Nitric Oxide - The Miracle Molecule
"The discovery of nitric oxide and its function is one of the most important in the history of cardiovascular medicine."
- Dr Valentin Faster, President of the American Heart Association
In this chapter, we are going to look at what I feel is the second most important benefit of red light therapy after ATP production - its ability to increase nitric oxide production in the body! Because of its far-reaching health promoting effects on the body, nitric oxide (NO for short) has been dubbed the "miracle molecule.” This molecule is so important it was named 'Molecule of the Year' by Science Magazine in 1992 and in 1998, a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the three U.S. scientists responsible for its discovery."
Before we take a deep dive into the many amazing health benefits of red light stimulated nitric oxide, let's briefly review a few items from the last chapter. It’s necessary because you may remember that nitric oxide "seemed" to also have negative effects on ATP production.
"The discovery of nitric oxide and its function is one of the most important in the history of cardiovascular medicine."
- Dr Valentin Faster, President of the American Heart Association
In this chapter, we are going to look at what I feel is the second most important benefit of red light therapy after ATP production - its ability to increase nitric oxide production in the body! Because of its far-reaching health promoting effects on the body, nitric oxide (NO for short) has been dubbed the "miracle molecule.” This molecule is so important it was named 'Molecule of the Year' by Science Magazine in 1992 and in 1998, a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the three U.S. scientists responsible for its discovery."
Before we take a deep dive into the many amazing health benefits of red light stimulated nitric oxide, let's briefly review a few items from the last chapter. It’s necessary because you may remember that nitric oxide "seemed" to also have negative effects on ATP production.
We recall that red light therapy not only enhances the electron and proton flows that drive ATP-synthase to produce ATP energy, but also helps with the docking of oxygen as the final electron acceptor responsible for about half of the electrical potential of the entire electron transport chain. It does this by the photo-dissociation of nitric oxide, the main nemesis of oxygen docking. By kicking out inhibitory nitric oxide, red light therapy paves the way for oxygen to land on cytochrome c oxidase so it can accept electrons and create ATP, the energy of life!
The 37 trillion cells in your body are not islands. They’re all part of a vast interconnected physical and energetic matrix that gives life to the total organism. Keeping this interconnected matrix open and flowing is the second key fundamental component of health. We will explore the five main components of this matrix and how red light therapy opens up all the flows of blood, lymph, oxygenation and nerve and meridian currents. Just as ATP is essential to cellular energy, nitric oxide is the key to keeping these 5 branching networks open, flowing and healthy. Hundreds of studies have shown that red light therapy helps to increase beneficial nitric oxide in our bodies.

Nitric Oxide is a Janus Faced Molecule
How can nitric oxide be such a health blessing if it is one of the main inhibitors of cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) activity and hence ATP energy production?
Nitric oxide is a Janus molecule named after the two faced Roman god Janus. In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is the god of beginnings, duality and doorways, but also endings. Like the god Janus, nitric oxide has "two faces.” As we saw in the previous chapter, sometimes NO is inhibitory, clogging up CCO and preventing oxygen from docking. But more often, NO is incredibly beneficial for its Nobel Prize winning effects opening up circulation and microcirculation. And we’re not just talking about blood circulation, but also lymphatic, nerve and meridian flows! As we'll see, even the inhibitory NO that binds to CCO, when it is photo-dissociated from RLT, is able to diffuse out of the cells where it can be a godsend from Janus and create many health favoring effects!
How can nitric oxide be such a health blessing if it is one of the main inhibitors of cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) activity and hence ATP energy production?
Nitric oxide is a Janus molecule named after the two faced Roman god Janus. In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is the god of beginnings, duality and doorways, but also endings. Like the god Janus, nitric oxide has "two faces.” As we saw in the previous chapter, sometimes NO is inhibitory, clogging up CCO and preventing oxygen from docking. But more often, NO is incredibly beneficial for its Nobel Prize winning effects opening up circulation and microcirculation. And we’re not just talking about blood circulation, but also lymphatic, nerve and meridian flows! As we'll see, even the inhibitory NO that binds to CCO, when it is photo-dissociated from RLT, is able to diffuse out of the cells where it can be a godsend from Janus and create many health favoring effects!

Red Light Therapy - A Golden Key of Janus
If Janus is our guardian of nitric oxide in the body, then the doors would be the nitric oxide synthases and the keys to the door would be anything that activates these synthases. Simply put, nitric oxide synthases are enzymes that produce nitric oxide, and depending on the tissue and situation in the body, the nitric oxide can be either helpful or harmful (Janus faced) depending on WHICH synthase is activated and where it is activated. Red light therapy is a golden key to unlocking the benevolent health boons from the fair-faced side of our beloved Janus.
There are three main kinds of nitric oxide synthases (NOS), or doorways, through which we can stimulate nitric oxide in the human body. The first nitric oxide synthase is iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase) and it is the nasty one that clogs the mitochondria and inhibits oxygen docking and creating inflammation. While it does serve a purpose in natural inflammation responses, it generally ends up being more wrathful in its triggering of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, which stems from unhealthy living and/or environmental stress.
The next nitric oxide synthase is eNOS which stands for endothelial nitric oxide. This synthase creates a very beneficial form of nitric oxide. As the name hints, eNOS is created in the endothelial cells in your blood and lymphatic vessels. The endothelial cells form a single cell layer that lines all blood and lymph vessels and regulates exchanges between these vessels and the surrounding tissues. Stimulating eNOS nitric oxide has many beneficial effects that bestow boons on the circulatory, lymphatic, pulmonary and nervous systems.
Finally, there is nNOS, or neuronal oxide synthase, which is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of NO by neurons and improving neuronal function. But nNOS is also involved in enhancing pulmonary function by helping the airways expand (along with eNOS). There is also exciting new research showing that nNOS seems to be an integral part of the benefits derived from laser acupuncture.
Red light therapy is verily a mighty hero possessing the golden key that opens the door to these life nurturing benevolent nitric oxide synthases to produce more beneficial nitric oxide. RLT also helps to down-regulate the inflammatory response that activates the many scourges of nasty iNOS. Red light therapy "turns on" the beneficial forms of nitric oxide from eNOS and nNOS and to our rescue, it also "turns off" the inflammatory and inhibitory iNOS (as well as photo-dissociating NO from CCO) which closes the door to sickness and disease.
If Janus is our guardian of nitric oxide in the body, then the doors would be the nitric oxide synthases and the keys to the door would be anything that activates these synthases. Simply put, nitric oxide synthases are enzymes that produce nitric oxide, and depending on the tissue and situation in the body, the nitric oxide can be either helpful or harmful (Janus faced) depending on WHICH synthase is activated and where it is activated. Red light therapy is a golden key to unlocking the benevolent health boons from the fair-faced side of our beloved Janus.
There are three main kinds of nitric oxide synthases (NOS), or doorways, through which we can stimulate nitric oxide in the human body. The first nitric oxide synthase is iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase) and it is the nasty one that clogs the mitochondria and inhibits oxygen docking and creating inflammation. While it does serve a purpose in natural inflammation responses, it generally ends up being more wrathful in its triggering of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, which stems from unhealthy living and/or environmental stress.
The next nitric oxide synthase is eNOS which stands for endothelial nitric oxide. This synthase creates a very beneficial form of nitric oxide. As the name hints, eNOS is created in the endothelial cells in your blood and lymphatic vessels. The endothelial cells form a single cell layer that lines all blood and lymph vessels and regulates exchanges between these vessels and the surrounding tissues. Stimulating eNOS nitric oxide has many beneficial effects that bestow boons on the circulatory, lymphatic, pulmonary and nervous systems.
Finally, there is nNOS, or neuronal oxide synthase, which is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of NO by neurons and improving neuronal function. But nNOS is also involved in enhancing pulmonary function by helping the airways expand (along with eNOS). There is also exciting new research showing that nNOS seems to be an integral part of the benefits derived from laser acupuncture.
Red light therapy is verily a mighty hero possessing the golden key that opens the door to these life nurturing benevolent nitric oxide synthases to produce more beneficial nitric oxide. RLT also helps to down-regulate the inflammatory response that activates the many scourges of nasty iNOS. Red light therapy "turns on" the beneficial forms of nitric oxide from eNOS and nNOS and to our rescue, it also "turns off" the inflammatory and inhibitory iNOS (as well as photo-dissociating NO from CCO) which closes the door to sickness and disease.

What is Beneficial Nitric Oxide and why is it so important
"Nitric Oxide does everything, everywhere. You cannot name a major cellular response or physiological effect in which (nitric oxide) is not implicated today. It's involved in complex behavioral changes in the brain, airway relaxation, beating of the heart, dilation of blood vessels, regulation of intestinal movement, the function of blood cells, the immune system, even how fingers and arms move."
-Dr. Jonathan S. Stamler, Professor of Medicine at Duke University Medical
In 1998, three U.S. scientists – Robert Furchgott, Ph.D., Louis Ignarro, Ph.D., and Ferid Murad, MD – received the 1998 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for the discovery of Nitric Oxide. These researchers discovered that this endogenous gas, long known to be an air pollutant, has several crucial biological effects, the most noteworthy concerning cardiovascular health. These Nobel Prize Laureates revealed was nitric oxide acts a messenger that triggers vasodilation and helps reduce blood pressure while increasing oxygen in the blood, to name just a few of its many benefits.
What exactly is nitric oxide (NO)?
Nitric oxide is a gas composed of one atom of nitrogen and one atom of oxygen. It is produced naturally in our bodies in multiple ways, acting as a signaling molecule with many important, far-reaching biological functions. Nitric oxide is the body’s natural vasodilator, widening the blood vessels, capillaries and lymphatic vessels so they can expand to carry more blood, lymph and oxygen to the cells and cart waste products away from the cells. The net effect? Improved cardiovascular health, increased immunity and better detoxification. Additionally, nitric oxide enhances nerve flow and helps with our central nervous system and brain health. On top of all these wonderful benefits, nitric oxide also enhances bronchodilation, which improves the respiratory system.
How does nitric oxide increase vasodilation?
To increase vasodilation, NO first stimulates soluble guanylate cyclase to form cyclic-GMP (cGMP). The cGMP then activates protein kinase G, leading to the opening of calcium-activated potassium channels. Due to the subsequent decrease in concentration of Ca2+, myosin light-chain kinase is prevented from phosphorylating the myosin molecule, which subsequently causes the smooth muscle cells in the lining of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels to become relaxed resulting in vasodilation [1,2].
To put it simply, here is the punchline: the beneficial molecular and cellular mechanisms of nitric oxide on the human body are very well known. The key health promoting effect comes from the aforementioned biomolecular cascade, which results in a very significant relaxation of the blood, lymph and pulmonary vessels. These expanded vessels allow blood, lymph and air to flow more freely throughout the body. As we'll see, blockages to these vessels are not only dangerous, but also at the root of virtually all leading causes of death!
"Nitric Oxide does everything, everywhere. You cannot name a major cellular response or physiological effect in which (nitric oxide) is not implicated today. It's involved in complex behavioral changes in the brain, airway relaxation, beating of the heart, dilation of blood vessels, regulation of intestinal movement, the function of blood cells, the immune system, even how fingers and arms move."
-Dr. Jonathan S. Stamler, Professor of Medicine at Duke University Medical
In 1998, three U.S. scientists – Robert Furchgott, Ph.D., Louis Ignarro, Ph.D., and Ferid Murad, MD – received the 1998 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for the discovery of Nitric Oxide. These researchers discovered that this endogenous gas, long known to be an air pollutant, has several crucial biological effects, the most noteworthy concerning cardiovascular health. These Nobel Prize Laureates revealed was nitric oxide acts a messenger that triggers vasodilation and helps reduce blood pressure while increasing oxygen in the blood, to name just a few of its many benefits.
What exactly is nitric oxide (NO)?
Nitric oxide is a gas composed of one atom of nitrogen and one atom of oxygen. It is produced naturally in our bodies in multiple ways, acting as a signaling molecule with many important, far-reaching biological functions. Nitric oxide is the body’s natural vasodilator, widening the blood vessels, capillaries and lymphatic vessels so they can expand to carry more blood, lymph and oxygen to the cells and cart waste products away from the cells. The net effect? Improved cardiovascular health, increased immunity and better detoxification. Additionally, nitric oxide enhances nerve flow and helps with our central nervous system and brain health. On top of all these wonderful benefits, nitric oxide also enhances bronchodilation, which improves the respiratory system.
How does nitric oxide increase vasodilation?
To increase vasodilation, NO first stimulates soluble guanylate cyclase to form cyclic-GMP (cGMP). The cGMP then activates protein kinase G, leading to the opening of calcium-activated potassium channels. Due to the subsequent decrease in concentration of Ca2+, myosin light-chain kinase is prevented from phosphorylating the myosin molecule, which subsequently causes the smooth muscle cells in the lining of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels to become relaxed resulting in vasodilation [1,2].
To put it simply, here is the punchline: the beneficial molecular and cellular mechanisms of nitric oxide on the human body are very well known. The key health promoting effect comes from the aforementioned biomolecular cascade, which results in a very significant relaxation of the blood, lymph and pulmonary vessels. These expanded vessels allow blood, lymph and air to flow more freely throughout the body. As we'll see, blockages to these vessels are not only dangerous, but also at the root of virtually all leading causes of death!
In the last chapter, we discussed how red light therapy (RLT) increases ATP energy. ATP is like a little molecular battery that stores energy. In physics, stored energy is called potential energy, and ATP is the body's richest source of stored energy at the cellular level. Yet when we look at the body as a whole, there are also myriad energy flows and currents. This energy of motion in physics is called kinetic energy, and in many ways, this is our overall life force – known as chi in Chinese medicine and prana in ayurvedic medicine.
In the human body, chi or kinetic energy manifests as currents or flows through the five fractal branching networks:
1) Cardiovascular System (blood and oxygen),
2) Lymphatic System (lymph and immunity)
3) Tracheobronchial tree (air, oxygen and CO2)
4) Brain and Nervous system (electrical, magnetic and information flows)
5) Connected Tissue Matrix and Meridian system (Biophotons, proticity, subtle energy and information flows)
These flows span across the entire body and from whole organism down to tissues, cells, organelles, and biomolecules like ATP. Red light therapy facilitates the opening of the energy flows in ALL these body-wide branching networks by increasing both fluid currents (blood, lymph, air) and electrical and energetic currents (nerves and meridians). These movements of blood, lymph, oxygen, electricity and subtle light/chi are truly the currents of life itself! This improved macro- and micro-circulation and current flow, along with ATP energy creation, is the second main reason RLT helps the body heal itself of nearly every possible malady! This is why we are dedicating an entire chapter in this book to nitric oxide and how red light therapy increases the beneficial NO while reducing the inhibitory forms of NO. To facilitate a deeper appreciation for this glorious reality, let's take a closer look at these five fractal branching networks in the human body and how red light therapy helps build your life force by increasing beneficial nitric oxide. It’s important to first explain what a fractal is and why fractal branches pervade the entire human body. If you come on this journey with us, and process the information given here, I guarantee that your understanding of human health will become more "enlightened" than ever before!
1) Cardiovascular System (blood and oxygen),
2) Lymphatic System (lymph and immunity)
3) Tracheobronchial tree (air, oxygen and CO2)
4) Brain and Nervous system (electrical, magnetic and information flows)
5) Connected Tissue Matrix and Meridian system (Biophotons, proticity, subtle energy and information flows)
These flows span across the entire body and from whole organism down to tissues, cells, organelles, and biomolecules like ATP. Red light therapy facilitates the opening of the energy flows in ALL these body-wide branching networks by increasing both fluid currents (blood, lymph, air) and electrical and energetic currents (nerves and meridians). These movements of blood, lymph, oxygen, electricity and subtle light/chi are truly the currents of life itself! This improved macro- and micro-circulation and current flow, along with ATP energy creation, is the second main reason RLT helps the body heal itself of nearly every possible malady! This is why we are dedicating an entire chapter in this book to nitric oxide and how red light therapy increases the beneficial NO while reducing the inhibitory forms of NO. To facilitate a deeper appreciation for this glorious reality, let's take a closer look at these five fractal branching networks in the human body and how red light therapy helps build your life force by increasing beneficial nitric oxide. It’s important to first explain what a fractal is and why fractal branches pervade the entire human body. If you come on this journey with us, and process the information given here, I guarantee that your understanding of human health will become more "enlightened" than ever before!

What exactly is a fractal branching network?
A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity on all scales. The object need not exhibit the same structure at all scales, but the same "type" of structures must appear on all. A great example is Romanesco Broccoli, where you can clearly see this fractal self-similarity. If you take off a little piece, it looks almost identical to the whole. Take a smaller piece off that, and it still looks like the whole. And if you go one level further, you see the similarity, but it starts to fade. Mathematically, we can have infinite precision, but in biology and life, there is a limit. Nonetheless, the beauty manifested by fractals in nature is breathtaking!
Fractal branching is a type of fractal based on repeated bifurcations or iterations. A bifurcation is simply the splitting of one main body into two or more parts. When we iterate this bifurcation over and over, we get a self-similar fractal branching illustrated below.
A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity on all scales. The object need not exhibit the same structure at all scales, but the same "type" of structures must appear on all. A great example is Romanesco Broccoli, where you can clearly see this fractal self-similarity. If you take off a little piece, it looks almost identical to the whole. Take a smaller piece off that, and it still looks like the whole. And if you go one level further, you see the similarity, but it starts to fade. Mathematically, we can have infinite precision, but in biology and life, there is a limit. Nonetheless, the beauty manifested by fractals in nature is breathtaking!
Fractal branching is a type of fractal based on repeated bifurcations or iterations. A bifurcation is simply the splitting of one main body into two or more parts. When we iterate this bifurcation over and over, we get a self-similar fractal branching illustrated below.
Fractal branching is one of the most common fractal patterns found in nature, observed in nature in, for example, tree branches, leaf veins, lightning, river deltas, and mountaintops. In the human body, as we mentioned, there are five main fractal branching networks, and one of the main goals of overall health and wellness is to keep these branches open and flowing!
Why do we see this self-similar geometric pattern all through nature and living organisms? It turns out that fractal branching maximizes surface area in a given volume. To illustrate this, the surface area of healthy lungs is about the size of a tennis court! That is an incredibly large area for the lungs to "catch" oxygen. These networks create a radically interconnected organism from head to toe, from outside to inside, from whole body down to cell and organelle. Through these networks, nutrients, water, oxygen, electrons, protons, biophotons, vibrational phonons and all forms of energy and information in the body FLOW! We use the term “current,” meaning flow, in fluid currents, air currents, electrical and subtle energy currents.
Why do we see this self-similar geometric pattern all through nature and living organisms? It turns out that fractal branching maximizes surface area in a given volume. To illustrate this, the surface area of healthy lungs is about the size of a tennis court! That is an incredibly large area for the lungs to "catch" oxygen. These networks create a radically interconnected organism from head to toe, from outside to inside, from whole body down to cell and organelle. Through these networks, nutrients, water, oxygen, electrons, protons, biophotons, vibrational phonons and all forms of energy and information in the body FLOW! We use the term “current,” meaning flow, in fluid currents, air currents, electrical and subtle energy currents.
Collapsing branches in the tree of life
Unfortunately for many Americans, one or more of these five fractal trees of life in the body end up getting clogged, narrowed, blocked and/or broken with progressive aging and unhealthy living. Based on a 2019 CDC report, a breakdown or blockage in one or more of these fractal branching networks is at the root of the five leading causes of death, with the exception of accidents. Heart disease and stroke are the #1 and #4 killers, respectively, and both are a result of blockages in the cardiovascular system. Cancer is the #2 killer. Though there are many causes, it is a breakdown in the lymphatic network which is the home of the immune system and overall detoxification system in the body. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is the 3rd leading killer and results from a breakdown in the tracheobronchial tree in the lungs, which prevents oxygen from being properly absorbed. Likewise, major breakdowns in the nervous system/brain result in Alzheimer's, the 5th leading killer in America in 2019. It is worth noting that breakdowns in the connective tissue matrix affect structure and movement. This matrix is the home of the meridian system. The meridians are the channels for chi, qi, prana, or lifeforce which carry not only energy but critical information that informs, connects, and coordinates all the organs, tissues, and cells in the body and biofield! We can see why it is so critical to keep all these channels open!
Red light therapy working through nitric oxide (and other mechanisms) has been research proven to open up and enhance all five of these interconnected fractal networks. Let's now take a closer look at why red light therapy is such a godsend to each of these five fractal systems, beginning with the most important and most meticulously researched - the cardiovascular system.
Unfortunately for many Americans, one or more of these five fractal trees of life in the body end up getting clogged, narrowed, blocked and/or broken with progressive aging and unhealthy living. Based on a 2019 CDC report, a breakdown or blockage in one or more of these fractal branching networks is at the root of the five leading causes of death, with the exception of accidents. Heart disease and stroke are the #1 and #4 killers, respectively, and both are a result of blockages in the cardiovascular system. Cancer is the #2 killer. Though there are many causes, it is a breakdown in the lymphatic network which is the home of the immune system and overall detoxification system in the body. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is the 3rd leading killer and results from a breakdown in the tracheobronchial tree in the lungs, which prevents oxygen from being properly absorbed. Likewise, major breakdowns in the nervous system/brain result in Alzheimer's, the 5th leading killer in America in 2019. It is worth noting that breakdowns in the connective tissue matrix affect structure and movement. This matrix is the home of the meridian system. The meridians are the channels for chi, qi, prana, or lifeforce which carry not only energy but critical information that informs, connects, and coordinates all the organs, tissues, and cells in the body and biofield! We can see why it is so critical to keep all these channels open!
Red light therapy working through nitric oxide (and other mechanisms) has been research proven to open up and enhance all five of these interconnected fractal networks. Let's now take a closer look at why red light therapy is such a godsend to each of these five fractal systems, beginning with the most important and most meticulously researched - the cardiovascular system.
Nitric Oxide - The Miracle Molecule for the Heart and Cardiovascular system
“A man is as old as his arteries.”
- Thomas Sydenham, 17th Century English physician
Of the five fractal branching patterns in our bodies, the blood vessels are one of the most impressive examples. Every cell in the body must be close to a blood vessel (within about 100 microns) to receive oxygen and nutrients. The is only possible through a fractal branching network where blood vessels branch and branch ever smaller, down to the width of a capillary, which is about eight microns in diameter. As most people know, blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. Blood is composed of red and white blood cells suspended in blood plasma.
As we have mentioned, the essential benefit of NO is that it signals the blood vessels to dilate, relax and expand so they can carry more blood, which allows for improved blood flow, oxygenation and reduced blood pressure – AND helps protect us from heart attacks and strokes, two of the five top killers in America. The reason why these are two of the leading causes of death in America - along with our poor diets and lack of exercise - is also that as we age, our ability to make NO decreases! We may do everything right as far as diet, lifestyle and exercise, but these are simply biological realities that are beyond our control!
“A man is as old as his arteries.”
- Thomas Sydenham, 17th Century English physician
Of the five fractal branching patterns in our bodies, the blood vessels are one of the most impressive examples. Every cell in the body must be close to a blood vessel (within about 100 microns) to receive oxygen and nutrients. The is only possible through a fractal branching network where blood vessels branch and branch ever smaller, down to the width of a capillary, which is about eight microns in diameter. As most people know, blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. Blood is composed of red and white blood cells suspended in blood plasma.
As we have mentioned, the essential benefit of NO is that it signals the blood vessels to dilate, relax and expand so they can carry more blood, which allows for improved blood flow, oxygenation and reduced blood pressure – AND helps protect us from heart attacks and strokes, two of the five top killers in America. The reason why these are two of the leading causes of death in America - along with our poor diets and lack of exercise - is also that as we age, our ability to make NO decreases! We may do everything right as far as diet, lifestyle and exercise, but these are simply biological realities that are beyond our control!
Nitric Oxide Production Declines with Age
“Most if not all chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (the number one killer of men and women worldwide) are characterized and associated with loss of nitric oxide production. Loss of nitric oxide production is the earliest event in the onset and progression of chronic disease.”
-Nathan Bryan, Ph.D. , Department of Molecular Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine
In a healthy cellular environment, the inner lining of blood vessels continually produces NO, which signals smooth muscles in the blood vessel wall to relax, causing blood vessels to widen. This in turn results in an increase in blood flow, which leads to an immediate decrease in both blood pressure and heart rate. Yet according to Dr. Nathan and other researchers, “as we age, we lose 85% of our ability to make nitric oxide.” According to research published in Circulation, a science journal focused on cardiovascular disease, “advancing age is an independent factor to the progressive impairment of endothelial-dependent vasodilation in humans.” In other words, as we age, we create less and less nitric oxide. This causes the cardiovascular system to become more constricted and less elastic, which reduces the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to vital organs. As this progresses, cardiovascular disease occurs, which can end in a heart attack or stroke.
“Most if not all chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (the number one killer of men and women worldwide) are characterized and associated with loss of nitric oxide production. Loss of nitric oxide production is the earliest event in the onset and progression of chronic disease.”
-Nathan Bryan, Ph.D. , Department of Molecular Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine
In a healthy cellular environment, the inner lining of blood vessels continually produces NO, which signals smooth muscles in the blood vessel wall to relax, causing blood vessels to widen. This in turn results in an increase in blood flow, which leads to an immediate decrease in both blood pressure and heart rate. Yet according to Dr. Nathan and other researchers, “as we age, we lose 85% of our ability to make nitric oxide.” According to research published in Circulation, a science journal focused on cardiovascular disease, “advancing age is an independent factor to the progressive impairment of endothelial-dependent vasodilation in humans.” In other words, as we age, we create less and less nitric oxide. This causes the cardiovascular system to become more constricted and less elastic, which reduces the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to vital organs. As this progresses, cardiovascular disease occurs, which can end in a heart attack or stroke.
This graphic showing progressive loss of nitric oxide (NO) correlating with a narrowing and blockage of the arteries (atherosclerosis) is inspired by Dr. Nathan's book, Functional Nitric Oxide Nutrition, where he implicates the key function of nitric oxide in the development of atherosclerosis.
As you can see on this chart, as early as our 40s, we are down to generating only half of the NO our bodies did in our youth. By the time we get to 60, our bodies only produce about 15% of what they once generated. And this loss of NO contributes to many age related diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, even Alzheimer’s.
As you can see on this chart, as early as our 40s, we are down to generating only half of the NO our bodies did in our youth. By the time we get to 60, our bodies only produce about 15% of what they once generated. And this loss of NO contributes to many age related diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, even Alzheimer’s.
To summarize, red light therapy's ability to increase beneficial nitric oxide improves blood flow to deliver more nutrients, oxygen and healthy, energized water to our cells while helping to eliminate metabolic wastes and toxins more effectively from them. These ingredients are essential to cellular health, with the net effect being an increase in cellular energy - which translates into US having more energy and better health! Improving circulation is considered one of THE most essential mechanisms of the healing effects of red light therapy.

Nitric Oxide and Lymphatic Flow - Detox - Immunity
The lymphatic system is a fractal branching network within tissues and organs that helps rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. Also, the lymphatic system acts like the sewage system of the body helping the body to remove toxic chemicals from our inner and outer environment. Keeping this fractal network open is critical for both immunity and detoxification!
As with blood vessels, nitric oxide (NO) is produced in the lymph vessels by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the lymphatic endothelial cells, which in turn affects the dilation and force of lymph vessel contractions. Research has shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be doubled with the use of light therapy. The venous diameter and the arterial diameters can also be increased. Several studies show that red light therapy stimulates NO in the lymphatic system [3,4] improving corresponding lymphatic flow [5,6].
With regards to immunity, NO – truly an essential healing friend within our bodies - inhibits viral replication and enables white blood cells to kill cancer cells, bacteria and viruses. It helps to prevent infection and cancer while increasing autoimmunity! Red light therapy stimulates nitric oxide, which not only improves blood and lymphatic flow but also helps to directly fight infections and cancer! Along with immunity and detoxification, this also means that both parts of edema (liquid and protein) can be removed at a much faster rate to relieve tissue swelling. This is one of the most researched benefits of red light therapy.
The lymphatic system is a fractal branching network within tissues and organs that helps rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. Also, the lymphatic system acts like the sewage system of the body helping the body to remove toxic chemicals from our inner and outer environment. Keeping this fractal network open is critical for both immunity and detoxification!
As with blood vessels, nitric oxide (NO) is produced in the lymph vessels by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the lymphatic endothelial cells, which in turn affects the dilation and force of lymph vessel contractions. Research has shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be doubled with the use of light therapy. The venous diameter and the arterial diameters can also be increased. Several studies show that red light therapy stimulates NO in the lymphatic system [3,4] improving corresponding lymphatic flow [5,6].
With regards to immunity, NO – truly an essential healing friend within our bodies - inhibits viral replication and enables white blood cells to kill cancer cells, bacteria and viruses. It helps to prevent infection and cancer while increasing autoimmunity! Red light therapy stimulates nitric oxide, which not only improves blood and lymphatic flow but also helps to directly fight infections and cancer! Along with immunity and detoxification, this also means that both parts of edema (liquid and protein) can be removed at a much faster rate to relieve tissue swelling. This is one of the most researched benefits of red light therapy.
Lungs - Tracheobronchial tree
An involuntary activity most of us healthy people take for granted, we breathe in and out thousands of times a day. Our lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest. The trachea or windpipe conducts inhaled air into the lungs through a tubular fractal branching network, starting with the bronchi and bronchioles down to terminal bronchioles and alveoli. The lungs are an excellent example of a natural fractal organ. This fractal branching is iterated 23 times in this tracheobronchial tree of life!! While this may be an idealized limit, this translates to over eight million branches (2^23)! That is a lot of branching. In fact, so much so that as we mentioned, the surface area of healthy lungs is close to that of a tennis court!!
As we showed in Chapter 5, the moniker "tree" after tracheobronchial is very fitting when we see how closely the lungs look like a tree turned upside down. Both are great examples of nature utilizing fractal branching to maximize surface area for a given volume. In the case of the tree, this large surface area is used to "catch" light like a solar panel, which maximizes photosynthesis to create glucose energy. For the lungs, this large area is used to "catch" life, nurturing oxygen (and removing waste CO2) to power up our mitochondria, cells, organs and the whole organism, i.e. our bodies.
An involuntary activity most of us healthy people take for granted, we breathe in and out thousands of times a day. Our lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest. The trachea or windpipe conducts inhaled air into the lungs through a tubular fractal branching network, starting with the bronchi and bronchioles down to terminal bronchioles and alveoli. The lungs are an excellent example of a natural fractal organ. This fractal branching is iterated 23 times in this tracheobronchial tree of life!! While this may be an idealized limit, this translates to over eight million branches (2^23)! That is a lot of branching. In fact, so much so that as we mentioned, the surface area of healthy lungs is close to that of a tennis court!!
As we showed in Chapter 5, the moniker "tree" after tracheobronchial is very fitting when we see how closely the lungs look like a tree turned upside down. Both are great examples of nature utilizing fractal branching to maximize surface area for a given volume. In the case of the tree, this large surface area is used to "catch" light like a solar panel, which maximizes photosynthesis to create glucose energy. For the lungs, this large area is used to "catch" life, nurturing oxygen (and removing waste CO2) to power up our mitochondria, cells, organs and the whole organism, i.e. our bodies.

When we breathe, oxygen enters our lungs and fills tiny air sacs called alveoli, which are the endpoints of the vast tracheobronchial tree. Each air sac is surrounded by an extensive capillary bed, which is a network of tiny, thin blood vessels. For us to bring in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, the alveoli and capillaries must be healthy and properly aligned. Nitric oxide also plays a crucial role in bronchial dilation and improved breathing and oxygenation! This is accomplished by dilating the arteries in the alveoli, which can dramatically improve the penetration of oxygen into the blood.
Nitric oxide (NO) may play an important part in regulating airway function and in the pathophysiology of inflammatory airway diseases. Endothelium-derived NO may be important in regulating airway blood flow. NO acts as a neurotransmitter of bronchodilator nerves in human airways and counteracts bronchoconstriction [7]. Research has also shown that nNOS also can stimulate the vasodialation of the upper part of the tracheobronchial tree. Clearly, nitric oxide is an integral part of keeping our airways open so we can breathe easy [8-12]. Think of this the next time you’re anxious and someone tells you to take a deep breath to help calm your nerves!
With our lungs, the red light induced NO from both eNOS and nNOS widens the airways to improve airflow and prevent and reverse breathing disorders like asthma and COPD. Additionally, NO also improves blood flow to and from the alveoli in the lungs so that life giving oxygen (via hemoglobin) can be delivered much more effectively to our 70 trillion cells. Improving breathing, circulation and oxygenation is one of the MAIN KEYS to optimal health and wellness!
Nitric oxide (NO) may play an important part in regulating airway function and in the pathophysiology of inflammatory airway diseases. Endothelium-derived NO may be important in regulating airway blood flow. NO acts as a neurotransmitter of bronchodilator nerves in human airways and counteracts bronchoconstriction [7]. Research has also shown that nNOS also can stimulate the vasodialation of the upper part of the tracheobronchial tree. Clearly, nitric oxide is an integral part of keeping our airways open so we can breathe easy [8-12]. Think of this the next time you’re anxious and someone tells you to take a deep breath to help calm your nerves!
With our lungs, the red light induced NO from both eNOS and nNOS widens the airways to improve airflow and prevent and reverse breathing disorders like asthma and COPD. Additionally, NO also improves blood flow to and from the alveoli in the lungs so that life giving oxygen (via hemoglobin) can be delivered much more effectively to our 70 trillion cells. Improving breathing, circulation and oxygenation is one of the MAIN KEYS to optimal health and wellness!

Brain and Nervous System of the Body Electric
Our brain and nervous system are also full of fractals! They couldn't function if not for fractal geometry. The human brain comprises approximately 100 billion neurons. Amazingly, there are about 100 trillion synapses, or connections, among these brain cells. It is the fractal branching pattern of the neuron's axons and dendrites that allows them to communicate with so many other cells. If neurons were shaped like cubes and neatly packed into the brain, one neuron could only connect with at most six other cells!
Our brain and nervous system are also full of fractals! They couldn't function if not for fractal geometry. The human brain comprises approximately 100 billion neurons. Amazingly, there are about 100 trillion synapses, or connections, among these brain cells. It is the fractal branching pattern of the neuron's axons and dendrites that allows them to communicate with so many other cells. If neurons were shaped like cubes and neatly packed into the brain, one neuron could only connect with at most six other cells!

On top of that, each brain cell has upwards of one million mitochondria, according to research we presented in Chapter 6. And because red light therapy works directly on the mitochondria, brain health is one of the most significant benefits of using red light therapy. According to leading photobiomodulation PBM expert Michael Hamblin, who has published over 600 papers on the healing benefits of red light therapy, using PBM on the brain represents perhaps the most exciting research in the entire field. He co-authored a comprehensive book on the subject entitled "Photobiomodulation in the Brain.” The benefits of red light therapy on the brain are far reaching, from helping to prevent and reverse neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia to helping with traumatic brain injury events. RLT on the brain also dramatically improves psychological disorders like depression and anxiety and even helps people to overcome addictions!
The benefits of nitric oxide on circulation, lymphatics and the lungs also favorably impact brain and nervous system health. Consider that strokes are one of the five leading causes of death and result from a blockage or breakdown of blood flow to the brain. The lung and lymphatic benefits from nitric oxide improve brain oxygenation and keep it free of infection and toxins.
The benefits of nitric oxide on circulation, lymphatics and the lungs also favorably impact brain and nervous system health. Consider that strokes are one of the five leading causes of death and result from a blockage or breakdown of blood flow to the brain. The lung and lymphatic benefits from nitric oxide improve brain oxygenation and keep it free of infection and toxins.
Beyond the benefits of improved circulation, lymph flow and oxygenation, red light therapy can stimulate nNOS activity. This form of NO increases nerve repair and regeneration in addition to enhancing neuronal functioning throughout the entire brain and nervous system [13].
5) Red light and the living matrix/connective tissue matrix-meridians
Good research has shown that the Chinese acupuncture meridian system and the Indian nadi system are directly linked to the connective tissue matrix. This “living matrix” does much more than just hold all our organs, muscles and bones in place. It connects every nook and cranny of our bodies from the skin to the nucleus of each cell. In that sense, it is more far reaching than any other system because proteins called integrins link this matrix to the inside of the cell and even the nucleus!
The “living matrix” is the physical manifestation of the meridians and acupuncture points which seem to have quantum solid state properties and also act like biological fiber optic cables, conducting subtle energies called chi, prana or lifeforce.
Good research has shown that the Chinese acupuncture meridian system and the Indian nadi system are directly linked to the connective tissue matrix. This “living matrix” does much more than just hold all our organs, muscles and bones in place. It connects every nook and cranny of our bodies from the skin to the nucleus of each cell. In that sense, it is more far reaching than any other system because proteins called integrins link this matrix to the inside of the cell and even the nucleus!
The “living matrix” is the physical manifestation of the meridians and acupuncture points which seem to have quantum solid state properties and also act like biological fiber optic cables, conducting subtle energies called chi, prana or lifeforce.
Laser acupuncture and Photopuncture.
Based on the new paradigm for understanding the human body and biofield we explored in Chapter 2, it is noteworthy that red light therapy's ability to stimulate nNOS also helps with the meridian flow of subtle energies - quantum solid state proticity (H+) and biophotons. Though the means through which laser acupuncture exerts its healing effects are currently not fully understood, it is reasonable to assume there is a mechanism with red light therapy that works synergistically with acupuncture points. There is some evidence that the answer lies in the higher skin nitric oxide (NO) concentration from the stimulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthesis (nNOS) in the acupuncture points, compared to control points [14-16].
While much remains to be discovered, there is already evidence from research centers like the Photonic Therapy Institute that using red and near-infrared on acupuncture points appears to be a form of "needle-less acupuncture" to help improve subtle energy flows in the meridian/connective tissue matrix system [17]. Several studies have been conducted that use red/NIR light on meridian/acupuncture points and have shown very exciting and positive results. In addition to their research, there have been at least 18 studies done over the last 20 years with laser acupuncture on conditions such as headaches and myofascial pain, most of which have shown positive effects!
Based on the new paradigm for understanding the human body and biofield we explored in Chapter 2, it is noteworthy that red light therapy's ability to stimulate nNOS also helps with the meridian flow of subtle energies - quantum solid state proticity (H+) and biophotons. Though the means through which laser acupuncture exerts its healing effects are currently not fully understood, it is reasonable to assume there is a mechanism with red light therapy that works synergistically with acupuncture points. There is some evidence that the answer lies in the higher skin nitric oxide (NO) concentration from the stimulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthesis (nNOS) in the acupuncture points, compared to control points [14-16].
While much remains to be discovered, there is already evidence from research centers like the Photonic Therapy Institute that using red and near-infrared on acupuncture points appears to be a form of "needle-less acupuncture" to help improve subtle energy flows in the meridian/connective tissue matrix system [17]. Several studies have been conducted that use red/NIR light on meridian/acupuncture points and have shown very exciting and positive results. In addition to their research, there have been at least 18 studies done over the last 20 years with laser acupuncture on conditions such as headaches and myofascial pain, most of which have shown positive effects!
The benefits on the circulatory system are the most well-known and researched benefits of nitric oxide, along with all the positive effects we have mentioned on the other 4 fractal branching systems. Yet there are further wonders to behold on how nitric oxide helps to create optimal health in the human organism. It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss these in detail, but here is a list of additional research-proven benefits of nitric oxide.
-Cell protection – Supporting apoptosis, regulating angiogenesis, and preventing tumor cell growth
-Cell regeneration – Mobilizing resident stem cells and targeting cell differentiation, thereby speeding up healing and regeneration time
-Reproduction – Relaxing of the uterus and bladder in women, and enabling penile erection in men, and female libido in women
-GI tract – Normal motility, mucosal integrity, reducing inflammation and preventing malignancy
- Bones - Protects from Osteoporosis
- Joints - Limits pain and swelling in arthritis
- Skin - Helps to reduce wrinkles and promote healthy skin function
- Diabetes mellitus - Leads to a decrease of NO and impaired dilation through reductions in NOS protein and uncoupling of its NO production to generate superoxide
The benefits on the circulatory system are the most well-known and researched benefits of nitric oxide, along with all the positive effects we have mentioned on the other 4 fractal branching systems. Yet there are further wonders to behold on how nitric oxide helps to create optimal health in the human organism. It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss these in detail, but here is a list of additional research-proven benefits of nitric oxide.
-Cell protection – Supporting apoptosis, regulating angiogenesis, and preventing tumor cell growth
-Cell regeneration – Mobilizing resident stem cells and targeting cell differentiation, thereby speeding up healing and regeneration time
-Reproduction – Relaxing of the uterus and bladder in women, and enabling penile erection in men, and female libido in women
-GI tract – Normal motility, mucosal integrity, reducing inflammation and preventing malignancy
- Bones - Protects from Osteoporosis
- Joints - Limits pain and swelling in arthritis
- Skin - Helps to reduce wrinkles and promote healthy skin function
- Diabetes mellitus - Leads to a decrease of NO and impaired dilation through reductions in NOS protein and uncoupling of its NO production to generate superoxide
Fundamental Mechanisms on how Red Light therapy increases healthy Nitric Oxide
There are dozens (perhaps hundreds) of studies confirming that red light therapy increases beneficial nitric oxide in AT LEAST four different ways!! These mechanisms translate not only to cardiovascular health but also lymphatic, pulmonary, nervous and meridian system health as well. Yet as we mentioned we'll focus our attention on how the cardiovascular system is improved, because it is by far the attention of the most research on red light therapy and beneficial nitric oxide.
1) Red light therapy increases NO directly in the blood vessels,
Many studies have shown that red light and near-infrared light therapy directly increase NO in the endothelial vascular tissue and oxyhemoglobin [18-27]. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) requires oxygen and oxidizes l-arginine with molecular oxygen, forming NO and citrulline. Red light therapy stimulates and catalyzes this process, which directly increases NO. This released NO acts as a potent vasodilator, increasing both blood and lymph flow, as we have already mentioned.
2) Red light therapy acts indirectly to increase NO by photo-dissociation from CCO.
The photo-dissociation of nitric oxide (NO) from cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) leads to the enhancement of ATP production and acts as a vasodilator as well as a dilator of lymphatic flow. Research has shown that this freed up NO from photo-dissociation from CCO is now able to diffuse out of the cells, where it has many of the beneficial health affects we are discussing in this chapter, namely improved circulation [28-33]!
3) RLT helps to directly increase Nitric Oxide through Cytochrome C Oxidase
(which can act as a nitrite reductase to synthesize NO!)
A nitrite reductase catalyzes the reduction of nitrite ( NO 2 − ) to nitric oxide (NO). Mitochondrial cytochrome c, complex III, and complex IV have been reported to reduce nitrite into NO [34]. Unlike the first mechanism involving a nitric oxide synthase like eNOS that requires oxygen and is oxidative, this nitrite-NO pathway is oxygen-independent and reductive.
Poyton’s laboratory reported a newly described function of CCO to catalyze nitrite-dependent NO synthesis, in other words, to act as a nitrite reductase [35,36]. They found that both yeast and mouse brain mitochondrial CCO could produce NO over a wide range of oxygen concentrations [37], and that the rate of NO synthesis increased as the oxygen concentration decreased, becoming optimal under hypoxic conditions [38]. Red light therapy at 590nm and 614 nm) increased NO production in an intensity-dependent fashion but did not affect oxygen consumption by CCO [35].
4) 670nm LED shown to radically improve vasodilation independent of Mitrochondria CCO and NO synthases!!
There is also some exciting research revealing that red light therapy works OUTSIDE the mitochondria to produce beneficial nitric oxide. This mechanism also is independent of nitric oxide synthases. What Weihrauch, Keszler, Lindemer and other researchers have discovered is that wavelengths around 670 nm red light (with 670 being the peak in the action spectrum) act on the endothelium to liberate healthy NO from precursor molecules such as nitrosyl hemoglobin and myoglobin, S-nitrosothiols, and dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNIC) without the intermediacy of mitochondria or eNOS to regulate and improve vasodilation. This released nitric oxide that is "cleaved off" the aforementioned molecules by red light therapy increases blood flow and oxygenation, etc. (bonded NO is found in all these molecules). So here we have perhaps another chromophore that receives a particular wavelength of red light and in the process produces significant biological benefits [39-42].
There are dozens (perhaps hundreds) of studies confirming that red light therapy increases beneficial nitric oxide in AT LEAST four different ways!! These mechanisms translate not only to cardiovascular health but also lymphatic, pulmonary, nervous and meridian system health as well. Yet as we mentioned we'll focus our attention on how the cardiovascular system is improved, because it is by far the attention of the most research on red light therapy and beneficial nitric oxide.
1) Red light therapy increases NO directly in the blood vessels,
Many studies have shown that red light and near-infrared light therapy directly increase NO in the endothelial vascular tissue and oxyhemoglobin [18-27]. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) requires oxygen and oxidizes l-arginine with molecular oxygen, forming NO and citrulline. Red light therapy stimulates and catalyzes this process, which directly increases NO. This released NO acts as a potent vasodilator, increasing both blood and lymph flow, as we have already mentioned.
2) Red light therapy acts indirectly to increase NO by photo-dissociation from CCO.
The photo-dissociation of nitric oxide (NO) from cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) leads to the enhancement of ATP production and acts as a vasodilator as well as a dilator of lymphatic flow. Research has shown that this freed up NO from photo-dissociation from CCO is now able to diffuse out of the cells, where it has many of the beneficial health affects we are discussing in this chapter, namely improved circulation [28-33]!
3) RLT helps to directly increase Nitric Oxide through Cytochrome C Oxidase
(which can act as a nitrite reductase to synthesize NO!)
A nitrite reductase catalyzes the reduction of nitrite ( NO 2 − ) to nitric oxide (NO). Mitochondrial cytochrome c, complex III, and complex IV have been reported to reduce nitrite into NO [34]. Unlike the first mechanism involving a nitric oxide synthase like eNOS that requires oxygen and is oxidative, this nitrite-NO pathway is oxygen-independent and reductive.
Poyton’s laboratory reported a newly described function of CCO to catalyze nitrite-dependent NO synthesis, in other words, to act as a nitrite reductase [35,36]. They found that both yeast and mouse brain mitochondrial CCO could produce NO over a wide range of oxygen concentrations [37], and that the rate of NO synthesis increased as the oxygen concentration decreased, becoming optimal under hypoxic conditions [38]. Red light therapy at 590nm and 614 nm) increased NO production in an intensity-dependent fashion but did not affect oxygen consumption by CCO [35].
4) 670nm LED shown to radically improve vasodilation independent of Mitrochondria CCO and NO synthases!!
There is also some exciting research revealing that red light therapy works OUTSIDE the mitochondria to produce beneficial nitric oxide. This mechanism also is independent of nitric oxide synthases. What Weihrauch, Keszler, Lindemer and other researchers have discovered is that wavelengths around 670 nm red light (with 670 being the peak in the action spectrum) act on the endothelium to liberate healthy NO from precursor molecules such as nitrosyl hemoglobin and myoglobin, S-nitrosothiols, and dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNIC) without the intermediacy of mitochondria or eNOS to regulate and improve vasodilation. This released nitric oxide that is "cleaved off" the aforementioned molecules by red light therapy increases blood flow and oxygenation, etc. (bonded NO is found in all these molecules). So here we have perhaps another chromophore that receives a particular wavelength of red light and in the process produces significant biological benefits [39-42].
Conclusion of RLT and NO Research and one more way to create ATP:
As in the last chapter, where we explored at least five different ways that red light therapy increases ATP production, in this chapter we have also looked at four novel ways in which red light therapy increases beneficial nitric oxide AND switches off the pathways that produce the inhibitory or potentially harmful forms of nitric oxide. We can now see there is also a sixth way ATP is increased by red light therapy - improved oxygenation via enhanced breathing and circulation! Red light therapy's ability to increase nitric oxide in both our entire tracheobronchial tree AND cardiovascular system helps to dramatically improve oxygen flow from the moment air touches our windpipe into the mitochondria, where it is the final electron acceptor holding 50% of the "juice" of the entire electron transport chain to create life giving ATP. To put an exclamation point on why oxygen is so critical for cellular health, let's conclude this chapter by briefly reviewing aerobic (with oxygen) versus anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration now in light of improved circulation and coming full circle on how this ALSO helps to increase ATP energy.
As in the last chapter, where we explored at least five different ways that red light therapy increases ATP production, in this chapter we have also looked at four novel ways in which red light therapy increases beneficial nitric oxide AND switches off the pathways that produce the inhibitory or potentially harmful forms of nitric oxide. We can now see there is also a sixth way ATP is increased by red light therapy - improved oxygenation via enhanced breathing and circulation! Red light therapy's ability to increase nitric oxide in both our entire tracheobronchial tree AND cardiovascular system helps to dramatically improve oxygen flow from the moment air touches our windpipe into the mitochondria, where it is the final electron acceptor holding 50% of the "juice" of the entire electron transport chain to create life giving ATP. To put an exclamation point on why oxygen is so critical for cellular health, let's conclude this chapter by briefly reviewing aerobic (with oxygen) versus anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration now in light of improved circulation and coming full circle on how this ALSO helps to increase ATP energy.
38 ATP vs 4 ATP - Aerobic vs Anaerobic Respiration
By improving microcirculation, nutrient absorption, oxygen utilization, and more, red and near-infrared light therapy creates all the necessary conditions for OPTIMAL energy production in the body. As we saw in the last chapter, in sick people and people with poor circulation and low oxygen conditions, the body reverts to anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration, sometimes called the fermentation or lactic acid cycle. This inefficient “backup generator” only creates four molecules of ATP versus 38 in aerobic respiration. It also creates lactic acid as a by-product, making your body more acidic. That is like getting four MPG (without oxygen) versus with oxygen 38 MPG, creating MORE WASTE in the process. Red Light Therapy pushes the body into aerobic respiration in the many ways we explored in the last chapter, in addition to improving the microcirculation and oxygenation effects that come from increasing beneficial nitric oxide - the miracle molecule!
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[39] Keszler A, Lindemer B, Weihrauch D, Jones D, Hogg N, Lohr NL. Red/near infrared light stimulates release of an endothelium dependent vasodilator and rescues vascular dysfunction in a diabetes model. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017 Dec;113:157-164
[40] Keszler, A., Lindemer, B., Hogg, N., Weihrauch, D., Lohr, N.L., 2018. Wavelength-dependence of vasodilation and NO release from S-nitrosothiols
and dinitrosyl iron complexes by far red/near infrared light. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 649, 4752.
[41] Lohr, N.L., Keszler, A., Pratt, P., Bienengraber, M., Warltier, D.C., Hogg, N., 2009. Enhancement of nitric oxide release from nitrosyl hemoglobin
and nitrosyl myoglobin by red/near infrared radiation: potential role in cardioprotection. J. Mol. Cell Cardiol. 47 (2), 256263.
[42] Weihrauch D, Keszler A, Lindemer B, Krolikowski J, Lohr NL. Red light stimulates vasodilation through extracellular vesicle trafficking. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2021 Jul;220:112212.
By improving microcirculation, nutrient absorption, oxygen utilization, and more, red and near-infrared light therapy creates all the necessary conditions for OPTIMAL energy production in the body. As we saw in the last chapter, in sick people and people with poor circulation and low oxygen conditions, the body reverts to anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration, sometimes called the fermentation or lactic acid cycle. This inefficient “backup generator” only creates four molecules of ATP versus 38 in aerobic respiration. It also creates lactic acid as a by-product, making your body more acidic. That is like getting four MPG (without oxygen) versus with oxygen 38 MPG, creating MORE WASTE in the process. Red Light Therapy pushes the body into aerobic respiration in the many ways we explored in the last chapter, in addition to improving the microcirculation and oxygenation effects that come from increasing beneficial nitric oxide - the miracle molecule!
References Chapter 7
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[39] Keszler A, Lindemer B, Weihrauch D, Jones D, Hogg N, Lohr NL. Red/near infrared light stimulates release of an endothelium dependent vasodilator and rescues vascular dysfunction in a diabetes model. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017 Dec;113:157-164
[40] Keszler, A., Lindemer, B., Hogg, N., Weihrauch, D., Lohr, N.L., 2018. Wavelength-dependence of vasodilation and NO release from S-nitrosothiols
and dinitrosyl iron complexes by far red/near infrared light. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 649, 4752.
[41] Lohr, N.L., Keszler, A., Pratt, P., Bienengraber, M., Warltier, D.C., Hogg, N., 2009. Enhancement of nitric oxide release from nitrosyl hemoglobin
and nitrosyl myoglobin by red/near infrared radiation: potential role in cardioprotection. J. Mol. Cell Cardiol. 47 (2), 256263.
[42] Weihrauch D, Keszler A, Lindemer B, Krolikowski J, Lohr NL. Red light stimulates vasodilation through extracellular vesicle trafficking. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2021 Jul;220:112212.
******END OF CHAPTER*****
NO: a dilating gas
NO is used in medicine to expand the arteries (vaso-dilator) and decrease the blood pressure.
NO - nitric oxide led to Viagra… NO helps to dilate blood vessels reducing blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and yes improving Sex drive!
Sex organs have a lot of NO receptors.
So YES RLT helps with THAT too.
NO is used in medicine to expand the arteries (vaso-dilator) and decrease the blood pressure.
NO - nitric oxide led to Viagra… NO helps to dilate blood vessels reducing blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and yes improving Sex drive!
Sex organs have a lot of NO receptors.
So YES RLT helps with THAT too.
Red Light Therapy increases Beneficial eNOS & nNOS
1) Indirectly by Photodissociation
2. Creating * Healthy* Nitric Oxide from CCO
3) Directly in Blood, Lymph and Nerves!
4) Reduces iNOS (induced NO - inhibitory or Inflammatory NO **Next Chapter**
You get nitric oxide released, it’s uncertain whether the nitric oxide comes from photo disassociation or some other mechanism, but definitely get more nitric oxide.
**Hamblin Book
1) Indirectly by Photodissociation
2. Creating * Healthy* Nitric Oxide from CCO
3) Directly in Blood, Lymph and Nerves!
4) Reduces iNOS (induced NO - inhibitory or Inflammatory NO **Next Chapter**
You get nitric oxide released, it’s uncertain whether the nitric oxide comes from photo disassociation or some other mechanism, but definitely get more nitric oxide.
**Hamblin Book
1) Photodissociation
. This NO photodissociation reverses the mitochondrial inhibition of cellular respiration that exists as a result of excessive NO binding (Moncada and Erusalimsky, 2002). According to this theory, NO could no longer compete with oxygen for binding to the catalytic metal centers allowing for an influx of oxygen. Therefore, the enzymatic activity and respiration could return to baseline. This means the mitochondrial membrane potential increases, more oxygen is consumed and more glucose is metabolized – all of which lead to ATP and more energy that we can FEEL!
Moncada, S., Erusalimsky, J.D., 2002. Does nitric oxide modulate mitochondrial energy generation and apoptosis? Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 3 (3),
. This NO photodissociation reverses the mitochondrial inhibition of cellular respiration that exists as a result of excessive NO binding (Moncada and Erusalimsky, 2002). According to this theory, NO could no longer compete with oxygen for binding to the catalytic metal centers allowing for an influx of oxygen. Therefore, the enzymatic activity and respiration could return to baseline. This means the mitochondrial membrane potential increases, more oxygen is consumed and more glucose is metabolized – all of which lead to ATP and more energy that we can FEEL!
Moncada, S., Erusalimsky, J.D., 2002. Does nitric oxide modulate mitochondrial energy generation and apoptosis? Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 3 (3),
*** Work In*** NO Outside the cell , Nitric Oxide signaling drives vasodilation which improves microcirculation in the damaged tissue delivering oxygen, vital sugars, proteins, and salts while removing wastes.
These mechanisms of action have been proved by over 40 years of research experiments.
What is needed is an led system that can deliver adequate doses of light deep into the tissue to reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and accelerate healing. The goal is to deliver a clinically effective level of photons to cells deep within the tissue. In order to do this you need the right frequency and intensity of light!
NO - Blood Flow/Increased Circulation/Angiogenesis
Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
Three Ways How RLT helps circulation and microcirculation:
Three Components - Vessels/Tubes, Red Blood Cells, Plasma/water
1) Increasing NO/Vasodialation (WIDENS VESSELS)
3) Lowers Viscosity of Water/Plasma/Blood/Lymph - EZ Water
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste
This vasodilation then promotes improved circulation, which in turn leads to improved cerebral oxygenation in a similar manner to that observed with pulsed electromagnetic fields (Bragin et al., 2015).
Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
Three Ways How RLT helps circulation and microcirculation:
Three Components - Vessels/Tubes, Red Blood Cells, Plasma/water
1) Increasing NO/Vasodialation (WIDENS VESSELS)
3) Lowers Viscosity of Water/Plasma/Blood/Lymph - EZ Water
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste
This vasodilation then promotes improved circulation, which in turn leads to improved cerebral oxygenation in a similar manner to that observed with pulsed electromagnetic fields (Bragin et al., 2015).
The Human Biofield is a Toroidal Flow that has unlimited potential.
We are a field within a the earths field and our chakras/organs, tissues and cells are fields within our own Biofield.
Three Main Levels of Energy in the Body
1) Whole Body/Biofield energy related to - connected to Earth and Cosmos Fields
Body with organs is a whole unit
2) Intermediary fractal branching of blood/lymph/nerve/pulmonary/living matrix/meridians
3) CELLS And Cellular Energy related to
Cell with Organelles is a whole unit
Organism and cell beginning and endpoint "whole" units in the body and fractal branching networks connecting whole to the parts, parts to the whole and parts to parts (cells to cells). But even though I am saying 3 levels , it is really just one interconnected WHOLE from Organism to Cells.
We are a field within a the earths field and our chakras/organs, tissues and cells are fields within our own Biofield.
Three Main Levels of Energy in the Body
1) Whole Body/Biofield energy related to - connected to Earth and Cosmos Fields
Body with organs is a whole unit
2) Intermediary fractal branching of blood/lymph/nerve/pulmonary/living matrix/meridians
3) CELLS And Cellular Energy related to
Cell with Organelles is a whole unit
Organism and cell beginning and endpoint "whole" units in the body and fractal branching networks connecting whole to the parts, parts to the whole and parts to parts (cells to cells). But even though I am saying 3 levels , it is really just one interconnected WHOLE from Organism to Cells.

One of the Most IMPORTANT things to restoring health regardless of disease is restoring microcirculation of fluid/electrical/energy currents all these fractal branching systems. That is UN-DAMMING your vessels/tubes/nerves, etc.
RLT OPENS UP YOUE FRACTAL BRANCHES - lungs, blood vessels, lymph, nerves, meridians and living Matrix... ALL OF THEM!!
Your ability to get oxygen, nutrients, water, energy, chi/prana through this network and into your cells AND get waste products OUT through this network (in out through organs of elimination), is perhaps THE most important key to health.
Let's now look at the research behind how RLT increases beneficial NO to increase the fluid, air and energy flow of each of these five systems starting with the most researched and perhaps most important cardiovascular system.
RLT OPENS UP YOUE FRACTAL BRANCHES - lungs, blood vessels, lymph, nerves, meridians and living Matrix... ALL OF THEM!!
Your ability to get oxygen, nutrients, water, energy, chi/prana through this network and into your cells AND get waste products OUT through this network (in out through organs of elimination), is perhaps THE most important key to health.
Let's now look at the research behind how RLT increases beneficial NO to increase the fluid, air and energy flow of each of these five systems starting with the most researched and perhaps most important cardiovascular system.
More Evidence PBM increases blood flow and oxygenation
One of the easiest changes to measure in animals, or especially in humans, that occurs after PBM, is changes in blood flow and changes in oxygenation. This is because nearinfrared spectroscopy is a noninvasive technique that has shown rapid growth in recent years. In fact (Wang 2016) carried out this measurement on the forearms of human volunteers treated with a 1064 nm laser. They found that PBM induced significant increases of CCO concentration (Delta[CCO]) and oxygenated hemoglobin concentration (Delta[HbO]) on the treated site as the laser energy dose accumulated over time. A strong linear relationship between Delta[CCO] and Delta[HbO] was observed indicating a response in both oxygen supply and blood volume.
There are at least three different ways RLT increases beneficial Nitric Oxide. The first is by photo-dissociation of CCO, and the second is more directly stimulating the beneficial eNOS. And thirdly RLT seems to enhance CCO's ability to synthesize NO in a healthy way!
1. Photo-dissociation of NO (Liberates NO and turns inhibitory into beneficial).
NO is a well-known powerful vasodilator, which could be released by photodissociation process from its binding sites in CCO during PBM therapy (Karu et al., 2005a). It is believed that changes in the organ perfusion following PBM therapy are associated with a release of NO and a consequential increase of blood flow through all the body's organ's and tissues - Circulation
It has been shown that red LED light irradiation significantly increases NO synthesis by modulating COX/NO activity (Ball et al., 2011).
it has been observed that PBM results in an increase in nitric oxide (NO) levels, dissociated from CCO when photons are absorbed by CCO (Hamblin, 2016; Hashmi et al., 2010; Poyton and Ball, 2011). and can signal to activate a number of beneficial cellular pathways (Hamblin, 2016; Passarella and Karu, 2014).
2) Induced Directly in Blood, Lymph and Nerves via eNOS and nNOS!
NIR light may induce nitric oxide levels (Henderson and Morries, 2015b; Chung et al., 2012), although nitric oxide is an extremely short-lived molecule (Thomas et al., 2001). Nitric oxide synthase activity could possibly be induced, resulting in overall increases in nitric oxide levels.
This speeds the healing of damaged tissues and improves the nutrient environment of recovering tissues. Also, ATP production is triggered by NIR light. This is the direct energy source for running cellular functions, including repair and repair signaling.
In addition, based on the vasodilating effect of NO (Ignarro et al., 1999), both animal (Uozumi et al., 2010) and human (Salgado et al., 2015) studies have shown that PBM increases the diameter of blood vessels, thereby increasing regional cerebral blood flow.
In vitro studies have shown that nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in vasomotor regulation. NO is a gaseous molecule produced by NO synthase isoforms, neuronal and endothelial (eNOS). It is released by endothelial cells and nitrergic perivascular neurons, and is actively involved in vasomotor regulation by decreasing vascular resistance, promoting vasodilation, and increasing local blood flow, all of which contribute to adequate CBF. Endothelial NO functions as an antiplatelet, antiproliferative, antisclerotic, and antithrombotic agent regulating CBF. Consequently, endothelial dysfunction may negatively affect brain circulation and eventually lead to serious cerebral problems (Toda et al., 2009). On the other side, NO in excessive amounts may lead to certain brain pathologies such as stroke, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Excessive NO (iNOS induced NO) production may result from pathological conditions in which iNOS is upregulated, as in inflammatory processes such as hyperglycemia. Endothelial dysfunction may also increase oxidative stress which, in turn, will induce iNOS (Toda et al., 2009).
3. Creating * Healthy* Nitric Oxide from CCO
Poyton’s laboratory reported a newly described function of CCO to catalyze nitrite-dependent NO synthesis, in other words to act as a nitrite reductase (Poyton and Ball, 2011). They found that both yeast and mouse brain mitochondrial CCO could produce NO over a wide range of oxygen concentrations, and that the rate of NO synthesis increased as the oxygen concentration decreased, becoming optimal under hypoxic conditions. PBM (590 614 nm) increased NO production in an intensity-dependent fashion, but had no effect on oxygen consumption by CCO (Ball 2011).
One of the easiest changes to measure in animals, or especially in humans, that occurs after PBM, is changes in blood flow and changes in oxygenation. This is because nearinfrared spectroscopy is a noninvasive technique that has shown rapid growth in recent years. In fact (Wang 2016) carried out this measurement on the forearms of human volunteers treated with a 1064 nm laser. They found that PBM induced significant increases of CCO concentration (Delta[CCO]) and oxygenated hemoglobin concentration (Delta[HbO]) on the treated site as the laser energy dose accumulated over time. A strong linear relationship between Delta[CCO] and Delta[HbO] was observed indicating a response in both oxygen supply and blood volume.
There are at least three different ways RLT increases beneficial Nitric Oxide. The first is by photo-dissociation of CCO, and the second is more directly stimulating the beneficial eNOS. And thirdly RLT seems to enhance CCO's ability to synthesize NO in a healthy way!
1. Photo-dissociation of NO (Liberates NO and turns inhibitory into beneficial).
NO is a well-known powerful vasodilator, which could be released by photodissociation process from its binding sites in CCO during PBM therapy (Karu et al., 2005a). It is believed that changes in the organ perfusion following PBM therapy are associated with a release of NO and a consequential increase of blood flow through all the body's organ's and tissues - Circulation
It has been shown that red LED light irradiation significantly increases NO synthesis by modulating COX/NO activity (Ball et al., 2011).
it has been observed that PBM results in an increase in nitric oxide (NO) levels, dissociated from CCO when photons are absorbed by CCO (Hamblin, 2016; Hashmi et al., 2010; Poyton and Ball, 2011). and can signal to activate a number of beneficial cellular pathways (Hamblin, 2016; Passarella and Karu, 2014).
2) Induced Directly in Blood, Lymph and Nerves via eNOS and nNOS!
NIR light may induce nitric oxide levels (Henderson and Morries, 2015b; Chung et al., 2012), although nitric oxide is an extremely short-lived molecule (Thomas et al., 2001). Nitric oxide synthase activity could possibly be induced, resulting in overall increases in nitric oxide levels.
This speeds the healing of damaged tissues and improves the nutrient environment of recovering tissues. Also, ATP production is triggered by NIR light. This is the direct energy source for running cellular functions, including repair and repair signaling.
In addition, based on the vasodilating effect of NO (Ignarro et al., 1999), both animal (Uozumi et al., 2010) and human (Salgado et al., 2015) studies have shown that PBM increases the diameter of blood vessels, thereby increasing regional cerebral blood flow.
In vitro studies have shown that nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in vasomotor regulation. NO is a gaseous molecule produced by NO synthase isoforms, neuronal and endothelial (eNOS). It is released by endothelial cells and nitrergic perivascular neurons, and is actively involved in vasomotor regulation by decreasing vascular resistance, promoting vasodilation, and increasing local blood flow, all of which contribute to adequate CBF. Endothelial NO functions as an antiplatelet, antiproliferative, antisclerotic, and antithrombotic agent regulating CBF. Consequently, endothelial dysfunction may negatively affect brain circulation and eventually lead to serious cerebral problems (Toda et al., 2009). On the other side, NO in excessive amounts may lead to certain brain pathologies such as stroke, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Excessive NO (iNOS induced NO) production may result from pathological conditions in which iNOS is upregulated, as in inflammatory processes such as hyperglycemia. Endothelial dysfunction may also increase oxidative stress which, in turn, will induce iNOS (Toda et al., 2009).
3. Creating * Healthy* Nitric Oxide from CCO
Poyton’s laboratory reported a newly described function of CCO to catalyze nitrite-dependent NO synthesis, in other words to act as a nitrite reductase (Poyton and Ball, 2011). They found that both yeast and mouse brain mitochondrial CCO could produce NO over a wide range of oxygen concentrations, and that the rate of NO synthesis increased as the oxygen concentration decreased, becoming optimal under hypoxic conditions. PBM (590 614 nm) increased NO production in an intensity-dependent fashion, but had no effect on oxygen consumption by CCO (Ball 2011).
Main Keyword for this chapter = Perfusion
Red light Increases > NO and NO > increases (healthy) Perfusion!
[work in Perfusion] Vascular endothelial cells and perfusion related blood supply.
Perfusion is the passage of bodily fluids, such as blood, through the circulatory or lymphatic system to an organ or tissue.
Perfusion is measured as the rate at which blood is delivered to tissue.
Volume of blood per unit time per unit tissue mass.
The combined effect allows for improved blood flow, oxygenation, reduced blood pressure, and helps protect you from heart attacks and strokes. And with the lymph, it helps with lymphatic flow that helps with better immunity and detoxification and is great for cancer prevention. And with the lungs it can help to prevent and reverse COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). And we'll also see with increased nNOS activity, this form of NO increases nerve repair and regeneration and enhances neuronal functioning throughout the entire nervous system.
Nitric oxide in its beneficial form is so important for good health, I would say after ATP production, red light therapy's ability to increase good NO is perhaps the second most important benefit of the daily use of a good red light therapy bed or large panel! Let me explain now in more detail why it is so incredibly important. It is because NO directly and indirectly enhances all the 5 main branching networks in the body. While the cells are the building blocks of the body, these five systems connect all your organelles, cells, tissues and organs into a unified whole organism and its corresponding interconnected and holistic biofield. And to give away the punchline, RLT opens up and increases ALL the currents and flows of these 5 dynamic energy and information highways of human health!
Red light Increases > NO and NO > increases (healthy) Perfusion!
[work in Perfusion] Vascular endothelial cells and perfusion related blood supply.
Perfusion is the passage of bodily fluids, such as blood, through the circulatory or lymphatic system to an organ or tissue.
Perfusion is measured as the rate at which blood is delivered to tissue.
Volume of blood per unit time per unit tissue mass.
The combined effect allows for improved blood flow, oxygenation, reduced blood pressure, and helps protect you from heart attacks and strokes. And with the lymph, it helps with lymphatic flow that helps with better immunity and detoxification and is great for cancer prevention. And with the lungs it can help to prevent and reverse COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). And we'll also see with increased nNOS activity, this form of NO increases nerve repair and regeneration and enhances neuronal functioning throughout the entire nervous system.
Nitric oxide in its beneficial form is so important for good health, I would say after ATP production, red light therapy's ability to increase good NO is perhaps the second most important benefit of the daily use of a good red light therapy bed or large panel! Let me explain now in more detail why it is so incredibly important. It is because NO directly and indirectly enhances all the 5 main branching networks in the body. While the cells are the building blocks of the body, these five systems connect all your organelles, cells, tissues and organs into a unified whole organism and its corresponding interconnected and holistic biofield. And to give away the punchline, RLT opens up and increases ALL the currents and flows of these 5 dynamic energy and information highways of human health!
HoursM-F: 10am - 10pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm |