Putting it all together in light of the Biofield:
1) ATP - Energy [chapter 5] - Increases Energy / Brightness / Joules Biofield Readout
2) NO - Symmetry [chapter 6] - Increases Flows and distributing energy throughout the biofield in a balanced and symmetric way (people with blockages of blood, lymph or energy will have an imbalanced distribution of energy usually with less on the "blocked" side and more on the unblockage side
3) Regeneration and Repair - Cohesion [chapter 7] - Creating a Cohesive field by repairing damaged tissues. Many times (but not always) tears or holes in the biofield stem from damages, disease or injuries to the body. By healing and repairing the damage, the holes and tears seal up and increase biofield cohesiveness!
Switch off Inflammation, turn on healing.
1) ATP - Energy [chapter 5] - Increases Energy / Brightness / Joules Biofield Readout
2) NO - Symmetry [chapter 6] - Increases Flows and distributing energy throughout the biofield in a balanced and symmetric way (people with blockages of blood, lymph or energy will have an imbalanced distribution of energy usually with less on the "blocked" side and more on the unblockage side
3) Regeneration and Repair - Cohesion [chapter 7] - Creating a Cohesive field by repairing damaged tissues. Many times (but not always) tears or holes in the biofield stem from damages, disease or injuries to the body. By healing and repairing the damage, the holes and tears seal up and increase biofield cohesiveness!
Switch off Inflammation, turn on healing.

Shields Up! -
Your buffering capacity to handle the stresses of life and the wear and tear of aging is very much like the shields on the Star Trek Enterprise.
When shields are 100% you are in perfect health and can handle almost any onslaught of stressors. The goal of energy medicine is to keep our shields at a high capacity. Think of shields like the glow on the GDV photos... It is VERY much like that!
In this module we are looking at the many ways PEMF energizes your body, increases you vitality and powers up your shields to be a formidable adversary of the stressors of aging, injury and disease!
Your buffering capacity to handle the stresses of life and the wear and tear of aging is very much like the shields on the Star Trek Enterprise.
When shields are 100% you are in perfect health and can handle almost any onslaught of stressors. The goal of energy medicine is to keep our shields at a high capacity. Think of shields like the glow on the GDV photos... It is VERY much like that!
In this module we are looking at the many ways PEMF energizes your body, increases you vitality and powers up your shields to be a formidable adversary of the stressors of aging, injury and disease!

Shields Up - Our Biofield Buffering Capacity
We have a buffering capacity (called a homeodynamic buffer zone) that counteracts any disturbance akin to the "glow" we saw in pictures of healthy people's biofields. This is the body's core vitality, Jing/Chi, overall energy and your state of Health.
Aging is a shrinking of this buffering ability which is simply speaking, a decrease in the glow/energy/vitality of your biofield.
And that shrinkage/dimming makes us more prone to one or more diseases over time
We have a buffering capacity (called a homeodynamic buffer zone) that counteracts any disturbance akin to the "glow" we saw in pictures of healthy people's biofields. This is the body's core vitality, Jing/Chi, overall energy and your state of Health.
Aging is a shrinking of this buffering ability which is simply speaking, a decrease in the glow/energy/vitality of your biofield.
And that shrinkage/dimming makes us more prone to one or more diseases over time

The first energetic component of the biofield is the energy or brightness measured in Joules on the Bio-Well readout. This is the overall energy the person is radiating, the more the better. As an analogy, think of health as a bright light (more energy) versus sickness which is a dim light bulb (less energy). In physics, energy is measured in Joules, and appropriately, the Bio-Well readout will show our overall energy or "brightness" measured in Joules. Health is literally an energy game. The more energy we have, the more health we have, providing that energy is balanced, coherent and cohesive.
It is not just more energy the body and biofield needs; the body needing that energy needs to be balanced too! In fact, the Bio-Well will tell us how balanced our energy is with a percentage – with 100% being perfectly balanced (same amount of energy on both sides or our body). Even healthy people have a tendency to be right or left side energy dominant, which can be related to things like right or left-handedness, or more masculine/rational/right brain or feminine/artistic/left brain, to name a few possibilities for imbalances in otherwise healthy people. People who are sick or diseased have more serious imbalances related to other issues, such as where the disease and stresses are located in the body.
Finally, the Bio-Well measures the overall cohesiveness of the biofield. A high level of cohesiveness would mean the biofield has no or very little fractionation. A fractionated field would mean there are tears, holes or leaks in the patient’s biofield. This is analogous to someone who is cut and bleeding in one of multiple places, but instead of losing blood, is losing energy or chi. So obviously we are looking for more cohesiveness and less fractionation. Stated another way, the energy is uniformly distributed all around the body and biofield with no breaks, holes or tears.
Keep all this in mind in the coming chapters, because we'll see that one of the main physiological mechanisms of red light therapy is to increase and enhance ATP or cellular energy. ATP is the physical currency of energy that stores a great deal of pure energy in high energy phosphate bonds. ATP energy greatly contributes to the overall biofield energy, though this field has many other sources of energy and subtle energy as well.
It is not just more energy the body and biofield needs; the body needing that energy needs to be balanced too! In fact, the Bio-Well will tell us how balanced our energy is with a percentage – with 100% being perfectly balanced (same amount of energy on both sides or our body). Even healthy people have a tendency to be right or left side energy dominant, which can be related to things like right or left-handedness, or more masculine/rational/right brain or feminine/artistic/left brain, to name a few possibilities for imbalances in otherwise healthy people. People who are sick or diseased have more serious imbalances related to other issues, such as where the disease and stresses are located in the body.
Finally, the Bio-Well measures the overall cohesiveness of the biofield. A high level of cohesiveness would mean the biofield has no or very little fractionation. A fractionated field would mean there are tears, holes or leaks in the patient’s biofield. This is analogous to someone who is cut and bleeding in one of multiple places, but instead of losing blood, is losing energy or chi. So obviously we are looking for more cohesiveness and less fractionation. Stated another way, the energy is uniformly distributed all around the body and biofield with no breaks, holes or tears.
Keep all this in mind in the coming chapters, because we'll see that one of the main physiological mechanisms of red light therapy is to increase and enhance ATP or cellular energy. ATP is the physical currency of energy that stores a great deal of pure energy in high energy phosphate bonds. ATP energy greatly contributes to the overall biofield energy, though this field has many other sources of energy and subtle energy as well.
Below is a Simplified Map of what happens after light is absorbed.
Research many times shows that using RLT on injured tissues increases the immune and repair processes like bringing in more macrophages, more neutrophils, more lymphocytes - these are all anti-inflammatory immune cells and anti-microbial, anti-viral, etc.
But Macrophages also do something else as they have two phenotypes.
When they first arrive at injury they are called M1 macrophages that are inflammatory.
When you add PBM they seem to turn more quickly to M2 where they start releasing growth factors and they start reducing inflammation and they start putting in some tissue regenerative cells.
We start to see more endothelial cells making more capillaries to supply more blood to the bed of a wound, you get more fibroblasts arriving at the wound to make more collagen to repair tissue and then these fibroblasts will contract bring the edges of a wound together and you get keronocytes around the margin of the wound and they start to make new tissue and wound tends.
People with nerve regeneration see increased axon sprouting and axon survival, people with bone healing see osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity. Dentists can see more dentin made from ordontoblasts, from the stem cells resident in tooth pulp.
Brain repair as well (not on chart) - brain derived neurotropic factor for neurogenesis and synaptogenesis. And even bone marrow releasing more stem cells AND tissue resident stems are being activated by red light therapy, all activated downstream by light being absorbed in the mitochondria cascading down leading to better tissue repair.
All this downstream from light being absorbed in the mitochondria cascading down through secondary, tertiary and quaternary effects.
Research many times shows that using RLT on injured tissues increases the immune and repair processes like bringing in more macrophages, more neutrophils, more lymphocytes - these are all anti-inflammatory immune cells and anti-microbial, anti-viral, etc.
But Macrophages also do something else as they have two phenotypes.
When they first arrive at injury they are called M1 macrophages that are inflammatory.
When you add PBM they seem to turn more quickly to M2 where they start releasing growth factors and they start reducing inflammation and they start putting in some tissue regenerative cells.
We start to see more endothelial cells making more capillaries to supply more blood to the bed of a wound, you get more fibroblasts arriving at the wound to make more collagen to repair tissue and then these fibroblasts will contract bring the edges of a wound together and you get keronocytes around the margin of the wound and they start to make new tissue and wound tends.
People with nerve regeneration see increased axon sprouting and axon survival, people with bone healing see osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity. Dentists can see more dentin made from ordontoblasts, from the stem cells resident in tooth pulp.
Brain repair as well (not on chart) - brain derived neurotropic factor for neurogenesis and synaptogenesis. And even bone marrow releasing more stem cells AND tissue resident stems are being activated by red light therapy, all activated downstream by light being absorbed in the mitochondria cascading down leading to better tissue repair.
All this downstream from light being absorbed in the mitochondria cascading down through secondary, tertiary and quaternary effects.
HoursM-F: 10am - 10pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm |