Bright Full Spectrum BLUE LIGHT in the DAY
DIM RED/ORANGE/Yellow - Low Blue Light AT NIGHT
III. Reconnecting to The Cycles and Rhythms of Light
Turning to the Dark Side - SLEEP and Melatonin.
Let's Now Bring it All Together, Light, Color and Darkness.
Besides being an Essential NUTRIENT for the Body, Light serves to synchronize and connect us with the Cosmos via mainly the eyes/skin --> hypothalamus --> Pineal Gland , the bodies light meter and regulator of sleep/wake cycles VIA secretion of the all important hormone MELATONIN.
More scientifically, In recent decades it is taking its rightful place as CO-Master Gland along with the Pituitary having many more functions than previously thought. It acts as the regulator of regulators having documented effects on reproductive cycles, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, motor activity, SLEEP, tumor growth, mood and the immune system!! WOW!
Bright Full Spectrum BLUE LIGHT in the DAY
DIM RED/ORANGE/Yellow - Low Blue Light AT NIGHT
III. Reconnecting to The Cycles and Rhythms of Light
Turning to the Dark Side - SLEEP and Melatonin.
Let's Now Bring it All Together, Light, Color and Darkness.
Besides being an Essential NUTRIENT for the Body, Light serves to synchronize and connect us with the Cosmos via mainly the eyes/skin --> hypothalamus --> Pineal Gland , the bodies light meter and regulator of sleep/wake cycles VIA secretion of the all important hormone MELATONIN.
More scientifically, In recent decades it is taking its rightful place as CO-Master Gland along with the Pituitary having many more functions than previously thought. It acts as the regulator of regulators having documented effects on reproductive cycles, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, motor activity, SLEEP, tumor growth, mood and the immune system!! WOW!

1987 Richard Stevens Melatonin hypothesis - loss of cancer fighting hormone when eyes exposed to light at night is partly responsible for rise in cancer. Shift workers, computers, light at night.
Melatonin is THE sleep hormone which lowers body temperature, slows the brain waves and creates other effects in the body that makes you SLEEPY. But it has MANY more benefits as well...
Melatonin is onstatic
onco cancer - stasis at rest, motionless (opposite of growth)
Also anti aging antioxidant and overall mouthing hormone that declines with age.
Also SAD, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, Biploar, postpartum and other conditions can be benefiting from proper melatonin cycles.
Cortisol and Weight Gain (after 11pm).
Melatonin is an important antiaging hormone and like other hormones like HGH, Sex Hormones, etc, tends to Decline with Age (why older people sleep lighter and have a harder time sleeping). To reiterate main function of energy medicine physiologically is to BOOST healthy Hormone and Enzymes levels to delay and postpone the scourges of aging.
Again showing how light PROFOUNDLY affects our hormones and bodily processes.
Melatonin is THE sleep hormone which lowers body temperature, slows the brain waves and creates other effects in the body that makes you SLEEPY. But it has MANY more benefits as well...
Melatonin is onstatic
onco cancer - stasis at rest, motionless (opposite of growth)
Also anti aging antioxidant and overall mouthing hormone that declines with age.
Also SAD, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, Biploar, postpartum and other conditions can be benefiting from proper melatonin cycles.
Cortisol and Weight Gain (after 11pm).
Melatonin is an important antiaging hormone and like other hormones like HGH, Sex Hormones, etc, tends to Decline with Age (why older people sleep lighter and have a harder time sleeping). To reiterate main function of energy medicine physiologically is to BOOST healthy Hormone and Enzymes levels to delay and postpone the scourges of aging.
Again showing how light PROFOUNDLY affects our hormones and bodily processes.

To Maximize Melatonin, You need full spectrum Light first thing in the morning (and during the day)...
Getting enough sun exposure every day keeps your body’s clock on-point. Sunlight (especially the BLUE part) tells your body to postpone making melatonin.
Plus we need darkness AT night to PRODUCE melatonin OR lights that contain LOW amounts of blue such as Amber lights red/orange amber LEDs, candlelight, dim incandescent, campfire, etc.
Dr Penny Stanway has shown that in bright daylight the pineal gland uses the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture serotonin (a feel good brain chemical) and at the onset of darkness the pineal organ produces melatonin, which aids in sleep (and has profound anti-aging and anticancer benefits.
At night the pineal gland is the bodies "light meter" and produces 10X the amount of Melatonin present in daylight. In the morning the melatonin is transformed by the pineal gland into serotonin, a process completed at around 3000 lux.
In a nutshell ....
Serotonin For Happy Days
Melatonin for Peaceful Nights
Problem is We DO NOT get enough full spectrum light in the day and We get TOO much bright blue laden light at night.
Getting enough sun exposure every day keeps your body’s clock on-point. Sunlight (especially the BLUE part) tells your body to postpone making melatonin.
Plus we need darkness AT night to PRODUCE melatonin OR lights that contain LOW amounts of blue such as Amber lights red/orange amber LEDs, candlelight, dim incandescent, campfire, etc.
Dr Penny Stanway has shown that in bright daylight the pineal gland uses the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture serotonin (a feel good brain chemical) and at the onset of darkness the pineal organ produces melatonin, which aids in sleep (and has profound anti-aging and anticancer benefits.
At night the pineal gland is the bodies "light meter" and produces 10X the amount of Melatonin present in daylight. In the morning the melatonin is transformed by the pineal gland into serotonin, a process completed at around 3000 lux.
In a nutshell ....
Serotonin For Happy Days
Melatonin for Peaceful Nights
Problem is We DO NOT get enough full spectrum light in the day and We get TOO much bright blue laden light at night.

Practices to Tune Your Pineal Gland ***VERY VERY IMPORTANT FOR GOOD HEALTH - One of THE most important Sections in the Course.
I. Full Spectrum Light in the Day (especially early in day)
Sunlight tells your body to make Serotonin and postpone making melatonin – the hormone that makes you tired and helps you sleep. (Good to Get Sunlight FIRST THING IN THE MORNING to Reset Your Clock)
Exposing Bright light in Later Afternoon has ALSO been shown to maximize Melatonin cycles.
People with windows in their offices sleep better.
30-60 min full spectrum light .. remove sunglasses..use lightbox if necessary
II. Dark at Night (especially hour before bed)
Darken House - Blue light filters/ candles
Red/Amber bulbs or dimmed incandescent at night. Candles are also good. Basically AVOID blue/bright white lights within a couple hours of bed if possible.
OR wear blue blocking goggles. No cellphone or TV close to bed …
READ before bed, meditate, take a salt bath, USE YOUR IMRS 2000 (HELPS WITH SLEEP)!!
Don't read from iPAD or bright tablet. (or get a filter or blue blocking glasses).
If you must use your computer later at night, make SURE to install F.lux (justgetflux.com) on your computer, which changes the light from your computer screen to adjust for the time of day,
Melatonin Cycle should be 10-11 hours (most people it is much less like 6-7 hours = HEALTH PROBLEMS).
I. Full Spectrum Light in the Day (especially early in day)
Sunlight tells your body to make Serotonin and postpone making melatonin – the hormone that makes you tired and helps you sleep. (Good to Get Sunlight FIRST THING IN THE MORNING to Reset Your Clock)
Exposing Bright light in Later Afternoon has ALSO been shown to maximize Melatonin cycles.
People with windows in their offices sleep better.
30-60 min full spectrum light .. remove sunglasses..use lightbox if necessary
II. Dark at Night (especially hour before bed)
Darken House - Blue light filters/ candles
Red/Amber bulbs or dimmed incandescent at night. Candles are also good. Basically AVOID blue/bright white lights within a couple hours of bed if possible.
OR wear blue blocking goggles. No cellphone or TV close to bed …
READ before bed, meditate, take a salt bath, USE YOUR IMRS 2000 (HELPS WITH SLEEP)!!
Don't read from iPAD or bright tablet. (or get a filter or blue blocking glasses).
If you must use your computer later at night, make SURE to install F.lux (justgetflux.com) on your computer, which changes the light from your computer screen to adjust for the time of day,
Melatonin Cycle should be 10-11 hours (most people it is much less like 6-7 hours = HEALTH PROBLEMS).
[Visible] Full Spectrum Light - When you cannot get Natural Sunlight, it is the Next Best Multi-Light-a-Min!
First VISIBLE LIGHT, Gives us COLOR AND VISION... Natural full spectrum light is vital to our health. Full spectrum light comes from the visible and PEAK output of the sun.
Until 1879 when Edison perfected the light bulb, people spent most of their time outdoors and received adequate daily doses of natural, full spectrum sunlight. Althought the lightbulb forever changed the world and brought many advances, people started more and more to get disconnected from Natures light cycles! This brought a whole lot of problems that have persisted to this day!
A general slowing down and lowering mood and enthusiasm in association with winter has been noticed globally for thousands of years. The National institute of health has described this emotional disorder characterized by drastic mood swings and depression that arrive at winter and leave in the spring.
Unlike most individuals suffering from depression, people with this disorder (4x as many women as men) do not lose sleep or their appetite. Instead they eat more (especially carbs), sleep more, are less interested in sex, gain weight, frequently become withdrawn, and generally undergo a change in personality.
Dr Norman Rosenthal first recognized the symptoms in 1981 and named the disorder SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), feels that because it is so common, its symptoms seem normal. 25 million or more americans experience SAD.
First VISIBLE LIGHT, Gives us COLOR AND VISION... Natural full spectrum light is vital to our health. Full spectrum light comes from the visible and PEAK output of the sun.
Until 1879 when Edison perfected the light bulb, people spent most of their time outdoors and received adequate daily doses of natural, full spectrum sunlight. Althought the lightbulb forever changed the world and brought many advances, people started more and more to get disconnected from Natures light cycles! This brought a whole lot of problems that have persisted to this day!
A general slowing down and lowering mood and enthusiasm in association with winter has been noticed globally for thousands of years. The National institute of health has described this emotional disorder characterized by drastic mood swings and depression that arrive at winter and leave in the spring.
Unlike most individuals suffering from depression, people with this disorder (4x as many women as men) do not lose sleep or their appetite. Instead they eat more (especially carbs), sleep more, are less interested in sex, gain weight, frequently become withdrawn, and generally undergo a change in personality.
Dr Norman Rosenthal first recognized the symptoms in 1981 and named the disorder SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), feels that because it is so common, its symptoms seem normal. 25 million or more americans experience SAD.

Treating SAD with bright full spectrum light (has to Be FULL SPECTRUM). Seems to be 80% effective. Newer units use 10,000 lux or higher - STILL LOOKING INTO THIS... There might be some other options.
While it is IDEAL to get full spectrum light from the sun, it is not always possible, so we do what Victor Schauberger says, Comprehend and Copy Nature... One of the themes in this course is Reconnecting to Nature and Natures Elements. We cannot do better than Nature, but when we can't get the ideal, we try to comprehend nature and copy as best as possible. The BEST full spectrum lights are the ones that match the Sun's spectrum the most closely.
There is an old Italian Proverb, "Dove non va il sole, va il medico."
"Where the sun does not go, the doctor does."
This was related to Roman architecture and letting in of the Sun to dwelling places.
NOTE: Even though I recommend full spectrum lights, STILL Use Natural Lighting AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Make sure you have a WINDOW where you work... SEVERAL BIG windows ideally! Work Outside when possible.
While it is IDEAL to get full spectrum light from the sun, it is not always possible, so we do what Victor Schauberger says, Comprehend and Copy Nature... One of the themes in this course is Reconnecting to Nature and Natures Elements. We cannot do better than Nature, but when we can't get the ideal, we try to comprehend nature and copy as best as possible. The BEST full spectrum lights are the ones that match the Sun's spectrum the most closely.
There is an old Italian Proverb, "Dove non va il sole, va il medico."
"Where the sun does not go, the doctor does."
This was related to Roman architecture and letting in of the Sun to dwelling places.
NOTE: Even though I recommend full spectrum lights, STILL Use Natural Lighting AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Make sure you have a WINDOW where you work... SEVERAL BIG windows ideally! Work Outside when possible.

Light Therapy Pioneer and Proponent of Full Spectrum Light - John Ott
"My studies have indicated that light is a nutrient, similar to all the other nutrients we take in through food, and that we need the full spectrum range of natural daylight."
-Dr John Ott
My studies have indicated that light is a nutrient, similar to all the other nutrients we take in through food, and that we need the full spectrum range of natural daylight. This is a fact long since proven by science. In 1967, a paper presented by three Russian scientists to the International Committee on Illumination said, "If human skin is not exposed to solar radiation (direct or scattered) for long periods of time, disturbances will occur in the physiological equilibrium of the human system. The result will be functional disorders of the nervous system and a vitamin-D deficiency, a weakening of the body's defenses, and an aggravation of chronic diseases."
"My studies have indicated that light is a nutrient, similar to all the other nutrients we take in through food, and that we need the full spectrum range of natural daylight."
-Dr John Ott
My studies have indicated that light is a nutrient, similar to all the other nutrients we take in through food, and that we need the full spectrum range of natural daylight. This is a fact long since proven by science. In 1967, a paper presented by three Russian scientists to the International Committee on Illumination said, "If human skin is not exposed to solar radiation (direct or scattered) for long periods of time, disturbances will occur in the physiological equilibrium of the human system. The result will be functional disorders of the nervous system and a vitamin-D deficiency, a weakening of the body's defenses, and an aggravation of chronic diseases."

What's Wrong with Standard Fluorescent and Unnatural Lighting?
On the left you can see the yellow/greenish cast that is common today with cool white fluorescent lights. After exposure to this type of light, this yellow/greenish cast becomes the faux norm. Full spectrum lights on the right. The teachers have less eyestrain with full spectrum and less red in the eyes, which makes their day a little easier. The students have increased concentration levels and are less agitated with the long day. The room colors are much cheerier.
SOME LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT - RESEARCH Of Full Spectrum Lights VS Cool Fluorescents
In 1973, Dr. Ott used four windowless, first grade classrooms in Sarasota, Florida to test the effectiveness of full spectrum lighting. Two classrooms received installations of full-spectrum lights while two classrooms kept the standard cool-white fluorescent lights. The results: the level of behaviour improved considerably in the classes with the full-spectrum lights while the overall academic level of the children in those classes rose considerably.
A study by the Council of Educational Facility Planners compared cool white to full spectrum fluorescent lamps in a controlled scientific test in classrooms. Students had a 2.5 times better attendance record in rooms with full spectrum lamps AND LESS SICK DAYS. (Graves, 1985) (Hathaway, 1980)
2) Better Performance in the Workplace
Full-spectrum lighting provides many benefits that are of immediate relevance to our Occupational Health and Safety considerations. Human resource interests are being prioritized in progressive companies and business. These physiological and psychological advantages, combined with sustained quality performance, represent the future in work place illumination. 10/34 Marlborough Rd., Ph./Fax. (03)9876 0799
Citing American Optometrists Association figures, Dr. Sheedy noted that eye related complaints are the "number one" problem cited by computer users. Eye irritation nightmare:- Other problems becoming apparent include eye irritations produced by glare. Some experts warn that eyesight damage could become an OH&S nightmare in the 1990's. A related study found that more than 10% of workers complained of sore eyes every day. More than 50% suffered sore eyes at least once a week. (OHM issue No. 93)
Initial experiments by Aston and Bell chambers were confirmed by the extensive research of the Naval Submarine Research laboratory. The experiments and research concludes that fluorescent lamps with superior color rendering result in a visual clarity that is 40% greater than typical cool white lamps.
Research during the last ten years shows that the physiological and psychological effects of artificial lighting are very significant and quantifiable. The amount of light is important, but the composition of quality of light is perhaps the most important factor, affecting health, temperament, and the ability to see clearly. Physiological studies have also conclusively shown that, under full spectrum lamps versus cool white lamps, humans have increased oxygen intake, reduced heart rate, increased ability to absorb vitamin D and calcium and improved muscle utilization. (Hughes,1986) (Neer,1984)
Recent reports conclude, "The results support the conclusion that artificial lighting simulating natural light (full spectrum lamps) is perceived as significantly more pleasant, natural, bright and stimulating. Subjects felt more relaxed, less fatigued and as having greater eye comfort under the simulated natural light Additionally, they rated their work as being more distinct, easier and satisfying. " (Hughes. 1986)
Use ONLY Full Spectrum Lights when Natural Sunlight Not Available.
Research is OVERWHELMING..
Please Read 3 page article below.
Replace all your lightbulbs with Full Spectrum Lights (like Chromalux ). You can ALSO get full spectrum FLUORESCENT BULBS FOR THE WORKPLACE (veriflux and other companies make these)- A MUST as we'll see soon!
Invest in a Verilux "Light Box" if you live in Northern parts of the world with less sunshine and long winters or rainy seasons to avoid S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Or at least spend more time outdoors as part of the sun's light will penetrate through the clouds. If you live in Florida or sunny Southern states like me, you don't need it.
On the left you can see the yellow/greenish cast that is common today with cool white fluorescent lights. After exposure to this type of light, this yellow/greenish cast becomes the faux norm. Full spectrum lights on the right. The teachers have less eyestrain with full spectrum and less red in the eyes, which makes their day a little easier. The students have increased concentration levels and are less agitated with the long day. The room colors are much cheerier.
SOME LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT - RESEARCH Of Full Spectrum Lights VS Cool Fluorescents
In 1973, Dr. Ott used four windowless, first grade classrooms in Sarasota, Florida to test the effectiveness of full spectrum lighting. Two classrooms received installations of full-spectrum lights while two classrooms kept the standard cool-white fluorescent lights. The results: the level of behaviour improved considerably in the classes with the full-spectrum lights while the overall academic level of the children in those classes rose considerably.
A study by the Council of Educational Facility Planners compared cool white to full spectrum fluorescent lamps in a controlled scientific test in classrooms. Students had a 2.5 times better attendance record in rooms with full spectrum lamps AND LESS SICK DAYS. (Graves, 1985) (Hathaway, 1980)
2) Better Performance in the Workplace
Full-spectrum lighting provides many benefits that are of immediate relevance to our Occupational Health and Safety considerations. Human resource interests are being prioritized in progressive companies and business. These physiological and psychological advantages, combined with sustained quality performance, represent the future in work place illumination. 10/34 Marlborough Rd., Ph./Fax. (03)9876 0799
Citing American Optometrists Association figures, Dr. Sheedy noted that eye related complaints are the "number one" problem cited by computer users. Eye irritation nightmare:- Other problems becoming apparent include eye irritations produced by glare. Some experts warn that eyesight damage could become an OH&S nightmare in the 1990's. A related study found that more than 10% of workers complained of sore eyes every day. More than 50% suffered sore eyes at least once a week. (OHM issue No. 93)
Initial experiments by Aston and Bell chambers were confirmed by the extensive research of the Naval Submarine Research laboratory. The experiments and research concludes that fluorescent lamps with superior color rendering result in a visual clarity that is 40% greater than typical cool white lamps.
Research during the last ten years shows that the physiological and psychological effects of artificial lighting are very significant and quantifiable. The amount of light is important, but the composition of quality of light is perhaps the most important factor, affecting health, temperament, and the ability to see clearly. Physiological studies have also conclusively shown that, under full spectrum lamps versus cool white lamps, humans have increased oxygen intake, reduced heart rate, increased ability to absorb vitamin D and calcium and improved muscle utilization. (Hughes,1986) (Neer,1984)
Recent reports conclude, "The results support the conclusion that artificial lighting simulating natural light (full spectrum lamps) is perceived as significantly more pleasant, natural, bright and stimulating. Subjects felt more relaxed, less fatigued and as having greater eye comfort under the simulated natural light Additionally, they rated their work as being more distinct, easier and satisfying. " (Hughes. 1986)
Use ONLY Full Spectrum Lights when Natural Sunlight Not Available.
Research is OVERWHELMING..
Please Read 3 page article below.
Replace all your lightbulbs with Full Spectrum Lights (like Chromalux ). You can ALSO get full spectrum FLUORESCENT BULBS FOR THE WORKPLACE (veriflux and other companies make these)- A MUST as we'll see soon!
Invest in a Verilux "Light Box" if you live in Northern parts of the world with less sunshine and long winters or rainy seasons to avoid S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Or at least spend more time outdoors as part of the sun's light will penetrate through the clouds. If you live in Florida or sunny Southern states like me, you don't need it.

Color Therapy
Color Therapy, also known as chromotherapy is the use of color and colored light to assist with the healing of the human body via the eyes, skin and biofield.
Color Therapy was first described more than 1000 years ago. The theory is that our bodies ‘feed’ on certain colors of light within the visible spectrum of natural light, and that these colors each have an associated emotion which can be manipulated via exposure to specific colors.
There is so much to say about color therapy but I want to focus on some proven research which gives credence to Mal-illumination and not getting full spectrum light.
Blue light for Jaundice
This is so widely understood and researched that most maternity wards use blue light in the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, condition found in a majority of prematurely born infants. Also helps to treat Jaundice. Actually this blue light assists the liver in digestion and cholesterol metabolism (AS DOES UV). (McDonagh, 1980)
Studies are showing different colors of light enhance enzymes (up to 500%) and help regulate hormones and bodily processes.
Which Color? ALL OF THEM!!!
Full spectrum natural sunlight (with its IR, Colors of The Rainbow and UV parts) is a the BEST multivitamin for the element fire or should I say
WE NEED LIGHT or we suffer from some form or another of Malillumination (SAD, Vitamin D definiciency, etc). Infrared, FULL SPECTRUM VISIBLE LIGHT, and UV as essential Nutrients/Elements of health like Food, water, air,
and PEMF.
Color Therapy, also known as chromotherapy is the use of color and colored light to assist with the healing of the human body via the eyes, skin and biofield.
Color Therapy was first described more than 1000 years ago. The theory is that our bodies ‘feed’ on certain colors of light within the visible spectrum of natural light, and that these colors each have an associated emotion which can be manipulated via exposure to specific colors.
There is so much to say about color therapy but I want to focus on some proven research which gives credence to Mal-illumination and not getting full spectrum light.
Blue light for Jaundice
This is so widely understood and researched that most maternity wards use blue light in the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, condition found in a majority of prematurely born infants. Also helps to treat Jaundice. Actually this blue light assists the liver in digestion and cholesterol metabolism (AS DOES UV). (McDonagh, 1980)
Studies are showing different colors of light enhance enzymes (up to 500%) and help regulate hormones and bodily processes.
- Also significant studies in blue light for arthritis,
- blue/purple acne,
- red/IR for pain/migraines/wrinkles
- Prisoners in the pink calms them down
- athletes are enhanced with red for energy and blue for endurance.
Which Color? ALL OF THEM!!!
Full spectrum natural sunlight (with its IR, Colors of The Rainbow and UV parts) is a the BEST multivitamin for the element fire or should I say
WE NEED LIGHT or we suffer from some form or another of Malillumination (SAD, Vitamin D definiciency, etc). Infrared, FULL SPECTRUM VISIBLE LIGHT, and UV as essential Nutrients/Elements of health like Food, water, air,
and PEMF.
HoursM-F: 10am - 10pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm |