Chapter 3: The Human Biofield - We Are Beings of Light!
“We know today that man is essentially a being of light, and the modern science of photobiology is presently proving this. “
- Fritz Popp
In chapter 1, we looked at the extensive, rich history of using light as medicine, leading up to the use of lasers and LEDs mainly in the red and near infrared spectrum. In chapter 2 we looked at the physics of light and what light is from a scientific perspective. Now we’re going to examine the equally exciting and empowering history of understanding the human body from a light/photonic and energetic perspective. This involves digging into the details of the human biofield that surrounds, interpenetrates, energizes, enlivens and orchestrates health and life in our distinctive biological form. Our quest is a deeper understanding and appreciation of why red light therapy works not just on a physical level, but energetically as well!
- Fritz Popp
In chapter 1, we looked at the extensive, rich history of using light as medicine, leading up to the use of lasers and LEDs mainly in the red and near infrared spectrum. In chapter 2 we looked at the physics of light and what light is from a scientific perspective. Now we’re going to examine the equally exciting and empowering history of understanding the human body from a light/photonic and energetic perspective. This involves digging into the details of the human biofield that surrounds, interpenetrates, energizes, enlivens and orchestrates health and life in our distinctive biological form. Our quest is a deeper understanding and appreciation of why red light therapy works not just on a physical level, but energetically as well!

The Human Biofield
We start with the biofield, a holographic blueprint for the entire body from molecule to organelle to cell to tissue to organ to organism. This is coupled to the physical body the same way a magnetic field connects to a magnet. We all know from high school or college science that magnets have a magnetic field that we can see easily with the help of iron filings. Without those filings, the field is invisible – yet when we sprinkle those iron bits around the magnet, the toroidal magnetic field takes clear shape and form.
We start with the biofield, a holographic blueprint for the entire body from molecule to organelle to cell to tissue to organ to organism. This is coupled to the physical body the same way a magnetic field connects to a magnet. We all know from high school or college science that magnets have a magnetic field that we can see easily with the help of iron filings. Without those filings, the field is invisible – yet when we sprinkle those iron bits around the magnet, the toroidal magnetic field takes clear shape and form.

Like the physical part of a magnet, we can easily see, dissect and directly look at the physical body with the naked eye and optical and electron microscopes. And also like the magnetic field part of the magnet, we can’t see the biofield with the naked eye, but we CAN measure and detect these subtle energies with various forms of technology like EEGs, SQUIDS, and even photomultipliers (photon detectors), along with other newer technologies we will be looking at in this chapter. This instruments are analogous to putting iron filings around an object to make the biofield "visible".

Unlike a simplistic magnet, the human biofield is holographic in the sense that the whole is in each part and there is an inherent field of information as well as energy. For example, it’s no coincidence that every cell in your body has the ENTIRE genetic blueprint of the whole body! The DNA in your 37 trillion cells anchors and encodes the information and intelligence of this field in the physical body. And it is worth mentioning too that the liquid crystalline water-based matrix of every cell (powered by ATP) is coupled to this field energetically.
The biofield radically demonstrates the holographic principle in biological morphology. Quantum entanglement (instantaneous interconnectedness), goes hand in hand with holograms because the intelligence of the whole is in every part, and each is instantly connected and in sync with every other when there is health. Conversely, they are out of sync to varying degrees when there is sickness and disease present. We can find much research and evidence corroborating these energetic blueprints of the biological form, which includes not only human beings, but even plants and crystals! The biofield is much more than just a remnant of electrical and photonic pulses in the body. It serves as an intelligent energy and information field as well - and the guiding blueprint for human development and morphology.
These Holographic fields of the human body are called by many names (all synonyms) such as:
- Biofield (the term I will use most)
- Bioelectromagnetic Field (the best term for science)
- Developmental Fields
- Embryonic Fields
- Morphogenetic Fields
- Mitogenic Fields
- L-fields and Qi Fields
The biofield radically demonstrates the holographic principle in biological morphology. Quantum entanglement (instantaneous interconnectedness), goes hand in hand with holograms because the intelligence of the whole is in every part, and each is instantly connected and in sync with every other when there is health. Conversely, they are out of sync to varying degrees when there is sickness and disease present. We can find much research and evidence corroborating these energetic blueprints of the biological form, which includes not only human beings, but even plants and crystals! The biofield is much more than just a remnant of electrical and photonic pulses in the body. It serves as an intelligent energy and information field as well - and the guiding blueprint for human development and morphology.
These Holographic fields of the human body are called by many names (all synonyms) such as:
- Biofield (the term I will use most)
- Bioelectromagnetic Field (the best term for science)
- Developmental Fields
- Embryonic Fields
- Morphogenetic Fields
- Mitogenic Fields
- L-fields and Qi Fields
Why You Need Full Body Red Light Therapy
The fact that the biofield is so deeply interconnected and vibrantly intelligent, with the whole in every individual part, is the reason we recommend using a whole-body red light therapy device. No disease is an island, and the best way to treat ANY condition is by treating the full organism. Working with the whole body, we optimize coherence, synchronization, energy flow and cohesiveness and give the body the energy it requires to heal itself.
That is where the healing magic happens! We can’t emphasize enough that we need to do away with two things – the “physical body only” approach to wellness and the reductionist “treat only the local problem area” mindset. Sure, if we have a dental infection that causes intense swelling, putting a small red light pad directly on the area around the tooth is helpful, BUT that approach could cause us to overlook a systemic infection and other interconnected and related issues that a full body device can address!
The fact that the biofield is so deeply interconnected and vibrantly intelligent, with the whole in every individual part, is the reason we recommend using a whole-body red light therapy device. No disease is an island, and the best way to treat ANY condition is by treating the full organism. Working with the whole body, we optimize coherence, synchronization, energy flow and cohesiveness and give the body the energy it requires to heal itself.
That is where the healing magic happens! We can’t emphasize enough that we need to do away with two things – the “physical body only” approach to wellness and the reductionist “treat only the local problem area” mindset. Sure, if we have a dental infection that causes intense swelling, putting a small red light pad directly on the area around the tooth is helpful, BUT that approach could cause us to overlook a systemic infection and other interconnected and related issues that a full body device can address!
The Fountain of Life
Keep in mind that the biofield is not static. This energetic holographic blueprint for health models is NOT a rigid and mechanical physical human body. It’s one that is dynamic, constantly changing, breaking down and renewing and rebuilding its cells, tissues, organs and organisms. The constant flow of energy in the biofield translates into a free-flowing turnover of cells in the body that amounts to about 100 billion cells dying each day, along with 100 billion new ones created during that same period. This translates to a staggering 2.5 pounds of cells! [1]
Researchers in the 1950s discovered this phenomenon by feeding subjects radioactive atoms and tracking their movement through the body with radiation detectors. The new atoms replaced old ones and ended up in all tissues. These radio isotope studies showed:
-The skin we’re sitting in is only about 4 weeks old.
-Our stomach lining is only about 5 days old.
-We get new rods and cones in our retinas every 48 hours.
-Our liver is replaced every 6 weeks
- We have a new skeleton every 8-11 months
-98% of the atoms in our bodies are replaced each year!
According to researchers at Stanford (and other reputable universities), except for certain cells that are never replaced, we generate a completely new cell of cells about every 7 to 10 years! Ponder this: if all living beings are in such a state of flux, what is this human body? What is the guiding blueprint? The answer is in the energetic and information based biofield which is the subject of this chapter (which is within consciousness according to even quantum physics).
Keep in mind that the biofield is not static. This energetic holographic blueprint for health models is NOT a rigid and mechanical physical human body. It’s one that is dynamic, constantly changing, breaking down and renewing and rebuilding its cells, tissues, organs and organisms. The constant flow of energy in the biofield translates into a free-flowing turnover of cells in the body that amounts to about 100 billion cells dying each day, along with 100 billion new ones created during that same period. This translates to a staggering 2.5 pounds of cells! [1]
Researchers in the 1950s discovered this phenomenon by feeding subjects radioactive atoms and tracking their movement through the body with radiation detectors. The new atoms replaced old ones and ended up in all tissues. These radio isotope studies showed:
-The skin we’re sitting in is only about 4 weeks old.
-Our stomach lining is only about 5 days old.
-We get new rods and cones in our retinas every 48 hours.
-Our liver is replaced every 6 weeks
- We have a new skeleton every 8-11 months
-98% of the atoms in our bodies are replaced each year!
According to researchers at Stanford (and other reputable universities), except for certain cells that are never replaced, we generate a completely new cell of cells about every 7 to 10 years! Ponder this: if all living beings are in such a state of flux, what is this human body? What is the guiding blueprint? The answer is in the energetic and information based biofield which is the subject of this chapter (which is within consciousness according to even quantum physics).

The Fountain of You
When we look at the body from a purely physical perspective, we’re seeing something that, while appearing static, slowly evolves as we get older. As we explained with the radio isotope studies, this quasi-static, slowly changing appearance is an illusion! The reality of the constantly changing body is great news! It means we have the opportunity each day to improve our health by taking the right actions!
Think of the body as a well-made water fountain viewed from a distance. When we look at a water fountain from afar, it appears to have a beautiful though static form. Yet as we move closer, we begin to see that the fountain is “flowing,” self-renewing and regenerating (with the aid of a pump/energy), with well-placed hoses that spray, create and recycle the pond’s water. So even though there is constant change, the fountain maintains a stable form. And like the water fountain our physical form is mostly water, but not just the liquid water you are familiar with, but a structured, gel-like liquid crystalline fourth phase of water (called EZ water by Gerald Pollack) that can store energy and charge. This water-based, liquid crystalline living matrix is the physical anchor of our energetic Biofield.
Our biofield is a part of the fabric of space and time and acts as a guiding template for the flow of information, energy and matter. As solid and consistent as the human body may seem, it’s really an interconnected flow of all these things that, like the water fountain, which creates the illusion of solidity and constancy. Only after aging for many years do we start seeing this form radically change - unless of course we badly injure ourselves, get very sick and experience severe weight loss or gain. Incredibly, over the course of weeks, months, and even years we generally look the same despite the constant change we are experiencing each day.
When we look at the body from a purely physical perspective, we’re seeing something that, while appearing static, slowly evolves as we get older. As we explained with the radio isotope studies, this quasi-static, slowly changing appearance is an illusion! The reality of the constantly changing body is great news! It means we have the opportunity each day to improve our health by taking the right actions!
Think of the body as a well-made water fountain viewed from a distance. When we look at a water fountain from afar, it appears to have a beautiful though static form. Yet as we move closer, we begin to see that the fountain is “flowing,” self-renewing and regenerating (with the aid of a pump/energy), with well-placed hoses that spray, create and recycle the pond’s water. So even though there is constant change, the fountain maintains a stable form. And like the water fountain our physical form is mostly water, but not just the liquid water you are familiar with, but a structured, gel-like liquid crystalline fourth phase of water (called EZ water by Gerald Pollack) that can store energy and charge. This water-based, liquid crystalline living matrix is the physical anchor of our energetic Biofield.
Our biofield is a part of the fabric of space and time and acts as a guiding template for the flow of information, energy and matter. As solid and consistent as the human body may seem, it’s really an interconnected flow of all these things that, like the water fountain, which creates the illusion of solidity and constancy. Only after aging for many years do we start seeing this form radically change - unless of course we badly injure ourselves, get very sick and experience severe weight loss or gain. Incredibly, over the course of weeks, months, and even years we generally look the same despite the constant change we are experiencing each day.
Energy Medicine - The Treatment of Choice for the Biofield
When we are sick, injured, hurt or suffering, we usually reach for physical and chemistry related remedies that address the physical body, such as herbs, supplements, and even over the counter and prescription drugs, surgery or other medical interventions. Now that we’re learning the body is also energetic and holographic, doesn't it make sense that we can ALSO treat it with various forms of energy, including red and near infrared light therapy? Red and near infrared light therapy - and light therapy in general - is a branch of alternative healing called Energy Medicine. Rather than chemistry and drugs, Energy Medicine uses energy of various forms to heal, while treating the body as fundamentally energetic, but of course physically as well. The main types of energy used in Energy Medicine are electric, magnetic, photonic (electromagnetic waves), vibrational/acoustic and even purely informational (like homeopathy).
Before we look at the evidence from modern science about the biofield, let's first review the abundant history of subtle energies, or "life energy," in the East, especially China and India. The concept of “life energy” can be found in many cultures in the present time, in addition to past and ancient eras. Variously called qi (chi) in China, ki in Japan, and prana in India, among other names, this subtle energy, or life force, is the basis of what we'll call the biofield, which, as we already discussed, is a measurable holographic field of energy and information. This field includes, but is not limited to, electric, magnetic and photonic properties that CAN be measured by science, along with other very subtle energies not yet discovered. I prefer to avoid the word 'aura' because it is both less descriptive and unfortunately plagued with a "woo woo" new age stigma.
The goal of this chapter is to establish this biofield as not only scientifically real but also measurable. It is rarely if ever mentioned in other books and research studies on red light therapy, which is unfortunate. A major benefit of red light therapy and energy medicine is in the energizing, balancing and creating cohesion in this biofield. These effects are similar to why acupuncture and Reiki healing help millions of people restore their health and vitality. Let's now look at the Chinese and Indian systems.
When we are sick, injured, hurt or suffering, we usually reach for physical and chemistry related remedies that address the physical body, such as herbs, supplements, and even over the counter and prescription drugs, surgery or other medical interventions. Now that we’re learning the body is also energetic and holographic, doesn't it make sense that we can ALSO treat it with various forms of energy, including red and near infrared light therapy? Red and near infrared light therapy - and light therapy in general - is a branch of alternative healing called Energy Medicine. Rather than chemistry and drugs, Energy Medicine uses energy of various forms to heal, while treating the body as fundamentally energetic, but of course physically as well. The main types of energy used in Energy Medicine are electric, magnetic, photonic (electromagnetic waves), vibrational/acoustic and even purely informational (like homeopathy).
Before we look at the evidence from modern science about the biofield, let's first review the abundant history of subtle energies, or "life energy," in the East, especially China and India. The concept of “life energy” can be found in many cultures in the present time, in addition to past and ancient eras. Variously called qi (chi) in China, ki in Japan, and prana in India, among other names, this subtle energy, or life force, is the basis of what we'll call the biofield, which, as we already discussed, is a measurable holographic field of energy and information. This field includes, but is not limited to, electric, magnetic and photonic properties that CAN be measured by science, along with other very subtle energies not yet discovered. I prefer to avoid the word 'aura' because it is both less descriptive and unfortunately plagued with a "woo woo" new age stigma.
The goal of this chapter is to establish this biofield as not only scientifically real but also measurable. It is rarely if ever mentioned in other books and research studies on red light therapy, which is unfortunate. A major benefit of red light therapy and energy medicine is in the energizing, balancing and creating cohesion in this biofield. These effects are similar to why acupuncture and Reiki healing help millions of people restore their health and vitality. Let's now look at the Chinese and Indian systems.

The acupuncture-based Chinese system has three components. First, there are the dantians, the main energy vortices, then the acupuncture meridians and the twelve main meridian systems that go from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. There are acupuncture points along all these meridians, and the twelve meridian systems are named after major organs such as lungs, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidneys, heart governor, triple heater, gall bladder and liver. All are crucial for coordinating and orchestrating life. When there is disease, there are usually either blockages in the flow of this chi energy or excesses of it, as with inflammation. Just as when someone is having a heart attack, when blockages happen in the arteries, there are energetic blockages as well. With acute injury, there is a throbbing pain and inflammatory response in that area, which is an excess of energy or chi. Good health is a balanced and coherent flow of the chi energy in the body and biofield.

This meridian system is mainly water-imbued collagen/protein fibers throughout the body that help to physically anchor the flow of energy and information in the biofield. We can see from this image of the primo vascular inter-vascular system that they act like fiber optic cables, similar to light piping in plants. Researchers have found that they can shine laser in one acupuncture meridian and light will come out another - just like light going from one end of a fiber optic cable to the other. Isn’t that amazing?!
James Oschman coined the term “the Living Matrix” to describe this liquid crystalline water and collagen/protein connective tissue matrix that serves as the physical anchor for the acupuncture meridians. It is both poetic and objectively true that when we touch someone, we touch ALL of that person through this radically interconnected, continuous web-work of connective tissue that includes the cytoskeleton. This liquid crystalline connective tissue matrix extends throughout every nook and cranny of the entire human body, from the skin receiving impulses from the surrounding environment (like touch) to the cells and nucleus informing DNA. The DNA and cells send energy and information outward back to the environment, which means this matrix literally connects all of our cells while also connecting us to the earth and the cosmos!
Similarly, the Hindu system has its nadis, which correspond to the meridians; marma points, which correspond to acupuncture points; and the chakras, which correspond to the dantians. The chakras are another main energy center within the biofield that connect with the physical body in the many endocrine glands. These vortices of energy and information correspond to the different dimensions of our biofield, extending from body to energy, mind, soul and spirit. Science will undoubtedly one day uncover even deeper dimensions to our biofield beyond the physical and even beyond the energetic levels.
Now let's look at how modern science validates the existence of the biofield. Acupuncture is one example that bridges ancient and modern wisdom and is used as treatment by celebrities, professional athletes and even many hospitals and clinics! Because acupuncture is so mainstream, it makes a helpful entry point for people skeptical about the biofield. Acupuncture is not only well known, but there are thousands of studies verifying its health benefits. If we search PubMed for "acupuncture," we find over 40,000 research papers. We could think of red and near infrared light therapy as "needle-less" acupuncture in its ability to flood our meridians with healing photons to restore both energy and balance in the body.
We find more modern scientific evidence for the biofield in a broad medical field called bioelectromagnetism that doctors and hospitals know and use regularly. Bioelectromagnetism is the study of all the measurable electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (light) of the human body. We can safely say it is a mainstream scientific description of the biofield.
Now let's look at how modern science validates the existence of the biofield. Acupuncture is one example that bridges ancient and modern wisdom and is used as treatment by celebrities, professional athletes and even many hospitals and clinics! Because acupuncture is so mainstream, it makes a helpful entry point for people skeptical about the biofield. Acupuncture is not only well known, but there are thousands of studies verifying its health benefits. If we search PubMed for "acupuncture," we find over 40,000 research papers. We could think of red and near infrared light therapy as "needle-less" acupuncture in its ability to flood our meridians with healing photons to restore both energy and balance in the body.
We find more modern scientific evidence for the biofield in a broad medical field called bioelectromagnetism that doctors and hospitals know and use regularly. Bioelectromagnetism is the study of all the measurable electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (light) of the human body. We can safely say it is a mainstream scientific description of the biofield.
Let's start with bioelectricity, because that was the first one measured. Bioelectricity deals with both static charges or currents (charges in motion) in the human body, and it is governed by Coulombs law and other laws of electrical currents like Ohm’s law and Ampere’s law.
Let's start with bioelectricity, because that was the first one measured. Bioelectricity deals with both static charges or currents (charges in motion) in the human body, and it is governed by Coulombs law and other laws of electrical currents like Ohm’s law and Ampere’s law.

There were several key discoveries in the 1920's related to bioelectricity in the human body. The first was the EKG (electrocardiogram) invented by William Einthoven in 1924, which measures the heart’s electricity and plots it on a graph, and nowadays on a computer screen. Detecting and measuring these bioelectric fields was a major event at the time, ensuring they would no longer be considered pseudoscience or mesmerism. The body was measurably and provably electric! Hans Berger then developed something similar for the brain with the EEG (electroencephalogram). This initial scientific view of the "body electric" took place about a century ago.

Ampere's law states that every electrical current creates a circulating magnetic field surrounding that current. So biomagnetism is a natural and inevitable consequence of bioelectricity.
Biomagnetism, by definition, is the study of the production of external magnetic fields by biological organisms. This science applied to the human organism began in 1963, when Baule and McFee were the first to detect the magnetic fields surrounding the human body. They created a very sensitive magnetic field detector (before SQUID technology existed) by using a million windings of copper around a ferrous core to greatly amplify the magnetic field. They put a lot of great care and effort into accomplishing this, but they did it! They detected the magnetic field of the body (mainly the heart) OUTSIDE of the physical body! [2] This was a monumental event, as it was the first time that we could understand and measure the body beyond the boundaries of the skin. Our bodies do not end at the skin. We extend out into space, potentially infinitely far, because the electromagnetic field extends with no end. Note: Nowadays, modern medicine uses SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) magnetometers to measure the magnetic field of the body up to 15 feet into space - if we block out the fields of the earth (using a Mu Steel Faraday room).
What was once thought of as new age or pseudoscience finally became real and measurable by science in 1963! But this is still not talked about in academia or the medical community. It's as if they don't want to acknowledge that we are more than just a physical body. One possible reason is that the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry profits by viewing the body as purely physical, governed by billions of biochemical reactions which drugs attempt to address in myriad ways on a purely physical level.
Next there is light and biophotons (biological photons). While this should be a natural extension of electricity and magnetism in the body (as light comes from changing electric and magnetic fields), the idea of biophotons also meets resistance in the medical and scientific community. Any doctor who has taken physics should KNOW that light is a general consequence of Maxwell's famous equations that are the basis - along with the Lorenz force law - of the entirety of classical electromagnetism, which of course includes light!
Ampere's law states that every electrical current creates a circulating magnetic field surrounding that current. So biomagnetism is a natural and inevitable consequence of bioelectricity.
Biomagnetism, by definition, is the study of the production of external magnetic fields by biological organisms. This science applied to the human organism began in 1963, when Baule and McFee were the first to detect the magnetic fields surrounding the human body. They created a very sensitive magnetic field detector (before SQUID technology existed) by using a million windings of copper around a ferrous core to greatly amplify the magnetic field. They put a lot of great care and effort into accomplishing this, but they did it! They detected the magnetic field of the body (mainly the heart) OUTSIDE of the physical body! [2] This was a monumental event, as it was the first time that we could understand and measure the body beyond the boundaries of the skin. Our bodies do not end at the skin. We extend out into space, potentially infinitely far, because the electromagnetic field extends with no end. Note: Nowadays, modern medicine uses SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) magnetometers to measure the magnetic field of the body up to 15 feet into space - if we block out the fields of the earth (using a Mu Steel Faraday room).
What was once thought of as new age or pseudoscience finally became real and measurable by science in 1963! But this is still not talked about in academia or the medical community. It's as if they don't want to acknowledge that we are more than just a physical body. One possible reason is that the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry profits by viewing the body as purely physical, governed by billions of biochemical reactions which drugs attempt to address in myriad ways on a purely physical level.
Next there is light and biophotons (biological photons). While this should be a natural extension of electricity and magnetism in the body (as light comes from changing electric and magnetic fields), the idea of biophotons also meets resistance in the medical and scientific community. Any doctor who has taken physics should KNOW that light is a general consequence of Maxwell's famous equations that are the basis - along with the Lorenz force law - of the entirety of classical electromagnetism, which of course includes light!
Biophotons - We truly are Beings of Light
In the 1920's, Alexander Gurwitsch discovered what he called mitogenic radiation, allowing him to see that when cells divided, the DNA radiated ultraviolet photons or electromagnetic waves. To confirm this, he used glass plates that do not block UV, and quartz plates which do. Sure enough, with the quartz plates in between the samples, the cells did not divide because they NEEDED the UV biophotons! This was a huge discovery which meant that our DNA and cells use photons or light to communicate. It is shocking that even to this day, we don’t hear it discussed much in mainstream academia and medicine.
In the 1920's, Alexander Gurwitsch discovered what he called mitogenic radiation, allowing him to see that when cells divided, the DNA radiated ultraviolet photons or electromagnetic waves. To confirm this, he used glass plates that do not block UV, and quartz plates which do. Sure enough, with the quartz plates in between the samples, the cells did not divide because they NEEDED the UV biophotons! This was a huge discovery which meant that our DNA and cells use photons or light to communicate. It is shocking that even to this day, we don’t hear it discussed much in mainstream academia and medicine.

Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Fritz Albert Popp describes this biofield we have been talking about as composed of biophotons. In modern quantum field theory, light occurs in small packets of energy called photons. In living systems and processes, certain types of photons are emitted and received primarily by DNA and a few large macromolecules. These biophotons can be measured using very sensitive multipliers that Fritz Popp and others use in this field of research. They are extremely coherent and serve as a function of communication, stimulation of biochemical reactions and coordination within the body. Biophotons appear to create a holographic electromagnetic field throughout the body that uses electromagnetic frequencies for instantaneous communication throughout the system.
In sum, all human (and living) organisms have a biofield (or bioelectromagnetic field) measurable by science, which includes at least a bioelectric field, a biomagnetic field and a biophotonic field. "At least" because there are probably deeper informational or scalar fields, and deeper soul fields and beyond, that are still not measurable by science. These three, however, are indeed empirical and measurable. They come together to form a coherent, holographic, energetic and informational blueprint of the human physical body that is the basis and foundation of our health, vitality and even more significantly, of life itself!
In sum, all human (and living) organisms have a biofield (or bioelectromagnetic field) measurable by science, which includes at least a bioelectric field, a biomagnetic field and a biophotonic field. "At least" because there are probably deeper informational or scalar fields, and deeper soul fields and beyond, that are still not measurable by science. These three, however, are indeed empirical and measurable. They come together to form a coherent, holographic, energetic and informational blueprint of the human physical body that is the basis and foundation of our health, vitality and even more significantly, of life itself!
Now that we have given the biofield (or bioelectromagnetic field) some scientific footing, there are new cutting-edge devices that measure it in ways that even medical equipment and photomultipliers cannot. Personally, we feel these devices are highly accurate, representing the leading edge of technology and understanding the human body from a much more energy-centric and informational perspective; however, it is worth noting for transparency’s sake that they are not yet widely accepted by the vast majority of mainstream science.
- Aura Photography
- Gas Discharge Visualization GDV (Bio-well)
- Biofield Viewer (Thorton Streeter)
- Sound (Valerie Hunt UCLA)
- Thermal Imaging or Infrared Thermography
- Acupuncture Meridian Diagnostics
-HRV scanning technologies
- Aura Photography
- Gas Discharge Visualization GDV (Bio-well)
- Biofield Viewer (Thorton Streeter)
- Sound (Valerie Hunt UCLA)
- Thermal Imaging or Infrared Thermography
- Acupuncture Meridian Diagnostics
-HRV scanning technologies

Of all the ways to measure the biofield, Let's focus on the Bio-Well, which was formerly called Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV), an advanced and more accurate form of kirlian photography. The Bio-Well is not only intuitive and visual, but also affordable and accessible. We can literally see the energy before and after red light therapy or any therapy, and how well that therapy translates into improving the luminosity, balance and cohesiveness of the human biofield. One could have this device in a spa, clinic, wellness center or even at home to visually show clients how well red light therapy or any energy medicine device works.
Take a minute and reflect on the before and after pictures we're showing right here, because they perfectly summarize the essence of health from an energy perspective. Notice the image on the left. What do we see? The energy is not as bright as the image on the right. It’s broken up and not as symmetrical. Clearly, it’s also not as healthy. These before and after images come from the Bio-Well.
Take a minute and reflect on the before and after pictures we're showing right here, because they perfectly summarize the essence of health from an energy perspective. Notice the image on the left. What do we see? The energy is not as bright as the image on the right. It’s broken up and not as symmetrical. Clearly, it’s also not as healthy. These before and after images come from the Bio-Well.
Bio-Well and Gas Discharge Visualization
Here’s how it works. Using advanced technology of Electro-Photonic Imaging (EPI) (also known as Gas Discharge Visualization or GDV), the Bio-Well visually shows the state of a person’s stress and energy levels. When a Bio-Well scan is taken, a high intensity electrical field stimulates emission of photons and electrons from human skin, which creates a gas discharge that is photographed by the camera. This information is then translated into graphical representations for further analysis. They refer to these before and after images as the bioelectrography of the patient. What is great about this test is that it allows us to see the three main energetic components of the biofield, which are the overall energy of the biofield, its symmetry or balance, and its cohesiveness.
Here’s how it works. Using advanced technology of Electro-Photonic Imaging (EPI) (also known as Gas Discharge Visualization or GDV), the Bio-Well visually shows the state of a person’s stress and energy levels. When a Bio-Well scan is taken, a high intensity electrical field stimulates emission of photons and electrons from human skin, which creates a gas discharge that is photographed by the camera. This information is then translated into graphical representations for further analysis. They refer to these before and after images as the bioelectrography of the patient. What is great about this test is that it allows us to see the three main energetic components of the biofield, which are the overall energy of the biofield, its symmetry or balance, and its cohesiveness.
The first energetic component of the biofield is the energy or brightness measured in Joules on the Bio-Well readout. This is the overall energy the person is radiating, the more the better. As an analogy, think of health as a bright light (more energy) versus sickness which is a dim light bulb (less energy). In physics, energy is measured in Joules, and appropriately, the Bio-Well readout will show our overall energy or "brightness" measured in Joules. Health is literally an energy game. The more energy we have, the more health we have, providing that energy is balanced, coherent and cohesive. And we'll see later on in the book, the main physical anchors of this energy are ATP and the cellular and intercellular liquid crystalline matrix - which gives rise to cellular voltage. And cellular energy translates into biofield energy and glow!
It is not just more energy the body and biofield needs; the biofield also needs to be balanced too! In fact, the Bio-Well will tell us how balanced our energy is with a percentage – with 100% being perfectly balanced (same amount of energy on both sides or our body). Even healthy people have a tendency to be right or left side energy dominant, which can be related to things like right or left-handedness, or more masculine/rational/right brain or feminine/artistic/left brain, to name a few possibilities for imbalances in otherwise healthy people. People who are sick or diseased have more serious imbalances related to other issues, such as where the disease and stresses are located in the body.
Finally, the Bio-Well measures the overall cohesiveness of the biofield. A high level of cohesiveness would mean the biofield has no or very little fractionation. A fractionated field would mean there are tears, holes or leaks in the patient’s biofield. This is analogous to someone who is cut and bleeding in one of multiple places, but instead of losing blood, is losing energy or chi. So obviously we are looking for more cohesiveness and less fractionation. Stated another way, the energy is uniformly distributed all around the body and biofield with no breaks, holes or tears.
It is not just more energy the body and biofield needs; the biofield also needs to be balanced too! In fact, the Bio-Well will tell us how balanced our energy is with a percentage – with 100% being perfectly balanced (same amount of energy on both sides or our body). Even healthy people have a tendency to be right or left side energy dominant, which can be related to things like right or left-handedness, or more masculine/rational/right brain or feminine/artistic/left brain, to name a few possibilities for imbalances in otherwise healthy people. People who are sick or diseased have more serious imbalances related to other issues, such as where the disease and stresses are located in the body.
Finally, the Bio-Well measures the overall cohesiveness of the biofield. A high level of cohesiveness would mean the biofield has no or very little fractionation. A fractionated field would mean there are tears, holes or leaks in the patient’s biofield. This is analogous to someone who is cut and bleeding in one of multiple places, but instead of losing blood, is losing energy or chi. So obviously we are looking for more cohesiveness and less fractionation. Stated another way, the energy is uniformly distributed all around the body and biofield with no breaks, holes or tears.
The health of the biofield is more complex than these three components, but they captures the essence. The image shown below shows some other possible sources of energetic problems that can arise in the biofield. Keep all this in mind in the coming chapters, because we'll see that one of the main physiological mechanisms of red light therapy is to increase and enhance ATP or cellular energy. ATP is the physical currency of energy that stores a great deal of pure energy in high energy phosphate bonds. Also cellular voltage or transmembrane potential that arises from the sodium-potasium pump AND the energetic and ordered liquid crystalline state of water (EZ water) both of which are charged by ATP (and also light!). ATP and cell voltage energy greatly contributes to the overall biofield energy, though this field has other sources of energy and subtle energy as well.
In this chapter, we offered a compelling case for a scientific basis for the human biofield or bioelectromagnetic field. Science has conclusively shown THE FACT that the human body is highly electromagnetic, with measurable electric currents, electric fields, magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves (biophotons in the IR, Visible and UV range).
Relating the biofield to energy medicine requires one more major step. In the next chapter, we'll look at the deep connection between the human biofield and the energy and light emanating from the earth and sun. We'll see that through evolution, all these energies in Nature are deeply coupled to ALL the electromagnetic energies in the body. Because this is a book on light, specifically red and near infrared light, we'll focus mainly on light and the sun in what I call the body-mind-sun connection - which sets the stage for why red light therapy is so therapeutic and effective for treating almost everything from A-Z.
[1] Gilbert SF. Developmental Biology. 6th edition. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates; 2000. The Cell Death Pathways. Available from:
Relating the biofield to energy medicine requires one more major step. In the next chapter, we'll look at the deep connection between the human biofield and the energy and light emanating from the earth and sun. We'll see that through evolution, all these energies in Nature are deeply coupled to ALL the electromagnetic energies in the body. Because this is a book on light, specifically red and near infrared light, we'll focus mainly on light and the sun in what I call the body-mind-sun connection - which sets the stage for why red light therapy is so therapeutic and effective for treating almost everything from A-Z.
[1] Gilbert SF. Developmental Biology. 6th edition. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates; 2000. The Cell Death Pathways. Available from:
******END OF CHAPTER*****
Before we look at the 8 elements of Health, I want to present some standard and some new information about natural healing and holistic medicine within a VERY energy medicine and quantum physics and Einsteinian/Relativity paradigm. E= mc2 means what it says, everything is energy. Quantum field theory and particle physics looks upon matter as energy. Fundamental particles are measured not by grams but eV (electron volts).

For Example we will look at FOOD from a very energetic perspective like the image to the left, water, sunlight, oxygen, pemf , etc also can be viewed in this energetic perspective... My hope this course will give you a FRESH and modern physics perspective of natural healing than the matter of fact, biology and physically taught explanations in most books (especially on nutrition).
PLEASE Review chapters 2-4 of my book, PEMF - The Fifth Element of Health as this will give you a foundation for the this introduction (WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT TO GRASP before continuing).
PLEASE Review chapters 2-4 of my book, PEMF - The Fifth Element of Health as this will give you a foundation for the this introduction (WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT TO GRASP before continuing).

Modern Science Certainly has dissected, tagged, labeled, studied just about every facet of our PHYSICAL bodies. And it is just beyond our ability to even fathom... Though we try.
But try in vain to imagine 37 trillion cellswith each having a 100 trillion atoms. We have more atoms in our body then there are stars in the ENTIRE Universe of 2 trillion galaxies w/ each around 100-300 billion stars. Think about that. Look at the metabolic chart below and try to fathom all these reactions going on in split second in ALL your 37 trillion cells. Billions of reactions a second.
What is it that coordinates all this mind boggling and astronomical complexity we call human life? Random collisions? Enzymes and hormones guided by DNA?... NO and NO! Well only very partly, because there is no way that can explain the vast orchestration taking place across our body.
To give you a taste, try to digest that all the metabolic reactions mapped out below take place in every of your 37 trillion cells, each with somewhere around 1000-2000 mitochondria. We are talking about billions and billions of chemical reactions happening simultaneously each instant in your body.
According to Fritz Popp, each cell has 100,000 chemical reactions happening EACH SECOND!!
That equates to around 370 quadrillion reactions in the body every second!!!
But try in vain to imagine 37 trillion cellswith each having a 100 trillion atoms. We have more atoms in our body then there are stars in the ENTIRE Universe of 2 trillion galaxies w/ each around 100-300 billion stars. Think about that. Look at the metabolic chart below and try to fathom all these reactions going on in split second in ALL your 37 trillion cells. Billions of reactions a second.
What is it that coordinates all this mind boggling and astronomical complexity we call human life? Random collisions? Enzymes and hormones guided by DNA?... NO and NO! Well only very partly, because there is no way that can explain the vast orchestration taking place across our body.
To give you a taste, try to digest that all the metabolic reactions mapped out below take place in every of your 37 trillion cells, each with somewhere around 1000-2000 mitochondria. We are talking about billions and billions of chemical reactions happening simultaneously each instant in your body.
According to Fritz Popp, each cell has 100,000 chemical reactions happening EACH SECOND!!
That equates to around 370 quadrillion reactions in the body every second!!!

Metabolic Pathways (Chart 1)
- In biochemistry, a metabolic pathway is a linked series of chemical reactions (catalyzed by enzymes) occurring within a cell.
- Different metabolic pathways function based on the position within a eukaryotic cell and the significance of the pathway in the given compartment of the cell.[3] For instance, the citric acid cycle, electron transport chain, and oxidative phosphorylation all take place in the mitochondrial membrane.
- There are two types of metabolic pathways that are characterized by their ability to either synthesize molecules with the utilization of energy (anabolic pathway) or break down of complex molecules by releasing energy in the process (catabolic pathway).

Cellular and Molecular Processes
- Immune System
- Blood Coagulation
- Ion Channels
- Plasma Membrane Receptors
- Replication, Transcription, Translation (how DNA codes, RNA Copies and Translates into proteins).
- Steroid Hormones
- IP3 Regulation
- Ca++ Regulation
- Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Glycogen
- + Much More
**I think someday there will be accurate and scientific Electromagnetic field maps on the human body to go alongside these Metabolic Pathway Cellular and Molecular Process Maps.
The acupuncture and chakra system is a good start which we will explore in a bit, but I think the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper down to cellular, organellular, molecular network analogs to meridians.!!
Organelles -> Cells -> Tissues -> Organs -> Organism -> Ecosystem -> Planet -> Solar System -> Galaxy -> Universe -> Multiverse
Most of the reactions and processes in the above charts are at the organelle and cell level with some in the immune system, hormones, blood, nerve channels interconnecting between organs, but Science has no answer HOW THE HECK ALL THIS IS COORDINATED!!
As I discussed in my book, There is an intelligent guiding Biofield or holographic energetic blueprint (it is very much an Aura, but now scientifically proven, not just New Agey).
This Biofield is deeply connected to planet earth and which CONNECTS and provides cohesion to all your organs, tissues cells and organelles and DNA. This field even FEEDS the earth's field, so your positive thoughts uplift the planet and your negative thoughts can bring it down. Heartmath has actually done research to PROVE THIS!!
Biofields and their Many Layers - This is nothing New
The biofield has been known for several Millennia from different cultures going back furthest in the Indian and Chinese philosophies and healing arts…
But even religious artists seem to include halos and energy various maps from different cultures.
The acupuncture and chakra system is a good start which we will explore in a bit, but I think the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper down to cellular, organellular, molecular network analogs to meridians.!!
Organelles -> Cells -> Tissues -> Organs -> Organism -> Ecosystem -> Planet -> Solar System -> Galaxy -> Universe -> Multiverse
Most of the reactions and processes in the above charts are at the organelle and cell level with some in the immune system, hormones, blood, nerve channels interconnecting between organs, but Science has no answer HOW THE HECK ALL THIS IS COORDINATED!!
As I discussed in my book, There is an intelligent guiding Biofield or holographic energetic blueprint (it is very much an Aura, but now scientifically proven, not just New Agey).
This Biofield is deeply connected to planet earth and which CONNECTS and provides cohesion to all your organs, tissues cells and organelles and DNA. This field even FEEDS the earth's field, so your positive thoughts uplift the planet and your negative thoughts can bring it down. Heartmath has actually done research to PROVE THIS!!
Biofields and their Many Layers - This is nothing New
The biofield has been known for several Millennia from different cultures going back furthest in the Indian and Chinese philosophies and healing arts…
But even religious artists seem to include halos and energy various maps from different cultures.
12 Major Meridians
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a meridian or Jing lou is a channel through which qi and the other fundamental substances flow. They are known by many different names, such as acupuncture meridians, acupoints, and energy vessels.
The meridians function as a network, much like a highway system, that can be mapped out throughout the entire body. They are similar to the circulatory system in western medicine, but it needs to be emphasized that meridians are primarily energy or Qi and not physical, though physical channels have been discovered (connective tissue matrix).
Extremely complicated network.. The flow of energy is intelligently guided more like the current in the most powerful quantum computer (or supercomputer). My theory is the body is the ultimate Quantum computer. Quantum computers exist but can only carry out basic functions. Again Refer to the metabolic chart to keep in mind the utterly staggering number of orchestrated reactions taking place each second... The Biofield is the guiding dynamic template.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a meridian or Jing lou is a channel through which qi and the other fundamental substances flow. They are known by many different names, such as acupuncture meridians, acupoints, and energy vessels.
The meridians function as a network, much like a highway system, that can be mapped out throughout the entire body. They are similar to the circulatory system in western medicine, but it needs to be emphasized that meridians are primarily energy or Qi and not physical, though physical channels have been discovered (connective tissue matrix).
Extremely complicated network.. The flow of energy is intelligently guided more like the current in the most powerful quantum computer (or supercomputer). My theory is the body is the ultimate Quantum computer. Quantum computers exist but can only carry out basic functions. Again Refer to the metabolic chart to keep in mind the utterly staggering number of orchestrated reactions taking place each second... The Biofield is the guiding dynamic template.
Physical Evidence of Meridians is Being Discovered (Like Fiber Optic Cables).
Primo Vascular Meridian System
Meridians and Acupuncture Points are Fractal and Holographic (self similar across many scales).
Fractal Branching down to organs, then tissues, then cells and organelles...
Fractal Branching down to organs, then tissues, then cells and organelles...
Nadis, Marma points and Chakras

There is substantial evidence that living things are fundamentally organized by electric fields and electromagnetic activities. Whitehead’s concept of a “plan of the body” that modifies the motion of electrons within it anticipates the discovery of physiologist Harold Saxton Burr at Yale University, who began his work in the 1930s.
Burr’s book, The Blueprint for Immortality [2], first published in 1972, offers a grand vision, described on book’s back cover.
“This is a breakthrough book – the first comprehensive account ever published of one of the most important scientific discoveries of this century. It reveals that all living things – from men to mice, from trees to seeds – are moulded and controlled by ‘electrodynamic fields’, which can be measured and mapped with standard modern volt-meters.
Burr’s book, The Blueprint for Immortality [2], first published in 1972, offers a grand vision, described on book’s back cover.
- Burr HS. Blueprint for Immortality, Electric Patterns of Life, C.W. Daniel Company, Ltd, Saffron Waldon, 1972.
“This is a breakthrough book – the first comprehensive account ever published of one of the most important scientific discoveries of this century. It reveals that all living things – from men to mice, from trees to seeds – are moulded and controlled by ‘electrodynamic fields’, which can be measured and mapped with standard modern volt-meters.

“These ‘fields of life’, or L-fields, are the basic blueprints of all life on this planet. Their discovery, therefore, is of immense significance to all of us.
Burr and his many collaborators over a period of forty years documented the existence of L-fields in diverse organisms including eggs and seeds; and dramatic changes in L-field potentials closely correlated with growth, development, and mental states, and key physiological events such as ovulation and cancer.
Burr and his many collaborators over a period of forty years documented the existence of L-fields in diverse organisms including eggs and seeds; and dramatic changes in L-field potentials closely correlated with growth, development, and mental states, and key physiological events such as ovulation and cancer.

Burr’s L-field could be measured from the surface of the body or the egg or seed, and detected away from the body surface, as when measurements were done on salamanders in water. This was sign of a true field effect as the field was not shorted out by water. When the salamander was rotated under the electrodes positioned some millimetres away, it acted like a dynamo as expected of a rotating electric field, giving a sine wave of rising and falling potentials.
L-fields of all organisms share some common features, such as a positive potential at the anterior versus a negative potential at the posterior. However, the entire field is made up of subsidiary or local fields specific to the body plan (see Figure 1 below).
Figure 1 L-fields of humans and salamanders, measured by Robert O Becker
L-fields of all organisms share some common features, such as a positive potential at the anterior versus a negative potential at the posterior. However, the entire field is made up of subsidiary or local fields specific to the body plan (see Figure 1 below).
Figure 1 L-fields of humans and salamanders, measured by Robert O Becker

The L-fields are not static; Burr and his collaborators found L-fields changing slowly, increasing in strength during development to a plateau in adulthood, and declining gradually as the organism ages.
L-fields were confirmed by other laboratories working independently of Burr, and later by orthopaedic surgeon/researcher Robert Otto Becker (1923 − 2008), who also documented DC potential changes during wound-healing and regeneration in animals and humans. Notably he showed that potential changes from regenerating and non-regenerating organisms differ markedly from each other.
L-fields were confirmed by other laboratories working independently of Burr, and later by orthopaedic surgeon/researcher Robert Otto Becker (1923 − 2008), who also documented DC potential changes during wound-healing and regeneration in animals and humans. Notably he showed that potential changes from regenerating and non-regenerating organisms differ markedly from each other.

Burr surmised that the L-field reflects the energetic status of the organism; in particular, he assumed correctly that the energy flux of organisms is associated with the chemical flux of metabolism, but the L-field represents energy stored in potential differences across the body. Variations in the L-field, therefore, reflect variations in the flow of energy in the system.
He wrote (p.71): “If this assumption is true, it follows, then that by studying potential differences during rest and during activity a record could be made of a general level of immediately available energy, as represented by algebraically summated boundary potentials.
“In the face of the demand for activity this reservoir of potential energy could be tapped. When the biological system is at rest, the potentials could be recorded as DC potentials, but when protoplasm is thrown into any kind of activity, such as neural transmission, muscle contraction and similar events, the first sign of that activity would lie in the sudden withdrawal from the reservoir of electrical energy. In other words, a drop in potential difference. Then, mobilization of chemical properties might be expected to re-establish the original level of the potential difference.”
He wrote (p.71): “If this assumption is true, it follows, then that by studying potential differences during rest and during activity a record could be made of a general level of immediately available energy, as represented by algebraically summated boundary potentials.
“In the face of the demand for activity this reservoir of potential energy could be tapped. When the biological system is at rest, the potentials could be recorded as DC potentials, but when protoplasm is thrown into any kind of activity, such as neural transmission, muscle contraction and similar events, the first sign of that activity would lie in the sudden withdrawal from the reservoir of electrical energy. In other words, a drop in potential difference. Then, mobilization of chemical properties might be expected to re-establish the original level of the potential difference.”
The most exciting serendipitous new discovery at Tufts University is the ‘face’ of the frog roughed out in potential differences very early in development when the embryo is still a shapeless ball of cells with very few anatomical features [16]. A team led by Dany Adams used a combination of voltage and pH sensitive dyes to follow the development of Xenopus embryos under a microscope fitted with a time-lapse camera. It recorded “never-before-seen” dynamic patterns of electrical potentials on the outermost cell layer. These are clear signs of electrodynamic processes determining body structures.
- Vandenberg LN, Morrie RD and Adams DS. V-ATPase-dependent ectodermal voltage and pH regionalization are required for craniofacial morphogenesis. Developmental Dynamics 2011, 240, 1889-904.

Rupert Sheldrake
Memory and morphology depend on morphic resonance - a resonance across time.
"This book is a candidate for burning".
Memory not in egg, DNA or brain.
All of us, and all parts of our bodies, are continuously emitting and absorbing information from the morphic field.
Morphogenetic fields give rise to all forms
Matter acquires form when it resonates with a field.
The fields are not classical electromagnetic fields (quantum electrodynamic fields)
Morphogenetic fields are derived from a body's own past actions and from the structures and actions of ancestors.
Easier to do the work and easier to teach the work. Something happening in the field .. 100th Monkey.
Fields act across space and time.
Cosmology that is emerging that relates to healing.
Memory and morphology depend on morphic resonance - a resonance across time.
"This book is a candidate for burning".
Memory not in egg, DNA or brain.
All of us, and all parts of our bodies, are continuously emitting and absorbing information from the morphic field.
Morphogenetic fields give rise to all forms
Matter acquires form when it resonates with a field.
The fields are not classical electromagnetic fields (quantum electrodynamic fields)
Morphogenetic fields are derived from a body's own past actions and from the structures and actions of ancestors.
Easier to do the work and easier to teach the work. Something happening in the field .. 100th Monkey.
Fields act across space and time.
Cosmology that is emerging that relates to healing.

The Morphic Field extends through all space, and includes ALL objects near and far.
Everything is vibrating. The frequencies range over 81 octaves, from Geomagnetic sub hertz waves to gamma rays. Each object has a resonant frequency comparable to a tone in the world of music.
Everything is vibrating. The frequencies range over 81 octaves, from Geomagnetic sub hertz waves to gamma rays. Each object has a resonant frequency comparable to a tone in the world of music.

Morphic resonance takes place between the fabric of space and the fabric of organisms. Image shows different models of the fabric of space.
We are radically connected to the whole universe!!
Hypothesis: all therapies influence the vital exchanges between the body and the morphic field.
We are radically connected to the whole universe!!
Hypothesis: all therapies influence the vital exchanges between the body and the morphic field.
Alex Grey Visualizations of the Biofield
I like the first because the circuitboard in the background symbolizes the near infinite intelligence that is coordinating the great mystery of life.
I like the first because the circuitboard in the background symbolizes the near infinite intelligence that is coordinating the great mystery of life.
Modern Technology and Devices That MAP The Human Biofield

**Thanks to Thorton Streeter for Above Image
All kinds of Devices the Measure and Map the Biofield
Connective Tissue Matrix PROVEN to be carrier of biophotons and physical proof of meridians/nadis. Glands are the anchoring points for Chakras/Dan Tiens.
We know the nerves conduct electricity and the moving ions in blood and plasma do as well. When you have moving charges you ALWAYS have an electrical current, and with an electrical current by Amperes law (or more accurately Maxwell's equations you will always have an electric and magnetic field that extends infinitely into space. This is science. So why is it so hard for mainstream science to accept the idea of a biofield? For More See Chapter 2 and 3 in my book.
Measuring and Visualizing the Human Biofield (My First Aura Photo was Back in 1997).
Modern Medicine
Electrocardiogram (EKG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG)
SQUID - Magnetocardiograph (MCG), Magnetoencephalograph (MEG)
PET Scans , MRI's and CAT scans Xrays MAINLY measure the physical body, NOT the biofield, BUT EKG/EEG & MCG/MEG DO measure the electrical and Magnetic activity of the body.
1) Aura Types
Aura Photography
GDV - Gas Discharge Visualization/UV camera - corona discharge
Biofield viewer system
Many Others
2) EAV/EDS Types - Electroacupuncture/Electrodermal Screening
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Electodermal Screening (EDS)**
Neuro biofeedback
Many Others
3) Thermal imaging/infrared thermography.
4) Sound Level Meter
Audio Recordings of the Aura (Valerie Hunt UCLA) - Much See Video Below!!
5) Clairvoyants and Intuitives (Barbara Brennan, Donna Eden, Penney Pierce, Edgar Cayce, Carolyn Myss, Sylvia Brown, Charles Leadbeater and Many others). Also Pranic Healing + Other Resources
**The testing procedure was originally known as electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV), but is now called by many other names including electrodermal screening (EDS), electrodermal testing (EDT), bioelectric functions diagnosis (BFD), bio resonance therapy (BRT)
All kinds of Devices the Measure and Map the Biofield
Connective Tissue Matrix PROVEN to be carrier of biophotons and physical proof of meridians/nadis. Glands are the anchoring points for Chakras/Dan Tiens.
We know the nerves conduct electricity and the moving ions in blood and plasma do as well. When you have moving charges you ALWAYS have an electrical current, and with an electrical current by Amperes law (or more accurately Maxwell's equations you will always have an electric and magnetic field that extends infinitely into space. This is science. So why is it so hard for mainstream science to accept the idea of a biofield? For More See Chapter 2 and 3 in my book.
Measuring and Visualizing the Human Biofield (My First Aura Photo was Back in 1997).
Modern Medicine
Electrocardiogram (EKG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG)
SQUID - Magnetocardiograph (MCG), Magnetoencephalograph (MEG)
PET Scans , MRI's and CAT scans Xrays MAINLY measure the physical body, NOT the biofield, BUT EKG/EEG & MCG/MEG DO measure the electrical and Magnetic activity of the body.
1) Aura Types
Aura Photography
GDV - Gas Discharge Visualization/UV camera - corona discharge
Biofield viewer system
Many Others
2) EAV/EDS Types - Electroacupuncture/Electrodermal Screening
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Electodermal Screening (EDS)**
Neuro biofeedback
Many Others
3) Thermal imaging/infrared thermography.
4) Sound Level Meter
Audio Recordings of the Aura (Valerie Hunt UCLA) - Much See Video Below!!
5) Clairvoyants and Intuitives (Barbara Brennan, Donna Eden, Penney Pierce, Edgar Cayce, Carolyn Myss, Sylvia Brown, Charles Leadbeater and Many others). Also Pranic Healing + Other Resources
**The testing procedure was originally known as electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV), but is now called by many other names including electrodermal screening (EDS), electrodermal testing (EDT), bioelectric functions diagnosis (BFD), bio resonance therapy (BRT)
1) Aura Types
GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) - Latest Version w/ Bio-Well
b. Biofield Viewer

** Thanks to Thorton Streeter for Above Images
c. Aura Photography/Kirlian Photography
2) EAV/EDS Types - Electroacupuncture/Electrodermal Screening

Developed 50 years ago by Reinhard Voll and used by more than 100,000 practitioners, Electrodermal screening (EDS) and also called Electroacupuncture (EAV) electronically measures the biological energies utilized in acupuncture and homeopathy. The patient typically holds on to a copper sensor in one hand while the practitioner test different meridian points in the other (All organs have meridians in hands and feet, hands easy to test.
Healthy acupuncture points conduct electricity in a certain range while unhealthy ones do not, typically a DROP in conduction... Which makes sense if meridians are BLOCKED that energy would not conduct as well.
What is remarkable is that holding a herbal or homeopathic REMEDY for the imbalanced energy in the patients hand CAUSED THE meridian to open up.
This provides a non-invasive way (no needles) to balance the meridians.
The machine is a galvanometer that measures the electrical conductance of the skin: the same principle used for lie detectors, Scientology’s E-meter, and biofeedback devices. The patient typically holds a metal bar in one hand while the operator applies a probe to acupuncture points on the patient’s other hand. There is a whining sound that rises or falls according to the level of conductance. The operator looks for a conductance reading of 50. (Higher readings indicate inflammation and lower ones indicate organ stagnation and degeneration.)
Healthy acupuncture points conduct electricity in a certain range while unhealthy ones do not, typically a DROP in conduction... Which makes sense if meridians are BLOCKED that energy would not conduct as well.
What is remarkable is that holding a herbal or homeopathic REMEDY for the imbalanced energy in the patients hand CAUSED THE meridian to open up.
This provides a non-invasive way (no needles) to balance the meridians.
The machine is a galvanometer that measures the electrical conductance of the skin: the same principle used for lie detectors, Scientology’s E-meter, and biofeedback devices. The patient typically holds a metal bar in one hand while the operator applies a probe to acupuncture points on the patient’s other hand. There is a whining sound that rises or falls according to the level of conductance. The operator looks for a conductance reading of 50. (Higher readings indicate inflammation and lower ones indicate organ stagnation and degeneration.)
3) Infrared Thermography / Thermal Imaging
Thermal Imaging For SAFE & NON INVASIVE Breat Cancer Testing!
Laboratory Recordings of the Human Biofield - Valerie Hunt Speaking UCLA... Research By Valerie Hunt ALSO verified the existence of the Chakras (AT UCLA!!).
5) Clairvoyant Images - FOUR That Influenced Me
C.W. Leadbeater, Barbara Brennan, Master Choa and Alex Grey
C.W. Leadbeater, Barbara Brennan, Master Choa and Alex Grey
a. C.W. Leadbeater (and Annie Besant / Theosophical Society)
b. Barbara Brennan - "Hands of Light".
c. Master Choa Kok Sui (Pranic Healing)
d. Alex Grey - Do a Google Image Search - SO MANY GOOD IMAGES TO PONDER
QI FIELD or Biofield Revisited
Information and Evolution
Important NOTE: Although the lightning strikes and channels around the world emit frequencies in up into the kilohertz range, these signals are very weak at large distances from the lightning source AND the Earth-ionosphere only resonates to the primary Schumann frequencies and its harmonics which fall off in intensity to nearly zero after 30 Hz.
Low-frequency electromagnetic waves of humans may be associated with Qi. If so, Qi may be detectable physically.
The Qi Field is one of the promising New Technologies. (more on Qi Field: Living beings, such as humans, may have an Energy Field called a Qi Field)
The Qi Field is called a biofield by A. Detela in his work that describes it as a three-dimensional web woven of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. Lines of these fields are like tiny threads in a three-dimensional textile. These electromagnetic fields display very complex internal organisation. We find a peculiar kind of chiral solutions to Maxwell equations, which do not dissipate energy and lead to stable field structures. This is the so-called informational basis of the biofield. The simplest structures of these kind are toroidal knots. When electric charge with very light mass enters the informational biofield, non-linear phenomena take place. These non-linear phenomena are based upon bifurcations in internal electric currents and upon resonance effects between currents and fields. We find an evolution of the field structure. This evolution is a syntropic process, oriented in time. There are several obvious conditions for syntropic behavior and one of them is quantum coherence in the states of electric charge. Biofield always comprises both : the informational basis and the evolutionary component. Both are necessary. The first obeys the linear Maxwell equations and preserves the structural form of the biofield. Linearity leads to superposition of many different non-local states, therefore to a great capacity of information storage. The second is responsible for evolution of the biofield from primitive toroidal knots to very complex forms (with many knots) which show all the features of life. The structure of biofield is in close correspondence with the molecular structure of living organisms. The discrete knots in the biofield web are in interaction with discrete atoms and molecules in living cells, therefore biofield can regulate many processes in living cells. The most probable candidates for this interaction are chiral molecular structures of proteins and nucleotides, for example microtubules and DNA helices.)
The microtubule structure of brains and other cells may
be the key to phenomena such as consciousness.
Human brain wave activity can be compared to that of Dolphins.
Some experiments show connections between the brain states and resonant electromagnetic waves, raising the possibility that the Human Brain has evolved to be “in tune” with Planet Earth.
Dolphin and Human Brains may contain BioMagnetite that could give them an electromagnetic sense that could provide a link between Brains and many types of electromagnetic phenomena, including but not limited to Schumann Resonance Phenomena.
Information and Evolution
Important NOTE: Although the lightning strikes and channels around the world emit frequencies in up into the kilohertz range, these signals are very weak at large distances from the lightning source AND the Earth-ionosphere only resonates to the primary Schumann frequencies and its harmonics which fall off in intensity to nearly zero after 30 Hz.
Low-frequency electromagnetic waves of humans may be associated with Qi. If so, Qi may be detectable physically.
The Qi Field is one of the promising New Technologies. (more on Qi Field: Living beings, such as humans, may have an Energy Field called a Qi Field)
The Qi Field is called a biofield by A. Detela in his work that describes it as a three-dimensional web woven of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. Lines of these fields are like tiny threads in a three-dimensional textile. These electromagnetic fields display very complex internal organisation. We find a peculiar kind of chiral solutions to Maxwell equations, which do not dissipate energy and lead to stable field structures. This is the so-called informational basis of the biofield. The simplest structures of these kind are toroidal knots. When electric charge with very light mass enters the informational biofield, non-linear phenomena take place. These non-linear phenomena are based upon bifurcations in internal electric currents and upon resonance effects between currents and fields. We find an evolution of the field structure. This evolution is a syntropic process, oriented in time. There are several obvious conditions for syntropic behavior and one of them is quantum coherence in the states of electric charge. Biofield always comprises both : the informational basis and the evolutionary component. Both are necessary. The first obeys the linear Maxwell equations and preserves the structural form of the biofield. Linearity leads to superposition of many different non-local states, therefore to a great capacity of information storage. The second is responsible for evolution of the biofield from primitive toroidal knots to very complex forms (with many knots) which show all the features of life. The structure of biofield is in close correspondence with the molecular structure of living organisms. The discrete knots in the biofield web are in interaction with discrete atoms and molecules in living cells, therefore biofield can regulate many processes in living cells. The most probable candidates for this interaction are chiral molecular structures of proteins and nucleotides, for example microtubules and DNA helices.)
The microtubule structure of brains and other cells may
be the key to phenomena such as consciousness.
Human brain wave activity can be compared to that of Dolphins.
Some experiments show connections between the brain states and resonant electromagnetic waves, raising the possibility that the Human Brain has evolved to be “in tune” with Planet Earth.
Dolphin and Human Brains may contain BioMagnetite that could give them an electromagnetic sense that could provide a link between Brains and many types of electromagnetic phenomena, including but not limited to Schumann Resonance Phenomena.
Fields within Fields Within Fields
Mainly Need to Connect to our Body, Each Other and Planet Earth ... The FOCUS of This course is teaching you to literally PLUG IN to Nature's Energy and Elements!
Mainly Need to Connect to our Body, Each Other and Planet Earth ... The FOCUS of This course is teaching you to literally PLUG IN to Nature's Energy and Elements!
VERY IMPORTANT - As we go through this course, each of the EIGHT elements will add richness and layers to the Human Biofield. So your understanding will deepen more and more as we progress through the 8 elements. In fact these 8 elements directly connect to the 7 chakras, 7 shealths/layers to our total beingness (the eighth element is really not an element but is BEYOND the chakras and elements as the highest enlightenment of Sahaja Samadhi or Nondual awareness.. At this level there is ONLY THE ONE source of all, call it God, Tao, Allah, Brahman, Paramatma, I AM that I AM or whatever word you like (but it is utterly beyond words. More on that in section 8.
We will keep reemphasizing many of these points so if it doesn't 100% make sense, that is ok... Just keep going.
But My goal is to not only help you understand the biofield and its fundamental role in healing and enjoying life, but to EXPERIENCE THIS Biofield at deeper levels of energy, joy, health and consciousness with the shining goal of Enlightenment always at the front of your mind.
VERY IMPORTANT - As we go through this course, each of the EIGHT elements will add richness and layers to the Human Biofield. So your understanding will deepen more and more as we progress through the 8 elements. In fact these 8 elements directly connect to the 7 chakras, 7 shealths/layers to our total beingness (the eighth element is really not an element but is BEYOND the chakras and elements as the highest enlightenment of Sahaja Samadhi or Nondual awareness.. At this level there is ONLY THE ONE source of all, call it God, Tao, Allah, Brahman, Paramatma, I AM that I AM or whatever word you like (but it is utterly beyond words. More on that in section 8.
We will keep reemphasizing many of these points so if it doesn't 100% make sense, that is ok... Just keep going.
But My goal is to not only help you understand the biofield and its fundamental role in healing and enjoying life, but to EXPERIENCE THIS Biofield at deeper levels of energy, joy, health and consciousness with the shining goal of Enlightenment always at the front of your mind.
HoursM-F: 10am - 10pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm |