In the last chapter we gave an overview of EZ water

Revolution in Red Light Research
We have seen in chapters 6-8 that red and near infrared light therapy has works at the cellular level to improve ATP for cellular energy, increase NO for better circulation, and reduce inflammation and overall increase healing and regeneration. Plus overall as a preventative measure red light therapy makes the body stronger and more resilient. In chapter 9 we looked at extensive research (due mainly to these fundamental mechanisms) that red light therapy literally helps the body to heal itself of just about everything from head to toe and inside, primary because of all the fundamental mechanisms of action.
Thus far we have focused mainly on cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), and how red light therapy (RLT) stimulates its action spectra to improve mitochondrial function. Once provided this additional light energy in the known absorption bands (600s and 800s), the CCO can dissociate from Nitric Oxide (NO) and up-regulate ATP production. The release of NO and ATP upregulation is primarily thought to be the initial starting point for all of the mechanisms and benefits we have gone into detail in the previous chapters. [1]
[1] Chung H, Dai T, Sharma SK, Huang YY, Carroll JD, Hamblin MR. The nuts and bolts of low-level laser (light) therapy. Ann Biomed Eng. 2012;40(2):516-533.
Having read through hundreds of studies, almost every article and peer reviewed study begins by mentioning this. It is almost like the central dogma of red light therapy (aka photobiomodulation, low level light therapy, etc.) And additionally almost always it is Tina Karu's landmark study we looked at in the last chapter that is mentioned as the leading authority on this central dogma. But what if this is wrong or incomplete? Likely I think the research is too good to be wrong, but I do feel it is incomplete just as is our understand for how the cells generate energy via oxidative phosphorylation. So you could say these classical mechanisms of Red light therapy are oxygen dependent.
Here is an outline of this chapter:
1) Optical Windows and Penetration Depth for 900nm+ wavelengths
2) Action Spectra for Biological Benefits of EZ Water
3) BEST and Most Researched Wavelengths Above 900+
4) Conclusion: Why you SHOULD get a red light panel with a 900+ wavelength
and which 900+ Wavelength is best for creating EZ water?
We have seen in chapters 6-8 that red and near infrared light therapy has works at the cellular level to improve ATP for cellular energy, increase NO for better circulation, and reduce inflammation and overall increase healing and regeneration. Plus overall as a preventative measure red light therapy makes the body stronger and more resilient. In chapter 9 we looked at extensive research (due mainly to these fundamental mechanisms) that red light therapy literally helps the body to heal itself of just about everything from head to toe and inside, primary because of all the fundamental mechanisms of action.
Thus far we have focused mainly on cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), and how red light therapy (RLT) stimulates its action spectra to improve mitochondrial function. Once provided this additional light energy in the known absorption bands (600s and 800s), the CCO can dissociate from Nitric Oxide (NO) and up-regulate ATP production. The release of NO and ATP upregulation is primarily thought to be the initial starting point for all of the mechanisms and benefits we have gone into detail in the previous chapters. [1]
[1] Chung H, Dai T, Sharma SK, Huang YY, Carroll JD, Hamblin MR. The nuts and bolts of low-level laser (light) therapy. Ann Biomed Eng. 2012;40(2):516-533.
Having read through hundreds of studies, almost every article and peer reviewed study begins by mentioning this. It is almost like the central dogma of red light therapy (aka photobiomodulation, low level light therapy, etc.) And additionally almost always it is Tina Karu's landmark study we looked at in the last chapter that is mentioned as the leading authority on this central dogma. But what if this is wrong or incomplete? Likely I think the research is too good to be wrong, but I do feel it is incomplete just as is our understand for how the cells generate energy via oxidative phosphorylation. So you could say these classical mechanisms of Red light therapy are oxygen dependent.
Here is an outline of this chapter:
1) Optical Windows and Penetration Depth for 900nm+ wavelengths
2) Action Spectra for Biological Benefits of EZ Water
3) BEST and Most Researched Wavelengths Above 900+
4) Conclusion: Why you SHOULD get a red light panel with a 900+ wavelength
and which 900+ Wavelength is best for creating EZ water?
Absorption and Action Spectra of Water

Regarding the light-dependent EZ expansion, the overall spectral sensitivity of expansion (Figure below) follows closely the spectral sensitivity of water absorption. In both cases, there is an overall minimum in the near-UV region, plus a local maximum at 2.0 µm, and a peak in the vicinity of 3.1 µm. If not by coincidence, then a connection is implied between IR absorption and EZ expansion–although the linkage is apparently not through temperature increase, which was both modest and temporally uncorrelated. Further to this point, increasing the bath temperature actually diminishes EZ size (unpublished observations). Hence, the effect of incident electromagnetic energy is apparently nonthermal.
So here we see that heat deminishes EZ water size!
Chai B, Yoo H, Pollack GH. Effect of radiant energy on near-surface water. J Phys Chem B. 2009 Oct 22;113(42):13953-8.
Two other important mechanisms should be shared that impact our perspective for why we care about both Red and NIR light combined. And they primarily reside in the Near-Infrared region of the spectrum.
The first is that above 720nm+, water absorption slowly increases for longer wavelengths. Water absorption into interstitial mitochondrial areas is known to produce EZ Water (structured water) in the cells. This EZ Water improves cellular functions in similar ways as CCO absorption does. [3]
Perhaps related to the water-absorption – are the mechanisms of heat and light gated ion channels in the cells. This too is considered a primary mechanism for the near-infrared wavelengths. Referred to simply as IR (infrared) in the following quote:
“In addition PBM absorption of IR radiation by structured intracellular water, may produce additional changes in molecular vibrational energy and affect the tertiary conformation of enzymes, ion channels and other proteins.” [3]
Remember that all of this is on a “spectrum” of absorption ranges, where one study notes that 810nm wavelengths (in addition to having the best penetration), act on both the CCO and water absorption mechanisms. [3]
And we can appreciate in the graph above there is another valley of water absorption in the 1000-1100nm region, which is why 1064nm is gaining in popularity as an effective wavelength especially for deep penetration.
So particularly the Red-NIR range from 600nm-850nm focus on different CCO molecular states, while wavelengths above 810nm also impact water absorption and ion channels. [7]
[3] Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017 May;170:197-207
[7] Dompe C, Moncrieff L, Matys J, Grzech-Leśniak K, Kocherova I, Bryja A, Bruska M, Dominiak M, Mozdziak P, Skiba THI, Shibli JA, Angelova Volponi A, Kempisty B, Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska M. Photobiomodulation-Underlying Mechanism and Clinical Applications. J Clin Med. 2020 Jun 3;9(6):1724.
**Work in Vast Spectra but Penetration depth may be limiting factor** still much to know.
there are many benefits to also using wavelengths from 900-1267nm but in those cases the chromophore is mainly water. We saw in chapter 6, for example, that 980nm activates ATP-synthase via EZ water creation and lowered viscosity. In the chart below it should be clear why wavelengths above 1320nm are not used, because like visible light outside red, wavelengths above 1320nm just don't penetrate. More on this next as we now look for which wavelengths are the best to use in photobiomodulation or red light therapy.
The action spectra of water is very large, but notice from chart above from the Norris hand study that 980nm has a local peak aborption. While the action spectra for CCO yields excited electrons that can be passed on to Oxygen as the crucial step in ATP, the action spectra for water yields what Gerald Pollack calls EZ water. This wavelength as we saw from the Sommers study helps to enhance the function of ATP-ase activity. Being a localized peak of water absorption means its penetration depth is not as much as say 810, BUT in this case we WANT the light to be absorbed by water to make EZ water. Also it is still the same penetration as 660nm, so still good!
Note: while water is an important chromophore, it is more straight forward as it becomes the main chromophore beyond 900nm. It is still debatable which of these 900+ wavelengths are best to use. 980nm has the advantage of being a local maximum of absorption able to enhance EZ water creation. 1100 has the advantage of penetrating deeper though not as strongly activating EZ water. Because the mechanisms of water as a chromophore are still being researched, in this chapter we will focus on the much more important and better understood chromophore CCO. Having said that, I do think it is good to include a 900+ LED in a good red light panel and bed (more on this later).
Feel The Difference! The Warmth of having a 905+ is worth it alone!
Also research shows wavelengths at 905+ use "Water as a Chromophore" for Benefits not found in wavelengths below 905. Ideally 980 is best!
These wavelengths have been shown to be the ones:
1) that are optimally absorbed by Cytochrome C (600-680 and 800-880)
2) Optimally absorbed by water for light/heat Ion Channel functioning (904-1080)
3) Optimally absorbed by water for enhanced energy production via 4th phase of water -> TRP, ATP-ase activity (904-1080)
Why 980nm or possibly 1064nm?
First and most importantly, doing an extensive search of pub med and other research databases it was clear 980nm had the MOST research of any wavelength above 905nm. The second most common was 1064 and the rest were a distant third.
We saw in chapter 7 that 980nm was specifically used in research involving heat/light gated ion channels (TRPV channels) that modulate Calcium levels and also 980nm was used in the study showing enhanced ATP-ase activity which means enhanced ATP production! If there is a case to be made for any other wavelength above 905nm it would be 1064nm which had the second most research studies. Significantly 1064nm is the peak absorption converting ground state oxygen to singlet oxygen so it may help to enhance ATP activity. But comparing these two, 980 comes out on top in the author's opinion based on sheer number of research studies alone.
New Mechanism Proposed
Some wavelengths in the Red and NIR can directly affect ground state Oxygen to Singlet Oxygen. You can see a peak at 1063/1064.
So here we see that heat deminishes EZ water size!
Chai B, Yoo H, Pollack GH. Effect of radiant energy on near-surface water. J Phys Chem B. 2009 Oct 22;113(42):13953-8.
Two other important mechanisms should be shared that impact our perspective for why we care about both Red and NIR light combined. And they primarily reside in the Near-Infrared region of the spectrum.
The first is that above 720nm+, water absorption slowly increases for longer wavelengths. Water absorption into interstitial mitochondrial areas is known to produce EZ Water (structured water) in the cells. This EZ Water improves cellular functions in similar ways as CCO absorption does. [3]
Perhaps related to the water-absorption – are the mechanisms of heat and light gated ion channels in the cells. This too is considered a primary mechanism for the near-infrared wavelengths. Referred to simply as IR (infrared) in the following quote:
“In addition PBM absorption of IR radiation by structured intracellular water, may produce additional changes in molecular vibrational energy and affect the tertiary conformation of enzymes, ion channels and other proteins.” [3]
Remember that all of this is on a “spectrum” of absorption ranges, where one study notes that 810nm wavelengths (in addition to having the best penetration), act on both the CCO and water absorption mechanisms. [3]
And we can appreciate in the graph above there is another valley of water absorption in the 1000-1100nm region, which is why 1064nm is gaining in popularity as an effective wavelength especially for deep penetration.
So particularly the Red-NIR range from 600nm-850nm focus on different CCO molecular states, while wavelengths above 810nm also impact water absorption and ion channels. [7]
[3] Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017 May;170:197-207
[7] Dompe C, Moncrieff L, Matys J, Grzech-Leśniak K, Kocherova I, Bryja A, Bruska M, Dominiak M, Mozdziak P, Skiba THI, Shibli JA, Angelova Volponi A, Kempisty B, Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska M. Photobiomodulation-Underlying Mechanism and Clinical Applications. J Clin Med. 2020 Jun 3;9(6):1724.
**Work in Vast Spectra but Penetration depth may be limiting factor** still much to know.
there are many benefits to also using wavelengths from 900-1267nm but in those cases the chromophore is mainly water. We saw in chapter 6, for example, that 980nm activates ATP-synthase via EZ water creation and lowered viscosity. In the chart below it should be clear why wavelengths above 1320nm are not used, because like visible light outside red, wavelengths above 1320nm just don't penetrate. More on this next as we now look for which wavelengths are the best to use in photobiomodulation or red light therapy.
The action spectra of water is very large, but notice from chart above from the Norris hand study that 980nm has a local peak aborption. While the action spectra for CCO yields excited electrons that can be passed on to Oxygen as the crucial step in ATP, the action spectra for water yields what Gerald Pollack calls EZ water. This wavelength as we saw from the Sommers study helps to enhance the function of ATP-ase activity. Being a localized peak of water absorption means its penetration depth is not as much as say 810, BUT in this case we WANT the light to be absorbed by water to make EZ water. Also it is still the same penetration as 660nm, so still good!
Note: while water is an important chromophore, it is more straight forward as it becomes the main chromophore beyond 900nm. It is still debatable which of these 900+ wavelengths are best to use. 980nm has the advantage of being a local maximum of absorption able to enhance EZ water creation. 1100 has the advantage of penetrating deeper though not as strongly activating EZ water. Because the mechanisms of water as a chromophore are still being researched, in this chapter we will focus on the much more important and better understood chromophore CCO. Having said that, I do think it is good to include a 900+ LED in a good red light panel and bed (more on this later).
Feel The Difference! The Warmth of having a 905+ is worth it alone!
Also research shows wavelengths at 905+ use "Water as a Chromophore" for Benefits not found in wavelengths below 905. Ideally 980 is best!
These wavelengths have been shown to be the ones:
1) that are optimally absorbed by Cytochrome C (600-680 and 800-880)
2) Optimally absorbed by water for light/heat Ion Channel functioning (904-1080)
3) Optimally absorbed by water for enhanced energy production via 4th phase of water -> TRP, ATP-ase activity (904-1080)
Why 980nm or possibly 1064nm?
First and most importantly, doing an extensive search of pub med and other research databases it was clear 980nm had the MOST research of any wavelength above 905nm. The second most common was 1064 and the rest were a distant third.
We saw in chapter 7 that 980nm was specifically used in research involving heat/light gated ion channels (TRPV channels) that modulate Calcium levels and also 980nm was used in the study showing enhanced ATP-ase activity which means enhanced ATP production! If there is a case to be made for any other wavelength above 905nm it would be 1064nm which had the second most research studies. Significantly 1064nm is the peak absorption converting ground state oxygen to singlet oxygen so it may help to enhance ATP activity. But comparing these two, 980 comes out on top in the author's opinion based on sheer number of research studies alone.
New Mechanism Proposed
Some wavelengths in the Red and NIR can directly affect ground state Oxygen to Singlet Oxygen. You can see a peak at 1063/1064.

Ultimate Red and Near-Infrared Photobiomodulation Penetration and Absorption Mechanisms Cheat-sheet
We summarize all of these mechanisms of penetration depths, CCO absorption bands, water, and heat and light channel wavelengths are put together in a single chart below:
The Theraputic Optical Window for the Skin is 600nm-1100nm [study] [2][6]
The official definition of Red light is 600nm-780nm. The scientific definition of Near-Infrared is referred to more precisely as Infrared-A (IR-A) range is 780nm to 1,400nm. [IR-A Reference]
The Most Bioactive Ranges are Red Range 600-700nm and NIR 780nm-950nm. With 700nm-780nm being insignificant. [1]
The 600-850nm range is for ideal CCO Absorption [3]
Above 810nm+ Increases Heat and Light Ion Channel Activation [6]
Wavelength absorption above 720nm+ increases EZ water production [3]
One 2020 review article on the mechanisms of red light therapy really highlights the importance of understanding the different wavelength absorption ranges and their mechanisms.
"The application of red light (600–810 nm) is absorbed by the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, which is located in the unit IV respiratory chain of the mitochondria. Nitric oxide (NO) is then displaced and activates the enzyme and this leads to a proton gradient. Consequently, calcium ions (Ca2+), reactive oxygen species (ROS), and ATP production levels are increased. On the other hand, the application of near-infrared light (810–1064 nm) activates light-sensitive ion channels, and increases the levels of Ca2+. ROS and cyclic AMP (cAMP)then interact with the calcium ions." [5]
We can quickly visualize from this chart that if we have multiple wavelengths that intersect several of these key regions of penetration and absorption, then we would theoretically be better situated for giving us the best probability for results with photobiomodulation.
[1] Zein R, Selting W, Hamblin MR. Review of light parameters and photobiomodulation efficacy: dive into complexity. J Biomed Opt. 2018 Dec;23(12):1-17.
[2] Lima, Andrezza & Sergio, Luiz Philippe & Fonseca, Adenilson. (2020). Photobiomodulation via multiple-wavelength radiations. Lasers in Medical Science. 35. 10.1007/s10103-019-02879-1.
[3] Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017 May;170:197-207.
[5] Austin E, Geisler AN, Nguyen J, Kohli I, Hamzavi I, Lim HW, Jagdeo J. Visible light. Part I: Properties and cutaneous effects of visible light. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021 May;84(5):1219-1231.
[6] Dompe C, Moncrieff L, Matys J, Grzech-Leśniak K, Kocherova I, Bryja A, Bruska M, Dominiak M, Mozdziak P, Skiba THI, Shibli JA, Angelova Volponi A, Kempisty B, Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska M. Photobiomodulation-Underlying Mechanism and Clinical Applications. J Clin Med. 2020 Jun 3;9(6)
We summarize all of these mechanisms of penetration depths, CCO absorption bands, water, and heat and light channel wavelengths are put together in a single chart below:
The Theraputic Optical Window for the Skin is 600nm-1100nm [study] [2][6]
The official definition of Red light is 600nm-780nm. The scientific definition of Near-Infrared is referred to more precisely as Infrared-A (IR-A) range is 780nm to 1,400nm. [IR-A Reference]
The Most Bioactive Ranges are Red Range 600-700nm and NIR 780nm-950nm. With 700nm-780nm being insignificant. [1]
The 600-850nm range is for ideal CCO Absorption [3]
Above 810nm+ Increases Heat and Light Ion Channel Activation [6]
Wavelength absorption above 720nm+ increases EZ water production [3]
One 2020 review article on the mechanisms of red light therapy really highlights the importance of understanding the different wavelength absorption ranges and their mechanisms.
"The application of red light (600–810 nm) is absorbed by the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, which is located in the unit IV respiratory chain of the mitochondria. Nitric oxide (NO) is then displaced and activates the enzyme and this leads to a proton gradient. Consequently, calcium ions (Ca2+), reactive oxygen species (ROS), and ATP production levels are increased. On the other hand, the application of near-infrared light (810–1064 nm) activates light-sensitive ion channels, and increases the levels of Ca2+. ROS and cyclic AMP (cAMP)then interact with the calcium ions." [5]
We can quickly visualize from this chart that if we have multiple wavelengths that intersect several of these key regions of penetration and absorption, then we would theoretically be better situated for giving us the best probability for results with photobiomodulation.
[1] Zein R, Selting W, Hamblin MR. Review of light parameters and photobiomodulation efficacy: dive into complexity. J Biomed Opt. 2018 Dec;23(12):1-17.
[2] Lima, Andrezza & Sergio, Luiz Philippe & Fonseca, Adenilson. (2020). Photobiomodulation via multiple-wavelength radiations. Lasers in Medical Science. 35. 10.1007/s10103-019-02879-1.
[3] Tsai SR, Hamblin MR. Biological effects and medical applications of infrared radiation. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017 May;170:197-207.
[5] Austin E, Geisler AN, Nguyen J, Kohli I, Hamzavi I, Lim HW, Jagdeo J. Visible light. Part I: Properties and cutaneous effects of visible light. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021 May;84(5):1219-1231.
[6] Dompe C, Moncrieff L, Matys J, Grzech-Leśniak K, Kocherova I, Bryja A, Bruska M, Dominiak M, Mozdziak P, Skiba THI, Shibli JA, Angelova Volponi A, Kempisty B, Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska M. Photobiomodulation-Underlying Mechanism and Clinical Applications. J Clin Med. 2020 Jun 3;9(6)
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