**My #1 Goal is to Motivate you to start Using Your iMRS 2000 Daily and EXPERIENCING The wonderful Benefits. There is no amount of inspiring information that can take the place of actual experience.
The Quintessence of Energy Medicine
The Quintessence of Energy Medicine

The Quintessence of Energy Medicine
late Middle English (as a term in philosophy): via French from medieval Latin quinta essentia ‘fifth essence.’
I choose Quintessence carefully for it really is derived from the root meaning fifth essence or fifth element. Plus it also means "the most perfect example", which PEMF IS just that for energy medicine.
And As I showed in my Book, PEMF - the 5th Element, the Earth's natural geomagnetic and Schumann resonances are an essential element of health.
In this module I want to look at how PEMF increases YOUR ENERGY at many levels and in many ways in your body.
late Middle English (as a term in philosophy): via French from medieval Latin quinta essentia ‘fifth essence.’
I choose Quintessence carefully for it really is derived from the root meaning fifth essence or fifth element. Plus it also means "the most perfect example", which PEMF IS just that for energy medicine.
And As I showed in my Book, PEMF - the 5th Element, the Earth's natural geomagnetic and Schumann resonances are an essential element of health.
In this module I want to look at how PEMF increases YOUR ENERGY at many levels and in many ways in your body.
Think of energetic people you know, perhaps yourself included...
We say "boy he has a lot of energy", or "WOW, she is such a bundle of energy".
Energetic people, are active, healthy, positive, enthusiastic, love the company of others, are action-oriented and are very likely to say "Yes!" or "Let's go!" to opportunities for excitement.
This Video Has Three Acts That Tell the Amazing Story of How PEMF Therapy Energizes the body from head to toe, from whole body to cell and everything in between.
Act I. PEMF Increases Energy of Biofield
Act II. PEMF opens the flow of currents in your 5 fractal branching networks
Act III. PEMF Recharges Cellular Energy
But first let's look at Why and How PEMF Therapy is able to wirelessly transmit energy AND why PEMF penetrates every nook and cranny of your body better than ANY other form of energy medicine.
Once this is understood we can see how it works to energize your body on all levels.
We say "boy he has a lot of energy", or "WOW, she is such a bundle of energy".
Energetic people, are active, healthy, positive, enthusiastic, love the company of others, are action-oriented and are very likely to say "Yes!" or "Let's go!" to opportunities for excitement.
This Video Has Three Acts That Tell the Amazing Story of How PEMF Therapy Energizes the body from head to toe, from whole body to cell and everything in between.
Act I. PEMF Increases Energy of Biofield
Act II. PEMF opens the flow of currents in your 5 fractal branching networks
Act III. PEMF Recharges Cellular Energy
But first let's look at Why and How PEMF Therapy is able to wirelessly transmit energy AND why PEMF penetrates every nook and cranny of your body better than ANY other form of energy medicine.
Once this is understood we can see how it works to energize your body on all levels.

WHY PEMF is better than other forms of Energy Medicine - It penetrates DEEPER, Non-invasively & More Effectively (as research shows).
Human body is transparent to a magnetic field
ELF are kilometers long… very very long wavelength.
Like wind blowing across a grassy field - NO INTERFERENCE.
Low Frequency PEMFs go into and through the body without being blocked, slowed down, or used up. All tissues in the body are equally transparent to a PEMF.
B=uo*ur*H (relative permeability constant =1)
Changing Magnetic Fields (PEMFs) Can Penetrate into Every Nook and Cranny of the Body AND interact with the with the human body's own natural charges/ions/electrolytes/proteins/etc and electromagnetic fields (the body has very measurable electric and magnetic fields detectable up to 15 feet into space).
As PEMFs pass through the body they stimulate all the components of the body to the degree that the different components can interact with the PEMF. The key to the interaction is resonance (NOT INTENSITY!!!). Now lets look at Wireless energy transfer technology which is technology PROVING this point.
Human body is transparent to a magnetic field
ELF are kilometers long… very very long wavelength.
Like wind blowing across a grassy field - NO INTERFERENCE.
Low Frequency PEMFs go into and through the body without being blocked, slowed down, or used up. All tissues in the body are equally transparent to a PEMF.
B=uo*ur*H (relative permeability constant =1)
Changing Magnetic Fields (PEMFs) Can Penetrate into Every Nook and Cranny of the Body AND interact with the with the human body's own natural charges/ions/electrolytes/proteins/etc and electromagnetic fields (the body has very measurable electric and magnetic fields detectable up to 15 feet into space).
As PEMFs pass through the body they stimulate all the components of the body to the degree that the different components can interact with the PEMF. The key to the interaction is resonance (NOT INTENSITY!!!). Now lets look at Wireless energy transfer technology which is technology PROVING this point.

Very simply health is an energy game. The more you have, the better your health ... Providing the energy is balanced and coherent and in the right amount. Since this course is an energy medicine course, this module will PRIMARILY look at PEMF as a natural whole body battery recharger for your body and a "needle-less" whole body acupuncture treatment for your Biofield.
PEMF puts energy into the body that the body's wisdom innately decides how to use.
PEMF works with whatever there is to work with.
PEMF puts energy into the body that the body's wisdom innately decides how to use.
PEMF works with whatever there is to work with.
"Frequency is a more important parameter than field strength for biological effect."
~ Robert Becker
~ Robert Becker
PEMF Wirelessly Charges your Body (via Resonance)... No currents added, currents and energy INDUCED!!
Magnetic resonance and Wireless Energy Transfer

You know, we've known for some time you can send power over a distance. Nikola Tesla showed it a hundred years ago. NASA in 1975 demonstrated sending 30 kilowatts of power over several kilometers.
Inductive Coupling Magnetic Stimulation (ICMS).
Witricity - Magnetic Resonance!
Get energy to couple magnetically not electricity
Magnetic Resonance
Highly resonant power transfer
Swing - mechanical resonance…
Fitzgerald - Acoustic resonance
Radio - Electromagnetic resonance
Source and device recognizes it. Like an energetic handshake.
1) Change distance and orientation over remarkable distances
Its a size and distance phenomenon NOT POWER!!
Repeater intermediate
Can power many things in field simultaneously
Can be different sizes
98.5% efficient
10cents kilowatt hour
$300 kilowatt for aa battery
CAN both GIVE A STEADY CURRENT (kinetic - flows)
AND RECHARGE BATTERIES (potential - battery)
This correlation with PEMF devices is not just metaphorical, it is LITERALLY the SAME!!
PEMF devices that use pure copper coils and earth frequencies (like the iMRS 2000) transmit energy wirelessly via magnetic resonance JUST LIKE Witricity! Also in PEMF just like Witricity INTENSITY IS NOT THE MAIN THING, it is FREQUENCY. Technology is finally proving what I have been saying all along. MORE IS NOT BETTER. Frequency RESONANCE is the KEY!
The ONLY difference is that electronic devices are powered by HIGHER magnetic frequencies whereas the human body resonancts to LOWER frequencies so of COURSE you want lower frequency (and lower intensity PEMF).
ALSO like the new wireless energy PEMF mats ALSO increase the flow of energy/chi, blood, lymph, nerve conduction, etc.
AND recharge your cellular batteries TMP/ATP and overall stored energy in the biofield. (Jing)
Inductive Coupling Magnetic Stimulation (ICMS).
Witricity - Magnetic Resonance!
Get energy to couple magnetically not electricity
Magnetic Resonance
Highly resonant power transfer
Swing - mechanical resonance…
Fitzgerald - Acoustic resonance
Radio - Electromagnetic resonance
Source and device recognizes it. Like an energetic handshake.
1) Change distance and orientation over remarkable distances
Its a size and distance phenomenon NOT POWER!!
Repeater intermediate
Can power many things in field simultaneously
Can be different sizes
98.5% efficient
10cents kilowatt hour
$300 kilowatt for aa battery
CAN both GIVE A STEADY CURRENT (kinetic - flows)
AND RECHARGE BATTERIES (potential - battery)
This correlation with PEMF devices is not just metaphorical, it is LITERALLY the SAME!!
PEMF devices that use pure copper coils and earth frequencies (like the iMRS 2000) transmit energy wirelessly via magnetic resonance JUST LIKE Witricity! Also in PEMF just like Witricity INTENSITY IS NOT THE MAIN THING, it is FREQUENCY. Technology is finally proving what I have been saying all along. MORE IS NOT BETTER. Frequency RESONANCE is the KEY!
The ONLY difference is that electronic devices are powered by HIGHER magnetic frequencies whereas the human body resonancts to LOWER frequencies so of COURSE you want lower frequency (and lower intensity PEMF).
ALSO like the new wireless energy PEMF mats ALSO increase the flow of energy/chi, blood, lymph, nerve conduction, etc.
AND recharge your cellular batteries TMP/ATP and overall stored energy in the biofield. (Jing)
life is interposed between two energy levels of an electron
-Albert Szent-Györgyi
Resonance - charging the battery (creating charge separation= stored energy)
Charge Separation (Potential Energy) - BATTERY
Current/Flows (Kinetic Energy doing work = current or moving energy)
Magnetic Resonance can charge the body on all levels/scales as we'll see through the course of this video.
-Albert Szent-Györgyi
Resonance - charging the battery (creating charge separation= stored energy)
Charge Separation (Potential Energy) - BATTERY
Current/Flows (Kinetic Energy doing work = current or moving energy)
Magnetic Resonance can charge the body on all levels/scales as we'll see through the course of this video.
PEMF and Resonance/Charge Separation - Key, Match Frequency in Mat WITH Frequencies in Body Tissues and Cells.
Since all of the tissues in the body, particularly the brain, have their own fundamental frequencies, outside frequencies applied to the body can cause or "tune" the body's frequencies to be synchronized with the externally applied frequencies.
So a low intensity PEMF signal can cause a BIG effect if PEMF energy resonants with the cells, tissues, brain or organism.
This works EXACTLY like the wireless energy transfer, in fact, PEMF IS WIRELESS ENERGY TRANSFER FOR THE HUMAN BODY.
Since all of the tissues in the body, particularly the brain, have their own fundamental frequencies, outside frequencies applied to the body can cause or "tune" the body's frequencies to be synchronized with the externally applied frequencies.
So a low intensity PEMF signal can cause a BIG effect if PEMF energy resonants with the cells, tissues, brain or organism.
This works EXACTLY like the wireless energy transfer, in fact, PEMF IS WIRELESS ENERGY TRANSFER FOR THE HUMAN BODY.
Cellular Resonance
The Adey Window of Biological Frequencies (~ 0 - 35 Hz)
The Adey Window of Biological Frequencies (~ 0 - 35 Hz)
Tissue Resonance
At the level of tissues, the same 0-50 Hz frequency range has been shown to have the most positive benefits on the human body. The Table to the left lists frequencies in the 0-50 Hz that biomedical researchers are finding that are effective for jump starting healing in a variety of soft and hard tissues.
At the level of tissues, the same 0-50 Hz frequency range has been shown to have the most positive benefits on the human body. The Table to the left lists frequencies in the 0-50 Hz that biomedical researchers are finding that are effective for jump starting healing in a variety of soft and hard tissues.
Whole Body And Brain Resonance
As a sidenote entrainment is a practical application of frequency resonance that helps the brain and body to synchronize with PEMF signals that are say energizing in the morning (beta 15-30 Hz) or relaxing or sleep inducing at night (theta / delta 0-7 Hz). This resonance or entrainment can be very helpful to relax a stressed body or induce sleep in an insomniac (The brain operates over the entire spectrum of 0-50 Hz earth frequencies).
As a sidenote entrainment is a practical application of frequency resonance that helps the brain and body to synchronize with PEMF signals that are say energizing in the morning (beta 15-30 Hz) or relaxing or sleep inducing at night (theta / delta 0-7 Hz). This resonance or entrainment can be very helpful to relax a stressed body or induce sleep in an insomniac (The brain operates over the entire spectrum of 0-50 Hz earth frequencies).
PEMF is applied to the body creating induction of charge or energy (via Resonance effects) in the target tissues (small area, region or whole body).
iMRS 2000 covers ALL bases (whole body mat, pillow, probe)
iMRS 2000 covers ALL bases (whole body mat, pillow, probe)
ASIDE: This penetration is dependant on creating a PURE Pulsating magnetic field. There is some confusion in the PEMF community what PEMF really means. You need a circular LOOP to create a pure B- field (magnetic field).
Below are NOT pure pulsating magnetic field devices. As they do not use current loops DIRECTLY on the body using a full body mat or local applicator. You will NOT get the pure magnetic resonance effects.
Below are NOT pure pulsating magnetic field devices. As they do not use current loops DIRECTLY on the body using a full body mat or local applicator. You will NOT get the pure magnetic resonance effects.
THESE Below DEVICES ARE NOT PEMF Therapy as we use the term in this Industry.
So to summarize, PEMF is unique in energy medicine in the way it penetrates all the way through the body to your bone marrow and every cell and organelle.
PEMF actives as a whole body battery recharger by charging your cells, tissues, organs and whole body via magnetic resonance energy transfer.
Lets look now more closely at how PEMF energizes your body, organs, tissues and cells on the 3 main levels of your body enhancing TWO types of energy.
PEMF actives as a whole body battery recharger by charging your cells, tissues, organs and whole body via magnetic resonance energy transfer.
Lets look now more closely at how PEMF energizes your body, organs, tissues and cells on the 3 main levels of your body enhancing TWO types of energy.
The Human Biofield is a Toroidal Flow that has unlimited potential.
We are a field within a the earths field and our chakras/organs, tissues and cells are fields within our own Biofield.
Three Main Levels of Energy in the Body
1) Whole Body/Biofield energy related to - connected to Earth and Cosmos Fields
Body with organs is a whole unit
2) Intermediary fractal branching of blood/lymph/nerve/pulmonary/living matrix/meridians
3) CELLS And Cellular Energy related to
Cell with Organelles is a whole unit
Organism and cell beginning and endpoint "whole" units in the body and fractal branching networks connecting whole to the parts, parts to the whole and parts to parts (cells to cells). But even though I am saying 3 levels , it is really just one interconnected WHOLE from Organism to Cells.
We are a field within a the earths field and our chakras/organs, tissues and cells are fields within our own Biofield.
Three Main Levels of Energy in the Body
1) Whole Body/Biofield energy related to - connected to Earth and Cosmos Fields
Body with organs is a whole unit
2) Intermediary fractal branching of blood/lymph/nerve/pulmonary/living matrix/meridians
3) CELLS And Cellular Energy related to
Cell with Organelles is a whole unit
Organism and cell beginning and endpoint "whole" units in the body and fractal branching networks connecting whole to the parts, parts to the whole and parts to parts (cells to cells). But even though I am saying 3 levels , it is really just one interconnected WHOLE from Organism to Cells.
Organism and cell beginning and endpoint "whole" units in the body and fractal branching networks connecting whole to the parts, parts to the whole and parts to parts (cells to cells). But even though I am saying 3 levels , it is really just one interconnected WHOLE from Organism to Cells.
Two Main Types of Energy for Each Level
1) Stored Energy (potential energy) - Jing in Chinese System (Think Battery)
Parasympathetic Nervous System (little branching) - Rest & Digest (Feed & Breed)
TMP/ATP/Resting Potential
2) Moving Energy (Kinetic energy), energy flows - Chi/Qi Chinese System (Think Current/Flow)
Flows in fractal branching networks
Sympathetic Nervous System - lots of ganglionic branching so all systems can be mobilized at once
Fight, Flight/Fright
**Circadian (DAYTIME - Activity/Exercise/Action/Thinking/Movement/Working/Stress)
Ion Flow or Pump / ADP/ Action Potential
Action is intelligent and guided (action in QM)
Time-Like Flows and motion
PEMF is unique in energy medicine in that it works on all levels, all types and penetrates every nook and cranny of your body and biofield. Only Magnetic Resonance can do this , other forms of energy medicine CANNOT. HENCE , this is WHY PEMF is the HOTTEST field in energy medicine, because it works the best and there are scientific reasons why this is so.
Parasympathetic Nervous System (little branching) - Rest & Digest (Feed & Breed)
TMP/ATP/Resting Potential
2) Moving Energy (Kinetic energy), energy flows - Chi/Qi Chinese System (Think Current/Flow)
Flows in fractal branching networks
Sympathetic Nervous System - lots of ganglionic branching so all systems can be mobilized at once
Fight, Flight/Fright
**Circadian (DAYTIME - Activity/Exercise/Action/Thinking/Movement/Working/Stress)
Ion Flow or Pump / ADP/ Action Potential
Action is intelligent and guided (action in QM)
Time-Like Flows and motion
PEMF is unique in energy medicine in that it works on all levels, all types and penetrates every nook and cranny of your body and biofield. Only Magnetic Resonance can do this , other forms of energy medicine CANNOT. HENCE , this is WHY PEMF is the HOTTEST field in energy medicine, because it works the best and there are scientific reasons why this is so.
Ok now lets look at how PEMF recharges the WHOLE Body Biofield (then we'll explore the fractal branching and cellular beneftis).
It would be HELPFUL to Review MODULE 1 on the Biofield.
It would be HELPFUL to Review MODULE 1 on the Biofield.
ACT I: Whole Body/Biofield energy - connect to Earth and Cosmos Fields
Body (FIVE ELEMENTS From Nature - (food/oxygen/water/magnetism/light)
LEVEL - WHOLE Organism - Biofield (See Module 1)
PEMF Helps with Both Potential And Kinetic Energy of Whole Biofield...
Improves CORE vitality and Energy!
Let's look at 3 perspectives at how PEMF energizes the entire biofield.
1) Circadian (NIGHT/Rest Potential Energy - Day/Activity/ Kinetic Energy)
Parasympathetic Nervous System - Rest & Digest (Feed & Breed)
Sympathetic Nervous System - Fight, Flight/Fright
2) Chinese System
Stored Energy (potential energy) - Jing in Chinese System (Think Battery)
Kinetic Energy - Chi moving energy... currents, movement, flow, activity, vitality.
Let's look at research in how PEMF works like Needle-less whole body Acupuncture AND
[Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
And Then...
3) GDV Visualizer Of Biofield Energy
Lets Look at GDV we discussed in module 1 and see before and afters.
This really shows the POWER of PEMF on the entire biofield!
Body (FIVE ELEMENTS From Nature - (food/oxygen/water/magnetism/light)
LEVEL - WHOLE Organism - Biofield (See Module 1)
PEMF Helps with Both Potential And Kinetic Energy of Whole Biofield...
Improves CORE vitality and Energy!
Let's look at 3 perspectives at how PEMF energizes the entire biofield.
1) Circadian (NIGHT/Rest Potential Energy - Day/Activity/ Kinetic Energy)
Parasympathetic Nervous System - Rest & Digest (Feed & Breed)
Sympathetic Nervous System - Fight, Flight/Fright
2) Chinese System
Stored Energy (potential energy) - Jing in Chinese System (Think Battery)
Kinetic Energy - Chi moving energy... currents, movement, flow, activity, vitality.
Let's look at research in how PEMF works like Needle-less whole body Acupuncture AND
[Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
And Then...
3) GDV Visualizer Of Biofield Energy
Lets Look at GDV we discussed in module 1 and see before and afters.
This really shows the POWER of PEMF on the entire biofield!
1) Circadian (NIGHT/Rest Potential Energy - Day/Activity/ Kinetic Energy)
Parasympathetic Nervous System - Rest & Digest (Feed & Breed)
Sympathetic Nervous System - Fight, Flight/Fright
Earth Based PEMF Like iMRS 2000 gives you Energizing Frequencies in the Morning and Relaxing Frequencies at Night.
SLEEP is when we literally recharge our body battery. Sleep and Rest is when we heal and regenerate the whole body.
Better sleep is the FIRST thing I personally noticed myself and it definitely DID correspond to more energy the next day.
There is MUCH to say about this, and I did TWO videos explaining how and why PEMF works so well for better sleep and literally CURING insomnia. SLEEPING WELL THE MOST IMPORTANT KEYS TO HAVING MORE ENERGY!!!
I did a whole video on PEMF therapy for better SLEEP which you can watch here.
Parasympathetic Nervous System - Rest & Digest (Feed & Breed)
Sympathetic Nervous System - Fight, Flight/Fright
Earth Based PEMF Like iMRS 2000 gives you Energizing Frequencies in the Morning and Relaxing Frequencies at Night.
SLEEP is when we literally recharge our body battery. Sleep and Rest is when we heal and regenerate the whole body.
Better sleep is the FIRST thing I personally noticed myself and it definitely DID correspond to more energy the next day.
There is MUCH to say about this, and I did TWO videos explaining how and why PEMF works so well for better sleep and literally CURING insomnia. SLEEPING WELL THE MOST IMPORTANT KEYS TO HAVING MORE ENERGY!!!
I did a whole video on PEMF therapy for better SLEEP which you can watch here.
2) Chinese System - PEMF Gives you a full body Needle-less Acupuncture Treatment!!
Stored Energy (potential energy) - Jing in Chinese System (Think Battery)
Kinetic Energy - Chi moving energy... currents, movement, flow, activity, vitality.
[Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
There are 10's of thousands of scientific articles on acupuncture on the biological actions and clinical benefits of acupuncture.
Acupuncture points have electrical characteristics, which means they are susceptible to both electrical and magnetic stimulation. The primary mechanism is that of Qi or Chi, also called life energy flow, with the meridians being the paths that this energy flows through.
Acupuncture points lie along the meridians and have shown corresponding electrical conductivity. Stimulating these acupuncture points with PEMFs can improve the flow of charge, clearing out any blockages.
When whole body PEMF therapy is used, all the acupuncture points and meridians in the body will be stimulated at the same time, creating a balance of the meridian system and an improved flow of Qi or Chi.
There is research to support for example, an improvement in benefit of PEMFs over acupuncture stimulation for muscle recovery after exercise.
Another study compared Acupuncture to PEMF to laser therapy.
And another important point, PEMFs penetrate deeper than acupuncture.
Benefits PEMF - Start with Meridians and Biofield
PEMFs help to CLEAR out the meridians and removes blockages (smoothes out excesses too).
Restores meridians… Until you clean everything out, you cannot get at the fundamental meridians
and acupuncture points.
Stored Energy (potential energy) - Jing in Chinese System (Think Battery)
Kinetic Energy - Chi moving energy... currents, movement, flow, activity, vitality.
[Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
There are 10's of thousands of scientific articles on acupuncture on the biological actions and clinical benefits of acupuncture.
Acupuncture points have electrical characteristics, which means they are susceptible to both electrical and magnetic stimulation. The primary mechanism is that of Qi or Chi, also called life energy flow, with the meridians being the paths that this energy flows through.
Acupuncture points lie along the meridians and have shown corresponding electrical conductivity. Stimulating these acupuncture points with PEMFs can improve the flow of charge, clearing out any blockages.
When whole body PEMF therapy is used, all the acupuncture points and meridians in the body will be stimulated at the same time, creating a balance of the meridian system and an improved flow of Qi or Chi.
There is research to support for example, an improvement in benefit of PEMFs over acupuncture stimulation for muscle recovery after exercise.
Another study compared Acupuncture to PEMF to laser therapy.
And another important point, PEMFs penetrate deeper than acupuncture.
Benefits PEMF - Start with Meridians and Biofield
PEMFs help to CLEAR out the meridians and removes blockages (smoothes out excesses too).
Restores meridians… Until you clean everything out, you cannot get at the fundamental meridians
and acupuncture points.
3) GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) / Increasing Cellular and Whole Body Voltage
Clearing and Balancing Meridians, Chakras
Lets Look at GDV we discussed in module 1 and see before and afters.
This really shows the POWER of PEMF on the entire biofield!
Clearing and Balancing Meridians, Chakras
Lets Look at GDV we discussed in module 1 and see before and afters.
This really shows the POWER of PEMF on the entire biofield!
PsyTek Institute Studies with iMRS 2000
PEMF increases Energy/Brightness, Symmetry/Coherence, and Cohesion/Conservation
PEMF increases Energy/Brightness, Symmetry/Coherence, and Cohesion/Conservation
M Clinic Studies in Virginia done By GDV specialist Surya Vitalis

Shields Up - Our Biofield Buffering Capacity
We have a buffering capacity (called a homeodynamic buffer zone) that counteracts any disturbance akin to the "glow" we saw in pictures of healthy people's biofields. This is the body's core vitality, Jing/Chi, overall energy and your state of Health.
Aging is a shrinking of this buffering ability which is simply speaking, a decrease in the glow/energy/vitality of your biofield.
And that shrinkage/dimming makes us more prone to one or more diseases over time
We have a buffering capacity (called a homeodynamic buffer zone) that counteracts any disturbance akin to the "glow" we saw in pictures of healthy people's biofields. This is the body's core vitality, Jing/Chi, overall energy and your state of Health.
Aging is a shrinking of this buffering ability which is simply speaking, a decrease in the glow/energy/vitality of your biofield.
And that shrinkage/dimming makes us more prone to one or more diseases over time
Important Note: The Schumann Resonances are an essential baseline from which the human brain (and autonomic nervous system) maintains homeodynamic stability. Stress, disconnect from the earth's magnetism, electrosmog are a mechanisms that shrink our buffer zone/biofield energy.
Since we are not getting enough of the natural earth PEMFs we need to supplement.
Earth Based PEMF like the iMRS 2000 is perhaps THE most important energy medicine supplement because it builds our overall core vitality, chi, jing, biofield or buffer zone.
Since we are not getting enough of the natural earth PEMFs we need to supplement.
Earth Based PEMF like the iMRS 2000 is perhaps THE most important energy medicine supplement because it builds our overall core vitality, chi, jing, biofield or buffer zone.

Shields Up! -
Your buffering capacity to handle the stresses of life and the wear and tear of aging is very much like the shields on the Star Trek Enterprise.
When shields are 100% you are in perfect health and can handle almost any onslaught of stressors. The goal of energy medicine is to keep our shields at a high capacity. Think of shields like the glow on the GDV photos... It is VERY much like that!
In this module we are looking at the many ways PEMF energizes your body, increases you vitality and powers up your shields to be a formidable adversary of the stressors of aging, injury and disease!
Your buffering capacity to handle the stresses of life and the wear and tear of aging is very much like the shields on the Star Trek Enterprise.
When shields are 100% you are in perfect health and can handle almost any onslaught of stressors. The goal of energy medicine is to keep our shields at a high capacity. Think of shields like the glow on the GDV photos... It is VERY much like that!
In this module we are looking at the many ways PEMF energizes your body, increases you vitality and powers up your shields to be a formidable adversary of the stressors of aging, injury and disease!
ACT II: Intermediary ENERGY Flows (Mainly Kinetic)
fractal branching
Connecting Organs and Organism to Cells and Organelles
1) blood/Circulatory system
2) lymph/lymphatic system
3) Nervous System
4) Lungs - Tracheobronchial tree
5) living matrix/connective tissue matrix-meridians/nervous system
We'll look mainly at the benefits of PEMF at opening up and dramatically improving circulation and microcirculation but PEMF similarly benefits ALL fractal networks in a similar way of opening up and improving current flow (like a river).
But first lets look at what I consider ONE of the MAIN KEYS to understanding Health in the Human body from an energetic and holistic perspective. I mentioned fractal branching briefly in module one, but now I want to elaborate a little because it is SO SO important, and I really haven't heard anyone talking about it?
fractal branching
Connecting Organs and Organism to Cells and Organelles
1) blood/Circulatory system
2) lymph/lymphatic system
3) Nervous System
4) Lungs - Tracheobronchial tree
5) living matrix/connective tissue matrix-meridians/nervous system
We'll look mainly at the benefits of PEMF at opening up and dramatically improving circulation and microcirculation but PEMF similarly benefits ALL fractal networks in a similar way of opening up and improving current flow (like a river).
But first lets look at what I consider ONE of the MAIN KEYS to understanding Health in the Human body from an energetic and holistic perspective. I mentioned fractal branching briefly in module one, but now I want to elaborate a little because it is SO SO important, and I really haven't heard anyone talking about it?

A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. The object need not exhibit exactly the same structure at all scales, but the same "type" of structures must appear on all scales.
What is fractal branching/Bifurcation (AND Why is it so Dammed Important for the health of your body)!!
Bifurcation, simply put, is splitting one main body into two or more parts. A highway that turns into two sections going in opposite directions is a bifurcation in the road.
When you iterate this bifurcation over and over you get a self-similar fractal branching network.
One of the most common fractal patterns found in nature is bifurcation or branching. Fractal branching is seen in tree branches and leaf veins, lightning, river deltas, mountaintops, blood vessels and bronchi in the lungs, and many other places. Can you think of any examples?
Bifurcation, simply put, is splitting one main body into two or more parts. A highway that turns into two sections going in opposite directions is a bifurcation in the road.
When you iterate this bifurcation over and over you get a self-similar fractal branching network.
One of the most common fractal patterns found in nature is bifurcation or branching. Fractal branching is seen in tree branches and leaf veins, lightning, river deltas, mountaintops, blood vessels and bronchi in the lungs, and many other places. Can you think of any examples?
One of the most common fractal patterns found in nature is bifurcation or branching. Fractal branching is seen in tree branches and leaf veins, lightning, river deltas, mountaintops, blood vessels and bronchi in the lungs, and many other places. Can you think of any examples?
Properties of Fractal Branching:
Maximizes Surface Area in Given Volume
Most efficient way to transport materials through a given volume.
Constraint volume determines metabolic rate and lifespan (Kleibers 3/4 power law in metabolism)
Maximizes Surface Area in Given Volume
Most efficient way to transport materials through a given volume.
Constraint volume determines metabolic rate and lifespan (Kleibers 3/4 power law in metabolism)
Five Main fractal branching networks in the human body
1) Blood/Circulatory system
There are many more examples of fractal branching patterns in our bodies, and blood vessels are one of the most impressive examples. Every cell in the body must be close to a blood vessel (within about 100 microns) in order to receive oxygen and nutrients. The only way this is possible is through a fractal branching network where blood vessels branch and branch ever smaller, down to the width of a capillary, which is about 8 microns in diameter. We'll look MAINLY at this fractal branching network with relation to circulation and microcirculation.
There are many more examples of fractal branching patterns in our bodies, and blood vessels are one of the most impressive examples. Every cell in the body must be close to a blood vessel (within about 100 microns) in order to receive oxygen and nutrients. The only way this is possible is through a fractal branching network where blood vessels branch and branch ever smaller, down to the width of a capillary, which is about 8 microns in diameter. We'll look MAINLY at this fractal branching network with relation to circulation and microcirculation.

2) Lungs - Tracheobronchial tree
Lungs 23 human vs 12 mouse (same cell size).
Fractal Branching in the Lungs is iteraed 23 times!!!
Which gives it the surface area of a tennis court!!
The lungs are an excellent example of a natural fractal organ. If you look at the tree upside down, you can see that the lungs share the same branching pattern as the trees. And it is for good reason! Both the trees and lungs have evolved to serve a similar function - respiration.
Lungs 23 human vs 12 mouse (same cell size).
Fractal Branching in the Lungs is iteraed 23 times!!!
Which gives it the surface area of a tennis court!!
The lungs are an excellent example of a natural fractal organ. If you look at the tree upside down, you can see that the lungs share the same branching pattern as the trees. And it is for good reason! Both the trees and lungs have evolved to serve a similar function - respiration.

3) Nervous System/Brain
Our brains (and nervous system) are also full of fractals! In fact, they couldn't function if not for fractal geometry. The human brain comprises approximately 100 billion neurons. Amazingly, there are about 100 trillion synapses, or connections, among these brain cells. It is the fractal branching pattern of the neuron's axons and dendrites that allows them to communicate with so many other cells. If neurons were shaped like cubes and neatly packed into the brain, one neuron could only connect with at most 6 other cells.
Our brains (and nervous system) are also full of fractals! In fact, they couldn't function if not for fractal geometry. The human brain comprises approximately 100 billion neurons. Amazingly, there are about 100 trillion synapses, or connections, among these brain cells. It is the fractal branching pattern of the neuron's axons and dendrites that allows them to communicate with so many other cells. If neurons were shaped like cubes and neatly packed into the brain, one neuron could only connect with at most 6 other cells.
4) Lymph/Lymphatic System
This is the home of your immune system AND principle system for removing toxins and waste. Keeping this fractal network open is Critical for good health!
This is the home of your immune system AND principle system for removing toxins and waste. Keeping this fractal network open is Critical for good health!

5) living matrix/connective tissue matrix-meridians/nervous system
Connecting every nook and cranny of the body from skin to nucleus.
This living matrix is the physical manifestation of the meridians and acupuncture points.
Connecting every nook and cranny of the body from skin to nucleus.
This living matrix is the physical manifestation of the meridians and acupuncture points.
So health sounds simple - just keep your branches and channels OPEN.
So what is the problem? The Problem is we DON'T!!
Considering 4 of the 5 leading causes of death ARE BECAUSE ARE NETWORKS ARE BLOCKED/DAMMED UP
Breakdown in the Fractal Networks = DISEASE.
When your health maybe DAMMED
1) Blood vessels - Heart Disease (#1) /Stroke (#5)
2) Lungs - Emphysema, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) (#3 )
3) Nervous System - Paralysis , neuropathy, etc.
4) Lymph - Impaired Immunity and Toxicity (#2 Cancer)
5) Living Matrix - Meridian Blocks
4 of the 5 leading causes of death are due to BLOCKAGES and breakdown of these networks.(accidents the other).
Heart Disease - Circulatory Branches
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (COPD)- Pulmonary branches
Lymph/Immunity - Cancer (#2) - Lymphatic Branches
dam/dammed (verb)
1275–1325; Middle English < Middle Dutch, Middle Low German, dam; akin to Old English for-demman to stop up, block
So what is the problem? The Problem is we DON'T!!
Considering 4 of the 5 leading causes of death ARE BECAUSE ARE NETWORKS ARE BLOCKED/DAMMED UP
Breakdown in the Fractal Networks = DISEASE.
When your health maybe DAMMED
1) Blood vessels - Heart Disease (#1) /Stroke (#5)
2) Lungs - Emphysema, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) (#3 )
3) Nervous System - Paralysis , neuropathy, etc.
4) Lymph - Impaired Immunity and Toxicity (#2 Cancer)
5) Living Matrix - Meridian Blocks
4 of the 5 leading causes of death are due to BLOCKAGES and breakdown of these networks.(accidents the other).
Heart Disease - Circulatory Branches
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (COPD)- Pulmonary branches
Lymph/Immunity - Cancer (#2) - Lymphatic Branches
dam/dammed (verb)
1275–1325; Middle English < Middle Dutch, Middle Low German, dam; akin to Old English for-demman to stop up, block

The microcirculatory shunting model of sepsis.
The microcirculatory shunting model of sepsis. Severe flow impairment (denoted by X) in weak microcirculatory units causes a shunting of blood to open microcirculatory units.
When the vessels get shunted this means they are literally DAMMED UP so flows stop and the cells starve, and disease sets in.
One of the Most IMPORTANT things to restoring health regardless of disease is restoring microcirculation of fluid/electrical/energy currents all these fractal branching systems. That is UN-DAMMING your vessels/tubes/nerves, etc.
PEMF OPENS UP YOUE FRACTAL BRANCHES - lungs, blood vessels, lymph, nerves, meridians and living Matrix... ALL OF THEM!!
Your ability to get oxygen, nutrients, water, energy, chi/prana through this network and into your cells AND get waste products OUT through this network (in out through organs of elimination), is perhaps THE most important key to health.
You cannot grow a garden in a swamp.
When you clear the swamp, now you can grow a garden.
Big Ideas - Connected Rivers, Streams, Oceans
VS Swamps /Cesspools and Ponds
The difference is Circulation or CONNECTEDNESS
[Improved Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels. Abnormal or diminished production of nitric oxide (NO) occurs in many health conditions and adversely affects blood flow and other vascular functions.
In a healthy cellular environment, the inner lining of blood vessels continually produce NO, which signals smooth muscles in the blood vessel wall to relax causing blood vessels to widen. This causes an increase in blood flow which leads to an immediate decrease in both blood pressure and heart rate. Improving circulation is considered one of THE most essential mechanisms of the healing effects of PEMF!
- Delivers Nutrients
-Increases Oxygenation
-Improves Cellular Hydration
-Boosts the Immune System
- eliminating waste
Three Ways How PEMF helps circulation and microcirculation:
Three Components - Vessels/Tubes, Red Blood Cells, Plasma/water
1) Increasing NO/Vasodialation (WIDENS VESSELS)
2) Improving RBC (Red Blood Cell) Voltage/ Reducing Rouleaux (MAKES BLOOD MORE ENERGETIC AND LESS VISCOUS = RBC Effect)
3) Lowers Viscosity of Water/Plasma/Blood/Lymph
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste
The microcirculatory shunting model of sepsis. Severe flow impairment (denoted by X) in weak microcirculatory units causes a shunting of blood to open microcirculatory units.
When the vessels get shunted this means they are literally DAMMED UP so flows stop and the cells starve, and disease sets in.
One of the Most IMPORTANT things to restoring health regardless of disease is restoring microcirculation of fluid/electrical/energy currents all these fractal branching systems. That is UN-DAMMING your vessels/tubes/nerves, etc.
PEMF OPENS UP YOUE FRACTAL BRANCHES - lungs, blood vessels, lymph, nerves, meridians and living Matrix... ALL OF THEM!!
Your ability to get oxygen, nutrients, water, energy, chi/prana through this network and into your cells AND get waste products OUT through this network (in out through organs of elimination), is perhaps THE most important key to health.
You cannot grow a garden in a swamp.
When you clear the swamp, now you can grow a garden.
Big Ideas - Connected Rivers, Streams, Oceans
VS Swamps /Cesspools and Ponds
The difference is Circulation or CONNECTEDNESS
[Improved Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels. Abnormal or diminished production of nitric oxide (NO) occurs in many health conditions and adversely affects blood flow and other vascular functions.
In a healthy cellular environment, the inner lining of blood vessels continually produce NO, which signals smooth muscles in the blood vessel wall to relax causing blood vessels to widen. This causes an increase in blood flow which leads to an immediate decrease in both blood pressure and heart rate. Improving circulation is considered one of THE most essential mechanisms of the healing effects of PEMF!
- Delivers Nutrients
-Increases Oxygenation
-Improves Cellular Hydration
-Boosts the Immune System
- eliminating waste
Three Ways How PEMF helps circulation and microcirculation:
Three Components - Vessels/Tubes, Red Blood Cells, Plasma/water
1) Increasing NO/Vasodialation (WIDENS VESSELS)
2) Improving RBC (Red Blood Cell) Voltage/ Reducing Rouleaux (MAKES BLOOD MORE ENERGETIC AND LESS VISCOUS = RBC Effect)
3) Lowers Viscosity of Water/Plasma/Blood/Lymph
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste
Health is a River, Disease is a dammed river that ends up a Swamp.
Literally the River of Life
Literally the River of Life
Opening these networks is WHY PEMF helps across the board with SO many different health conditions. And NO OTHER energy medicine device OR supplement works as well!!
Let's take a closer look by examining specifically how PEMF works with blood circulation and microcirculation. But keep in mind it is doing similar unblocking and clearing in lymph, nerves, lungs, and meridians/connective tissue matrix.
Let's take a closer look by examining specifically how PEMF works with blood circulation and microcirculation. But keep in mind it is doing similar unblocking and clearing in lymph, nerves, lungs, and meridians/connective tissue matrix.

1) PEMF Generates Nitric Oxide (NO) on inside of blood vessels.
NO: a dilating gas
NO is used in medicine to expand the arteries (vaso-dilator) and decrease the blood pressure. When inhaled, it dilates the arteries in the alveoli, maximizing the penetration of oxygen into the blood .
NO - nitric oxide led to Viagra… NO helps to dilate blood vessels reducing blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and yes improving Sex drive!
Sex organs have a lot of NO receptors.
So YES PEMF helps with THAT too.
NO: a dilating gas
NO is used in medicine to expand the arteries (vaso-dilator) and decrease the blood pressure. When inhaled, it dilates the arteries in the alveoli, maximizing the penetration of oxygen into the blood .
NO - nitric oxide led to Viagra… NO helps to dilate blood vessels reducing blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and yes improving Sex drive!
Sex organs have a lot of NO receptors.
So YES PEMF helps with THAT too.
2) Improving RBC Voltage/ Reducing Rouleaux
Red blood cells are the primary transporter of oxygen to tissues. The sheer number of red blood cells (erthrocytes) we carry and produce IS ASTOUNDING! We produce upwards to 2 million per second because 2 million die a second.
We have around 20 trillion red blood cells at any given time and RBCs make up 70% of our total number of cells! Each red blood cell is formed mainly in the bone marrow and has a lifespan of 3-4 months.
SO, clearly it is important to look after the health of our RBCs.
RBCs are unique in that they have no nucleus, no mitochondria and therefore consume NO oxygen. Their main role is to carry oxygen from the alveoli to the cells (and secondarily transport CO2 back to the lungs).
PEMF helps
Red blood cells are the primary transporter of oxygen to tissues. The sheer number of red blood cells (erthrocytes) we carry and produce IS ASTOUNDING! We produce upwards to 2 million per second because 2 million die a second.
We have around 20 trillion red blood cells at any given time and RBCs make up 70% of our total number of cells! Each red blood cell is formed mainly in the bone marrow and has a lifespan of 3-4 months.
SO, clearly it is important to look after the health of our RBCs.
RBCs are unique in that they have no nucleus, no mitochondria and therefore consume NO oxygen. Their main role is to carry oxygen from the alveoli to the cells (and secondarily transport CO2 back to the lungs).
PEMF helps
- PEMF improves microcirculation (NO, lower viscosity, voltage on RBCs) ... RBBs need to squeeze through the very narrow capillaries into the capilarry bed where most oxygen transport happens. RBCs are nearly twice as large as capilarry opening so much squeeze through one at a time.
- PEMF Prevents Rouleaux (through electrostatics)- The Rouleaux Effect is a major obstacle. This is where the RBCs stack like coins (because of the RBCs disk-like shape and stick together. The Rouleaux formation that results is much too large to squeeze through the capillaries which prevents oxygen from getting to the cells (which only allow one to pass at a time). Because PEMF therapy increases the Voltage of the cells (TMP) and balances cell membrane charge, it has a direct effect on RBC activity. Properly charged red blood cells will repel from one another. Aside from preventing Rouleaux, this separation of RBCs allows for a greater surface area for oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed and exchanged.
- PEMFs also enhance the release of oxygen from hemoglobin, with only 10-30 minutes exposure a day increasing the release for several minutes to several hours.
Blood Cells & the MRS 2000 by Magda Havas
(Non Biased Review of Live Blood with MRS 2000)
One of the claims made by those who sell the MRS 2000 or the iMRS (Intelligent Magnetic Resonance Stimulation) system is that this technology helps blood circulation by keeping blood cells from sticking together. I wanted to know if this claim was true, so I tested myself.
I did a live blood analysis after I worked on a computer. Then tested my blood after using the MRS 2000 mat for 8 minutes on a sensitive setting (low intensity) and found–to my surprise–that my blood cells looked much healthier. They were no longer sticking together. See slides 1 and 2 below. I repeated this several times and found virtually identical results. This was encouraging.
Figure 1. Photographs of a live blood sample before (slide 1) and after (slide 2) an MRS 2000 treatment.
(Non Biased Review of Live Blood with MRS 2000)
One of the claims made by those who sell the MRS 2000 or the iMRS (Intelligent Magnetic Resonance Stimulation) system is that this technology helps blood circulation by keeping blood cells from sticking together. I wanted to know if this claim was true, so I tested myself.
I did a live blood analysis after I worked on a computer. Then tested my blood after using the MRS 2000 mat for 8 minutes on a sensitive setting (low intensity) and found–to my surprise–that my blood cells looked much healthier. They were no longer sticking together. See slides 1 and 2 below. I repeated this several times and found virtually identical results. This was encouraging.
Figure 1. Photographs of a live blood sample before (slide 1) and after (slide 2) an MRS 2000 treatment.
Because my blood looked so unhealthy after working on a computer I did some more testing, which showed that my blood becomes clumped after I am exposed to electrosmog from computers and cordless phones. Fortunately the “clumping” doesn’t last long once I remove myself from the radiation. Click here for video.
One night I bashed my shin against some furniture and knew that in the morning I would have a large bruise. The skin was cut but not bleeding. I used the MRS 2000 probe set at high for 8 minutes and went to bed. The next morning there was no bruise, no swelling, and no pain, just the remnants of the cut.
Also see this playlist that shows POWERFUL before and After Videos of Live Blood
One night I bashed my shin against some furniture and knew that in the morning I would have a large bruise. The skin was cut but not bleeding. I used the MRS 2000 probe set at high for 8 minutes and went to bed. The next morning there was no bruise, no swelling, and no pain, just the remnants of the cut.
Also see this playlist that shows POWERFUL before and After Videos of Live Blood

Added Benefit Of Enhanced Microcirulation- Better Oxygenation of Tissues and Cells.
Low Oxygen levels cause cell injury, with the degrees of and lengths of time tissues are oxygen deficient determining the degree of damage. Almost ALL cellular functions depend on an adequate supply of oxygen.
PEMFs can significantly increase oxygen levels in tissues by improving circulation, helping the body transfer oxygen from the air into the lungs and blood, affecting the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen, and helping the oxygen in hemoglobin to transfer into the tissues.
**One study focused on the effect magnetic fields have on the gas transport function of blood during oxygen deprivation. They found that PEMF therapy changed the shape of the hemoglobin molecule from a form that was less reactive to oxygen to a form that was more reactive, positively influencing the gas transport function.
Low Oxygen levels cause cell injury, with the degrees of and lengths of time tissues are oxygen deficient determining the degree of damage. Almost ALL cellular functions depend on an adequate supply of oxygen.
PEMFs can significantly increase oxygen levels in tissues by improving circulation, helping the body transfer oxygen from the air into the lungs and blood, affecting the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen, and helping the oxygen in hemoglobin to transfer into the tissues.
**One study focused on the effect magnetic fields have on the gas transport function of blood during oxygen deprivation. They found that PEMF therapy changed the shape of the hemoglobin molecule from a form that was less reactive to oxygen to a form that was more reactive, positively influencing the gas transport function.
3) Lowers Viscosity of Water/Plasma/Blood/Lymph
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste.
We talked about this a but in module 3 and why you should put your water on the iMRS pillow.
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste.
We talked about this a but in module 3 and why you should put your water on the iMRS pillow.
Infrared Thermography Before and Afters with the MRS 2000 show an increase in 3 degrees in surface skin body temperature.
This is VERY significant because there is actually NO HEAT in the mat. The results are obtained because the MRS 2000 opens up circulation and microcirculation producing a warmth in the hands and feet (and all over the body).
Circulation is one the main KEYS to recovery.
So in conclusion, PEMF opens up ALL your fractal branching networks and radically enhances your body's ability to get oxygen, nutrients, water, energy, chi/prana through this network and into your cells AND get waste products OUT through this network and out of your body through organs of eliminations. This may just be the single most important reason PEMF helps with A-Z on just about every health condition.
This is VERY significant because there is actually NO HEAT in the mat. The results are obtained because the MRS 2000 opens up circulation and microcirculation producing a warmth in the hands and feet (and all over the body).
Circulation is one the main KEYS to recovery.
So in conclusion, PEMF opens up ALL your fractal branching networks and radically enhances your body's ability to get oxygen, nutrients, water, energy, chi/prana through this network and into your cells AND get waste products OUT through this network and out of your body through organs of eliminations. This may just be the single most important reason PEMF helps with A-Z on just about every health condition.
The Fractal Branching Network Continues down into the Cell.
These images are static but keep in mind the cells are changing shapes, moving, vibrating with 100,000 chemical reactions a second happening IN EACH CELL!! Remember Life is DYNAMIC and EVOLUTIONARY, not static and dead.
These images are static but keep in mind the cells are changing shapes, moving, vibrating with 100,000 chemical reactions a second happening IN EACH CELL!! Remember Life is DYNAMIC and EVOLUTIONARY, not static and dead.
Ok so now let's look at how PEMF increases the Energy of your 37 Trillion cells (on three main levels)
ACT III: PEMF increases Cellular Voltage, and IMPROVES Nano and Pico Circulation (and Femto).
Fractal brancing continues ALL the WAY down to the atoms, electrons and protons. Flows/Currents (Kinetic energy) and Charge separation/Voltage (potential energy).
A) NanoCirculation - Circulation into the cell via ion channels and pumps (mainly Na+-K+) to recharge cellular voltage or transmembrane potential (TMP).
Cellular Voltage/Energy - Cells (Use materials to create energy/life which nourishes tissues organs and organism).
ATP Production
B) Pico Circulation and Charging ATP
Microbranching of meridians in living matrix down to cytoskeleton.
Connects with Cell
ATP productions/EZ Water Energy deep within the cell.
C) Femto Circulation - Electrons / Proton/ Biophotonic Flow/Chi Flow/Quantum Waves
Quantum Mechanics Reigns.
Fractal brancing continues ALL the WAY down to the atoms, electrons and protons. Flows/Currents (Kinetic energy) and Charge separation/Voltage (potential energy).
A) NanoCirculation - Circulation into the cell via ion channels and pumps (mainly Na+-K+) to recharge cellular voltage or transmembrane potential (TMP).
Cellular Voltage/Energy - Cells (Use materials to create energy/life which nourishes tissues organs and organism).
ATP Production
B) Pico Circulation and Charging ATP
Microbranching of meridians in living matrix down to cytoskeleton.
Connects with Cell
ATP productions/EZ Water Energy deep within the cell.
C) Femto Circulation - Electrons / Proton/ Biophotonic Flow/Chi Flow/Quantum Waves
Quantum Mechanics Reigns.
Are Your Cells Grapes or Raisins?
A) Nano Circulation - Cellular Voltage, TMP (TransMembrane Potential) and Electroporation
Cells are Batteries and Batteries are cells.
The Human body is a battery with many many cells. A very big battery.
PEMF acts as a Whole Body Battery Recharger
Cells are Batteries and Batteries are cells.
The Human body is a battery with many many cells. A very big battery.
PEMF acts as a Whole Body Battery Recharger
This actually picks up right where we left off with Red Blood Cells and microcirculation.
Because PEMF therapy increases the Voltage of the cells (TMP) and balances cell membrane charge, it has a direct effect on RBC activity. Properly charged red blood cells will repel from one another. Aside from preventing Rouleaux, this separation of RBCs allows for a greater surface area for oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed and exchanged.
Because PEMF therapy increases the Voltage of the cells (TMP) and balances cell membrane charge, it has a direct effect on RBC activity. Properly charged red blood cells will repel from one another. Aside from preventing Rouleaux, this separation of RBCs allows for a greater surface area for oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed and exchanged.
Rouleaux Effect - Red Blood Cells Stack like Coins - Before and After w/PEMF
Increase Voltage increases charge and like repels like... Its simple!
Dr. Otto Warburg and Cellular Voltage
According to Nobel Prize Laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg, cells maintain a voltage across their membrane, which is analogous to the voltage of a battery (called transmembrane potential or TMP- trans "across & potential in physics is "voltage") . He found that healthy cells have a measureable voltage from 70- 100 millivolts, with the heart cells having the highest (upwards to 90-100 millivolts).
Dr. Warburg found that due to the constant stress of modern life along with a toxic environment and the aging process, cellular voltage drops (along with many other factors when have been addressing in this course). People with chronic illnesses and chronic fatigue unilaterally had a diminished cellular voltage (30-50 millivolts). Cancer patients displayed the lowest voltage at less than 15-20 millivolts2. Ever wonder why there is no heart cancer? The reason is because the heart cells have the highest voltage of any cells in the body. Think about that!
Jerry Tenant MD wrote a book called “Healing is Voltage” In his book he explains that injured / damaged cells require 2x more energy to repair.
So you see, health is literally an energy game at the “CELL”-ULAR level. There truly are no exceptions to this rule; if your cells have energy you are healthy, if not, you get sick. As the graph in figure 21 shows, if we can keep our cellular voltage charged in the healthy range, we can radically extend our lifespan. This is why PEMF therapy devices are one of the most powerful and effective anti-aging tools available today!
Increase Voltage increases charge and like repels like... Its simple!
Dr. Otto Warburg and Cellular Voltage
According to Nobel Prize Laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg, cells maintain a voltage across their membrane, which is analogous to the voltage of a battery (called transmembrane potential or TMP- trans "across & potential in physics is "voltage") . He found that healthy cells have a measureable voltage from 70- 100 millivolts, with the heart cells having the highest (upwards to 90-100 millivolts).
Dr. Warburg found that due to the constant stress of modern life along with a toxic environment and the aging process, cellular voltage drops (along with many other factors when have been addressing in this course). People with chronic illnesses and chronic fatigue unilaterally had a diminished cellular voltage (30-50 millivolts). Cancer patients displayed the lowest voltage at less than 15-20 millivolts2. Ever wonder why there is no heart cancer? The reason is because the heart cells have the highest voltage of any cells in the body. Think about that!
Jerry Tenant MD wrote a book called “Healing is Voltage” In his book he explains that injured / damaged cells require 2x more energy to repair.
So you see, health is literally an energy game at the “CELL”-ULAR level. There truly are no exceptions to this rule; if your cells have energy you are healthy, if not, you get sick. As the graph in figure 21 shows, if we can keep our cellular voltage charged in the healthy range, we can radically extend our lifespan. This is why PEMF therapy devices are one of the most powerful and effective anti-aging tools available today!
Measuring Cellular Voltage or TMP

So how does PEMF recharge the voltage of your cells and increase TMP.
1) as we saw earlier, Adey and Bawin found cells resonate to 0-50 Hz (earth frequencies). So PEMF acts as magnetic resonance wireless energy transfer system.
As the PEMF moves charges back and forth across cell membrane at the proper resonant frequencies it creates charge differences across the synapses.
Magnetic fields have no charge BUT they MOVE charge and have resonant effects like we saw earlier.
As you sweep magnetic fields back and forth across the cell membrane, they generate a whole lot of activity in the cell.
Then MAIN effect is the benefits on the TMP and its associated ion pumps, the main ones being Sodium/Potassium and Calcium/Magnesium pumps. The main effect of PEMF is to open these channels favorably and create charge separation which is EXACTLY what a battery recharger does.
1) as we saw earlier, Adey and Bawin found cells resonate to 0-50 Hz (earth frequencies). So PEMF acts as magnetic resonance wireless energy transfer system.
As the PEMF moves charges back and forth across cell membrane at the proper resonant frequencies it creates charge differences across the synapses.
Magnetic fields have no charge BUT they MOVE charge and have resonant effects like we saw earlier.
As you sweep magnetic fields back and forth across the cell membrane, they generate a whole lot of activity in the cell.
Then MAIN effect is the benefits on the TMP and its associated ion pumps, the main ones being Sodium/Potassium and Calcium/Magnesium pumps. The main effect of PEMF is to open these channels favorably and create charge separation which is EXACTLY what a battery recharger does.
Nano Circulation - Cellular Voltage, TMP and Electroporation
Magnetic fields open channels and charge carriers equilibrate across the cell membrane.
Membrane becomes normal and softer. Not just calcium channels, all the protein channels, Lipid channels , carbohydrate channels..etc
Whole membrane starts to soften up so things can MOVE!! Microcirculation in the cells is Electroporesis. Circulation does not end in the capillaries,
Magneto or Electroporesis - like opening all the doors and windows in a house and improves this VERY micro micro circulation.
Magnetic fields open channels and charge carriers equilibrate across the cell membrane.
Membrane becomes normal and softer. Not just calcium channels, all the protein channels, Lipid channels , carbohydrate channels..etc
Whole membrane starts to soften up so things can MOVE!! Microcirculation in the cells is Electroporesis. Circulation does not end in the capillaries,
Magneto or Electroporesis - like opening all the doors and windows in a house and improves this VERY micro micro circulation.
Healthy Electroporation
- cell gates open, membrane becomes more porous temporarily (nano circulation)
- Helps Cells to detox/release waste
- Better nutritional uptake
- Better delivery mechanism (medicine, herbs, treatments)
- Better H20, O2 flow
- Better Cellular Energy TMP
- Better Cellular Function
- Better Immune System
Really soak in the image ABOVE... PEMF is literally like opening all the doors and windows in your house to cleanse and air things out.
- cell gates open, membrane becomes more porous temporarily (nano circulation)
- Helps Cells to detox/release waste
- Better nutritional uptake
- Better delivery mechanism (medicine, herbs, treatments)
- Better H20, O2 flow
- Better Cellular Energy TMP
- Better Cellular Function
- Better Immune System
Really soak in the image ABOVE... PEMF is literally like opening all the doors and windows in your house to cleanse and air things out.
“How much PEMF will I need, and how often do I need it?” The answer, as with most natural therapies, is different for each person. It really comes down to how well you can “hold a charge.” Your cells’ ability to hold a battery charge depends heavily on two things:
1) How well hydrated the tissues are hydrated- Hydration refers to whether or not you have enough healthy water and electrolytes in the areas surrounding the cells. The battery ‘age’ does not necessarily refer to a person’s biological age, but rather the amount of wear and tear the cells have endured. Think about your cell phone. A cell phone with a two year old battery is not going to hold a charge as long as a phone with a new battery. However, one person’s two year old battery can be much more “used and abused” than another person’s.
The age or damage to the batteries - Your cells’ batteries may need a charge once per week or three times per week depending on your goals. The length of therapy depends on the amount of work that needs to be done. Are you building a new deck or a whole new house?
1) How well hydrated the tissues are hydrated- Hydration refers to whether or not you have enough healthy water and electrolytes in the areas surrounding the cells. The battery ‘age’ does not necessarily refer to a person’s biological age, but rather the amount of wear and tear the cells have endured. Think about your cell phone. A cell phone with a two year old battery is not going to hold a charge as long as a phone with a new battery. However, one person’s two year old battery can be much more “used and abused” than another person’s.
The age or damage to the batteries - Your cells’ batteries may need a charge once per week or three times per week depending on your goals. The length of therapy depends on the amount of work that needs to be done. Are you building a new deck or a whole new house?

2) The SECOND Factor determining How Well Your Batteries Stay Charged is Cell Membrane Activity.
Unhealthy Damage to Cell Membrane
PEMF helps to reorganize cell membrane integrity.
(turns corroded battery back to normal). Tears and leakages
Cell membranes "stacked polar lipids" , 2 ends
- one fat soluble (hydrophobic) and one water soluble (hydrophilic)
- fatty molecules self organize in water
- net electron deficiency one part of the molecule
- excess at the other
-PEMF detoxes membrane, increases integrity, energy and cohesiveness
Unhealthy Damage to Cell Membrane
PEMF helps to reorganize cell membrane integrity.
(turns corroded battery back to normal). Tears and leakages
Cell membranes "stacked polar lipids" , 2 ends
- one fat soluble (hydrophobic) and one water soluble (hydrophilic)
- fatty molecules self organize in water
- net electron deficiency one part of the molecule
- excess at the other
-PEMF detoxes membrane, increases integrity, energy and cohesiveness
B) Pico Circulation and Charging ATP
Battery #2 ATP (Molecular Rechargeable Battery)
Microbranching of meridians in living matrix down to cytoskeleton.
Connects with Cell
Organelles and Metabolic Pathways In Organelles (ie, Krebs Cycle)
ATP productions/EZ Water Energy deep within the cell.
[Production Celluar Energy] ATP and Mitochrondria/TMP/Energy/Enzyme Activity
PEMF helps in both directions to release energy from ATP->ADP and also ATP synthesis ADP-> ATP
ATP needs to be broken down in ADP to release the stored energy. This process is called ATP hydrolysis and the enzyme that performs the task is ATP-ase. It is found in the membranes of the mitochondria, chlorophyll plants and bacteria, and is the most abundant protein in any organism. PEMF helps to directly increase the release of energy from ATP-ADP via ATP-ase (enhancing ATP hydrolysis).
Battery #2 ATP (Molecular Rechargeable Battery)
Microbranching of meridians in living matrix down to cytoskeleton.
Connects with Cell
Organelles and Metabolic Pathways In Organelles (ie, Krebs Cycle)
ATP productions/EZ Water Energy deep within the cell.
[Production Celluar Energy] ATP and Mitochrondria/TMP/Energy/Enzyme Activity
PEMF helps in both directions to release energy from ATP->ADP and also ATP synthesis ADP-> ATP
ATP needs to be broken down in ADP to release the stored energy. This process is called ATP hydrolysis and the enzyme that performs the task is ATP-ase. It is found in the membranes of the mitochondria, chlorophyll plants and bacteria, and is the most abundant protein in any organism. PEMF helps to directly increase the release of energy from ATP-ADP via ATP-ase (enhancing ATP hydrolysis).
2) ADP-> ATP
PEMF stimulation has been shown to improve mitochondrial function and ATP synthesis in a variety of studies.
Oxidative phosphorylation is the process in which ATP is formed as a result of the transfer of electrons from NADH or FADH 2 to O 2 by a series of electron carriers. This process, which takes place in mitochondria, is the major source of ATP in aerobic organisms. Because PEMFs increase microcirculation, it assists in delivering the glucose, co-enzymes, minerals and oxygen needed in the complex process of ATP production. But you can think of it simply as RECHARGING the ATP battery.
PEMF stimulation has been shown to improve mitochondrial function and ATP synthesis in a variety of studies.
Oxidative phosphorylation is the process in which ATP is formed as a result of the transfer of electrons from NADH or FADH 2 to O 2 by a series of electron carriers. This process, which takes place in mitochondria, is the major source of ATP in aerobic organisms. Because PEMFs increase microcirculation, it assists in delivering the glucose, co-enzymes, minerals and oxygen needed in the complex process of ATP production. But you can think of it simply as RECHARGING the ATP battery.
ALSO, Progressive membrane charge polarization caused by PEMFs results in a continued increase in the levels of ATP and ADP.
PEMF stimulation elevates energy metabolism related molecules in all treatments. Genes controlling an enzyme that breaks down glucose for energy were significantly enhanced and the activity of the enzyme itself was increased. Therefore this is another way that PEMFs enhance energy metabolism and may reduce the need for calories.
Especially when tissue is damaged, PEMFs very significantly increase enzyme activity.
And remember enzymes are manifestations of chi or energy.
PEMF stimulation elevates energy metabolism related molecules in all treatments. Genes controlling an enzyme that breaks down glucose for energy were significantly enhanced and the activity of the enzyme itself was increased. Therefore this is another way that PEMFs enhance energy metabolism and may reduce the need for calories.
Especially when tissue is damaged, PEMFs very significantly increase enzyme activity.
And remember enzymes are manifestations of chi or energy.
C) Femto Circulation - Electrons / Proton/ Biophotonic Flow/Chi Flow/Quantum Waves
Quantum Mechanics Reigns.
Summary PEMF acts as a whole body battery recharger by BOTH recharging the Cellular Voltage AND by recharging the ATP battery. These are the TWO principle ways that the body physiologically stores energy at the cellular level. And 37 trillion cells each with around 100 mitochrondria, that is a LOT of energy potential that the body has. PEMF helps to literally Increase Your POTENTIAL!!!
Quantum Mechanics Reigns.
Summary PEMF acts as a whole body battery recharger by BOTH recharging the Cellular Voltage AND by recharging the ATP battery. These are the TWO principle ways that the body physiologically stores energy at the cellular level. And 37 trillion cells each with around 100 mitochrondria, that is a LOT of energy potential that the body has. PEMF helps to literally Increase Your POTENTIAL!!!
Everything in Your Body Needs Energy!
1) Movement - self initiated change in position, motion of internal parts
2) Responsiveness (irritability) - Ability to sense changes within, or around the organism and react to them
3) Growth - increase in body size
4) Reproduction - Parents produce offspring / producing new individuals
5) Respiration - Obtaining oxygen (O2), using it to release energy from food substances, and getting rid of wastes
6) Digestion - Chemically changing (breaking down) food substances, and getting rid of wastes
7) Absorption - Passage of Digested products (food substances) through membranes and into body fluids
8) Circulation - Movement of substances throughout the body
9) Assimilation - Changing absorbed substances into chemically different substances
10) Excretion - Removal of wastes
11) Immunity / Protection
1) Movement - self initiated change in position, motion of internal parts
2) Responsiveness (irritability) - Ability to sense changes within, or around the organism and react to them
3) Growth - increase in body size
4) Reproduction - Parents produce offspring / producing new individuals
5) Respiration - Obtaining oxygen (O2), using it to release energy from food substances, and getting rid of wastes
6) Digestion - Chemically changing (breaking down) food substances, and getting rid of wastes
7) Absorption - Passage of Digested products (food substances) through membranes and into body fluids
8) Circulation - Movement of substances throughout the body
9) Assimilation - Changing absorbed substances into chemically different substances
10) Excretion - Removal of wastes
11) Immunity / Protection
PEMF penetrates better, resonates better, innervates better, regenerates better than ANY FORM OF energy medcine and the physics and research of PEMF proves that!!

Whenever PEMFs are healing the body it is working through these fundamental actions.
We need to correct the fundamental functions of the body (listed above) that became impaired and resulted in disease or injury AND HELP/SUPPORT the body's ability to heal itself. The body, organs, tissues and cells have an innate intelligence or BLUEPRINT of health. The body KNOWS how to heal itself, but sometimes despite its best efforts it just gets stuck or doesn't have the energy it needs.
All the modules in this course give you TOOLS that will assist the body to heal itself. PEMF is perhaps one of the best tools because it fundamentally gives the cells the energy they need PLUS more. Let's look at how PEMF has research proven benefits on most or all of these fundamental actions.
I highly recommend the audio "Wisdom of Your Cells" by Dr Bruce Lipton
In this audio he shares his lucid and startling insights about the building blocks of life [the cell], and how each one of our cells has far greater innate intelligence than we once believed.
Because PEMFs work at basic levels of the body, they can be used to heal any organ and any disease.
Why? Because all tissues and organs require energy.
1) [Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
2) [Production Energy] ATP and Mitochrondria/TMP/Energy/Enzyme Activity
3) [Improved Circulation/Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
I. PEMF Increases Energy of Biofield
1) Circadian Rhythms (NIGHT/Rest Potential Energy - Day/Activity/ Kinetic Energy)
Parasympathetic Nervous System - Rest & Digest (Feed & Breed)
Sympathetic Nervous System - Fight, Flight/Fright
2) Chinese System
Stored/Potential Energy- Jing in Chinese System (Think Battery)
Kinetic Energy - Chi moving energy... currents, movement, flow, activity, vitality.
PEMF works like Needle-less whole body Acupuncture
3) GDV Visualizer Of Biofield Energy - Shields Up/Anti-Aging Buffer Zone
II. PEMF opens the flow of currents in your 5 fractal branching networks
Connecting Organs and Organism to Cells and Organelles
1) blood/Circulatory system
2) lymph/lymphatic system
3) Nervous System
4) Lungs - Tracheobronchial tree
5) living matrix/connective tissue matrix-meridians/nervous system
III. PEMF Recharges Cellular Energy
A) NanoCirculation - Charging cellular voltage or transmembrane potential (TMP).
Cellular Voltage/Energy - Cells (Use materials to create energy/life which nourishes tissues organs
B) Pico Circulation and Charging ATP and Releasing Energy from ATP
We need to correct the fundamental functions of the body (listed above) that became impaired and resulted in disease or injury AND HELP/SUPPORT the body's ability to heal itself. The body, organs, tissues and cells have an innate intelligence or BLUEPRINT of health. The body KNOWS how to heal itself, but sometimes despite its best efforts it just gets stuck or doesn't have the energy it needs.
All the modules in this course give you TOOLS that will assist the body to heal itself. PEMF is perhaps one of the best tools because it fundamentally gives the cells the energy they need PLUS more. Let's look at how PEMF has research proven benefits on most or all of these fundamental actions.
I highly recommend the audio "Wisdom of Your Cells" by Dr Bruce Lipton
In this audio he shares his lucid and startling insights about the building blocks of life [the cell], and how each one of our cells has far greater innate intelligence than we once believed.
Because PEMFs work at basic levels of the body, they can be used to heal any organ and any disease.
Why? Because all tissues and organs require energy.
1) [Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
2) [Production Energy] ATP and Mitochrondria/TMP/Energy/Enzyme Activity
3) [Improved Circulation/Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
I. PEMF Increases Energy of Biofield
1) Circadian Rhythms (NIGHT/Rest Potential Energy - Day/Activity/ Kinetic Energy)
Parasympathetic Nervous System - Rest & Digest (Feed & Breed)
Sympathetic Nervous System - Fight, Flight/Fright
2) Chinese System
Stored/Potential Energy- Jing in Chinese System (Think Battery)
Kinetic Energy - Chi moving energy... currents, movement, flow, activity, vitality.
PEMF works like Needle-less whole body Acupuncture
3) GDV Visualizer Of Biofield Energy - Shields Up/Anti-Aging Buffer Zone
II. PEMF opens the flow of currents in your 5 fractal branching networks
Connecting Organs and Organism to Cells and Organelles
1) blood/Circulatory system
2) lymph/lymphatic system
3) Nervous System
4) Lungs - Tracheobronchial tree
5) living matrix/connective tissue matrix-meridians/nervous system
III. PEMF Recharges Cellular Energy
A) NanoCirculation - Charging cellular voltage or transmembrane potential (TMP).
Cellular Voltage/Energy - Cells (Use materials to create energy/life which nourishes tissues organs
B) Pico Circulation and Charging ATP and Releasing Energy from ATP
Conclusion - PEMF Makes all the Elements Work Better
- (Earth/Food) PEMF improves assimilation of food, increases absorption up to two -fold for supplements and medications AND decreases side effects. Plus PEMF energizes stomach, and intestinal tract and helps with colon regularity and health.
- (Water) PEMF lowers surface tension of water and energizes it so your body better absorbs the water you drink. PEMF also energizes the kidneys and assists water and urine elimination (to keep blood CLEAN).
- (Fire) PEMF helps to synchronize your brain and body to day and night cycles. Helps the skin to detox and enduces fever (hyperthermia) to assist the body in killing infections. We see this a lot, but seems to only happen to people who need it. It is a GOOD thing. Your immune system is stronger when your temperature elevates. PEMF also opens the skin and helps with detox.
- (Air) PEMF enhances breathing and oxygenation AT EVERY step from opening bronchial circulation, improving alveoli functioning, enhancing hemglobins ability to bind to oxygen, microcirculation down to the cell, releasing oxygen and bring CO2 back. PEMF further enhances ATP production and delivery of oxygen to the mitochondria.
- (PEMF - the 5th Element) -Gives the body much needed earth magnetic energy AND cleanses and clears Electrosmog. Especially earth based systems like the iMRS 2000.
- (Gravity/Structure) - Improves bones, tendons, ligaments, joints and increases flexibility. Heals injuries and is the ultimate in preventative medicine.
- (Mind) - Eleveates Mood, Reduces Stress, and More.
My Favorite PEMF resources (only ONE!)
- USE your iMRS 2000 AT LEAST 2x a day starting at level 25 in the morning and 10 at night. Gradually work up to higher intensities. Stay at LEAST a week at 25, then try 50, 100 , etc., but only one notch at a time. Using the full body mat twice a day will change your LIFE!! You will notice better sleep, more energy, less pain and BETTER mental outlook.
- Use the Pillow/Probe as needed and where needed for localized pain relief and localized illnesses/Diseases. If you have the iGUIDE, use the iGUIDE for starters, but you can use higher intensities on extremities (arms, legs, low back and hips for pain related and structural issues). For DISEASES and serious localized issues, stick with iGUIDE or basic protocols. See video below.
- At night use full body mat ALWAYS level 10 and watch your sleep improve. Make sure organ clock on "night" before bed session.
My Favorite PEMF resources (only ONE!)
- iMRS 2000 Professional w/iGUIDE (at least Pro Set with iMORE and iSLRS even better). Purchase from and get One on One support from myself, Bryant Meyers.

Don't Forget this Important Tip! (Hydration Makes the iMRS 2000 WORK BETTER!).
- Use Your iMRS 2000 Pillow pad to CHARGE and Energize You Water
- PLUS this erases the negative memories in water if you are purifying tap water (like R.O. reverse osmosis).
- Do 8 Minutes at Level 400. Only need to do it once per gallon.
**DELETED SCENES THAT DID NOT MAKE THE CUT (But contain some random gems).

To show how PEMF works to energize the body on all levels, lets first take a look at an idea I came up with.
Complementarity Medicine
Combining Holism and Reductionism with Emphasis on Holism
Complementarity - wave/particle duality IS the Holism/Reductionism duality
Waves spread out and connect and cannot be localized (holism)
The Human body and it's Biofield/Living Matrix (with its interconnected chakras/dan tiens is the primary Holism or cohesive interconnected unit. Quantum Wave equation for the body.
Top Down Approach - Morphogenetic Field - Holographic Blueprint of Perfect Health
Particles are localized having definite positions (reductionism)
Collapsing the Wave Function.
In the human body, the cells are the primary "particle" or building block.
(In cells, you could say atoms primary building blocks, but lets stick with cells)
Acupuncture POINTS (and marma points) are particle like in that they are localized
The Human Body is Made of 37 trillion cells
Bottom up Approach - Genetics - enzymes and hormones - metabolic networks - random collisions
What CONNECTS The organism Whole Body to the cells/Particle-Like units of body is a fractal branching network of blood vessels, lymph vessels, bronchial tubes, nerves, connective tissue matrix and energetically the meridians/nadis
The acupuncture meridians are interconnected energy and information flows connecting every nook and cranny of the body.
Top Down Approach
Complementarity Medicine
- Complementarity - the concept that two contrasted theories, such as the wave and particle theories of light, may be able to explain a set of phenomena, although each separately only accounts for some aspects.
Combining Holism and Reductionism with Emphasis on Holism
Complementarity - wave/particle duality IS the Holism/Reductionism duality
Waves spread out and connect and cannot be localized (holism)
The Human body and it's Biofield/Living Matrix (with its interconnected chakras/dan tiens is the primary Holism or cohesive interconnected unit. Quantum Wave equation for the body.
Top Down Approach - Morphogenetic Field - Holographic Blueprint of Perfect Health
Particles are localized having definite positions (reductionism)
Collapsing the Wave Function.
In the human body, the cells are the primary "particle" or building block.
(In cells, you could say atoms primary building blocks, but lets stick with cells)
Acupuncture POINTS (and marma points) are particle like in that they are localized
The Human Body is Made of 37 trillion cells
Bottom up Approach - Genetics - enzymes and hormones - metabolic networks - random collisions
What CONNECTS The organism Whole Body to the cells/Particle-Like units of body is a fractal branching network of blood vessels, lymph vessels, bronchial tubes, nerves, connective tissue matrix and energetically the meridians/nadis
The acupuncture meridians are interconnected energy and information flows connecting every nook and cranny of the body.
Top Down Approach

Whole body/biofield cannot be explained in terms of sum of parts in a mechanistic/reductionist bottom up way that is really the EXCLUSIVE approach of modern medicine.
Health journalist and author Nick Regush sums it up starkly: “Medicine as we know it, is dying...The disease is caused by conflict of interest, tainted research, greed for big bucks, pretentious doctors and scientists, lying, cheating, invasion by the morally bankrupt marketing automatons of the drug industry, derelict politicians and federal and state regulators.”
Science of Death vs Science of Life
Label people with diseases - Treat Disease (health absence of disease)
Focus on Health and Promoting Health (Health can be ever increasing. No limit.
It presents the organism as a junkyard of molecular nuts and bolts subject to mechanistic principles of
• lock and key,
• push and pull,
• random collision,
• linear causation,
• controller versus the controlled,
• and so on.
Diseases are largely viewed as “defects” in specific molecular mechanisms, and defined as such. This is the kind of thinking behind the human genome project that has all the signs of having run aground after decades of sequencing and dissecting genomes, and trying to identify the genetic defects that predispose individuals to different diseases.
This newtonian biology is essentially a science of death that has virtually nothing to say about life.
BUT scientistic reductionism HAS given us much DETAIL and precision to how the body works so it is VERY important otherwise things get to vague and generalized without a detailed understanding.
Understanding BOTH gives us a complementarity and better picture. Like the Yin and Yang.
Holons - parts and wholes... Toroidal Geometry. Each torus/field is a part of a bigger torus field,
part of a bigger whole, yet it itself has many parts/holons/torus fields within.
Health journalist and author Nick Regush sums it up starkly: “Medicine as we know it, is dying...The disease is caused by conflict of interest, tainted research, greed for big bucks, pretentious doctors and scientists, lying, cheating, invasion by the morally bankrupt marketing automatons of the drug industry, derelict politicians and federal and state regulators.”
Science of Death vs Science of Life
Label people with diseases - Treat Disease (health absence of disease)
Focus on Health and Promoting Health (Health can be ever increasing. No limit.
It presents the organism as a junkyard of molecular nuts and bolts subject to mechanistic principles of
• lock and key,
• push and pull,
• random collision,
• linear causation,
• controller versus the controlled,
• and so on.
Diseases are largely viewed as “defects” in specific molecular mechanisms, and defined as such. This is the kind of thinking behind the human genome project that has all the signs of having run aground after decades of sequencing and dissecting genomes, and trying to identify the genetic defects that predispose individuals to different diseases.
This newtonian biology is essentially a science of death that has virtually nothing to say about life.
BUT scientistic reductionism HAS given us much DETAIL and precision to how the body works so it is VERY important otherwise things get to vague and generalized without a detailed understanding.
Understanding BOTH gives us a complementarity and better picture. Like the Yin and Yang.
Holons - parts and wholes... Toroidal Geometry. Each torus/field is a part of a bigger torus field,
part of a bigger whole, yet it itself has many parts/holons/torus fields within.
Health is Homeodynamic and Evolutionary
--> Homeostasitc = Stability through constancy (Point Attractor on Chaos Phase Diagram)
----> Homeodynamics ---> Stability through Dynamic Interactions of maintanience and repair. (Strange Attractor on Chaos Phase Diagram... Complex Fractal Patterns, infinitely complex, let underlying order and simplicity is present). Sympathetic and Parasympathetic provide forces that create Strange Attractor. Quantum Chaos, Wave function of the biofield entangles with the universe and evolves with time.
Need to come out of the term homeostasis, statics and Newtonian/Mechanistic thinking in biology and look upon the body and its biofield in a quantum, holistic, evolutionary and homeodynamic perspective.
Biological systems are networks, constantly remodeling, resetting towards Biofield's Strange Attractor or dynamic Blueprint of Perfect Health.
--> Homeostasitc = Stability through constancy (Point Attractor on Chaos Phase Diagram)
----> Homeodynamics ---> Stability through Dynamic Interactions of maintanience and repair. (Strange Attractor on Chaos Phase Diagram... Complex Fractal Patterns, infinitely complex, let underlying order and simplicity is present). Sympathetic and Parasympathetic provide forces that create Strange Attractor. Quantum Chaos, Wave function of the biofield entangles with the universe and evolves with time.
Need to come out of the term homeostasis, statics and Newtonian/Mechanistic thinking in biology and look upon the body and its biofield in a quantum, holistic, evolutionary and homeodynamic perspective.
Biological systems are networks, constantly remodeling, resetting towards Biofield's Strange Attractor or dynamic Blueprint of Perfect Health.
Parallels between Circulation /Fluid Mechanics and Electricity and Voltage
And photons in fiberoptic cables (or biophotons in meridians).
SO SAME PRINCIPLES WORK WITH YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM AND LIVING MATRIX TO INCREASE Bioelectric currents, proton currents, sound currents (phonons) and biophotons/light.
It is interesting the currents in electricity and fluid dynamics use the same TERM "current" and have isomorphic equations/concepts!! Something to ponder.
Living Matrix - electric current with EZ water
Fractal networks - fluid currents bulk water flows
Liquid Crystalline water AROUND vessels/cytoskeleton matrix
Bulk Water/Lymph/Blood/fluid flows in between.
Everyday use of low frequency, low intensity PEMF systems like the iMRS 2000 creates a dynamic, resilient cellular environment that strenghtens our buffer zone/biofield and metaphorically giving us SHIELDS up at full power to protect against the torpedos of stress. In addition to stress, the natural aging process threatens our buffer zone/shields.
Cell division and turnover happens more slowly and less efficiently. Cell to cell communication and metabolism slow, energy production diminishes, and immune functions decline.
Daily use of PEMF therapy restores all these systems and MORE that contribute to the strength of our shield (or the energy of the biofield).
And photons in fiberoptic cables (or biophotons in meridians).
SO SAME PRINCIPLES WORK WITH YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM AND LIVING MATRIX TO INCREASE Bioelectric currents, proton currents, sound currents (phonons) and biophotons/light.
It is interesting the currents in electricity and fluid dynamics use the same TERM "current" and have isomorphic equations/concepts!! Something to ponder.
Living Matrix - electric current with EZ water
Fractal networks - fluid currents bulk water flows
Liquid Crystalline water AROUND vessels/cytoskeleton matrix
Bulk Water/Lymph/Blood/fluid flows in between.
Everyday use of low frequency, low intensity PEMF systems like the iMRS 2000 creates a dynamic, resilient cellular environment that strenghtens our buffer zone/biofield and metaphorically giving us SHIELDS up at full power to protect against the torpedos of stress. In addition to stress, the natural aging process threatens our buffer zone/shields.
Cell division and turnover happens more slowly and less efficiently. Cell to cell communication and metabolism slow, energy production diminishes, and immune functions decline.
Daily use of PEMF therapy restores all these systems and MORE that contribute to the strength of our shield (or the energy of the biofield).
- endocrine system
- immune systems,
- circulation
- tissue repair and growth mechanisms,
- Stim cell stimulation and differential
- and neural plasticity.
- stress reduction/parasympathetic balance
- Antioxidant defenses
- energy/meridian pathways
A Way To Visualize How PEMF Works
PEMF Brings POWER to the BODY
Let’s visualize a construction crew building a new home. The workers are our cells that have specific jobs to do. The home they’re building could be any injury or damaged/diseased tissue that’s in need of “re-building.” What do the workers need to accomplish their task?
1) Materials - this is like food and water (body water based, so instead of concrete, the foundation is water)
Supplies - Supplies are your cells nutrition. Your cells build with nutrients, and each cell needs nutrients to work. The quality of the supplies directly affects the quality of the house. You wouldn’t build a house with weak wood or flimsy straw, and your cells can’t build or repair your body with poor nutrients.
2) Blueprint - Information Fields, Body's/Biofield Innate Intelligence,
3) Clean Working Environment
A clean working environment - In order to build a solid foundation, you would first remove the trees, shrubs, large rocks and other debris from the work area, creating a clean work environment. This debris represents the toxins in your body. You cannot build on toxic or uneven soil.
You cannot grow a garden in a swamp.
When you clear the swamp, now you can grow a garden.
4) Power - Finally, you need Power. The workers’ power tools run on batteries, which represent the batteries in each of your cells. If you don’t have enough charge, the tools don’t work and the house can’t be built.
A perfectly healthy body has the ability to naturally maintain a steady supply of “power” to its cells’ batteries. However, most people are bombarded with numerous stressors from the modern world that prevent or block this natural flow of energy to the cells. Exposure to DC electricity, stress, poor nutrition, stress, insomnia, lack of exercise, dehydration and more can all impact your body’s capacity to renew its power.
PEMF brings POWER to the house!
workers and tools AND helps the workers to all show up on time (Circadian Rhythms) -
Body has internal and external clocks and along with light, Schumann is an External. Like the Rhythm section of a band, keeping all the workers in sync.
4) Without power , everything slows down. Like using tradition screwdrivers and handsaws instead of power tools.
My time in India - helping build ashram - Manual Cement Mixers, carried cement by hand, hand tools, required a LOT of workers and a lot of time.
magnetic fields on water
Let’s think about what would happen to this work crew if you cleared the land, gave them all the supplies they needed, such as blueprints, tools and payment in full, but were unable to charge the batteries in their power tools? Not much work could be done. You’d have a crew with potential, but no power to cut wood, build a frame or put up walls.
Takes time, healing cycles are different for different tissues
New person every 7 years, eyes are new every 24 hours,
gut cells 3 days… skin couple days.
Bone up to 7 years
Need to know metabolic rate of each tissue.
PEMF Brings POWER to the BODY
Let’s visualize a construction crew building a new home. The workers are our cells that have specific jobs to do. The home they’re building could be any injury or damaged/diseased tissue that’s in need of “re-building.” What do the workers need to accomplish their task?
1) Materials - this is like food and water (body water based, so instead of concrete, the foundation is water)
Supplies - Supplies are your cells nutrition. Your cells build with nutrients, and each cell needs nutrients to work. The quality of the supplies directly affects the quality of the house. You wouldn’t build a house with weak wood or flimsy straw, and your cells can’t build or repair your body with poor nutrients.
2) Blueprint - Information Fields, Body's/Biofield Innate Intelligence,
3) Clean Working Environment
A clean working environment - In order to build a solid foundation, you would first remove the trees, shrubs, large rocks and other debris from the work area, creating a clean work environment. This debris represents the toxins in your body. You cannot build on toxic or uneven soil.
You cannot grow a garden in a swamp.
When you clear the swamp, now you can grow a garden.
4) Power - Finally, you need Power. The workers’ power tools run on batteries, which represent the batteries in each of your cells. If you don’t have enough charge, the tools don’t work and the house can’t be built.
A perfectly healthy body has the ability to naturally maintain a steady supply of “power” to its cells’ batteries. However, most people are bombarded with numerous stressors from the modern world that prevent or block this natural flow of energy to the cells. Exposure to DC electricity, stress, poor nutrition, stress, insomnia, lack of exercise, dehydration and more can all impact your body’s capacity to renew its power.
PEMF brings POWER to the house!
workers and tools AND helps the workers to all show up on time (Circadian Rhythms) -
Body has internal and external clocks and along with light, Schumann is an External. Like the Rhythm section of a band, keeping all the workers in sync.
4) Without power , everything slows down. Like using tradition screwdrivers and handsaws instead of power tools.
My time in India - helping build ashram - Manual Cement Mixers, carried cement by hand, hand tools, required a LOT of workers and a lot of time.
magnetic fields on water
Let’s think about what would happen to this work crew if you cleared the land, gave them all the supplies they needed, such as blueprints, tools and payment in full, but were unable to charge the batteries in their power tools? Not much work could be done. You’d have a crew with potential, but no power to cut wood, build a frame or put up walls.
Takes time, healing cycles are different for different tissues
New person every 7 years, eyes are new every 24 hours,
gut cells 3 days… skin couple days.
Bone up to 7 years
Need to know metabolic rate of each tissue.

Our dependence on the Earth's Natural PEMFs as an essential element of health has been very well documented with NASA and Russian space programs, experiment that shield the body from magnetic fields (underground bunker studies/Mu Steel chambers, etc), Magnetic field deficiency syndrome (Dr Nakagawa) and much more.
Earth PEMF = Natural Electromagnetic Energy WE NEED to live, survive and Thrive. So you can equate PEMF with Electromagnetic energy that is GOOD for you! PEMF is not just beneficial with over 30,000 research studies to prove, BUT it is ESSENTIAL ELEMENT for life!
And do not confuse healthy Earth PEMF with negative EMF or electrosmog in appliances, electronics, wifi, cellphones, smartmeters, cell towers, cordless phones, etc, etc. Just as there is healthy organic food and junk food, good spring water and tap water, healthy sunlight and unhealthy fluorescent lights, fresh air and stale air, etc, so to is there GOOD and Healthy PEMF and unhealthy and harmful PEMF or EMF. Stay tuned for a SEPARATE module on clearing your house of electrosmog and HOW the iMRS 2000 cleanses your body and biofield of dirty electricity.
Earth PEMF = Natural Electromagnetic Energy WE NEED to live, survive and Thrive. So you can equate PEMF with Electromagnetic energy that is GOOD for you! PEMF is not just beneficial with over 30,000 research studies to prove, BUT it is ESSENTIAL ELEMENT for life!
And do not confuse healthy Earth PEMF with negative EMF or electrosmog in appliances, electronics, wifi, cellphones, smartmeters, cell towers, cordless phones, etc, etc. Just as there is healthy organic food and junk food, good spring water and tap water, healthy sunlight and unhealthy fluorescent lights, fresh air and stale air, etc, so to is there GOOD and Healthy PEMF and unhealthy and harmful PEMF or EMF. Stay tuned for a SEPARATE module on clearing your house of electrosmog and HOW the iMRS 2000 cleanses your body and biofield of dirty electricity.

Everything we do (including doing nothing), requires energy!
Asleep, awake, eating, bathing, grooming, working, working out, reading, thinking, talking, feeling, experiencing, engaging in your passionate pursuits, you need energy, which is supplied from your all the elements in this course which INCLUDES earth based PEMF.
Energy fuels your body’s internal functions, repairs, builds and maintains cells and body tissues, and supports the external activities that enable you to interact with the physical world.
When we get sick, our energy levels are low, and we tend to be less active, depressed, introverted and overall just sick and tired all the time.
Asleep, awake, eating, bathing, grooming, working, working out, reading, thinking, talking, feeling, experiencing, engaging in your passionate pursuits, you need energy, which is supplied from your all the elements in this course which INCLUDES earth based PEMF.
Energy fuels your body’s internal functions, repairs, builds and maintains cells and body tissues, and supports the external activities that enable you to interact with the physical world.
When we get sick, our energy levels are low, and we tend to be less active, depressed, introverted and overall just sick and tired all the time.
μo is the permeability constant and is always the same. μr, is called the relative permeability and changes for different materials. For non-magnetic materials - for air, most building materials, the human body, etc - it has a value of very nearly 1 so magnetic fields go through the body and the air (and the vacuum of space) nearly the same.
This allows oxygen, nutrients, water and LIFEFORCE/CHI/Biophotons to get down into the cells
AND allows metabolic waste products to be removed and recycled AND energy/chi/biophotons to be removed and recycled. Conscrvation energy (remember we need CO2 and we reuse biophotonic energy).
When we are deficient in PEMF earth energy or there is insufficient healthy PEMF around us to energize our cells, and body, aging accelerates and illness is more likely and our ability to heal and recover and repair is decreased. Since the earth's field is declining AND people spend too much time indoors disconnected partially from the earths healthy magnetism, WE NEED TO SUPPLEMENT. In fact, PEMF therapy may be THE MOST important supplement you take!
Wires producing conducting current produce magnetic fields
The body is transparent to magnetic and PEMFs.
Magnetic and pulsed magnetic fields can interact with the body to produce energy (charge).
This energy interacts with tissues, cells and whole body (including meridians and body's OWN electromagnetic biofield to produce energy that powers everything the body does. So along with food, water, light and oxygen, PEMF is verily the FIFTH element of health to produce ENERGY in the body. Treating the body ONLY at the chemical level (food, drugs, supplements, etc), will only help that level or below. Energy medicine WIDENS the therapeutical scope of healing to include the electric and magnetic properties of the body, the quantum properties of Prana/Chi/lifeforce and even subtler energies that span the Biofield (see video 1).
This allows oxygen, nutrients, water and LIFEFORCE/CHI/Biophotons to get down into the cells
AND allows metabolic waste products to be removed and recycled AND energy/chi/biophotons to be removed and recycled. Conscrvation energy (remember we need CO2 and we reuse biophotonic energy).
When we are deficient in PEMF earth energy or there is insufficient healthy PEMF around us to energize our cells, and body, aging accelerates and illness is more likely and our ability to heal and recover and repair is decreased. Since the earth's field is declining AND people spend too much time indoors disconnected partially from the earths healthy magnetism, WE NEED TO SUPPLEMENT. In fact, PEMF therapy may be THE MOST important supplement you take!
Wires producing conducting current produce magnetic fields
The body is transparent to magnetic and PEMFs.
Magnetic and pulsed magnetic fields can interact with the body to produce energy (charge).
This energy interacts with tissues, cells and whole body (including meridians and body's OWN electromagnetic biofield to produce energy that powers everything the body does. So along with food, water, light and oxygen, PEMF is verily the FIFTH element of health to produce ENERGY in the body. Treating the body ONLY at the chemical level (food, drugs, supplements, etc), will only help that level or below. Energy medicine WIDENS the therapeutical scope of healing to include the electric and magnetic properties of the body, the quantum properties of Prana/Chi/lifeforce and even subtler energies that span the Biofield (see video 1).

PEMF interacting with Human Body
To understand how the body interacts with and responds to magnetic fields, we must appreciate how much our bodies are themselves electromagnetic. This we did in module 1, but we'll add to that here.
To exist in the electromagnetic world we live in with its vast magnetic field, millions of lightning strikes a day with echoes of brain entraining and body recharging Schumann resonances, we have to be an intimate part of it.
The extraordinary amount of internal electrical activity that keeps our bodies alive.
Consider that moving charges (vast majority of chemical reactions in the body) are accompanied by magnetic fields.
When you consider most of the fluids in the body have electrolytes (charged ions in solution that can conduct electricity such as Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, etc.) it is easy to see that the body is like a large battery producing current and occasionally needing recharging.
Remember 100,000 /sec - 37 trillion cells (lots of charges moving).
With this and mind and the fact that currents ALWAYS have magnetic fields, it is easy to visualize the human body as a biomagnetic organism subject to all the laws of quantum electrodynamics (which includes all the laws of electrodynamics - electricity and magnetism).
This means the body not only has a vascular system and nervous system, but also a complex electromagnetic system as we looked at in module 1. The biomagnetic fields of the body, though extremely tiny in intensity, have been accurately measured with techniques including magnetoencephalography (MEG) and magnetocardiography (MCG). This measures the magnetic fields produced by all the electric currents in the body.
magnetometry - mag - neh - tom - etry
Magnetometer - mag - neh - tom -eter
Magnetocardiography (mag - net - toe - cardiography)
But always keep in mind the body is more of a quantum computer in the way the electricity flows than a power station (with nerves being power cables - wrong!).
To understand how the body interacts with and responds to magnetic fields, we must appreciate how much our bodies are themselves electromagnetic. This we did in module 1, but we'll add to that here.
To exist in the electromagnetic world we live in with its vast magnetic field, millions of lightning strikes a day with echoes of brain entraining and body recharging Schumann resonances, we have to be an intimate part of it.
The extraordinary amount of internal electrical activity that keeps our bodies alive.
Consider that moving charges (vast majority of chemical reactions in the body) are accompanied by magnetic fields.
When you consider most of the fluids in the body have electrolytes (charged ions in solution that can conduct electricity such as Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, etc.) it is easy to see that the body is like a large battery producing current and occasionally needing recharging.
Remember 100,000 /sec - 37 trillion cells (lots of charges moving).
With this and mind and the fact that currents ALWAYS have magnetic fields, it is easy to visualize the human body as a biomagnetic organism subject to all the laws of quantum electrodynamics (which includes all the laws of electrodynamics - electricity and magnetism).
This means the body not only has a vascular system and nervous system, but also a complex electromagnetic system as we looked at in module 1. The biomagnetic fields of the body, though extremely tiny in intensity, have been accurately measured with techniques including magnetoencephalography (MEG) and magnetocardiography (MCG). This measures the magnetic fields produced by all the electric currents in the body.
magnetometry - mag - neh - tom - etry
Magnetometer - mag - neh - tom -eter
Magnetocardiography (mag - net - toe - cardiography)
But always keep in mind the body is more of a quantum computer in the way the electricity flows than a power station (with nerves being power cables - wrong!).

Before we look at how PEMF energizes the body at the cellular and molecular level, let's first Look at a NEW (and correct) view of the cell you probably WERE NOT taught in school.
New View of the Cell... Not a bag of chemicals.
Interconnected - Dynamic - Energetic - Adaptive
Review, In module 1 we said the Living Matrix is the physical component of the meridian/nadi systems of the Eastern medicine. This matrix is mainly connective tissue and serves as a continuous webwork that extends throughout every nook and cranny of the entire human body INCLUDING THE CELLULAR CYTOSKELETON (connects to cell through integrins). Integrins are proteins that function mechanically, by attaching the cell cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix (ECM).
All 37 trillion cells part of this. This cytoskeleton and connective tissue scaffolding includes molecules that conduct energy and information inside each cell and outward to the environment, and in the opposite direction from environment to the innermost parts of cells and nucleus. Interconnectedness, Wholism, Entanglement &Connectedness.
Below Endothelial cells from a lung artery of a cow. The cell nuclei are blue-colored; microtubules are green-colored; actin filaments are red-colored (using Fluorescence microscopy).
Fluorescence microscopy is a technique used in biological and medical research in which fluorescent dyes are used that light up when irradiated with light of a shorter wavelength.
Each cell in the body is different but ALL 37 trillion of your cells share this type of topological interconnectedness.
New View of the Cell... Not a bag of chemicals.
Interconnected - Dynamic - Energetic - Adaptive
Review, In module 1 we said the Living Matrix is the physical component of the meridian/nadi systems of the Eastern medicine. This matrix is mainly connective tissue and serves as a continuous webwork that extends throughout every nook and cranny of the entire human body INCLUDING THE CELLULAR CYTOSKELETON (connects to cell through integrins). Integrins are proteins that function mechanically, by attaching the cell cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix (ECM).
All 37 trillion cells part of this. This cytoskeleton and connective tissue scaffolding includes molecules that conduct energy and information inside each cell and outward to the environment, and in the opposite direction from environment to the innermost parts of cells and nucleus. Interconnectedness, Wholism, Entanglement &Connectedness.
Below Endothelial cells from a lung artery of a cow. The cell nuclei are blue-colored; microtubules are green-colored; actin filaments are red-colored (using Fluorescence microscopy).
Fluorescence microscopy is a technique used in biological and medical research in which fluorescent dyes are used that light up when irradiated with light of a shorter wavelength.
Each cell in the body is different but ALL 37 trillion of your cells share this type of topological interconnectedness.

PEMF Gets the Energy/Chi/Prana FLOWING in your body, organs, tissues, cells and organelles!
Opens up circulation (vasodialation)
Increases Voltage Potential - Allows strong pumping/flow
Low Intensity / Low Frequency - Helps Creates Balance - Homeodynamics
Nutrients down and toxins/out...Repairs and Regenerates...Body Conserves and Recirculates
Hormesis - Just right. Like Breathing, Sunlight, Food, Water, Laser, Exercise (too much or too little can through out of balance...JUST right).
Right Element (frequency/waveform)
Right Amount (Intensity)
Right Circadian/Time (Phase)
Each Element has a good and bad.
The Journey of Energy From Cosmos -> Galaxy -> Solar System -> Earth -> Biofield/Heart/Brain -> Organs/Meridians/Main Arteries -> Tissues/Branching meridians/Arterioles -> Capillary Bed/Cells -> Organelle/TMP/ATP -> Bonds/electrons
PEMF is helping flow mainly from Sun Magnetic -> Earth Magnetic/Schuman -> Biofield -> All levels of circulation/vasodialation/Meridians -> Cellular Energy/ATP/TMP
Opens up circulation (vasodialation)
Increases Voltage Potential - Allows strong pumping/flow
Low Intensity / Low Frequency - Helps Creates Balance - Homeodynamics
Nutrients down and toxins/out...Repairs and Regenerates...Body Conserves and Recirculates
Hormesis - Just right. Like Breathing, Sunlight, Food, Water, Laser, Exercise (too much or too little can through out of balance...JUST right).
Right Element (frequency/waveform)
Right Amount (Intensity)
Right Circadian/Time (Phase)
Each Element has a good and bad.
The Journey of Energy From Cosmos -> Galaxy -> Solar System -> Earth -> Biofield/Heart/Brain -> Organs/Meridians/Main Arteries -> Tissues/Branching meridians/Arterioles -> Capillary Bed/Cells -> Organelle/TMP/ATP -> Bonds/electrons
PEMF is helping flow mainly from Sun Magnetic -> Earth Magnetic/Schuman -> Biofield -> All levels of circulation/vasodialation/Meridians -> Cellular Energy/ATP/TMP
Ok Great, I see the benefits of PEMF, But What is the Best type of PEMF?
AND what is the best way to USE it.
What we do know is that a Magnet field is generated by the motion of electrostatic charges within the the magnet itself. The electric charges being electrons. The electrons move in a coherent and synchronized fashion which causes a strong magnetic field to be projected out from the magnet.
think of a magnetic field as being a direct deformation of physical space. All pure fields must work this way. They must be mechanical deformations of space. You can think of space being a low density, high tension solid elastic. The magnetic field is a mechanical deformation of space itself
Biological and Therapeutic Things to Consider with Magnetic Fields
1A) Flux density - BioSavert Law vs Inverse Square
1B) Gradient - How quickly does magnetic field drop off or change with distance... Also Biot Savart
1C) Volume of Tissue/Age/Weight/Health
Small is powerful / Less is MORE (amplification)
Intensity is measured in gauss (G) or tesla (T). For simplicity it is easiest to understand intensity as the strength or power of the magnetic field though more scientifically it is the flux density
B = magnetic flux density
H = magnetic field strength
B=uo*H in free space
The "magnetic field strength". Usually given the symbol H. Measured in amps per metre (A/m).
The "magnetic flux density". Usually given the symbol B. Measured in teslas (or microteslas or gauss).
In electromagnetism theory, it is absolutely clear that these are different quantities and you need to be precise about which you are measuring.
That second constant we've introduced, μr, is called the relative permeability. For non-magnetic materials - for air, most building materials, the human body, etc - it has a value of very nearly 1. Which is why it's usually sufficiently correct just to say B=μ0H. Only near iron or steel or other magnetic materials do we have to go a bit further into the physics, because that's when μr starts taking different values.
Sometimes, people will be very precise and talk about either the magnetic flux density or the magnetic field strength. But actually "magnetic field" is perfectly valid as a description of either - both the magnetic flux density and the magnetic field strength are examples of a magnetic field. And just using "magnetic field" is a lot simpler ... so that's what we do most of the time on this site.
2A) Frequency/Wavelength - CHART of 0-50HZ
All life is oscillating or in vibration. Light is a vibration, Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting is all vibration. Oscillations or vibrations are more technically call frequency in science.
Frequency is the temporal/time measure of a wave measured in Hertz (Hz) and it is literally referring to how frequently (per second), a signal is repeated.
PEMF systems used for health are of extremely low frequency (ELF) and a vast majority are less then 1000 Hz (1 kHz). Every cell has its own frequency as do most tissues... Turns out the MAIN frequencies of tissues and cells reside with the 0-50 Hz range which are the primary frequencies of the earth.
Wavelength is the spatial measure of a wave and is the length of the wave itself. The wavelength is the distance over which the shape of the wave is repeated. The higher the frequency the smaller the wavelength. Frequencies below 164 MHz are greater than 6 feet.
The schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz is almost 24,000 miles which is NOT coincidentally close to the circumference of the equator!!
Has to do with spherical harmonics (and light can go around the earth about 7.5 times which again is related.
2B) Pulsetrain/Modulation -
Modulation is the manipulation of frequencies into "packets" that themselves create a secondary frequency. Individual frequencies are bundled together, with built in pauses between bundles.
2C) Higher Harmonics
2D) Circadian Rhythms (like Blue and Amber - High and Low).
3A) Waveform/Shape/Geometry -
Waveform is the actual physical shape of the wave itself. A huge variety of waveforms.
3B) DB/dt - Therapeutically speaking what matters MOST is the amount of time it takes a wave to reach its peak.
This is represented as DB/dt where DB is the D (delta =change) in B (magnetic field intensity) and dt is the change in time.
An idealized squarewave represents the greatest db/dt since it is theoretically infinite. But this idea can never be reached.
BUT the squarewave is STILL the best waveform along with sawtooth (also big DB/DT)/
NOTE: Sine waves have a LOW Db/Dt
3C) Pure Copper tightly Wound Circular Coils
4) Timing - Exposure duration (**Getting Started Basics Stuff)
Applying a PEMF for a short time to a body is like throwing a pebble in a pond.
The rock drops to the bottom of the pond, but The WAVES GO ON AND ON FOR A LONG TIME!!
Separate treatments by 6-8 hours so let the systems reverberate through the tissues
Let the wave go on and do what it is going to do. Let them settle back down again.
Anytime you expose a system to a continuing signal, the system starts to ignore the signal.
You have to let it rest again and the next time you expose it again. Like working out.
PEMF is cellular Exercise
6) Localization
7) Polarity, Biofeedback and Preventing Habituation
AND what is the best way to USE it.
What we do know is that a Magnet field is generated by the motion of electrostatic charges within the the magnet itself. The electric charges being electrons. The electrons move in a coherent and synchronized fashion which causes a strong magnetic field to be projected out from the magnet.
think of a magnetic field as being a direct deformation of physical space. All pure fields must work this way. They must be mechanical deformations of space. You can think of space being a low density, high tension solid elastic. The magnetic field is a mechanical deformation of space itself
Biological and Therapeutic Things to Consider with Magnetic Fields
1A) Flux density - BioSavert Law vs Inverse Square
1B) Gradient - How quickly does magnetic field drop off or change with distance... Also Biot Savart
1C) Volume of Tissue/Age/Weight/Health
Small is powerful / Less is MORE (amplification)
Intensity is measured in gauss (G) or tesla (T). For simplicity it is easiest to understand intensity as the strength or power of the magnetic field though more scientifically it is the flux density
B = magnetic flux density
H = magnetic field strength
B=uo*H in free space
The "magnetic field strength". Usually given the symbol H. Measured in amps per metre (A/m).
The "magnetic flux density". Usually given the symbol B. Measured in teslas (or microteslas or gauss).
In electromagnetism theory, it is absolutely clear that these are different quantities and you need to be precise about which you are measuring.
That second constant we've introduced, μr, is called the relative permeability. For non-magnetic materials - for air, most building materials, the human body, etc - it has a value of very nearly 1. Which is why it's usually sufficiently correct just to say B=μ0H. Only near iron or steel or other magnetic materials do we have to go a bit further into the physics, because that's when μr starts taking different values.
Sometimes, people will be very precise and talk about either the magnetic flux density or the magnetic field strength. But actually "magnetic field" is perfectly valid as a description of either - both the magnetic flux density and the magnetic field strength are examples of a magnetic field. And just using "magnetic field" is a lot simpler ... so that's what we do most of the time on this site.
2A) Frequency/Wavelength - CHART of 0-50HZ
All life is oscillating or in vibration. Light is a vibration, Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting is all vibration. Oscillations or vibrations are more technically call frequency in science.
Frequency is the temporal/time measure of a wave measured in Hertz (Hz) and it is literally referring to how frequently (per second), a signal is repeated.
PEMF systems used for health are of extremely low frequency (ELF) and a vast majority are less then 1000 Hz (1 kHz). Every cell has its own frequency as do most tissues... Turns out the MAIN frequencies of tissues and cells reside with the 0-50 Hz range which are the primary frequencies of the earth.
Wavelength is the spatial measure of a wave and is the length of the wave itself. The wavelength is the distance over which the shape of the wave is repeated. The higher the frequency the smaller the wavelength. Frequencies below 164 MHz are greater than 6 feet.
The schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz is almost 24,000 miles which is NOT coincidentally close to the circumference of the equator!!
Has to do with spherical harmonics (and light can go around the earth about 7.5 times which again is related.
2B) Pulsetrain/Modulation -
Modulation is the manipulation of frequencies into "packets" that themselves create a secondary frequency. Individual frequencies are bundled together, with built in pauses between bundles.
2C) Higher Harmonics
2D) Circadian Rhythms (like Blue and Amber - High and Low).
3A) Waveform/Shape/Geometry -
Waveform is the actual physical shape of the wave itself. A huge variety of waveforms.
3B) DB/dt - Therapeutically speaking what matters MOST is the amount of time it takes a wave to reach its peak.
This is represented as DB/dt where DB is the D (delta =change) in B (magnetic field intensity) and dt is the change in time.
An idealized squarewave represents the greatest db/dt since it is theoretically infinite. But this idea can never be reached.
BUT the squarewave is STILL the best waveform along with sawtooth (also big DB/DT)/
NOTE: Sine waves have a LOW Db/Dt
3C) Pure Copper tightly Wound Circular Coils
4) Timing - Exposure duration (**Getting Started Basics Stuff)
Applying a PEMF for a short time to a body is like throwing a pebble in a pond.
The rock drops to the bottom of the pond, but The WAVES GO ON AND ON FOR A LONG TIME!!
Separate treatments by 6-8 hours so let the systems reverberate through the tissues
Let the wave go on and do what it is going to do. Let them settle back down again.
Anytime you expose a system to a continuing signal, the system starts to ignore the signal.
You have to let it rest again and the next time you expose it again. Like working out.
PEMF is cellular Exercise
6) Localization
7) Polarity, Biofeedback and Preventing Habituation
The 5th ELEMENT Aether/Ether: PEMF -> Biomagnetic Fields around Body, Acupuncture Meridians, etc.
- Supplement with a good earth-inspired PEMF device. This is my #1 recommendation based on all the devices I have ever used, owned, researched and experienced. The amazing results I have seen in myself and in hundreds of others is the motivation for writing this book. If you have a limited budget, I would invest in a good earth-based PEMF system first. Good Earth based PEMF systems range in price from $2500 - $6000.
- USE your iMRS 2000 AT LEAST 2x a day starting at level 25 in the morning and 10 at night. Gradually work up to higher intensities. Stay at LEAST a week at 25, then try 50, 100 , etc., but only one notch at a time. Using the full body mat twice a day will change your LIFE!! You will notice better sleep, more energy, less pain and BETTER mental outlook.
- Use the Pillow/Probe as needed and where needed for localized pain relief and localized illnesses/Diseases. If you have the iGUIDE, use the iGUIDE for starters, but you can use higher intensities on extremities (arms, legs, low back and hips for pain related and structural issues). For DISEASES and serious localized issues, stick with iGUIDE or basic protocols. See video below.
- Walk barefoot outside 30-45 minutes a day when possible. Also take up gardening, go to the beach, go camping or hiking deep in Nature. Even in the winter, spend more time outside exerising in the fresh air with walks, skiing, etc (when exercising in cold weather breathe in through the nose which warms the air). Spend more time outdoors away from the city.
- Eliminate Electrosmog in Your House using the steps below listed.
Treatment Ideas
Amplification -
Amplification -

Ella Fitzgerald Shattering a Crystal Wine Glass with her voice is an example of resonance.
In physics, resonance is a phenomenon in which a vibrating system or external force drives another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at specific frequencies.
Frequencies at which the response amplitude is a relative maximum are known as the system's resonant frequencies or resonance frequencies. At resonant frequencies, small periodic driving forces have the ability to produce large amplitude oscillations, due to the storage of vibrational energy.
Any physical object has frequencies at which they naturally vibrate, known as resonance frequencies. If you flick a crystal wine glass with your finger, you will hear a fairly clear tone as the glass vibrates, causing waves of air pressure to emanate out from it, which your ears and brain interpret as sound. The sound gradually gets quitter and dies out as the amplitude of the vibrations diminishes due to energy being carried away by the sound waves.
A familiar example of resonance is a playground swing, which acts as a pendulum. Pushing a person in a swing in time with the natural interval of the swing (its resonant frequency) makes the swing go higher and higher (maximum amplitude), while attempts to push the swing at a faster or slower tempo produce smaller arcs. This is because the energy the swing absorbs is maximized when the pushes match the swing's natural oscillations.
Resonance in circuits are used for both transmitting and receiving wireless communications such as television, cell phones and radio.
In physics, resonance is a phenomenon in which a vibrating system or external force drives another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at specific frequencies.
Frequencies at which the response amplitude is a relative maximum are known as the system's resonant frequencies or resonance frequencies. At resonant frequencies, small periodic driving forces have the ability to produce large amplitude oscillations, due to the storage of vibrational energy.
Any physical object has frequencies at which they naturally vibrate, known as resonance frequencies. If you flick a crystal wine glass with your finger, you will hear a fairly clear tone as the glass vibrates, causing waves of air pressure to emanate out from it, which your ears and brain interpret as sound. The sound gradually gets quitter and dies out as the amplitude of the vibrations diminishes due to energy being carried away by the sound waves.
A familiar example of resonance is a playground swing, which acts as a pendulum. Pushing a person in a swing in time with the natural interval of the swing (its resonant frequency) makes the swing go higher and higher (maximum amplitude), while attempts to push the swing at a faster or slower tempo produce smaller arcs. This is because the energy the swing absorbs is maximized when the pushes match the swing's natural oscillations.
Resonance in circuits are used for both transmitting and receiving wireless communications such as television, cell phones and radio.
ASIDE: PEMF therapy versus electrical stimulation (electrical stimulation energy medicine devices include TENS units, scenars, zappers, hand held RIFE, gas plasma and many other forms of electrical current based energy medicine).
PEMF is NOT electrical stimulation. The primary difference is PEMF INDUCES currents in tissues whereas electrical stimulation applies currents to tissues. Because PEMF uses magnetic fields as the delivery mechanism for the stimulation (as opposed to electrical currents), it can generate charges, microcurrents and energy flow MUCH deeper in the body.
AND it is safer and more tolerable (PEMF can only produce as much charge as tissues capable of handling which means tissues CANNOT be overcharged by PEMF (like green like going on in a batter charger...) On the other hand, electrical stimulation when overdone can cause burning of tissue (ie electrocution). It might be controlled or mild, but it is still electrocution.
PEMF is NOT electrical stimulation. The primary difference is PEMF INDUCES currents in tissues whereas electrical stimulation applies currents to tissues. Because PEMF uses magnetic fields as the delivery mechanism for the stimulation (as opposed to electrical currents), it can generate charges, microcurrents and energy flow MUCH deeper in the body.
AND it is safer and more tolerable (PEMF can only produce as much charge as tissues capable of handling which means tissues CANNOT be overcharged by PEMF (like green like going on in a batter charger...) On the other hand, electrical stimulation when overdone can cause burning of tissue (ie electrocution). It might be controlled or mild, but it is still electrocution.
healing is voltage.
PEMF/Energy Devices I DO NOT Recommend (More Coming Soon.. By Popular demand because people want to know my experiences and opinions trying now $600,000+ in energy devices).
(or think they are unnecessary) because let's face it, you could be doing therapies all day long. You have to live and enjoy life, so PEMF along with saunas and Whole body vibrations is ALL you need as far as expensive devices go. Save your money and instead FOCUS on deep breathing and fresh air, hydration with clean low TDS water, eating organic and fresh, sitting less and moving more and getting good sleep.
(or think they are unnecessary) because let's face it, you could be doing therapies all day long. You have to live and enjoy life, so PEMF along with saunas and Whole body vibrations is ALL you need as far as expensive devices go. Save your money and instead FOCUS on deep breathing and fresh air, hydration with clean low TDS water, eating organic and fresh, sitting less and moving more and getting good sleep.
- Rife Machines Like PERL M+ and GB 4000 and others. All Rife machines are an antibiotic approach to Energy Medicine and like antibiotics can breed super rife resistant bacteria and pathogens. Life always finds a way. Earth based PEMF like the iMRS 2000 is a natural Probiotic approach that works WITH the body to heal itself and changes the biological terrain so pathogens pack their bags because environment is unsuitable. (more coming soon).
- Multiwave Oscillators - Too many high electrosmog frequencies.
- Static Magnetic Mattress pads and Products... PEMF works better ...period. This was proven way back in the early 80's.
- High Intensity PEMF ... More is NOT Better. I have a WHOLE playlist explaining this:
- Zappers and electric current based devices. Again antibiotic mentally that breeds resistant superbugs.
- Scenars and Tennant devices, etc.... Too much training required and too localized. Yes it works but very time intensive and PEMF works better. I have trained with one of the leading scenar experts in the U.S. so I know this technology well. My advice, save your money AND save time.
- Ed Skilling Photon Genie, Photon Genius and other Gas Plasma tube devices... Save your money... Have owned and spent a LOT on these. Actually had a Genius. Way overpriced.... Get a Sauna for MUCH LESS. Tubes are PAINTED colors, not natural gases. Photon genie is a BETTER option but still unncessary. To Move lymph, do saunas, skin brushing, move your body, deep breathing, whole body vibration or rebounding.
- Energy information systems like QXCI, SCIO, Indigo, Life, Inergetix, NES health, Zyto and others. Great in theory but my experience using all of these is they are not very accurate. They use random number algorithms and its easy to see inconsistencies doing sessions close together. I think this MAY be the future in diagnostic energy medicine, BUT we are not there yet with accuracy (in my opinion). Also VERY time intensive, training intensive... I Know I have taken workshops to use these type of devices. PEMF is easier, quicker and more effective in my experience.
- Basically ANY energy medicine devices outside of PEMF, Saunas, and Whole Body vibration I think are UNNECESSARY. Save your money and live life. PEMF is 8 minutes 2x a day. Whole body vibration you can do while watching TV. And a 1/2 hour sauna 3x a week, you can read a book while in the sauna... MOST BANG for the buck. Other things I really recommend are FREE of very little cost. Skin brushes $10, Salt Pipes, $20, etc. Good food and water can be pricey, but I do not consider.
Ch9 - The Fifth Element
INTERCONNECTED STRUCTURE - The Body Electric, Biomagnetism, Bioelectronics, Healing is Voltage
Physics - Electricity, Magnetism, Currents, Maxwells, Electrodynamics/QED
Biorhythms - PEMF/Earthing - EEGS - Beta/Alpha/Theta/Delta
Udana Vayu: Seated in the Throat and Head, Vishuddha Chakra, Ajna Chakra, Ether
- Healthy Earth Magnetism and PEMF TECH
Subtle Energy Medicine - Low Level PEMF
PEMF like those magnetic charging plates for the phone. Charges TMP, improves ATP
Put right stuff in, take garbage out.
Ch 10 - Unhealthy PEMF - Electrosmog and Dirty electricity
Activity - Work stand grounded EMF, USE PEMF to energize cells and offset electrosmog
Rest - Turn off EMF - stay grounded
Sources of Energy from Earth/Sun Toroidal Flows (holistic)
Outside (top down)
1) Earths magnetic field
2) food
3) water
4) sunlight
5) oxygen
6) emotions/astral, mental, spiritual from planet, family, environment (more in module 8/9)
Intermediary - VESSELS - blood, lymph, meridians,
emotions/astral body flows, mental body thoughtform flow, spiritual flows
Sources of energy from cells toroidal flow (reductionist)
1) ATP
2) TMP
3) Biophotons
4) Proton and electron flows
5) Phonons and other vibrations
6) emotions/astral, mental, spiritual from within ourselves
Ch9 - The Fifth Element
INTERCONNECTED STRUCTURE - The Body Electric, Biomagnetism, Bioelectronics, Healing is Voltage
Physics - Electricity, Magnetism, Currents, Maxwells, Electrodynamics/QED
Biorhythms - PEMF/Earthing - EEGS - Beta/Alpha/Theta/Delta
Udana Vayu: Seated in the Throat and Head, Vishuddha Chakra, Ajna Chakra, Ether
- Healthy Earth Magnetism and PEMF TECH
Subtle Energy Medicine - Low Level PEMF
PEMF like those magnetic charging plates for the phone. Charges TMP, improves ATP
Put right stuff in, take garbage out.
Ch 10 - Unhealthy PEMF - Electrosmog and Dirty electricity
Activity - Work stand grounded EMF, USE PEMF to energize cells and offset electrosmog
Rest - Turn off EMF - stay grounded
Sources of Energy from Earth/Sun Toroidal Flows (holistic)
Outside (top down)
1) Earths magnetic field
2) food
3) water
4) sunlight
5) oxygen
6) emotions/astral, mental, spiritual from planet, family, environment (more in module 8/9)
Intermediary - VESSELS - blood, lymph, meridians,
emotions/astral body flows, mental body thoughtform flow, spiritual flows
Sources of energy from cells toroidal flow (reductionist)
1) ATP
2) TMP
3) Biophotons
4) Proton and electron flows
5) Phonons and other vibrations
6) emotions/astral, mental, spiritual from within ourselves
HoursM-F: 10am - 10pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm |