiomodulation. [8]
Humans are 70% water by weight and 90% of our molecules are water! Statistically water is considered a huge target for PBM even though the Absorption Coefficient of these 600-1000nm wavelengths can be relatively low. [8]
Within this chapter is a discussion on Interfacial Water and EZ Water! With EZ water comes changes in electrical and redox potential. Where it could be considered a bio-electric "battery" being charged by certain types of light absorption. [8]
[8] Hamblin M, Pires de Sousa MV, Agrawal T. Handbook of Low-Level Laser Therapy 2017 Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.
So, we start to see how water-absorption is becoming an important consideration relevant to the mechanisms of PBM even in the mainstream PBM textbooks.
It might not be as "sexy" to accept the explanation of photobiomodulation is simply water-absorption. However, we can appreciate it's links to EZ-Water and the much more logical explanation presented by this alternate theory.
Like most things we write about in Red Light Therapy, it is complex and nuanced. There may not be one single explanation because it is multivariable and context dependent. We need to remain open to alternative and multiple mechanisms if we want to truly understand this amazing therapy.
Water, the second most important chromophore in RLT
Or Maybe the Main Chromophore?
Now that we have seen all the benefits of
Good Article
It turns out there is not just one predominate chromophore at play in RLT. There are TWO main chromophores. More and more research is showing that water is secondarily a very significant chromophore for wavelengths above 905nm, mainly from 905-1070nm, which now have dozens of peer reviewed studies to validate the mechanisms and efficacy.
The reason light can change the properties of water like viscosity is that it is actually a chromophore or photoacceptor and absorbs, catches or receives energy from wavelengths greater than 905nm in the near infrared range. So water can act as a little photocell or antenna like CCO. In fact, it is clear that water must be by far the most important chromophore in these near infrared wavelengths, which I referred to as deep near infrared in chapter 3 to distinguish them from 760-905nm which interacts mainly with CCO.
More on Water as a Chromophore in Chapter 6B
Work in:
Water as a chromophore
It is clear that water must be by far the most important chromophore at infrared wavelengths ( . 900 nm), considering its molecular absorption coefficient and its relative abundance in cells and tissues. Nevertheless PBM as usually carried out does not produce excessive heating of the tissues, especially within the brain. In fact the most noticeable heating effect (if any) is felt on the skin of the scalp. How then can we explain that PBM can have powerful effects on the brain at wavelengths as long as 1064 nm (Wang et al., 2017; Blanco et al., 2017).? One answer may lie in the concept of nanostructured water or interfacial water elaborated by Gerald Pollack (Trevors and Pollack, 2012; Pollack and Reitz, 2001; Pollack, 2003). This exclusion zone (EZ) water absorbs optical radiation which produces distinct physical changes in parameters such as viscosity and pH. Since the EZ water layers occur on intracellular membranes, it is reasonable to suggest that ion channels embedded within these membranes (for instance in mitochondria), may be triggered by these physical changes. Since bulk water does not absorb IR light to the same degree as EZ water, this would explain why biochemical changes can take place within the cells, while there is no detectable bulk heating of the tissue, as would have been expected if the IR energy was absorbed by all water molecules.
**work in**
Absorbed radiant energy splits water molecules; the negative charged H3O2 forms the building block of the ordered zone, while the positive charged bulk binds with bulk water molecules to form free hydronium ions. Adding more light stimulates more charge separation.
This process resembles the first step of photosynthesis. In that process, energy from the sun splits a water molecule. Splitting is catalyzed by a hydrophilic chromophore. Any hydrophilic surface may catalyze the splitting, some more effectively than others. Based on good research we'll see ATP-ase and certain ion channels have research specifically with near infrared creating this effect.
Wang, X., Tian, F., Reddy, D.D., Nalawade, S.S., Barrett, D.W., Gonzalez-Lima, F., et al., 2017. Up-regulation of cerebral cytochrome-c-oxidase and hemodynamics by transcranial infrared laser stimulation: a broadband near-infrared spectroscopy study. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 37 (12), 37893802.
Pollack, G.H., 2003. The role of aqueous interfaces in the cell. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 103 (2), 173196
Pollack, G.H., Reitz, F.B., 2001. Phase transitions and molecular motion in the cell. Cell Mol. Biol. (Noisy-le-grand). 47 (5), 885900.
Trevors, J.T., Pollack, G.H., 2012. Origin of microbial life hypothesis: a gel cytoplasm lacking a bilayer membrane, with infrared radiation producing
exclusion zone (EZ) water, hydrogen as an energy source and thermosynthesis for bioenergetics. Biochimie 94 (1), 258262.
Absorption and Action Spectra of Water

Two other important mechanisms should be shared that impact our perspective for why we care about both Red and NIR light combined. And they primarily reside in the Near-Infrared region of the spectrum.
The first is that above 720nm+, water absorption slowly increases for longer wavelengths. Water absorption into interstitial mitochondrial areas is known to produce EZ Water (structured water) in the cells. This EZ Water improves cellular functions in similar ways as CCO absorption does. [3]
Perhaps related to the water-absorption – are the mechanisms of heat and light gated ion channels in the cells. This too is considered a primary mechanism for the near-infrared wavelengths. Referred to simply as IR (infrared) in the following quote:
“In addition PBM absorption of IR radiation by structured intracellular water, may produce additional changes in molecular vibrational energy and affect the tertiary conformation of enzymes, ion channels and other proteins.” [3]
Remember that all of this is on a “spectrum” of absorption ranges, where one study notes that 810nm wavelengths (in addition to having the best penetration), act on both the CCO and water absorption mechanisms. [3]
And we can appreciate in the graph above there is another valley of water absorption in the 1000-1100nm region, which is why 1064nm is gaining in popularity as an effective wavelength especially for deep penetration.
So particularly the Red-NIR range from 600nm-850nm focus on different CCO molecular states, while wavelengths above 810nm also impact water absorption and ion channels. [7]
[3] Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017 May;170:197-207
[7] Dompe C, Moncrieff L, Matys J, Grzech-Leśniak K, Kocherova I, Bryja A, Bruska M, Dominiak M, Mozdziak P, Skiba THI, Shibli JA, Angelova Volponi A, Kempisty B, Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska M. Photobiomodulation-Underlying Mechanism and Clinical Applications. J Clin Med. 2020 Jun 3;9(6):1724.
**Work in Vast Spectra but Penetration depth may be limiting factor** still much to know.
there are many benefits to also using wavelengths from 900-1267nm but in those cases the chromophore is mainly water. We saw in chapter 6, for example, that 980nm activates ATP-synthase via EZ water creation and lowered viscosity. In the chart below it should be clear why wavelengths above 1320nm are not used, because like visible light outside red, wavelengths above 1320nm just don't penetrate. More on this next as we now look for which wavelengths are the best to use in photobiomodulation or red light therapy.
The action spectra of water is very large, but notice from chart above from the Norris hand study that 980nm has a local peak aborption. While the action spectra for CCO yields excited electrons that can be passed on to Oxygen as the crucial step in ATP, the action spectra for water yields what Gerald Pollack calls EZ water. This wavelength as we saw from the Sommers study helps to enhance the function of ATP-ase activity. Being a localized peak of water absorption means its penetration depth is not as much as say 810, BUT in this case we WANT the light to be absorbed by water to make EZ water. Also it is still the same penetration as 660nm, so still good!
there are many benefits to also using wavelengths from 900-1267nm but in those cases the chromophore is mainly water. We saw in chapter 6, for example, that 980nm activates ATP-synthase via EZ water creation and lowered viscosity. In the chart below it should be clear why wavelengths above 1320nm are not used, because like visible light outside red, wavelengths above 1320nm just don't penetrate. More on this next as we now look for which wavelengths are the best to use in photobiomodulation or red light therapy.
The action spectra of water is very large, but notice from chart above from the Norris hand study that 980nm has a local peak aborption. While the action spectra for CCO yields excited electrons that can be passed on to Oxygen as the crucial step in ATP, the action spectra for water yields what Gerald Pollack calls EZ water. This wavelength as we saw from the Sommers study helps to enhance the function of ATP-ase activity. Being a localized peak of water absorption means its penetration depth is not as much as say 810, BUT in this case we WANT the light to be absorbed by water to make EZ water. Also it is still the same penetration as 660nm, so still good!
Note: while water is an important chromophore, it is more straight forward as it becomes the main chromophore beyond 900nm. It is still debatable which of these 900+ wavelengths are best to use. 980nm has the advantage of being a local maximum of absorption able to enhance EZ water creation. 1100 has the advantage of penetrating deeper though not as strongly activating EZ water. Because the mechanisms of water as a chromophore are still being researched, in this chapter we will focus on the much more important and better understood chromophore CCO. Having said that, I do think it is good to include a 900+ LED in a good red light panel and bed (more on this later).
Note: while water is an important chromophore, it is more straight forward as it becomes the main chromophore beyond 900nm. It is still debatable which of these 900+ wavelengths are best to use. 980nm has the advantage of being a local maximum of absorption able to enhance EZ water creation. 1100 has the advantage of penetrating deeper though not as strongly activating EZ water. Because the mechanisms of water as a chromophore are still being researched, in this chapter we will focus on the much more important and better understood chromophore CCO. Having said that, I do think it is good to include a 900+ LED in a good red light panel and bed (more on this later).
Feel The Difference! The Warmth of having a 905+ is worth it alone!
Also research shows wavelengths at 905+ use "Water as a Chromophore" for Benefits not found in wavelengths below 905. Ideally 980 is best!
These wavelengths have been shown to be the ones:
1) that are optimally absorbed by Cytochrome C (600-680 and 800-880)
2) Optimally absorbed by water for light/heat Ion Channel functioning (904-1080)
3) Optimally absorbed by water for enhanced energy production via 4th phase of water -> TRP, ATP-ase activity (904-1080)
Why 980nm or possibly 1064nm?
First and most importantly, doing an extensive search of pub med and other research databases it was clear 980nm had the MOST research of any wavelength above 905nm. The second most common was 1064 and the rest were a distant third.
We saw in chapter 7 that 980nm was specifically used in research involving heat/light gated ion channels (TRPV channels) that modulate Calcium levels and also 980nm was used in the study showing enhanced ATP-ase activity which means enhanced ATP production! If there is a case to be made for any other wavelength above 905nm it would be 1064nm which had the second most research studies. Significantly 1064nm is the peak absorption converting ground state oxygen to singlet oxygen so it may help to enhance ATP activity. But comparing these two, 980 comes out on top in the author's opinion based on sheer number of research studies alone.
Also research shows wavelengths at 905+ use "Water as a Chromophore" for Benefits not found in wavelengths below 905. Ideally 980 is best!
These wavelengths have been shown to be the ones:
1) that are optimally absorbed by Cytochrome C (600-680 and 800-880)
2) Optimally absorbed by water for light/heat Ion Channel functioning (904-1080)
3) Optimally absorbed by water for enhanced energy production via 4th phase of water -> TRP, ATP-ase activity (904-1080)
Why 980nm or possibly 1064nm?
First and most importantly, doing an extensive search of pub med and other research databases it was clear 980nm had the MOST research of any wavelength above 905nm. The second most common was 1064 and the rest were a distant third.
We saw in chapter 7 that 980nm was specifically used in research involving heat/light gated ion channels (TRPV channels) that modulate Calcium levels and also 980nm was used in the study showing enhanced ATP-ase activity which means enhanced ATP production! If there is a case to be made for any other wavelength above 905nm it would be 1064nm which had the second most research studies. Significantly 1064nm is the peak absorption converting ground state oxygen to singlet oxygen so it may help to enhance ATP activity. But comparing these two, 980 comes out on top in the author's opinion based on sheer number of research studies alone.
**WORK IN. EZ water**
Water Itself Could Be a Source of Energy!
On the other hand, several other studies have indicated that another possible mechanism of PBM especially at FIR and MIR wavelengths is absorption of radiation by water molecules. Pollack et al. demonstrated that radiant energy can generate an exclusion zone (EZ) in a water interface that possesses the correct type of hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance [65, 125]. EZ water can store electrical charges, and can release up to 70% of the input energy.
65. Pollack GH. Cell electrical properties: reconsidering the origin of the electrical potential. Cell biology international. 2015;39(3):237–242
125. Musumeci F, Pollack GH. High electrical permittivity of ultrapure water at the water platinum interface. Chemical physics letters. 2014;613:19–23
Cellular membranes are characterized by the presence of a thin (nanometer) layer of water that builds up on hydrophobic surfaces [126]. Very low amounts of non-heating IR radiation can deliver relatively small amounts of vibrational energy to the nanostructured water layers and may be able to perturb its structure and that of neighboring molecules without causing any bulk heating effect (i.e. without causing any measurable rise in temperature) [127]. Intramitochondrial water viscosity gradients have been identified by the technique of nano-indentation [128]. ATP synthesis can be decreased and increased in response to modulation of reactive oxygen species levels caused by non-thermal levels of NIR. The possible control mechanism of this “mitochondrial nanomotor” is that the NIR could increase ATP turnover by reducing the viscosity of the interfacial water layers. Recently, Santana-Blank et al. proposed that external electromagnetic (light) energy could activate oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent pathways based on water light interactions [129]. As a result of water light interactions and energy transfer mechanisms, IR generates interfacial EZ-water as a selective rechargeable electrolytic bio-battery [130]. Light energy in oxygen-dependent pathways generates high-energy molecules called nucleotide-phosphates including ATP and GTP. Water light interactions in the oxygen-independent pathway, lead to photoinduced non-linear oscillations in water that could provide energy for cellular reactions, including metabolism, signaling, and gene transcription.
126. Sommer AP, Caron A, Fecht HJ. Tuning nanoscopic water layers on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces with laser light. Langmuir. 2008;24(3):635–636.
127. Sommer AP, et al. Pulsed laser light forces cancer cells to absorb anticancer drugs the role of water in nanomedicine. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology. 2011;39(3):169–173
128. Sommer AP, Haddad MK, Fecht HJ. Light effect on water viscosity: implication for ATP biosynthesis. Scientific reports. 2015;5
129. Santana-Blank L, et al. “Quantum Leap” in Photobiomodulation Therapy Ushers in a New Generation of Light-Based Treatments for Cancer and Other Complex Diseases: Perspective and Mini-Review. Photomedicine and laser surgery. 2016;34(3):93–101
130. Santana-Blank L, Rodríguez-Santana E, Santana-Rodríguez KE. Photobiomodulation of aqueous interfaces as selective rechargeable bio-batteries in complex diseases: personal view. Photomedicine and laser surgery. 2012;30(5):242–249.
Water Itself Could Be a Source of Energy!
On the other hand, several other studies have indicated that another possible mechanism of PBM especially at FIR and MIR wavelengths is absorption of radiation by water molecules. Pollack et al. demonstrated that radiant energy can generate an exclusion zone (EZ) in a water interface that possesses the correct type of hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance [65, 125]. EZ water can store electrical charges, and can release up to 70% of the input energy.
65. Pollack GH. Cell electrical properties: reconsidering the origin of the electrical potential. Cell biology international. 2015;39(3):237–242
125. Musumeci F, Pollack GH. High electrical permittivity of ultrapure water at the water platinum interface. Chemical physics letters. 2014;613:19–23
Cellular membranes are characterized by the presence of a thin (nanometer) layer of water that builds up on hydrophobic surfaces [126]. Very low amounts of non-heating IR radiation can deliver relatively small amounts of vibrational energy to the nanostructured water layers and may be able to perturb its structure and that of neighboring molecules without causing any bulk heating effect (i.e. without causing any measurable rise in temperature) [127]. Intramitochondrial water viscosity gradients have been identified by the technique of nano-indentation [128]. ATP synthesis can be decreased and increased in response to modulation of reactive oxygen species levels caused by non-thermal levels of NIR. The possible control mechanism of this “mitochondrial nanomotor” is that the NIR could increase ATP turnover by reducing the viscosity of the interfacial water layers. Recently, Santana-Blank et al. proposed that external electromagnetic (light) energy could activate oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent pathways based on water light interactions [129]. As a result of water light interactions and energy transfer mechanisms, IR generates interfacial EZ-water as a selective rechargeable electrolytic bio-battery [130]. Light energy in oxygen-dependent pathways generates high-energy molecules called nucleotide-phosphates including ATP and GTP. Water light interactions in the oxygen-independent pathway, lead to photoinduced non-linear oscillations in water that could provide energy for cellular reactions, including metabolism, signaling, and gene transcription.
126. Sommer AP, Caron A, Fecht HJ. Tuning nanoscopic water layers on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces with laser light. Langmuir. 2008;24(3):635–636.
127. Sommer AP, et al. Pulsed laser light forces cancer cells to absorb anticancer drugs the role of water in nanomedicine. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology. 2011;39(3):169–173
128. Sommer AP, Haddad MK, Fecht HJ. Light effect on water viscosity: implication for ATP biosynthesis. Scientific reports. 2015;5
129. Santana-Blank L, et al. “Quantum Leap” in Photobiomodulation Therapy Ushers in a New Generation of Light-Based Treatments for Cancer and Other Complex Diseases: Perspective and Mini-Review. Photomedicine and laser surgery. 2016;34(3):93–101
130. Santana-Blank L, Rodríguez-Santana E, Santana-Rodríguez KE. Photobiomodulation of aqueous interfaces as selective rechargeable bio-batteries in complex diseases: personal view. Photomedicine and laser surgery. 2012;30(5):242–249.

4. PBM may decrease viscosity of interfacial water allowing faster rotation of ATP synthase. ATP-ase Mechanisms
**980 and ATPase**
Sommer has suggested an interesting hypothesis that combines the idea of nanostructured water acting as a chromophore, with the well-established increased production of ATP observed in mitochondria.[7] ATP-ase (unit 5 in the ETC) is a membrane protein complex composed of two interconnected rotary molecular motors, each powered by a different fuel. The F0 motor is powered by the flow of protons across the mitochondrial membrane generated by the electron transport chain feeding into CCO activity. The F0 rotor is connected to the second F1 rotor, which produces ATP from ADP and phosphate. The hypothesis is that a reduction in the viscosity of EZ water surrounding the mitochondrial membrane (due to the absorption of NIR) will allow these rotors of the ATP-ase enzyme to turn faster and, therefore, create more ATP.
7. Sommer AP, Haddad MK, Fecht H-J. Light effect on water viscosity: implication for ATP biosynthesis. Sci Rep 2015;5:12029.
Amaroli A, Pasquale C, Zekiy A, Utyuzh A, Benedicenti S, Signore A, Ravera S. Photobiomodulation and Oxidative Stress: 980 nm Diode Laser Light Regulates Mitochondrial Activity and Reactive Oxygen Species Production. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2021 Mar
**980 and ATPase**
The hypothesis is that a reduction in the viscosity of EZ water surrounding the mitochondrial membrane will allow these rotors to turn faster and, therefore, create more ATP.
7. Sommer AP, Haddad MK, Fecht H-J. Light effect on water viscosity: implication for ATP biosynthesis. Sci Rep 2015;5:12029.
**980 and ATPase**
Sommer has suggested an interesting hypothesis that combines the idea of nanostructured water acting as a chromophore, with the well-established increased production of ATP observed in mitochondria.[7] ATP-ase (unit 5 in the ETC) is a membrane protein complex composed of two interconnected rotary molecular motors, each powered by a different fuel. The F0 motor is powered by the flow of protons across the mitochondrial membrane generated by the electron transport chain feeding into CCO activity. The F0 rotor is connected to the second F1 rotor, which produces ATP from ADP and phosphate. The hypothesis is that a reduction in the viscosity of EZ water surrounding the mitochondrial membrane (due to the absorption of NIR) will allow these rotors of the ATP-ase enzyme to turn faster and, therefore, create more ATP.
7. Sommer AP, Haddad MK, Fecht H-J. Light effect on water viscosity: implication for ATP biosynthesis. Sci Rep 2015;5:12029.
Amaroli A, Pasquale C, Zekiy A, Utyuzh A, Benedicenti S, Signore A, Ravera S. Photobiomodulation and Oxidative Stress: 980 nm Diode Laser Light Regulates Mitochondrial Activity and Reactive Oxygen Species Production. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2021 Mar
**980 and ATPase**
The hypothesis is that a reduction in the viscosity of EZ water surrounding the mitochondrial membrane will allow these rotors to turn faster and, therefore, create more ATP.
7. Sommer AP, Haddad MK, Fecht H-J. Light effect on water viscosity: implication for ATP biosynthesis. Sci Rep 2015;5:12029.

Evidence 980 Modulates Calcium Gated Ion Channels via Water as Chromophore
9. Wang Y, Huang YY, Wang Y, Lyu P, Hamblin MR. Photobiomodulation of human adipose-derived stem cells using 810 nm and 980 nm lasers operates via different mechanisms of action. Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj 2017;1861:441–449.

Recently Wang et al showed [108] that two different NIR wavelengths affected adipose-derived stem cells by distinctly different mechanisms of action. 810-nm laser was proposed to activate CCO leading to ATP production and a brief burst of ROS, but had no effect on intracellular calcium. By contrast 980 nm laser also increased ATP and ROS, but at much lower fluences (one tenth to one hundredth), and increased cytosolic calcium while at the same time decreasing mitochondrial calcium. The actions of 980 nm NIR but not the actions of 810 nm NIR could be abrogated by inhibitors of calcium ion channels such as TRPV. Heating up the cells or cooling down the cells abrogated the effects of 980 nm but not 810 nm. This study suggested that 980 nm could work by affecting nanostructured water layers in TRPV ion channels while 810 could directly activate CCO enzyme activity. Figure 2 graphically summariuzes the two most important proposed biological mechanisms of action of IR.
108. Wang Y, et al. Photobiomodulation of human adipose-derived stem cells using 810nm and 980nm lasers operates via different mechanisms of action. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016
108. Wang Y, et al. Photobiomodulation of human adipose-derived stem cells using 810nm and 980nm lasers operates via different mechanisms of action. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016
**The Living Cell**
To really understand the cell in light of new understandings of EZ water, we need a MAJOR revision in the current paradigm of the cell. The key problem is water is just a background stage where all the chemicals reactions take place, instead of being perhaps the key player in cellular energetics, structures and flows. Take a moment to view a living image of a liver cell with the water intact vs the same cell freeze dried. Here you see no shrinkage or swelling, and no breakage of structures, It is a regime of dynamic, spontaneous order in which the structures appear minimally stressed and maximally correlated. This is one of many live images of the cell Dr. Ludwig Edelmann in the Saarland University produced. Even though they are black and white, they are some of the most breathtakingly beautiful, 'true-to-life' portraits of cell you will ever see.
This stark juxtaposition shows how when you have living EZ water, the whole world of cellular biology changes! It seems molecular biology dogma throws out the "bathwater" (EZ water) that gives life to the "baby" (the cell). Let's now see how EZ water brings cellular biology to life with better and more complete explanations of cellular energetics and body-wide blood, lymphatic, nerve and energy flows.
To really understand the cell in light of new understandings of EZ water, we need a MAJOR revision in the current paradigm of the cell. The key problem is water is just a background stage where all the chemicals reactions take place, instead of being perhaps the key player in cellular energetics, structures and flows. Take a moment to view a living image of a liver cell with the water intact vs the same cell freeze dried. Here you see no shrinkage or swelling, and no breakage of structures, It is a regime of dynamic, spontaneous order in which the structures appear minimally stressed and maximally correlated. This is one of many live images of the cell Dr. Ludwig Edelmann in the Saarland University produced. Even though they are black and white, they are some of the most breathtakingly beautiful, 'true-to-life' portraits of cell you will ever see.
This stark juxtaposition shows how when you have living EZ water, the whole world of cellular biology changes! It seems molecular biology dogma throws out the "bathwater" (EZ water) that gives life to the "baby" (the cell). Let's now see how EZ water brings cellular biology to life with better and more complete explanations of cellular energetics and body-wide blood, lymphatic, nerve and energy flows.

New Mechanism Proposed
Some wavelengths in the Red and NIR can directly affect ground state Oxygen to Singlet Oxygen. You can see a peak at 1063/1064.
Some wavelengths in the Red and NIR can directly affect ground state Oxygen to Singlet Oxygen. You can see a peak at 1063/1064.

Long Range Effects of ATP
Let's do an experiment. Let’s raise our hands and pretend we’re waving to a friend. What seems like a simple, ordinary task is an amazing orchestration of near instantaneous actions. These span almost nine orders of magnitude, from the tiny intermolecular spaces between actin and myosin heads (the fundamental proteins that make up muscles), which are on the order of one billionth of a meter, to the entire length of our arms, which is about a meter. This common action of greeting someone requires the coordinated splitting of around 10^19 of molecules of ATP, which creates the energy so we can wave our hands.
In fact, in any muscle contraction, the myriad cells in the muscle — multiple billions of them — are executing the same molecular action of the proteins actin and myosin in concert. Equally astounding is that this energy from the ATP supplied to the muscles is close to being 100% efficient!
According to McClare and other researchers, [1] ATP can quickly and efficiently give energy to our bodies, tissues and cells through resonant energy transfer. The energy in the ATP molecule can cover a larger distance. When two or more chemical bonds have the same intrinsic frequency of vibration, the systems will resonate with one another. This is what happens on a larger scale when we strike a tuning fork near a piano. The string with that resonate frequency will vibrate when the piano is in tune. Experimenting with isolated muscle proteins, McClare found that the energy of one molecule of ATP was effectively shared over four cycles of the contracting and relaxing of actin and myosin! It does this by resonating with a special electronic “oscillator” in the active site of myosin, much like the tuning fork and piano string! Because of the electromagnetic resonance of the ATP bond energy and vibration, there is no end to how far this energy could reach. Just like we can wirelessly charge our phone, tablet, computers and now even cars, ATP wirelessly charges our muscle fibers to contract, allowing us to wave to a friend!
I want us to think of the ATP and energy in our bodies in a more holistic and interconnected way. ATP is not just some stick and ball static molecule like the ones we’re taught about in school. This model of ATP's ability to transmit energy wirelessly fits more closely with the holographic body and biofield we discussed earlier, along with quantum mechanics and the wave particle duality. Unfortunately, medical schools and universities still teach a very mechanistic and Newtonian, "nuts and bolts" model of the body as a purely physical organism governed only by classical thermodynamics, chemistry and molecular biology. Yet the distant, ultrafast and efficient energy transfer of ATP that McClare and others have discovered cannot be explained by random collisions, lock and key, diffusion models, etc.! As we discuss the established theories of ATP production and how red light therapy increases ATP through all these known molecular pathways, we must always keep in mind the interconnected holographic whole of the biofield and body - and how they are in turn deeply interconnected with the earth, sun and surroundings!
[1] McClare, C.W.F. ‘‘A Molecular Energy Muscle Model.” J. Theor. Biol. 35 (1972): 569–75
Let's do an experiment. Let’s raise our hands and pretend we’re waving to a friend. What seems like a simple, ordinary task is an amazing orchestration of near instantaneous actions. These span almost nine orders of magnitude, from the tiny intermolecular spaces between actin and myosin heads (the fundamental proteins that make up muscles), which are on the order of one billionth of a meter, to the entire length of our arms, which is about a meter. This common action of greeting someone requires the coordinated splitting of around 10^19 of molecules of ATP, which creates the energy so we can wave our hands.
In fact, in any muscle contraction, the myriad cells in the muscle — multiple billions of them — are executing the same molecular action of the proteins actin and myosin in concert. Equally astounding is that this energy from the ATP supplied to the muscles is close to being 100% efficient!
According to McClare and other researchers, [1] ATP can quickly and efficiently give energy to our bodies, tissues and cells through resonant energy transfer. The energy in the ATP molecule can cover a larger distance. When two or more chemical bonds have the same intrinsic frequency of vibration, the systems will resonate with one another. This is what happens on a larger scale when we strike a tuning fork near a piano. The string with that resonate frequency will vibrate when the piano is in tune. Experimenting with isolated muscle proteins, McClare found that the energy of one molecule of ATP was effectively shared over four cycles of the contracting and relaxing of actin and myosin! It does this by resonating with a special electronic “oscillator” in the active site of myosin, much like the tuning fork and piano string! Because of the electromagnetic resonance of the ATP bond energy and vibration, there is no end to how far this energy could reach. Just like we can wirelessly charge our phone, tablet, computers and now even cars, ATP wirelessly charges our muscle fibers to contract, allowing us to wave to a friend!
I want us to think of the ATP and energy in our bodies in a more holistic and interconnected way. ATP is not just some stick and ball static molecule like the ones we’re taught about in school. This model of ATP's ability to transmit energy wirelessly fits more closely with the holographic body and biofield we discussed earlier, along with quantum mechanics and the wave particle duality. Unfortunately, medical schools and universities still teach a very mechanistic and Newtonian, "nuts and bolts" model of the body as a purely physical organism governed only by classical thermodynamics, chemistry and molecular biology. Yet the distant, ultrafast and efficient energy transfer of ATP that McClare and others have discovered cannot be explained by random collisions, lock and key, diffusion models, etc.! As we discuss the established theories of ATP production and how red light therapy increases ATP through all these known molecular pathways, we must always keep in mind the interconnected holographic whole of the biofield and body - and how they are in turn deeply interconnected with the earth, sun and surroundings!
[1] McClare, C.W.F. ‘‘A Molecular Energy Muscle Model.” J. Theor. Biol. 35 (1972): 569–75

Ultimate Red and Near-Infrared Photobiomodulation Penetration and Absorption Mechanisms Cheat-sheet
We summarize all of these mechanisms of penetration depths, CCO absorption bands, water, and heat and light channel wavelengths are put together in a single chart below:
The Theraputic Optical Window for the Skin is 600nm-1100nm [study] [2][6]
The official definition of Red light is 600nm-780nm. The scientific definition of Near-Infrared is referred to more precisely as Infrared-A (IR-A) range is 780nm to 1,400nm. [IR-A Reference]
The Most Bioactive Ranges are Red Range 600-700nm and NIR 780nm-950nm. With 700nm-780nm being insignificant. [1]
The 600-850nm range is for ideal CCO Absorption [3]
Above 810nm+ Increases Heat and Light Ion Channel Activation [6]
Wavelength absorption above 720nm+ increases EZ water production [3]
One 2020 review article on the mechanisms of red light therapy really highlights the importance of understanding the different wavelength absorption ranges and their mechanisms.
"The application of red light (600–810 nm) is absorbed by the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, which is located in the unit IV respiratory chain of the mitochondria. Nitric oxide (NO) is then displaced and activates the enzyme and this leads to a proton gradient. Consequently, calcium ions (Ca2+), reactive oxygen species (ROS), and ATP production levels are increased. On the other hand, the application of near-infrared light (810–1064 nm) activates light-sensitive ion channels, and increases the levels of Ca2+. ROS and cyclic AMP (cAMP)then interact with the calcium ions." [5]
We can quickly visualize from this chart that if we have multiple wavelengths that intersect several of these key regions of penetration and absorption, then we would theoretically be better situated for giving us the best probability for results with photobiomodulation.
[1] Zein R, Selting W, Hamblin MR. Review of light parameters and photobiomodulation efficacy: dive into complexity. J Biomed Opt. 2018 Dec;23(12):1-17.
[2] Lima, Andrezza & Sergio, Luiz Philippe & Fonseca, Adenilson. (2020). Photobiomodulation via multiple-wavelength radiations. Lasers in Medical Science. 35. 10.1007/s10103-019-02879-1.
[3] Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017 May;170:197-207.
[5] Austin E, Geisler AN, Nguyen J, Kohli I, Hamzavi I, Lim HW, Jagdeo J. Visible light. Part I: Properties and cutaneous effects of visible light. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021 May;84(5):1219-1231.
[6] Dompe C, Moncrieff L, Matys J, Grzech-Leśniak K, Kocherova I, Bryja A, Bruska M, Dominiak M, Mozdziak P, Skiba THI, Shibli JA, Angelova Volponi A, Kempisty B, Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska M. Photobiomodulation-Underlying Mechanism and Clinical Applications. J Clin Med. 2020 Jun 3;9(6)
We summarize all of these mechanisms of penetration depths, CCO absorption bands, water, and heat and light channel wavelengths are put together in a single chart below:
The Theraputic Optical Window for the Skin is 600nm-1100nm [study] [2][6]
The official definition of Red light is 600nm-780nm. The scientific definition of Near-Infrared is referred to more precisely as Infrared-A (IR-A) range is 780nm to 1,400nm. [IR-A Reference]
The Most Bioactive Ranges are Red Range 600-700nm and NIR 780nm-950nm. With 700nm-780nm being insignificant. [1]
The 600-850nm range is for ideal CCO Absorption [3]
Above 810nm+ Increases Heat and Light Ion Channel Activation [6]
Wavelength absorption above 720nm+ increases EZ water production [3]
One 2020 review article on the mechanisms of red light therapy really highlights the importance of understanding the different wavelength absorption ranges and their mechanisms.
"The application of red light (600–810 nm) is absorbed by the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, which is located in the unit IV respiratory chain of the mitochondria. Nitric oxide (NO) is then displaced and activates the enzyme and this leads to a proton gradient. Consequently, calcium ions (Ca2+), reactive oxygen species (ROS), and ATP production levels are increased. On the other hand, the application of near-infrared light (810–1064 nm) activates light-sensitive ion channels, and increases the levels of Ca2+. ROS and cyclic AMP (cAMP)then interact with the calcium ions." [5]
We can quickly visualize from this chart that if we have multiple wavelengths that intersect several of these key regions of penetration and absorption, then we would theoretically be better situated for giving us the best probability for results with photobiomodulation.
[1] Zein R, Selting W, Hamblin MR. Review of light parameters and photobiomodulation efficacy: dive into complexity. J Biomed Opt. 2018 Dec;23(12):1-17.
[2] Lima, Andrezza & Sergio, Luiz Philippe & Fonseca, Adenilson. (2020). Photobiomodulation via multiple-wavelength radiations. Lasers in Medical Science. 35. 10.1007/s10103-019-02879-1.
[3] Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017 May;170:197-207.
[5] Austin E, Geisler AN, Nguyen J, Kohli I, Hamzavi I, Lim HW, Jagdeo J. Visible light. Part I: Properties and cutaneous effects of visible light. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021 May;84(5):1219-1231.
[6] Dompe C, Moncrieff L, Matys J, Grzech-Leśniak K, Kocherova I, Bryja A, Bruska M, Dominiak M, Mozdziak P, Skiba THI, Shibli JA, Angelova Volponi A, Kempisty B, Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska M. Photobiomodulation-Underlying Mechanism and Clinical Applications. J Clin Med. 2020 Jun 3;9(6)
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