I am a bestselling author and leading expert in the field of Energy Medicine and PEMF Therapy. I am also a former TV show host and former Physics/Math Professor at Central Michigan, Baker College and Muskegon Community College. For over 22 years I have researched, tested, tried, and investigated over $600,000 worth of energy medicine, studying with many of the world's experts. I have personally helped thousands of people with energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices to achieve pain relief, better sleep, and overall better health. During the past 11 years, I have dedicated my research to PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy because I feel it is THE most effective and best researched energy medicine device available today. This is why I spent a year writing the groundbreaking book, "PEMF - The 5th Element of Health", and it is a consistent bestselling book in it's field. I have been featured on GaiamTV, Hayhouse Radio, The Brian Tracy Show which is soon airing on various ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox across the country. I currently live in Bradenton, Florida on the Braden River Surrounded by nature.
I am a bestselling author and leading expert in the field of Energy Medicine and PEMF Therapy. I am also a former TV show host and former Physics/Math Professor at Central Michigan, Baker College and Muskegon Community College. For over 22 years I have researched, tested, tried, and investigated over $600,000 worth of energy medicine, studying with many of the world's experts. I have personally helped thousands of people with energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices to achieve pain relief, better sleep, and overall better health. During the past 11 years, I have dedicated my research to PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy because I feel it is THE most effective and best researched energy medicine device available today. This is why I spent a year writing the groundbreaking book, "PEMF - The 5th Element of Health", and it is a consistent bestselling book in it's field. I have been featured on GaiamTV, Hayhouse Radio, The Brian Tracy Show which is soon airing on various ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox across the country. I currently live in Bradenton, Florida on the Braden River Surrounded by nature.
My Mission
My mission or vision is to teach, share and demonstrate that the field of energy medicine is the future of health and wellness. Currently at this time I feel PEMF therapy is the most effective form of energy medicine, but I continuously research and share new devices that are truly paradigm shifting.
It's also my mission to teach people that we are more than just a physical body, we have a Bioenergetic Holographic body based on energy fields, information fields and consciousness. These fields are measurable by science, very real and extend up to 15 feet into space (as detectable by sensitive magnetic field detectors).
And this amazing holographic and energetic body has a near infinite intelligence and capacity to heal itself if we just take responsibility for our health and give the body ALL the elements it needs.
I have broken down energy medicine into the 5 elements of health inspired by the ancient system of the elements, earth water fire air and ether. After trying over $500,000 dollars worth of energy medicine devices, I have found that what is best for us, should be inspired by what the earth gives us.
My mission or vision is to teach, share and demonstrate that the field of energy medicine is the future of health and wellness. Currently at this time I feel PEMF therapy is the most effective form of energy medicine, but I continuously research and share new devices that are truly paradigm shifting.
It's also my mission to teach people that we are more than just a physical body, we have a Bioenergetic Holographic body based on energy fields, information fields and consciousness. These fields are measurable by science, very real and extend up to 15 feet into space (as detectable by sensitive magnetic field detectors).
And this amazing holographic and energetic body has a near infinite intelligence and capacity to heal itself if we just take responsibility for our health and give the body ALL the elements it needs.
I have broken down energy medicine into the 5 elements of health inspired by the ancient system of the elements, earth water fire air and ether. After trying over $500,000 dollars worth of energy medicine devices, I have found that what is best for us, should be inspired by what the earth gives us.
HoursM-F: 10am - 10pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm |